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Timeline - 2373


Prime Timeline

Year Event
Picture from 2373  [1] Fearing that Gowron may have been replaced by a Changeling, Starfleet sends the Defiant on a mission to infiltrate the Klingon command centre Ty'Gokor. Gowron proves to be innocent, but his advisor General Martok is revealed to be the Changeling. The Changeling is killed and Gowron, realising that he has been manipulated into war with the Federation, declares a cease fire. [1]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Gowron, General Martok
  Species :  Klingons
 [2] Voyager is re-captured from the Kazon by Paris and a small group of Talaxians. Both Seska and Ensign Suder are killed during the operation. [2]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes, Ensign Suder, Seska
  Species :  Kazon, Talaxians
Picture from 2373  [3] Conducting a mineral survey of Torga IV, a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Captain Sisko discovers a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Despite opposition from a group of Jem'Hadar led by the Vorta, Kilana, he manages to recover the ship and return it to Starfleet for analysis. In the process, one a Changeling hiding aboard the vessel dies. [3]
  People :  Kilana
  Species :  Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Founders
 [4] Captain Janeway accepts an invitation from the Nechani to take shore leave on their planet. Whilst there Kes is injured when she accidentally walks into a sacred area of a religious site. She is ultimately healed. [4]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Kes
  Species :  Nechani
 [5] The USS Voyager finds evidence of a wormhole having recently appeared and disappeared in a nearby solar system. Investigating, they discover a pair of Ferengi on a nearby planet, stranded there in 2366 when they passed through the Barzan wormhole. The Ferengi are using their advanced technology to exploit the iron-age Takarian natives. Voyager's crew manages to return the two Ferengi through the wormhole, but is unable to utilise it themselves. [5]
  People :  Koll, Doctor Arridor
  Species :  Ferengi, Takarian
Picture from 2373  [6] Quark woos and becomes involved with Grilka again when she visits DS9, with some assistance in Klingon customs from Worf and Dax. Worf and Dax also become romantically involved with one another. [6]
  People :  Quark, Grilka, Worf Rozhenko, Dax
 [7] The USS Voyager investigates a gaseous anomaly which contains sirillium. Lieutenant Tuvok suffers from the effects of a repressed memory whilst the ship approaches the anomaly. Captain Janeway explores his memories via a Vulcan mind meld, and the EMH discovers that he is suffering from a form of memory virus which feeds on neural peptides. The virus is destroyed. [7]
  People :  Tuvok, Kathryn Janeway
  Species :  Memory Virus
 [8] Jake Sisko becomes involved in combat operations against the Klingons on Ajilon Prime when Doctor Bashir diverts there whilst on the way back to Deep Space Nine. In the aftermath, Jake will write an article on his experiences there, including an unflinching look at what he considers to be his cowardly reaction to danger. [8]
  People :  Jake Sisko
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2373  [9] Tom and Harry are briefly imprisoned by the Akritiri. [9]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim
 [10] Whilst visiting the Fire Caves of Bajor, Keiko O'Brien's body is possessed by a Pah-wraith. She attempts to force Chief O'Brien to attack the Prophets in the Bajoran wormhole, but although the plan comes close to success, O'Brien is able to defeat the Pah-wraith and force it from her body. [10]
  People :  Keiko O'Brien, Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Pah-wraiths, Prophets
 [11] Voyager is thrown back in time to 1996 [11]; the ship prevents a temporal explosion which would otherwise have destroyed the Earth. [12]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [13] Voyager picks up some Enaran colonists from the Fima system to return them to their home on Enara Prime. One of the Enarans, Jora Mirell, uses her telepathic abilities to show Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres memories of a genocidal policy which the Enarans carried out against a segment of their population known as the Regressives. [13]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Jessen, Jor Brel, Jora Mirell, Jareth
  Species :  Enaran
 [14] Klingon agent Arne Darvin uses the Bajoran Orb of Time to throw the Defiant into the year 2267. There he attempt to kill Captain Kirk with a bomb. The Defiant crew are able to capture Darvin and foil his scheme. [14]
  People :  Arne Darvin
Picture from 2373  [15] Voyager trespasses on Swarm space to avoid a lengthy detour on their journey home. [15]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [16] Worf, Dax, Bashir, Leeta, and Quark take a vacation on Risa. Whilst there, Bashir and Leeta end their relationship. Worf decides to support a fundamentalist group who are attempting to shock Federation citizens out of what they see as a hedonistic self-involved lifestyle. He quickly turns against the group when their actions go too far. [16]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Dax, Leeta, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Risans
