Name |
Description |
Krios-Valt war [1] |
A centuries long conflict which began when two brothers fell out over a woman. The war ended in 2368. [1] |
Xindi civil war [2] |
A conflict fought between the various Xindi races. The lasted for almost a century, with various alliances being formed and broken over its course - by the end of the war few of the participants even remembered what had caused it. [3] It was ended in 2033 [4] when the Reptilians and Insectoids detonated explosions beneath the eight largest seismic fissures on the Xindi homeworld of Xindus, destroying it completely and rendering the Avian race extinct. [3] |
Koinonian wars [5] |
Ancient wars fought on a planet which housed both corporeal and non-corporeal life forms. The wars rendered the corporeal Koinonians extinct, and left a number of booby traps behind. [5] |
Cardassian-Federation war [6] |
Began when the Cardassians massacred the population of the Setlik III outpost. Cost some millions of lives. There are indications that the war was very long, or was a series of intermittent conflicts. [6] |
Planet X-Photonic dimension war [7] |
Bizzare conflict fought between the photonic residents of a parallel dimension and the forces of a character from one of Voyager's holodeck programs. The war was eventually ended by Janeway. [7] |
The Short war [8] |
Brief conflict fought between two nations on the accelerated planet discovered by Voyager. The war lasted a few weeks. We know nothing about which nations were involved, nor even the name of the planet. [8] |
Federation-Husnok war [9] |
Brief conflict in which a Husnock vessel attacked the Federation colony world of Rana IV. A Douwd who lived on Rana destroyed the entire Husnock species in retaliation when they killed his wife. [9] |
Federation-Tholian conflict [10] |
Conflict apparently fought between the Federation and Tholians in 2353 - the Tholians attacked a Federation starbase in this year, badly injuring Kyle Riker. It is not known if this was a full blown war. [10] |
Palamarian civil war [11] |
Conflict being fought on Palamar in 2373. The Regent planned to use a mutagenic retrovirus to cause millions of casualties. [11] |
Federation-Tzenkethi war [12] |
Conflict between the Federation and Tzenkethi. Sisko's refers to "the LAST Federation-Tzenkethi war" implies that there have been at least two if not more such conflicts. [12] Details are few, but since Sisko fought in the war whilst a first officer on the USS Okinawa, the last war would probably have taken place around 2365-69. [13] |
Vaadwaur war [14] |
Conflict fought around 1375 by a coalition of various races against the Vaadwaur. The Vaadwaur were largely destroyed at the end of the conflict, leaving only a handful in suspended animation. [14] |
Memorial war [15] |
Conflict fought at least several hundred years ago in the Delta Quadrant. At least one massacre of civilians occurred, but beyond that few details are known. After the war some of those involved created a memorial which broadcast images of the massacre into the mind of nay who came near it. [15] |
American War of Independance [16] |
Conflict fought between inhabitants of the British colonies in North America and Britain. The British were defeated, leading to the establishment of the United States of America. [16] |
Q civil war [17] |
Conflict fought between members of the Q continuum in 2373. The war ended when members of Voyager's crew, armed with Q weaponry, captured the leadership of one side. [17] |
Interdimensional war [18] |
Conflict fought between the Federation and a species from another dimension. The war culminated in 2554 with the Battle of Procyon Five, in which the Federation defeated the invaders. [18] |
Neural civil war [19] |
Conflict fought between the hill people and the villagers of the planet Neural circa 2267. The Klingons were supplying the villagers with flintlock rifles; Captain Kirk did the same for the hill people. The name of the planet is not in the episode, but is from the script. [19] |
Daled civil war [20] |
Conflict fought between the inhabitants of Daled IV. The planet rotated once per year, putting one half of it in permanent daylight and one half in permanent night. The two sides warred against one another for centuries. [20] |
Druoda-Salinian war [21] |
Conflict fought between the inhabitants of Salinia Prime and the Druoda. The Druoda used highly advanced sentient missiles. The war ended in 2372/3. [21] |
Kyrian-Vaskan war [22] |
Conflict fought between the Kyrians and Vaskans in 2374. Voyager was somewhat involved in the conflict, and many came to blame the Federation ship for the war in later centuries. [22] |
Pagh Wraith-Prophet war [23] |
Conflict fought between the Pagh Wraiths and the Prophets. The war ended when Sisko sealed the wraiths into the Fire Caves of Bajor forever in 2375. [23] |
Lysian-Satarran war [24] |
Conflict fought between the Satarrans and Lysians until at least 2368. The Satarrans attempted to end the war by tricking the Enterprise-D into attacking the Lysian central command complex, but this plan failed. [24] |
Tarsian war [25] |
Conflict fought by the people of Angosia III. The Angosians modified their soldiers to give them near superhuman fighting abilities. [25] |
