Another few TNG reviews have been upgraded.
So Michael Piller won last week's poll for best Voyager writer. This week, who is the best Enterprise writer? No jokes please.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Game Guru GG, winner of last week's competition. And my apologies for claiming that it came from Bread and Circuses, when in fact it came from Patterns of Force. This week, a snap from TNG's "Deja Q". And I checked this one!
Another few TNG season one episodes have been expanded. Only six hundred or so to go, at this rate I'll be done in about five years... (my five year mission, to type and type and type and type some more until my fingers hurt!)
So, D.C. Fontana won the poll for best TOS writer. It was very much a two horse race, and she beat out the Great Bird himself by a bare six votes, so well done to Dorothy. This week, TNG writers for a much broader choice. Enjoy.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Brian G, winner of last week's competition - his first win! This week, a Voyager image. I have no idea what episode this is from. Sorry, but we have a huge stockpile of future capcomp images and we took this one ages ago!