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Timeline - Pre-2000S


Year Event
15 billion bc
 [1] The USS Voyager witnesses the creation of the universe whilst being used as a hiding place by Quinn, a member of the Q continuum. [1]
  People :  Quinn, Female Q
  Species :  Q
9 billion bc
 [2] A group of several hundred protostars collapse in close proximity to one another, forming the group which will become known as the black cluster. [2]
5 billion bc
Picture from -5000000000  [3] The Guardian of Forever was asked its last question prior to 2267. [4]
The star Sol is born.
  Species :  Humans
Picture from -5000000000  [5] A female member of the Q continuum is born. She will later become romantically involved with Q. [6]
  People :  Q
  Species :  Q
4 billion bc
Picture from -4000000000  [7] The Progenitor species scattered DNA codes on many worlds. The codes were designed to direct evolution on those planets to produce Humanoid intelligences. In addition, a goodwill message was included in the codes. [8]
  Species :  Progenitors
 [9] Q begins a romantic involvement with a female Q. [6]
  People :  Q
  Species :  Q
2 billion bc
Picture from -2000000000  [10] The first life forms were created on Earth. In a timeline created by Q, a temporal anomaly caused by Captain Picard disrupted this process and so erased Humanity from existence. [10]
  People :  Q, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Q, Humans
 [11] A festive civilization thrived on planet Tagus III. [12]
  Species : 
400 million bc
Picture from -400000000  [13] The Eryops lived on Earth, the last common ancestor of cold blooded and warm blooded organisms. [14]
  Species :  Eryops
87 million bc
Picture from -87000000  [15] The D'Arsay archive is launched. [15]
  Species :  D'Arsay
65 million bc
Picture from -65000000  [16] An asteroid impact on Earth leads to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The Voth, a highly evolved species of dinosaur, escape the destruction. [16]
  Species :  Voth
20 million bc
 [17] The current Voth civilization begins. [17]
  Species :  Voth
2 million bc
Picture from -2000000  [18] The Organians evolve into non corporeal beings. [18]
  Species :  Organians
600,000 bc
 [19] The Tkon Empire collapsed after the sun of its capital world went supernova. The Tkon were thought to have been capable of moving entire stars. [19]
  Species :  Tkon
500,000 bc
 [20] Civilization flourished on the planet Bajor at approximately this time. [20]
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from -500000  [21] The star Exo began to dim at this time, eventually reducing the surface of Exo III to a frozen wasteland. As the inhabitants moved underground their civilization became more and more mechanized, eventually resulting in the production of Androids thought to be perfect replicas of living beings. Dr. Roger Korby uncovered the last traces of the civilization in the 23rd century. [21]
  People :  Ruk
  Species :  Old One
 [22] The atmosphere of Sargon's planet was destroyed in a great cataclysm. Sargon would later claim that the crisis was a result of his species becoming so powerful that they dared to consider themselves as Gods. [22]
  People :  Sargon, Henoch, Thalassa
  Species :  Arretan
 [23] The star Jinoteur is created, along with a planetary system. Evidence indicates that the system was created artificially by the Shedai. [23]
200,000 bc
 [24] The Iconian Empire dates to this period. [24]
  Species :  Iconian
100,000 bc
Picture from -100000  [25] The Hirogen communications network is constructed, providing real-time communication across a large section of the galaxy. [25]
  Species :  Hirogen
97,734 bc
 [26] The alien artefact discovered on Ravanar IV is constructed. [27]
97,600 bc
 [28] An unknown Delta Quadrant species draws all the water off of an M class planet and places it within a containment field, creating a gigantic space ocean. [28]
47,750 bc
Picture from -47750  [29] The Horta die out with the exception of one individual, who will care for the thousands of eggs her species has left behind until they hatch in 2267. [29]
  Species :  Horta
Picture from -47750  [30] Lokai attempts to begin a revolution on the planet Cheron, unhappy at the treatment of those who are white on the right side of their bodies by those who were white on the left. The attempt is unsuccessful, and Lokai must flee the planet. He is pursued by Commissioner Bele until at least 2268. [30]
  People :  Lokai, Bele
  Species :  Cheronians
37,600 bc
Picture from -37600  [31] A group of aliens from the Delta Quadrant visit Earth and are greatly impressed by the spirituality of those Humans living on the Siberian Peninsula. [31]
  Species :  Humans
30,000 bc