Klingon civil war [26] |
Conflict fought in 2367/8 which came about when the Duras family challenged Gowron's appointment as chancellor. The Romulans provided covert help to the Duras forces; when this assistance was cut off, Gowron rapidly claimed victory. [26] |
Annari-Kraylor war [27] |
Conflict fought in the Delta Quadrant in 2377. Ensign Kim commanded a Kraylor vessel for a short time. [27] |
Ennis-Nol'Ennis war [28] |
Conflict fought in the Gamma Quadrant. The dates are uncertain. Some of the combatants on both sides were imprisoned on a moon with nanonic technology to keep them alive forever in a permanent state of war, as a warning to others. [28] |
World War I [29] |
Conflict fought on Terra between 1914 and 1918. The war was one of the first to use explosives on a large scale, and consequently the bloodiest ever fought to that date. [29] |
Erselrope wars [30] |
Conflict fought prior to 2364. The combatants are unknown, but the planet Minos supplied both sides with weapons in the conflict. [30] |
Cheronian civil war [31] |
Conflict fought some time around 50,000 years ago between those Cheronians who were white on the right side and those who were white on the left side. The wars ultimately destroyed all but two of the Cheronian species. [31] |
Haakonian-Talaxian war [32] |
Conflict fought sometime within the last few decades between the Talaxians and the Haakonian. The war ended in defeat for the Talaxians when the Metreon Cascade was used to destroy the Rhinax colony. [32] |
Proxcinian war [11] |
Conflict involving the Proxcinians in 2373. The enemy is unknown. [11] |
Cardassian-Bajoran war [33] |
Conflict which began in 2328 when the Carassian Union invaded and occupied the planet Bajor. The Bajorans carried out a sporadic terrorist campaign until the Cardassians left in 2369. [33] |
Kellerun-T'Lani war [34] |
Conflict which ended sometime before mid-2370. The war involved the use of deadly nanobiogenic weapons called Harvesters. The Federation assisted them in destroying these after the war. [34] |
Mordanian civil war [35] |
Conflict which started when one side captured some Federation personnel and demanded weapons for their release in 2319. Admiral Jameson handed over the weapons but secretly armed the opposing side equally, leading to forty years of bloody civil war. [35] |
Banean-Numiri war [36] |
Conflict which was being fought in the Delta Quadrant when Voyager passed through. Numiri operatives attempted to frame Tom Paris for murder. [36] |
Space Station Salem One [37] |
Described by Picard as a "bloody preamble to war". It's not clear who the war involved, and it could represent the opening battle of almost any of these wars or of some other conflict. [37] |
Eugenics Wars [38] |
Fought on Earth in the 1990s when genetically engineered superhumans seized power across a large portion of the world. Whole populations were bombed out of existence in the war. [38] |
Federation-Talarian war [39] |
Fought prior to TNG. The Talarians were apparently heavily outclassed by the Federation, but did win at least some ground actions. [39] |
Earth-Romulan war [40] |
Fought with primitive atomic weapons and without any visual communication between the two sides. The war was fought sometime in the 2150s or 2160s and was one of the factors which led to the founding of the Federation. [40] |
Eminiar-Vendikar war [41] |
Interplanetary conflict which lasted for some five hundred years. The two sides resorted to fighting the war entirely via computer in order to prevent the destructive physical effects of real battles; casualties would voluntarily report to disintergration chambers. [41] |
Norkan Campaign [42] |
Known as the Norkan Massacre by the Federation, this conflict was fought by the Romulans under the leadership of Admiral Jarok. The timeline is unknown, but probably within a few decades before 2366. The opponents are also unknown, but may have been the Federation itself. [42] |
8472-Borg war [43] |
Large but brief conflict between the Borg and a highly advanced species from another universe called "fluidic space". The Borg were badly outnumbered and outclassed by 8472, but were able to force them to retreat with Janeway's assistance. [43] |
Dominion war [44] |
Major conflict between the Cardassians and Dominion and the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. The war lasted from the end of 2373 through to the end of 2375. [44] |
Temporal Cold War [45] |
Mysterious conflict which involved the NX-01 Enterprise from time to time. Two factions included Daniels's group from the 31st century and at least one individual from the 28th century who controls the Suliban. [45] |
Solari wars [46] |
Planetary conflict fought on Solaris V for some fifteen centuries. Both sides sued for peace in 2365, asking Federation negotiator Riva to negotiate the settlement. [46] |
Ilari civil war [47] |
Planetary conflict which Voyager accidentally became involved in when the leader of one side gained posession of Kes's body. [47] |
World War III [48] |
