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Weapons List

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Name Notes
Tamarian Dagger [1] A weapon used by the Tamarian species. Captain Picard was given a Tamarian dagger by the Captain Dathon after Dathon stranded the two on El-Adrel IV in 2368. [1]
Tandaran Pain Stick [2] Non-lethal weapon which incacitated its victims by inducing extreme pain. The device was in common use in Tandaran internment camps. It was a contact weapon, and could only be used at close range. [2]
Tandaran Pistol [2] Tandaran pistol. the weapon was carried by guards in Tandaran internment camps in the mid 22nd century. [2]
Tantalus Field [3] Weapon used by the alternate Captain Kirk in the mirror universe aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise. [3]
Temporal disruptor [4] A Federation weapons invented some time between the 24th and 29th centuries. The weapon distorted spacetime around the target, stressing it to the point where it could no longer hold cohesion. A temporal disruptor small enough to fit in the hand could utterly destroy an Intrepid class starship, and in 2375 Captain Braxton used one to destroy Voyager. Fortunately the weapon was disarmed before it could be activated using temporal technology. [4]
Terra Nova Gun [5] A weapon used by the colonists on Terra Nova. The weapon was a rapid fire projectile weapon of Human design, c. 2067. [5]
Tetryon Beam Pistol [6] Weapon used by the Bajoran Trazko. He shot Quark with it in 2370, after Quark opened a box he had acquired for Trazko's employer and examined the contents. The weapons fired a compressed tetryon beam. [6]

In 2369 Captain Picard was badly wounded with a Compressed Tetryon Beam weapon by some Lenarians. The weapon fused the bioregulator of his artificial heart, causing him to go into cardiac arrest. It also caused internal haemorrhaging and liver and spleen damage. [7]
Tetryon pulse launcher [8] A Starfleet weapon. In 2375 Captain Picard included eight tetryon pulse launchers amongst the weaponry which he took with him to help the Ba'ku in their struggle against the Son'a. [8]
Thalaron Generator [9] A type of radiation which was the Federation considered to be theoretical until 2379, when it was detected aboard the Reman vessel Scimitar. Shinzon had managed to develop a method of producing and controlling thalaron for weapon purposes. The unique properties of thalaron make possible a "cascading biogenic pulse", an energy discharge which can expand almost without limit depending on the radiant intensity of the radiation. Any living being caught within the discharge undergoes a rapid and catastrophic change, becoming almost rock-like - a process which is of course instantly fatal. Non-living material is not affected. [9]

Shinzon developed at least two different versions of the device; one was a small and highly portable unit which could be easily carried by a single person. It produced a discharge capable of enveloping a large room. The Romulan Senator Tal'aura, an ally of Shinzon, smuggled one of these devices into the Romulan Senate chamber to assassinate the entire senate as part of Shinzon's coup. [9]

The second version was built into the Scimitar - indeed the ship was in large part a flying thalaron generator weapon intended to be capable of enveloping an entire planet. Shinzon likely intended to use the device against Earth, but was forced to try and capture Captain Picard first in order to gain the transplant material he needed to correct his own genetic defects. When the Scimitar was disabled during a battle with the Enterprise-E, Shinzon tried to use the thalaron weapon against the Starship. The device was destroyed before it could fire when Lieutenant Commander Data fired his phaser into the thalaron generator. [9]
The Knife of Kirom [10] An ancient Klingon knife which dates back to the time of Kahless, and is believed to be stained with his blood. The Knife of Kirom is held on the Klingon homeworld in a sacred vault, from which nobody is allowed to remove it. Nevertheless, it was removed by Gowron in 2369 and taken to Boreth. Gowron hoped to compare the DNA on the blade to that of the recently resurrected Kahless, to prove that he was a fraud. In fact, the knife showed that the blood was a match for Kahless. This subsequently proved to be because Kahless was a clone of the original. [10]
The Sword Starfall [11] A sword owned by the fictional character Sir Adya in the The Elysian Kingdom. [11]
Theragen [12] Klingons nerve gas, highly lethal if used in its pure form. [12]
Tholian Web [12] First seen over a hundred years ago, the Tholian Web remains one of the most mysterious weapons systems ever encountered. The Web became known to the Federation when the USS Enterprise went to investigate the loss of the USS Defiant in 2268; the Starship was found to be in a phased state, moving between dimensions periodically. Whilst investigating, Captain Kirk was caught up in the effect and lost between dimensions. [12]