 [32] An ancient city was built on Bajor in this period. It would be inhabited for the next five thousand years, at which time it was abandoned and became buried under sediment. The city of B'hala was subsequently built on top of it. [33]
  Species :  Bajorans
27,600 bc
 [34] The Verathian civilisation in the Gamma Quadrant reaches its peak. The civilisation spanned over two dozen systems, interconnected by a highly developed trade and communications network. [35]
  Species :  Verathian
27,000 bc
 [36] The planet Erilon undergoes a major shift in surface conditions, changing its class from M to P, when the companion of its primary star diminished in magnitude. [27]
25,000 bc
 [37] An ancient city on Bajor becomes abandoned and is buried under sediment. The city of B'hala was subsequently built on top of it. [33]
  Species :  Bajorans
9,700 bc
 [38] On the planet Kurl, an artist known only as the Master of Tarquin Hill worked to create ceramic artworks that were considered to be three hundred years ahead of their time. One of them, a Kurlan naiskos, would be presented to Captain Picard by Professor Galen in 2369. [39]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Kurlans
7,750 bc
Picture from -7750  [40] The machine God Vaal is built on the planet Gamma Trianguli VI. Intended to provide food and climate control, Vaal assumes control of the population and halts all development in the culture. Captain Kirk destroys Vaal in 2267. [40]
  Species :  Vaalian
 [41] The Ferengi people adopt capitalism as a central philosophy of their species under the guidance of the first Grand Nagus, Gint, and his newly published "Rules of Acquisition". [41]
  Species :  Ferengi
 [42] The first of the Bajoran Orbs is discovered. [42]
  Species :  Bajorans
 [43] The Fabrini asteroid ship is launched. It will reach its destination in 2270. [43]
  Species :  Fabrini
7,629 bc
 [44] The Q cease conversing with one another, having reached a point in their development where everything that can be said has been said already. [45]
  Species :  Q
6,000 bc
 [46] Several Humans are abducted from Earth by aliens and trained to act as agents who will guide the planet through the unstable period after nuclear weapons are discovered. [46]
  Species :  Humans
4,527 bc
 [47] The surviving remnant of the Caeliar city Mantilis arrives in the Delta Quadrant, landing on an inhospitable region of an inhabited planet. The handful of Caeliar and MACO begin a grueling fight for survival. [47]
 [47] With starvation and predators gradually claiming the survivors of Mantillis, the last remaining Caeliar creates a nanotechnology system to allow it to survive, assimilating a MACO and using the other humans as a food source. The resulting cybernetic creatures are able to hibernate until discovered by the natives of the planet, whom they assimilate to form a collective intelligence. The result is the creation of the Borg species. [47]
  Species :  Borg
3,834 bc
Picture from -3834  [48] Flint is born on Earth. Discovering himself to be ageless and almost impossible to kill, Flint lives for thousands of years under various identities. These include Leonardo da Vinci, Merlin and Johannes Brahms. Eventually he purchases a planet under the name of Mr. Brack. Once out of Earth's environment, Flint begins to age normally. [48]
  People :  Flint
  Species :  Humans
3,750 bc
 [49] An ice age begins on the planet Sigma Draconis VI. The inhabitants construct underground shelters for its population but only the females move into these, leaving the males on the surface. Both groups lose all understanding of their technology over the next few thousand years. [49]
  Species :  Morg / Eymorg
2,750 bc
 [50] A group of aliens settle in Earths Mediterranean region. Thanks to their highly developed telekinetic powers the inhabitants of Greece worship the aliens as Gods. When the Humans outgrow the need for such a religion the aliens depart. Most of them commit suicide over the next few thousand years. The last, Apollo, attempts to force the crew of the USS Enterprise to worship him in 2267. [50]
  Species :  Humans
850 bc
Picture from -850  [51] The Vulcan sanctuary at P'Jem is established. [52]
  Species :  Vulcans
735 bc
 [53] The Kalandans construct an artificial planet to serve as a base. Unfortunately its crew is wiped out by a virus shortly afterwards. [53]
  Species :  Kalandan
630 bc
 [54] Bajoran prophet Trakor encounters the Orb of Change. He subsequently makes many prophecies, some of which appear to come true in the 24th century. [54]
  Species :  Bajorans, Prophets
147 bc
 [55] On Tamaros III the Proconsul to the High Epopt of Tamaros appoints a Yoçarian to serve as the Castellan of the capital city. This leads to the Nemite revolution. In 2265 Ambassador Jetanien would cite the event to Sandesjo. [27]