 [17] Dax, Garak, Odo and Sisko are returning from a conference to Deep Space 9 when their Runabout passes through a plasma field. The field causes Odo to involuntarily bind all four into a version of the great link, in which they experience an event that took place on Deep Space Nine in 2366, during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. They are eventually able to break free of the link. [17]
  People :  Dax, Odo, Elim Garak, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Picture from 2373  [18] Odo crashes on an inhospitable planet with Quark, the result of an assassination attempt on Quark by the Orion Syndicate. They are forced to climb a nearby mountain to call for help. Despite considerable hardship and personal disagreement, they are able to send a distress signal and are soon rescued. [18]
  People :  Odo, Quark
 [19] The USS Voyager rescues some aliens from a stricken vessel, only to have them prove to be the Ilari Warlord, Tieran. Tieran transfers his consciousness into Kes via a device implanted in his body; Kes/Tieran then escapes Voyager and return to the Ilari home planet to attempt to take control of the government. Tieran is ultimately defeated and his consciousness destroyed. [19]
  People :  Kes, Tieran, Adin, Demmas, Resh, Nori, Ameron
  Species :  Ilari
 [19] Kes ends her romantic relationship with Neelix. [20]
  People :  Kes, Neelix
 [21] Bajor is accepted for entry into the Federation. One the eve of the ceremony, Captain Sisko locates the ancient Bajoran lost city of B'hala. Visions from the Bajoran prophets convince him that Bajor must reject Federation membership, and on his advice they choose to suspend their application. [21]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2373  [22] The progressive faction wins the Q civil war with Voyager's help. Q mates with a female Q, helping to end the rifts which caused the war by producing a baby Q. [22]
  People :  Q, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Q
 [23] Silaran Prin murders several of the Shakaar resistance cell, seeking revenge for the severe disfigurement he recieved as a result of a bomb planted by them. Prin captures Major Kira, planning to deliver Kira's baby before killing her, thus avoiding harming an innocent. Kira is able to attack and kill Prin. [23]
  People :  Silaran Prin, Major Kira Nerys
 [24] Janeway destroys a macro virus infestation on board Voyager. [24]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [25] Neelix meets Wixiban, an old friend, at the Nekrit supply depot. He becomes involved in some less than legal business dealings on the station and is sentenced to two weeks on deuterium maintenance duty for stealing a cylinder of warp plasma. [25]
  People :  Neelix
Picture from 2373  [26] Ensign Jetal dies when Harry Kim is given medical priority. Memories of Ensign Jetal are deleted by Janeway. [27]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Harry Kim
 [28] Odo receives a sick infant Changeling from Quark and attempts to teach it to shapeshift, The infant ultimately dies, but Odo is able to absorb it into his body, restoring his shapeshifting abilities. Meanwhile, Major Kira gives birth to the O'Briens' baby. [28]
  People :  Odo, Major Kira Nerys, Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien
Picture from 2373  [29] The USS Voyager investigates an inversion nebula. The nebula is found to be maintained by an alien named Marayna, who taps into Voyager's holographic systems to relieve her lonliness. Both Tuvok and Harry Kim find themselves attravted to Marayna. [29]
  People :  Tuvok, Harry Kim, Marayna
 [30] Captain Sisko engages in an obsessive pursuit of Michael Eddington, ultimately poisoning a Maquis planet and threatening to do the same to all other Maquis planets in the Demilitarised zone, in order to force Eddington to surrender. [30]
  People :  Michael Eddington, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [31] Janeway experiences her own apparent death repeatedly when she is attacked by a non corporeal alien. [31]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [32] Bashir is replaced by a Changeling infiltrator whilst attending a burns conference on Meezan IV; he spends several months in a Dominion internment camp before escaping. [32]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [32] Enabren Tain dies. [32]
  People :  Elim Garak
 [33] Dukat becomes the head of the Cardassian government after assisting the Dominion in their take-over of the planet. [33]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [34] Bashir admits that he was genetically engineered as a child; his father is sentenced to two years in prison as a result. [34]
  People :  Julian Bashir
Picture from 2373  [35] Chakotay encounters a group of ex-Borg; experiences a limited version of the Borg collective. [35]
  People :  Chakotay
 [36] Odo falls for Arissa, a woman apparently on the run from the Orion syndicate. Arissa proves to be an undercover agent working for the Idanian government who has had her memories altered so as to pass telepathic scans. She ends the relationship with Odo when her memories are restored. [36]
  People :  Arissa, Odo
  Species :  Idanian
Picture from 2373  [37] Quark briefly works as an arms dealer with Hagath and Gaila. [37]
  People :  Quark