The Enterprise attempted to retrieve the Captain, but was challenged by a Tholian vessel. After a brief stand-off the Tholian attacked the Starship and was disabled. Whilst the Enterprise continued rescue attempts, another Tholian vessel arrived. The two alien ships then began to create the Web. [12]

For two ships, the process of spinning the web is a long one. The vessels join briefly then begin to repeatedly circle the area to be sealed off, trailing between them an energy field filament. The filaments cross and re-cross, gradually enclosing the area in a gigantic cage like structure. Once complete, the web was strong enough to contain any attempt the ship might make to break out. [12]

Many aspects of the Web remain puzzling. At the very least it appears that it can only be used in a highly selective set of circumstances. In their first encounter the Enterprise was able to disable the Tholian vessel with only a few seconds of phaser fire, yet it took considerable time for the ships to create the web structure. If not for their attempts to rescue Captain Kirk, the Starship would certainly have been able to comfortably disable or destroy dozens of vessels in the time it took to create the web. [12]

Additionally, the web presents no real barrier to travel until it is largely complete - in the early stages, a ship could simply fly out of the web without trouble. [12]

However, when many Tholian ships come together they can forego the "spinning" process and simply project a web around an enemy ship in a matter of seconds. This makes the system much more useful in combat conditions. The Tholians of the Mirror universe used a web to ensnare the NX-01 in 2155, keeping it captive whilst they attacked and destroyed it. [13]
Thompson sub-machine gun [14] Type of projectile weapon popular on Earth in the early to mid 20th Century. The Iotians copied the weapon. [14] One featured in Picard's "Big Goodbye" holoprogram. [15]
Thoron Rifle [16] Type of weapon used by the Ilari [16] and the Entharans. [17]
Thought Maker [18] A device which was capable of influencing the brain activity of a victim. Thought makers comprised a pair of devices, one which was placed near the victim and one which was used to control it from a distance. It was illegal to own or use thought makers within the Ferengi Alliance. Nevertheless, in 2364 DaiMon Bok used a thought maker in an attempt to discredit and ultimately kill Captain Picard. Purchasing the thought maker cost Bok his entire life's profit. [18]
Tkon Pike [19] Bladed weapon used by the Tkon to test applicants to their Empire. [19]
Torpedo Pod A pod designed to be launched from a Star Fleet ship that acts as a torpedo launch platform and which finally acts as a torpedo itself. The idea being that multiple such pods can be launched providing multiple vectors for the enemy ship have to defend against. This makes it far more difficult for the defending ship to ward off the attack. [20]
Tox-Utat [21] Small handheld crystal capable of halting all fusion in a star. Invented in the 29th century, the Tox-Utat was sent back in time and destroyed by Picard. [21]
TR-116 [22] An advanced form of projectile weapon designed for use in areas where dampening fields prevent modern weapons from functioning. [22]
Transgenic weapon [23] Weapon manufactured from synthetic bio-toxins. [23]
Transphasic Torpedoes [24] Like the ablative armour, the transphasic torpedoes were given to Voyager's crew by a future version of the ship's own captain. Even though the ship lacked any access to a spacedock or outside support of any kind, it was still a relatively quick procedure to prepare the weapons systems for these devices. At time of writing Starfleet has had little chance to asses the technology, but Voyager used several of them during combat with the Borg when returning to Earth and they were massively effective on this occasion. Voyager was able to destroy a Borg cube with two hits, and a second with only a single hit. [24]

Starfleet is sure to conduct a rapid assessment of these weapons, and if the Temporal Prime Directive allows then it is highly likely that they will make a fleetwide deployment of them in the near future. It seems certain that this will result in a massive increase in the offensive firepower of all torpedo-equipped vessels. Given that the ablative armour generator technology is also likely to spread through the fleet shortly, it seems that Starfleet will soon eclipse all of its competitors in military strength.
Tri-cobolt explosive [25] Type of explosive used in Romulan mines as of 2152 [25]
Triceron [26] An explosive. [26]
Tricobalt Device [27] The tri-cobalt warhead is a high yield device used for destruction of large scale stationary targets such as space stations. [27] Several species have deployed this technology at some time; one notable example is the planets Eminiar VII and Vendikar, who used computer simulations of tri-cobalt devices as part of their simulated war. The USS Enterprise was declared a casualty of one of these devices when it failed to raise its shields during a simulated attack by Vendikar, a situation which brought a rather determined response from the commanding officer. [28]