Year Event
Picture from 266  [56] Spock's ancestors acquire a tract of land on Vulcan. They will hold this area until at least 2267, when Soock will attend his Kun-Ut-Kali-Fee ceremony at a ceremonial site located on the land. [57]
  People :  Spock
  Species :  Vulcans


Year Event
Picture from 354  [58] Surak's teachings bring him reknown as the father of Vulcan logic. [58]
  People :  Surak
  Species :  Vulcans


Year Event
 [59] The Vulcans adopt a philosophy of suppressing emotion in favour of logic under the guidance of their greatest leader, Surak. Those Vulcans who reject the teachings of Surak leave the planet and settle on Romulus and Remus. [59]
  People :  T'Pau, Surak
  Species :  Vulcans, Romulans
Picture from 370  [60] The Vidiians fall victim to the Phage, a disease which eats away at the bodies organs. Unable to cure the disease, the Vidiians began stealing replacement body parts from other species to keep themselves alive. [60]
  Species :  Vidiians
 [61] The Dominion is founded by the shape shifting species known as Changelings in order to provide them with protection from non shape shifters and impose order on the region. The Changelings become known as the Founders. They are so reclusive that few in the Dominion believe that they actually exist. [62]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar, Vorta
Picture from 374  [63] The Jem'Hadar become the Dominion's primary military force. [63]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Founders, Vorta


Year Event
 [64] Kahless defeats Molor in an epic personal duel, uniting the Klingon people. [65]
  People :  Kahless the Unforgettable
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 822  [66] Kahless dies. [65]
  People :  Kahless the Unforgettable
  Species :  Klingons


Year Event
Picture from 866  [67] The Klingon monastery on Boreth is constructed, shortly after the death of Kahless. He promised to return from Sto-vo-kor here at some point; in 2367 this promise appeared to have been fulfilled. [65]
  People :  Kahless the Unforgettable
  Species :  Klingons


Year Event
Picture from 1152  [68] Tarquin is born. He is banished from his homeworld because of his telepathic abilities and lives alone except for a series of companions thereafter. [69]
  People :  Tarquin
 [70] The Spheres of the Delphic Expanse are thought to have been built at this time. [70]
  Species :  Triannon
Picture from 1154  [71] The Guardians create one of their spheres on this date. [71]
  Species :  Sphere Builders


Year Event
 [72] The battle of Orelious IX takes place, the decisive conflict of the Menthar/Promellian war. Both sides are rendered extinct by the battle. A large asteroid field was left in the aftermath, which the Enterprise-D would explore in 2366. [73]
  People :  Galek Dar
  Species :  Menthar, Promellian
 [74] The civilization on Ventax II solve their social problems by signing a deal with Ardra, their equivalent of the Human devil. The pact agrees to make the planet and all its inhabitants the personal property of Ardra after one thousand years of peace and prosperity. An impostor attempts to claim the planet in 2367, but the ruse is uncovered by Captain Picard. [74]
  People :  Ardra, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Ventaxian
 [75] The civilization on the planet Kataan is destroyed when their star goes nova. They attempt to preserve knowledge of their culture by launching a space probe which can download memories into the brain of anybody it encounters. The probe will be discovered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2368 and successfully cause Captain Picard to experience decades of living on Kataan within a few minutes. [75]
  Species :  Kataanians