 [38] Voyager's EMH experiments with modifications to his personality, resulting in some negative effects on his behaviour. [38]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [39] The fifth Weyoun clone served as Chief Dominion Liaison to the Cardassian government. [39]
  People :  Weyoun
 [40] The USS Voyager undertakes to defend the planet Nezu from a series of asteroid impacts. A garbled message is picked up from a Doctor Vatm, a scientist on the planet who claims that the asteroids are artificial. Tuvok and Neelix attempt to recover Doctor Vatm, but he is poisoned as they attempt to return to the ship using an orbital tether. Tuvok and Neelix are able to return to Voyager with information which allows the ship to successfully defend the planet. [40]
  People :  Neelix, Tuvok, Doctor Vatm, Sklar, Lillias, Hanjuan, Goth
  Species :  Nezu, Etanian
Picture from 2373  [41] Voyager encounters a Taresian ship whose crew claim that Harry Kim is in fact a member of their species. Although DNA analysis indicates that this is true, it is discovered that Ensign Kim's DNA was actually implanted by a virus on stardate 50698. Voyager is able to recover Kim and reverse the infection. [41]
  People :  Harry Kim, Eliann, Captain Alben, Lyris, Rinna, Malia, Taymon
  Species :  Taresian, Nasari
 [42] Quark regains his Ferengi Business licence in exchange for helping to break up the relationship between Ishka and Grand Nagus Zek.. [42]
  People :  Quark
Picture from 2373  [43] Worf and Dax agree to serve on the Rotarran, General Martok's Bird of Prey. Although Martok is suffering from the effects of his captivity under the Dominion, Worf is able to help him overcome this difficulty and succeed in his mission. [43]
  People :  General Martok, Worf Rozhenko, Dax
 [44] Kira ends her involvement in Shakaar after a visit to Kendra Shrine. [44]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
 [45] The Klingons pick up an encrypted message which is apparently from a remnant of the Maquis. The message indicates that cloaked missiles have been launched against Cardassia. Michael Eddington agrees to assist Captain Sisko in destroying the missiles. However this proves to be a ruse - there are no missiles, and the plan was to force Sisko to help Eddington locate and rescue Maquis survivors. Eddington is killed in the process. [45]
  People :  Michael Eddington
 [46] The EMH creates a holographic family in an attempt to experience normal family life. His daughter, Belle, is killed in an accident shortly afterwards. [46]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [47] The USS Voyager encounters the Voth civilisation. Although initially hostile, the Voth eventually agree to allow the ship to continue on its way. [47]
  People :  Gegen
  Species :  Voth
 [48] Ensign Vorik undergoes the Vulcan pon farr, driving him to attack B'Elanna Torres. She subsequently experiences a version of pon farr herself. Voyager encounters the first signs that they are approaching Borg space. [48]
  People :  Vorik, B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2373  [49] The second Borg invasion of the Federation. The cube is defeated by a Federation fleet including the USS Defiant and the USS Enterprise-E. The Enterprise-E subsequently travels back in time to 2063 in order to prevent the Borg from creating an alternate timeline in which the Federation is never created. [50]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Reginald Barclay, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Borg, Humans
 [51] Chief O'Brien leads a teacm to Empok Nor, an abandoned Cardassian station of the same type as Deep Space Nine, in order to cannibalise it for spare parts. Whilst there, O'Brien's engineering crew is attacked by Cardassian agents who had been in hibernation on the station. Garak, under the influence of a Cardassian device which affects his mind, also attempts to kill O'Brien. The Chief is able to incapacitate Garak and defeat the Cardassian agents. [51]
  People :  Elim Garak, Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Cardassians
 [52] On Stardate 50912 the EMH's optical sensors reconfigured to allow sight in the microwave range of the EM spectrum. [52]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [53] The USS Defiant discovers the wreck of the USS Columbia, NX-02, abandoned on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Efforts to salvage the wreck are abandoned with the arrival of Dominion attack ships, and postponed indefinitely as the Dominion War begins. [53]
 [54] After considerable effort, Jake Sisko manages to obtain a baseball card as a present for his father. [54]
  People :  Jake Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Picture from 2373  [55] Voyager's crew enjoy a holodeck simulation based on a scenario in which the Maquis stage a revolt on the ship. The simulation proves to have been created by Tuvok as a security training tool shortly after the Maquis first came aboard. A bug planted in the program by Seska attempts to use the scenario to attack the real Voyager, but is unsuccessful. [55]
  People :  Seska
 [56] Kes undergoes a series of time jumps, a result of contamination by Chroniton radiation. The EMH is able to remove the radiation from her body. [56]
  People :  Kes
 [57] Janeway begins spending time in the Leonardo da Vinci holoprogram. [57]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
