The "Diplomatic" section has been massively reworked. Previously this section simply explained the speculative diplomatic grades assigned to Starships, and as such was a little dull. Now we've added the Federation constitution from the TOS Tech Manual, plus maps of the galaxy and Federation space. The latter began when I started looking around at the maps Timo Saloniemi created, and at those of the
ST Dimension site. My maps have ended up differing greatly from those because I have taken the warp highways idea into account to explain anomalies such as "The Chase", ST V, etc. I have also used the canon version of Voyager's course as seen in "Year of Hell", which no other site I have seen has yet incorporated. There's a rather extensive comments section attached to the maps which explains some of the major assumptions made in creating them.
At the moment the maps are rather low on detail, but I hope to be adding close-ins of the Dominion war area and the regions around Earth in the future.