Year Event
Picture from 1371  [76] A group of Nacene from another galaxy explore the Delta Quadrant. While on the Ocampan home world they accidentally cause an ecological disaster which threatens to destroy the Ocampa. The Nacene build an underground habitat for the Ocampa and two of them stay on to look after their charges. One subsequently leaves to found an Ocampa colony, the other dies of old age in 2371 after unsuccessfully attempting to reproduce. [76]
  Species :  Ocampa, Nacene
 [77] An alien species known as the Hur'q invade the Klingon home world. They steal many cultural artefacts, including the Sword of Kahless. [77]
  Species :  Hur'q, Klingons
 [78] The Hirogen culture becomes dedicated to hunting. They will continue this way of life unchanged for at least the next thousand years. [78]
  Species :  Hirogen


Year Event
Picture from 1476  [79] After a long period of war, the Vaadwaur species is finally defeated and their homeworld bombarded until the surface is a ruin. Unknown to the attacking forces, a group of Vaadwaur survive the assault in suspended animation, where they will remain until discovered by Voyager in 2376. [80]
  Species :  Vaadwaur


Year Event
 [81] The Caeliar city of Axion begins travelling to a new home world. The four surviving officers resign themselves to living out the rest of their lives with the Caeliar. [81]


Year Event
 [82] Guinan's father is born. [82]
  Species :  El-Aurians


Year Event
 [83] The planets Eminiar and Vendikar go to war with one another. Fearful that the infrastructure of their planets may be destroyed the two sides agree to conduct the war entirely by computer, with designated casualties reporting to suicide stations after each attack in order to immolate themselves. Having removed any pressing need for a ceasefire, the war continues unabated for the next five hundred years. [83]
  Species :  Eminian, Vendikaran


Year Event
 [84] Sandrine's Bar in Marseilles opens at least as early as this date. [84]


Year Event
 [85] The battle of Trafalgar takes place. [86] One of Jean Luc Picard's ancestors takes part in the battle. [87]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [88] The Suliban home world is rendered uninhabitable. In the aftermath many Suliban spread out to settle in the territory of nearby species, including the Tandarans. [88]
  Species :  Suliban
 [89] The conflicts between the Antareans and the Denobulans end. Both sides will retain a deep hatred of one another for at least the next three centuries. [89]
  Species :  Antaran, Denobulans


Year Event
 [90] The Skagarans abduct a large group of Humans from Earth to act as slaves on a world in the Delphic Expanse. [91]
  Species :  Humans, Skagaran
 [92] The Vulcans achieve interstellar flight. [93]
  Species :  Vulcans


Year Event
 [94] The Cardassian Union is formed. [94]
  Species :  Cardassians


Year Event
Picture from 1893 A group of Devidians travel to Earth in this time period, killing humans by draining their electrochemical energy for use as nourishment. Data is catapulted back in time to this location from Devidia III in 2368. He meets several historical characters, including Samuel Clemens and Jack London. Also present is Guinan, who lived on Earth at this time. Some of the Enterprise-D crew travel back to the period to investigate the actions of the Devidians. [95] Clemens is thrown forward into the future, though he is able to return shortly afterwards. The Enterprise is ultimately able to stop the aliens. This incident marks the first time that Guinan meets Captain Picard - though not the first time that Captain Picard meets Guinan. [96]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Guinan
  Species :  Devidian, Humans


Year Event
 [97] The Wright brothers make the first Human flight in a powered heavier than air craft. [91]
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
Picture from 1930  [98] Edith Keeler is killed in a road traffic accident. In an alternate timeline Keeler is saved by Dr. McCoy, thrown into the past by the Guardian of Forever. She goes on to become a person of great importance, using her influence to keep the USA out of World War II. This gives the Germans the time to develop atomic weapons and enables them to conquer the world. [98]
  People :  Edith Keeler, Leonard H. McCoy, James T. Kirk
  Species :  Humans
 [99] A major war begins between the various Xindi sub-species. The war will lead to the destruction of Xindus and the extinctions of the Avians in 2033. [99]
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [100] Several hundred Humans are abducted from Earth by aliens originating in the Delta Quadrant. The majority of the Humans are used as slaves, but some are left in stasis. The slaves eventually overthrow their alien masters and build a new Human community in the Delta Quadrant, revering those in stasis as important cultural icons. Amongst them is Amelia Earhart, a famed pilot who was abducted whilst engaged in intelligence gathering for the US government. [100]
  People :  Amelia Earhart, Karyn Berlin, Fred Noonan, Nogami, John Evansville, Jack Hayes
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [101] Quark, Nog, Rom and Odo are briefly trapped on Earth after their shuttle is thrown back in time and crashes in Roswell, New Mexico. They are able to escape by piloting the shuttle into the heart of a nuclear blast. Although the government denies any knowledge of the incident, it becomes a focal point for many rumours and conspiracy theories for decades to come. [101]
  People :  Rom, Nog, Quark
  Species :  Ferengi, Humans