Although the Federation is banned from using subspace weapons by the Khittomer accords [8], Starfleet vessels do carry tri-cobalt devices occasionally. In 2371 the USS Voyager used two of them to destroy the Caretaker's array in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Kazon. [27] The Starfleet weapon has a programmable yield which can reach 20,000 Teracochranes, more than enough to destroy even a large station like the Caretaker's array. [29]

Detonating tri-cobalt devices within high gravity fields such as those found near to dead stars can create pockets of interphase space. These can form gateways between parallel dimensions [30], though such gateways can be highly unstable and are easily disrupted by energy releases. [12]
Trilithium Torpedoes [31] The trilithium torpedo was created by Doctor Tolian Soran, an El Aurian scientist who had an encounter with the Nexus in 2293. Soran searched for a safe method of re-entering the Nexus for decades; eventually he hit upon the idea of altering its course to bring it close to a planetary surface. This would allow him to wait on the planet in safety. In order to alter the course of the Nexus, Doctor Soran needed to significantly alter the mass of stars at certain points close to its course. The trilithium torpedo was his solution to this problem. [31]

Precise details of the trilithium weapon are uncertain, but members of the Enterprise-D crew were able to scan a torpedo at close range. [31] Subsequently the ship was able to record detailed sensor information when the Amargosa system was destroyed by Doctor Soran. Those records indicate that the torpedo initially causes a massive flare-up in the stars output. This initial burn lasts for some seven seconds, releasing some 4.2 x 1046 Joules and consuming approximately 23% of the mass of the star. This process produces a level 12 shockwave, powerful enough to destroy everything in the entire solar system. It also significantly alters the gravitational forces in the region. [31]

Immediately subsequent to the primary energy release, a quantum implosion occurs within the star. This causes a very rapid breakdown in all remaining fusion processes; starved of the thermal pressure that normally holds a star inflated, the remnants of the Amargosa star collapsed under their own weight [31] into a black dwarf.

Doctor Soran attempted to launch a further weapon at the Veridian sun, but was prevented in doing so by two Starfleet officers. This weapon was destroyed together with all of its supporting facilities when it exploded on launching. [31]

The Federation has classified its information concerning trilithium weapons and outlawed any attempt at production, in line with the laws against the production and use of weapons of mass destruction. However, it is likely that detailed research is proceeding.
Triton-Class spatial torpedo [25] Weapon system which Reed was familiar with. [25]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 5 Darmok
2 ENT 1 Detained
3 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
4 VOY 5 Relativity
5 ENT 1 Terra Nova
6 DS9 2 Necessary Evil
7 TNG 6 Tapestry
8 Star Trek : Insurrection
9 Star Trek : Nemesis
10 TNG 6 Rightful Heir
11 SNW 1 The Elysian Kingdom
12 TOS 3 The Tholian Web
13 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly I am assuming that it was the number of ships present that made the difference here, or else we must believe the TOS version of the web to be less advanced than the ENT version
14 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
15 Star Trek : First Contact
16 VOY 3 Warlord
17 VOY 4 Retrospect
18 TNG 1 The Battle
19 TNG 1 The Last Outpost
20 Star Trek Into Darkness
21 TNG 3 Captain's Holiday
22 DS9 7 Field of Fire
23 ENT 2 The Seventh
24 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 2
25 ENT 2 Minefield
26 TNG 4 Reunion
27 VOY 1 Caretaker
28 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
29 VOY 6 The Voyager Conspiracy
30 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly
31 Star Trek : Generations
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Darmok
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Relativity
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Necessary Evil
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Elysian Kingdom
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Tholian Web
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly
Comment : I am assuming that it was the number of ships present that made the difference here, or else we must believe the TOS version of the web to be less advanced than the ENT version
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Retrospect
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Battle
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Last Outpost
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Captain's Holiday
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Field of Fire
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Seventh
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Voyager Conspiracy
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly
Film: Star Trek : Generations

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,243,195 Last updated : 7 Mar 2025