I finally got around to fixing the tri-cobalt page to reflect the subspace nature of these devices.
Entries have been added covering almost to the end of Voyager season 7, more next week after the finaly airs in the UK.
An entry for Voy episode 'Timeless' has been added.
A full entry on the Cheronians has been added to the beta quadrant and a whole load of other species from TOS added to the other species pages.
Ryan McKenzie recently pointed out that the Genesis Device is missing from the sci-tech section, so this has gone up today. The images are a mixture of ones from the old Genesis power page and two or three new ones. The Preserver Cannon, seen in the TOS episode "The Paradise Syndrome", has also been added as has the D'Arsay archive from TNG episode 'Masks'.
Other Ships
The Yonada asteriod ship from TOS episode "For the World is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky", has gone up.
Lots of work has been done on the cast list. The weapons list has had a few links fixed.