Year Event
 [102] First contact between the Andorians and the Vulcans, leading to a prolonged period of hostilities. [102]
  Species :  Vulcans, Andorians
 [103] The Denobulans begin using genetic engineering, with generally positive effect. [104]
  Species :  Denobulans
Picture from 1957  [97] Sputnik 1 is launched, Earth's first artificial satellite. The launch is observed by a Vulcan vessel which subsequently crashes on the planet, stranding the crew there for some months. [105]
  Species :  Humans, Vulcans


Year Event
 [106] The population of Miri's planet begin a project aimed at greatly slowing the ageing process. Although the project is successful for children, it wipes out the entire adult population of the planet. [106]
  People :  Miri
 [107] The 29th century Federation Timeship Aeon crash lands on Earth after an encounter with the USS Voyager in 2373. The vessel is salvaged by Henry Starling, who uses its technology to instigate a computer revolution. [108]
  People :  Henry Starling
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 1968  [109] The Enterprise, visiting 1968 for historical research purposes, encounters Gary 7, a Human being trained by aliens for a covert mission on Earth. His plan is to cause an accidental nuclear detonation during the launch of a satellite weapon, in an attempt to make Humanity abandon the use of such weapons. Kirk and the Enterprise crew eventually decide to trust in his good intentions, and his mission succeeds. [110]
  People :  Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 1969  [111] The USS Enterprise is thrown into this time after an accidental encounter with a black star. Although significant pollution of the timeline results, the crew are able to correct the damage and return to their proper time. The incident took place less than a wekk before the first landing of a Human on Earth's moon, a very significant step in early space exploration. [112]
  People :  Captain John Christopher
  Species :  Humans
 [108] Henry Starling introduces the first Isograted chip, a major advance in computer technology. He has achieved this breakthrough using the technology of the Timeship Aeon, which he salvaged in 1969. [108]
  People :  Henry Starling
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
Picture from 1992  [113] Khan Noonian Singh rises to power, controlling approximately one quarter of the planet Earth. Khan is the product of genetic engineering intended to create a new race of superhumans. [113]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Khan Noonien Singh, Joaquim
  Species :  Humans
 [113] A group of genetically engineered super humans seize control of 40 of Earths nations simultaneously. Terrible wars follow in which entire populations are bombed out of existence. [113]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Khan Noonien Singh, Joaquim
  Species :  Humans
 [114] The Eugenics wars end. Khan escapes in a DY-100 sleeper ship named the SS Botany Bay along with 96 of his fellow supermen and women. [114]
  People :  Khan Noonien Singh, Joaquim, Khan Noonien Singh
  Species :  Humans
 [115] Shortly after the war the crew of the USS Voyager travel to this time period after an encounter with a 29th century Federation Timeship Aeon, under the command of Captain Braxton. The crew discover that much of Earths computer revolution has been a result of a Henry Starlings salvage of the Timeship in 1967. [108] Voyager's crew are able to prevent Starling from any further use of the Timeship. [115]
  People :  Henry Starling
  Species :  Humans

