So "I don't know" was another winner for Zachary Quinto as Spock, albeit with a much narrower margin this time, and with many more yes votes than no votes. This time we do Zoe Saldana as Uhura. And people, we're only asking for how you THINK they will do based on appearence and past work, etc. Come off the fence and give an opinion!
Caption Competition
Congratulations to OlderThanTOS, winner of last week's competition, a first timer on the winning pedastal! This week, a shot from Voyager's "Deadlock".
So people are definitely holding off judgement on Kirk in the upcoming movie... but of those who did express a preference, they were practically dead split. This week, Spock.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Hisrak, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from DS9 "Prophet Motive".
We're all taking a very wait and see attitude to the new movie... sensible I suppose. But that's not going to stop me asking if you think the cast choices are right in advance! So we start, obviously, with Chris Pine as James T. Kirk.
We continue to put images up. Today scans from Court Martial, Tomorrow is Yesterday, Arena, The Squire of Gothos, and The Galileo Seven. Check out that last one especially, it's a doozy!
Caption Competition
Congrats to DBB, winner of last week's competition - his or her first win! This week, a shot from TNG "True Q".
So you voted 85-15 that you love the new remastered TOS. We do too! This week we ask about the new Trek movie. I must say everything I see and hear about it makes me wince... what do you think?
New quality images from Corbomite Maneuver, Dagger of the Mind, What are Little Girls Made of? and The Naked Time have all gone up. Enjoy.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to mwhittington, winner of last week's caption competition - the first win for him after no less than 36 honourable mentions! This week a shot from TOS "Dagger of the Mind". This is one of our pics from the remastered series...