Picture from 2373  [57] Voyager encounters the Borg and Species 8472. [57]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Borg, 8472, Humans
 [58] Worf becomes engaged to Lieutenant Commander Dax. [58]
  People :  Dax, Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2373  [58] The Dominion War begins. Dukat regains control of Deep Space Nine when the Dominion capture the station. [58]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 5 Apocalypse Rising
2 VOY 3 Basics, Part 2
3 DS9 5 The Ship
4 VOY 3 Sacred Ground
5 VOY 3 False Profits
6 DS9 5 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
7 VOY 3 Flashback
8 DS9 5 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
9 VOY 3 The Chute
10 DS9 5 The Assignment
11 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1
12 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 2
13 VOY 3 Remember
14 DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations
15 VOY 3 The Swarm
16 DS9 5 Let He Who Is Without Sin...
17 DS9 5 Things Past
18 DS9 5 The Ascent
19 VOY 3 Warlord
20 VOY 3 Warlord Although she appeared to have done this under the influence of Tieran, Fair Trade would establish that the breakup was not rescinded
21 DS9 5 Rapture
22 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey
23 DS9 5 The Darkness and the Light
24 VOY 3 Macrocosm
25 VOY 3 Fair Trade
26 VOY 5 Latent Image Exact date unknown; this is about halfway through the year
27 VOY 5 Latent Image
28 DS9 5 The Begotten
29 VOY 3 Alter Ego
30 DS9 5 For the Uniform
31 VOY 3 Coda
32 DS9 5 In Purgatory's Shadow
33 DS9 5 By Inferno's Light
34 DS9 5 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
35 VOY 3 Unity
36 DS9 5 A Simple Investigation
37 DS9 5 Business as Usual
38 VOY 3 Darkling
39 DS9 5 Ties of Blood and Water
40 VOY 3 Rise
41 VOY 3 Favorite Son
42 DS9 5 Ferengi Love Songs
43 DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire
44 DS9 5 Children of Time
45 DS9 5 Blaze of Glory
46 VOY 3 Real Life
47 VOY 3 Distant Origin
48 VOY 3 Blood Fever
49 Star Trek : First Contact Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
50 Star Trek : First Contact
51 DS9 5 Empok Nor
52 VOY 3 Displaced
53 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
54 DS9 5 In the Cards
55 VOY 3 Worst Case Scenario
56 VOY 3 Before and After
57 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
58 DS9 5 Call to Arms
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Apocalypse Rising
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Basics, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Sacred Ground
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : False Profits
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Chute
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Remember
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Trials and Tribble-ations
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Swarm
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Things Past
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ascent
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Comment : Although she appeared to have done this under the influence of Tieran, Fair Trade would establish that the breakup was not rescinded
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Rapture
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Darkness and the Light
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Macrocosm
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Fair Trade
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Latent Image
Comment : Exact date unknown; this is about halfway through the year
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Latent Image
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Begotten
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Alter Ego
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : For the Uniform
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Coda
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In Purgatory's Shadow
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : By Inferno's Light
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Unity
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : A Simple Investigation
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Business as Usual
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Darkling
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ties of Blood and Water
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Rise
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ferengi Love Songs
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Soldiers of the Empire
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Children of Time
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Blaze of Glory
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Real Life
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Blood Fever
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Empok Nor
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In the Cards
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Worst Case Scenario
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Before and After
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Call to Arms

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 54,499 Last updated : 2 Feb 2015