Name |
Description |
Banean-Numiri war [1] |
Conflict which was being fought in the Delta Quadrant when Voyager passed through. Numiri operatives attempted to frame Tom Paris for murder. [1] |
Betreka Nebula incident [2] |
This Klingon-Cardassian conflict was called a minor incident by Garak, but it lasted for some eighteen years according to Bashir. [2] |
Borg-Federation war [3] |
Somewhat undefined conflict. It could be said to have began in 2364 with the Borg's assimilation of Federation outposts near the Romulan Neutral Zone, and might be considered to have finished in 2377 with Voyager's return to Earth after destroying a large chunk of the Borg. Despite repeated battles, however, there was apparently no formal declaration of war by either side. [3] |