Name |
Description |
Kazon-Trabe war [1] |
The Kazon had been subjects of the Trabe, but liberated themselves in this conflict. The trabe were reduced to wandering nomads by the war. [1] |
Kellerun-T'Lani war [2] |
Conflict which ended sometime before mid-2370. The war involved the use of deadly nanobiogenic weapons called Harvesters. The Federation assisted them in destroying these after the war. [2] |
Khom-Yang war [3] |
War on Omega IV which paralleled Earth's history in some respects. [3] |
Klingon civil war [4] |
Conflict fought in 2367/8 which came about when the Duras family challenged Gowron's appointment as chancellor. The Romulans provided covert help to the Duras forces; when this assistance was cut off, Gowron rapidly claimed victory. [4] |
Koinonian wars [5] |
Ancient wars fought on a planet which housed both corporeal and non-corporeal life forms. The wars rendered the corporeal Koinonians extinct, and left a number of booby traps behind. [5] |
Kradin-Vori war [6] |
War in which the Vori used mind manipulation techniques to force aliens to fight for them. [6] |
Krios-Valt war [7] |
A centuries long conflict which began when two brothers fell out over a woman. The war ended in 2368. [7] |
Kyrian-Vaskan war [8] |
Conflict fought between the Kyrians and Vaskans in 2374. Voyager was somewhat involved in the conflict, and many came to blame the Federation ship for the war in later centuries. [8] |