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 2 Death Wish The exact age of the universe is uncertain (for now), but this is the right ballpark
2 TNG 5 Hero Worship
3 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever The Guardian said it had been waiting for a question since "before your sun burned hot in space", indicating a time of at least five billion years ago
4 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever The Guardian said it had been waiting for a question since "before your sun burned hot in space", indicating a time of at least five billion years ago
5 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey Q described Q's amarous intentions towards Janeway as being Tossed aside for someone five billion years younger.
6 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey
7 TNG 6 The Chase The timeframe would need to be in this region to preceed the development of life on Earth
8 TNG 6 The Chase The timeframe would need to be in this region to precede the development of life on Earth
9 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey Q said they had been dating for 4 billion years. This date presumes that their relationship took place in a linear fashion, which is not necessarily the case.
10 TNG 7 All Good Things Q told Picard this was 2 billion years ago, give or take an eon
11 TNG 4 Qpid Q told Vash they really knew how to party here 2 billion years ago
12 TNG 4 Qpid
13 VOY 3 Distant Origin Date stated by Voyager's EMH.
14 VOY 3 Distant Origin
15 TNG 7 Masks The archive was said to have been adrift for 87 million years. This is a rounded date
16 VOY 3 Distant Origin Janeway describes it as 65 million years ago. This is a rounded date
17 VOY 3 Distant Origin The Voth woman says her civilisation has lasted 20 million years. This is a rounded date
18 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy Ayelborne says this happened millions of years ago. This is a rounded date
19 TNG 1 The Last Outpost Data said that the Empire had died out 600,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
20 TNG 5 Ensign Ro Picard said civilisation had flourished on Bajor before Humans stood erect
21 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of? Spock noted that the star had been fading for half a million years. This is a rounded date
22 TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow Sargon said his people had planted colonies 600,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
23 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
24 TNG 2 Contagion Captain Varley calculated the location of the Iconian home world from an artefact after accounting for 200,000 years of stellar drift. This is a rounded date
25 VOY 4 Hunters Kim says the array is 100,000 years old. This is a rounded date
26 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to be almost 100,000 years old. This is 99,999 years before the main events of the book.
27 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
28 VOY 5 Thirty Days The field generator was said to be 100,000 years old. This is a rounded date
29 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark The Horta told Spock about the 50,000 year life cycle of her species. This is a rounded date
30 TOS 3 Let that be Your Last Battlefield Bele said he had been chasing Lokai for 50,000 years. This is a rounded date
31 ENT 2 Dawn The alien said this happened 40,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
32 DS9 6 The Reckoning Said to be over 30,000 years ago; this is rounded up to 30,000 bc
33 DS9 6 The Reckoning
34 DS9 1 Q-Less 30,000 years ago, according to Vash. This is a rounded date.
35 DS9 1 Q-Less
36 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to have happened approximately 29000 years ago
37 DS9 6 The Reckoning The city was abandoned 25,000 years ago. This is a rounded date.
38 TNG 6 The Chase Said by Picard to be over 12,000 years prior to the episode in 2369. This is a rounded date.
39 TNG 6 The Chase
40 TOS 2 The Apple McCoy noted that the people had not undergone any change in 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
41 DS9 4 Bar Association The episode states that the Ferengi have been following capitalism for 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
42 DS9 1 Emissary Kai Opaka says that the orbs have been discovered over the last 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
43 TOS 3 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky Spock said that the asteroid had been in transit for 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
44 VOY 2 Death Wish Quinn said this happened 10 millennia ago
45 VOY 2 Death Wish
46 TOS 2 Assignment: Earth Gary Seven described the event to a computer, saying it had happened 6,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
47 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
48 TOS 3 Requiem for Methuselah Flint described his history
49 TOS 3 Spock's Brain Spock described the event as happening 6,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
50 TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais? Apollo said the visit happened 5,000 years ago; this is a rounded date
51 ENT 1 The Andorian Incident Said to have happened 3,000 years before the episode
52 ENT 1 The Andorian Incident Said to have happened 3,000 years before the episode. This would seem to contradict Soval's claim that Vulcans did not achieve star flight until 1,500 years after the Great Awakening
53 TOS 3 That Which Survives The planet was described as being thousands of years old. This is about three thousand years ago
