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Jonathan Archer Soji Asha Reginald Barclay Julian Bashir Chakotay Christine Chapel Pavel Chekov Pavel A. Chekov Zefram Cochrane Beverly Crusher Wesley Crusher Damar Daniels Data Dax Richard Daystrom Degra Dukat Michael Eddington Elnor EMH Forrest Elim Garak Gowron Guinan Kathryn Janeway Agnes Jurati Kahless the Unforgettable Kes Harry Kim Kira Nerys James T. Kirk James T. Kirk Geordi La Forge Leeta Lore Martok Travis Mayweather Leonard McCoy Leonard H. McCoy Morn Raffaela Musiker Narek Alynna Nechayev Neelix Nero Nog Keiko O'Brien Miles Edward O'Brien Odo Thomas Eugene Paris Phlox Jean-Luc Picard Christopher Pike Katherine Pulaski Q Quark Janice Rand Malcolm Reed William T. Riker Cristóbal Rios Rom Alexander Rozhenko Worf Rozhenko Sarek Sarek Hoshi Sato Montgomery Scott Scotty Seska Seven of Nine Shran Silik Benjamin Sisko Jake Sisko Noonien Soong Soval Spock Spock Hikaru Sulu Hikaru Sulu Surak B'Elanna Torres T'Pau T'Pol Deanna Troi Lwaxana Troi Charles Tucker III Tuvok Nyota Uhura Nyota Uhura Weyoun Winn Adami Natasha Yar Additional People The Original Series The Next Generation Deep Space Nine Voyager Enterprise La Sirena Star Trek XI Enterprise

Timeline - 2152


Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] The NX-01 Enterprise visits Risa, the first Human vessel to do so. Half of the crew have the opportunity to enjoy two days and nights of shore leave on the planet. [1]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi Sato
  Species :  Risans, Humans
Picture from 2152  [2] Enterprise wanders into a cloaked minefield; first contact between Humanity and the Romulan Star Empire. [2]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [3] The NX-01 visits the Kretassian homeworld. Despite some minor diplomatic embarrasments, the visit is ultimately successful. [3]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Kreetassan, Humans
 [4] T'Pau travels to the T'Karath sanctuary in The Forge. She remains here continuously for at least the next two years. [4]
  People :  T'Pau
 [5] First contact between Humanity and the Retellian species occurs when the NX-01 encounters a Retellian ship. The contact turns sour when the Retellians are found to be kidnappers smuggling a victim. [5]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
  Species :  Humans
 [5] First contact between Humanity and the Kriosian species occurs when the NX-01 encounters a Retellian ship. The contact turns sour when the Retellians are found to be kidnappers smuggling a Kriosian Princess. The NX-01 is able to rescue the Princess and return her to her people. [5]
  Species :  Retellian, Kriosians, Humans
 [6] First contact with the Takret. The crew of the NX-01 are forced to shelter in the ship's nacelles when an energy storm threatens the ship. The Takret military makes an unsuccessful attempt to steal the ship during the storm. [6]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Takret, Humans
Picture from 2152  [7] The NX-01 visits Dekendi III for an inter-species medical conference. Phlox attempts to gain access to information concerning Pa'nar Syndrome in order to facilitate his treatment of T'Pol. The attempt fails, and T'Pol is almost expelled from the High Command for participating in a mind meld. When it is revealed that the meld was against her will, she is allowed to retain her post. [7]
  People :  T'Pol, Phlox
 [8] Captain Archer negotiates a ceasefire between the Vulcans and Andorians, resolving the Weytahn / Pan Mokar crisis. This marks the first time Humans are able to provide major assistance to the Vulcans. [8]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Shran
  Species :  Vulcans, Andorians
Picture from 2152  [9] The NX-01 apparently causes the destruction of a Paraagan mining colony with the loss of over 3,000 lives. Captain Archer is able to prove that the Suliban actually caused the explosion. Captain Archer is taken into the future by Daniels; the NX-01 is subsequently captured briefly by the Suliban, but escapes with archer's help. [9]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Suliban, Humans
 [10] The NX-01 discovers a disabled vessel drifting in space. The ship proves to be from the future; in spite of considerable interference from the Tholians and Suliban, Archer is successful in returning the vessel to its rightful owners. [10]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Tholians, Suliban, Humans
 [11] Captain Archer is captured by the Klingons and charged with assisting a group of rebels. His advocate, Kolos, is unable to save him despite considerable evidence in his favour. Convicted, he is sent to Rura Pente but subsequently escapes thanks to some bribery by the NX-01 crew. [11]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Kolos
  Species :  Klingons

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights
2 ENT 2 Minefield
3 ENT 2 A Night In Sickbay
4 ENT 4 Awakening
5 ENT 2 Precious Cargo
6 ENT 2 The Catwalk
7 ENT 2 Stigma
8 ENT 2 Cease Fire
9 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
10 ENT 2 Future Tense
11 ENT 2 Judgment
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Two Days and Two Nights
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : A Night In Sickbay
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Awakening
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Precious Cargo
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Stigma
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 31,972 Last updated : 13 Dec 2014