So your vote for most thought provoking TOS episode went to "The City on the Edge of Forever". Nice to see Let That Be Your Last Battlefield up there in second place! This week, TNG's turn.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Wacky, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from DS9's "Let He Who Is Without Sin."
I've started on upgrading the first few episode reviews of TNG season 1.
So Trials and Tribble-ations was the funniest Star Trek episode of all time. This week, we're starting a run of "most thought-provoking" episodes...
Caption Competition
Congratulations Kevin P., a first-time winner of last week's captiaon competition. This week, a shot from TNG's "The Schizoid Man".
Technical fixes
A couple of problems with the Species - Additional section are now resolved. Previously the "unknown" selection was returning errors, this is now fixed. You can also now search for species whose quadrant is unknown.
Virtually all of the TOS season 3 episodes now have the expanded write ups.
The awful "These Are The Voyages..." won funniest Enterprise episode... guess I should have said "intentionally funny"! This week we're doing a poll of polls to find the funniest overall episode.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Lobster, winner of last week's competition and now another member of the exclusive "four wins" club. This week, an image from TOS "Spock's Brain".
So "Tinker Tenor..." was your favourite Voyager. This week, on to Enterpise...
Another chunk of new images go up today, this time DS9 season 4 and a few from season 5, more to come.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Hisrak, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from Enterprise's "Doctor's Orders".