The trans-phasic torpedo from "Endgame" has gone up in this section.
An update to indicate Voyager's arrival in the Alpha Quadrant has gone up. Also, I've added a new section to this which lists some of the events we've seen in various alternate timelines. We begin with "Timeless" and - you guessed it - "Endgame". This makes no less than nineteen updates which have come out of the Voyager finale, which I think is a record!
A full entry on Voyager's finale "Endgame" goes up. There are also new entries for the future Nova class and Admiral Janeway's shuttlecraft in the Temporal ships section.
Series Guides
The season seven guides for Voyager has been completed through "Endgame".
An entry on ablative armour, including the "Endgame" system, goes up. I've put this here rather than the weaponry sections because it's not a weapon as such, but rather a defensive system. The transwarp page has also been somewhat modified to reflect Voyager's various takes on transwarp, and has had a few images from "Endgame" added.
The entries for Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, Torres, Paris, Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix and the EMH have all been updated through to the end of Voyager. Also, I finally added a picture to Christine Chapel's page.
New Look
We've changed our table designs to give a better, more futuristic look to the site. This is a work in progress, and some stuff remains to be done.
The transwarp article has been largely re-written, both to fix a few typos, include "Endgame" and reflect some slightly different thinking about the topic on my part. The basic theory is unchanged, though.