Well, rather surprisingly Trip won last week's Favourite Enterprise character poll. This week it's Voyager's turn...
Other Personnel
To save you some bandwidth and give increased flexibility we've put in a new system for the "Additional" species. Previously if you looked for one of these you had to load one of a small number of pages with the species grouped alphabetically. This meant that you could wind up having to download twenty or thirty images to see the one you wanted.
The new system uses a picker based on the one used in the "Other Personnel" section; you select Quadrant and a letter or letters of the alphabet and the picker will show you every matching species.
Episode Guides
An entry on "Observer Effect" has been added.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to USS Renown, who won last week's competition. This week's picture is now up - it's from TNG "Captain's Holiday".
A new entry for the Battle of the Omarion Nebula. Thanks to cysez for suggesting I do this one.
A full entry on the Andorian warship has been added to the Other Ships - Miscellaneous section under the name "Kumari class". A full entry on the Earth ship seen in "The Expanse" has been added. Lacking any other name, for now I've gone with those who call this the Neptune class.
The subspace node mentioned in "Daedalus" has been added to the Subspace Phenomena part of the sci-tech section.
So, your favourite Vulcan was Sarek, followed by Tuvok... this week, we're starting a run of polls where we'll ask who your favourite character is from each series. Then we'll put them all head to head in a "best character ever" poll of polls! We start with Enteprise...
Caption Competition
Last week's winner was pike - congratulations! Head over to the recreation section for this week's competition...
New images for the Raven class and - finally - images for the Borg Yacht!
The subspace sinkhole from Voyager's "Gravity" has been added to the subspace phenomena page.
Another ten or so people have been added to Voyager season 5. Also, new images have gone onto the Tuvok and Seven of Nine pages, showing them as youngsters.
New images for the Xindi weapon, 'Probe' and 'Weapon' pages.
More new pictures, this time for all of the Xindi species.
Additions to the Additional ships list - the Night Ships from Voyager's "Night" and the Malon shuttle from "Extreme Risk". Plus improved scans of several ships from Voyager season 5.
New images for the Subspace Amplifier from the enterprise episode 'Silent Enemy'
"Allies retake Deep Space Nine - Favor the Bold/Sacrifice of Angels" was the winner of this weeks poll. The new poll is now up, "Of the significant Vulcans we have seen over the years, which is your favourite? (Spock is not included as he is not pure Vulcan)"
I've started the process of doing the Voyager Season 5 personnel entries. SO far it's just a few scattered throughout the season.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to 'TimB', the winner of this weeks caption competition. There where over 700 entries this week. The new picture is now up and is taken from Enterprise episode 'The Xindi'
A new entry here covering the Stellar Cartography facilities we've seen.
This weeks poll. "Which is your favourite of these species?". The winner of last weeks poll was the new 'first contact' uniform, closely followed by the 'TOS Movies'.
We've fixed the air dates on a few DS9 episodes and corrected the order of episodes in DS9 series 4.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to 'BADScarab', winner of this weeks caption competition. This weeks picture is now up and is taken from DS9 episode 'The Visitor'.