Planetary war fought around 2053. The war killed 37 million people according to Spock, but 600 million people according to Riker. It's vaguely possible that there were two different World War IIIs, though it's hard to see how that could be. [48] |
World War II [38] |
Planetary war fought between various Earth nations. [38] |
Triannon civil war [49] |
Religious conflict fought by the inhabitants of the planet Triannon. The two factions disputed the amount of time it took their gods to construct the spheres found in the Delphic Expanse - one claimed it was nine days, the other said ten. The war culminated with the virtual annhilation of the civilisation around April 2153. [49] |
Napoleonic wars [50] |
Series of historical Earth conflicts between France and other nations. Both Trelane and Q had an interest in the Napoleonic wars. [50] |
Acamarian clan wars [51] |
Series of wars fought between various clans of the Acamarian species. The wars finally ended around 2296. [51] |
Iconian wars [52] |
Series of wars involving the Iconians, fought some 200,000 years ago. Many believe that the iconians initiated most of these wars, but Picard tended to disagree. The Iconians were eventually defeated. [52] |
Federation-Klingon war [53] |
Short conflict fought between the Federation and Klingons in 2372/3 when the former intervened in the klingon invasion of Cardassia. [53] |
Borg-Federation war [54] |
Somewhat undefined conflict. It could be said to have began in 2364 with the Borg's assimilation of Federation outposts near the Romulan Neutral Zone, and might be considered to have finished in 2377 with Voyager's return to Earth after destroying a large chunk of the Borg. Despite repeated battles, however, there was apparently no formal declaration of war by either side. [54] |
Romulan-Klingon war [55] |
Somewhat undefined conflict. We know that the Romulans attacked the Klingon Khittomer outpost in 2346. We don't know if this led to a declared war, but the Romulan captain in "Face of the Enemy" described another battle, indicating that open hostilities seem to have existed for at least a while. [55] |
Federation-Klingon war [56] |
The first war fought between these two powers, Picard said that a disasterous first contact led to "decades of conflict". Precise details are unclear; there could have been at least one other war prior to TOS. Or no proper war at all - it is not known to what extent a "conflict" is a "war" in Picard's mind. [56] |
Hur'q-Klingon war [57] |
The Hur'q invaded the klingon home world some one thousand years ago. [57] |
Kazon-Trabe war [58] |
The Kazon had been subjects of the Trabe, but liberated themselves in this conflict. The trabe were reduced to wandering nomads by the war. [58] |
Lokirrim war [59] |
The Lokirrim considered themselves at war with holographic "insurgents". [59] |
Talosian wars [60] |
The Talosians told Pike that they had once engaged in wars whilst he was a captive. [60] |
Vulcan civil wars [61] |
The Vulcans fought various wars prior to their abandonment of emotions in favour of logic. At least one telepathic resonator was used in the wars. The timeline is uncertain. [61] |
Cardassian-Klingon war [53] |
This conflict began when Gowron invaded Cardassia in 2372, fearing that the Dominion had infiltrated its new civilian government. The war stalled when the Federation intervened, and ended in 2373 when the Klingons re-joined the Khitomer accords. [53] |
Betreka Nebula incident [53] |
This Klingon-Cardassian conflict was called a minor incident by Garak, but it lasted for some eighteen years according to Bashir. [53] |
Romulan-Vulcan war [62] |
This one hundred year conflict was apparently fought prior to TOS after being initiated by a member of the Q continuum. [62] |
Ventaxian wars [63] |
Various conflicts fought on Ventax II about a thousand years ago. The Ventaxians believed that these and other problems were solved by their signing of a contract with the devil-figure Ardra. [63] |
Federation-Klingon war [64] |
Very brief conflict fought between the Federations and Klingons in 2267. The conflict was aborted before any major fighting by the intervention of the Organians. [64] |
Promellian war [65] |
War Conflict fought some one thousand years ago. The war led to the extinction of both sides and the utter destruction of at least one planet. [65] |
Cravic-Pralor war [66] |
War fought between two Delta Quadrant species many years ago using robot soldiers. Both sides were destroyed when their robots turned on them. [66] |
Ekosian-Zeon war [67] |
War in which the Ekosians attempted to exterminate the Zeons in 2268. The war was caused by cultural contamination introduced by Federation scientist John Gill, who patterened Ekosian society after Earth's Nazi party. [67] |
Kradin-Vori war [68] |
War in which the Vori used mind manipulation techniques to force aliens to fight for them. [68] |
Khom-Yang war [69] |
War on Omega IV which paralleled Earth's history in some respects. [69] |
Altarian planetary war [70] |
War recently brought to an end in 2267. The ending of the conflict was expected to send ripples clear to the Klingon empire. [70] |
Tarellian civil war [71] |
War which all but wiped out the Tarellian species many years ago. The war was largely fought with biological weapons. [71] |