54 DS9 3 Destiny The prophecies where said to have been made 3,000 years ago
55 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Two thousand, four hundred and twelve years prior to 2265
56 TOS 2 Amok Time SPock said his family had held the land for more than 2000 Earth years. This is 2001 years prior to the episode.
57 TOS 2 Amok Time
58 ENT 4 The Forge Soval says Surak is still thought of this way after 1,800 years. He may be referring to the Great Awakening with this comment, but it seems sensible that Surak's movement gathered pace for some years before it really changed the planet
59 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2 The Time of Awakening is described as having happened 2,000 years ago
60 VOY 1 Phage The phage was described as having blighted the Vidiians for over two millennia
61 DS9 4 To the Death Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in
62 DS9 4 To the Death Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in "The Dogs of War" that the Dominion had not surrendered in battle in 10,000 years.
63 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1 Said to have happened 2,000 years before the episode
64 TNG 6 Rightful Heir Said to have happened 1,500 years before the episode. This date chosen to fit in with the non canonical but more specific date Data gives for the death of Kahless, and with the subsequent construction of the Boreth monastery
65 TNG 6 Rightful Heir
66 From the episode script Data states that Kahless has been dead for 1,547 years. This is that long prior to the episode date of 2367
67 TNG 6 Rightful Heir Koroth states that the Klingons have been waiting for the return of Kahless for over fifteen centuries. This is 1501 years prior to the episode date of 2367. In the episode script Data states that Kahless has been dead for 1547 years, which would allow 46 years travel time to Boreth at sublight speeds
68 ENT 3 Exile Tarquin says he is over 400 years old, so this is 401 years earlier
69 ENT 3 Exile
70 ENT 3 Chosen Realm Said to have happened 1,000 years before the episode
71 ENT 3 Anomaly Quantum dating indicated a sphere as nearly 1,000 years old - this is 999 years before the episode
72 TNG 3 Booby Trap Said to have happened over one thousand years ago in the episode. This is 1001 years before the episode in 2366.
73 TNG 3 Booby Trap
74 TNG 4 Devil's Due The contract was said to have been for one thousand years
75 TNG 5 The Inner Light Data noted that the star had gone nova a thousand years before
76 VOY 1 Caretaker The Caretaker said he had watched over the planet for a thousand years
77 DS9 4 The Sword of Kahless The invasion took place a thousand years before the episode
78 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 1 The Hirogen leader said their way of life had been unchanged for a thousand years
79 VOY 6 Dragon's Teeth Stated to have happened 900 years prior to the episode
80 VOY 6 Dragon's Teeth
81 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 2 - Mere Mortals
82 TNG 6 Rascals Guinan said her father was 700 years old
83 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon Anan 7 said the war had begun 500 years ago
84 VOY 1 The Cloud Paris said that the bar had been with the same family for over 600 years
85 Speculative Real world date
86 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
87 Star Trek : Generations
88 ENT 1 Detained The Suliban says this happened 200 years ago
89 ENT 2 The Breach Phlox said the last conflict had been 300 years ago
90 Speculative Said to have been almost 40 years before the Wright brother's first flight; this is 39 years before the real world date of that event
91 ENT 3 North Star
92 ENT 4 The Forge Soval said it took the Vulcans nearly 1,500 years after the great Awakening to travel to the stars. This is 1,499 years after
93 ENT 4 The Forge Soval said it took the Vulcans nearly 1,500 years after the great Awakening to travel to the stars. This is 1,499 years after. Note that since the Romulan splinter group left at the time of the Awakening, Vulcans must have already had interstellar flight then. Most likely the Romulan exodus was aboard a slower than light sleeper ship or generational vessel, and this date refers to the Vulcan invention of warp drive.
94 DS9 3 Defiant Dukat said the founding had been 500 years ago
95 TNG 5 Time's Arrow, Part 1
96 TNG 6 Time's Arrow, Part 2
97 Speculative Date is assumed to be the same as in the real world timeline
98 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever Keeler tells Kirk the year
99 ENT 3 The Shipment The war was said to have lasted for nearly 100 years; this date assumes a 99 year war
100 VOY 2 The 37's The year is stated in the episode
101 DS9 4 Little Green Men The exact date is shown on a calendar
102 ENT 3 Proving Ground Shran said that the threat of massive retaliation had prevented a Vulcan attack for 200 years
103 ENT 4 Borderland Phlox said they began doing this over two centuries ago. This is 201 years before the episode.
104 ENT 4 Borderland Phlox said they began doing this over two centuries ago. This is 201 years before the episode
105 ENT 2 Carbon Creek It appears from the episode that this was indeed a real event and not just a story
106 TOS 1 Miri Spock says that the project was begun 300 years ago
107 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1 Date shown in a caption on screen
108 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1
109 TOS 2 Assignment: Earth Kirk states the date in his opening log entry
110 TOS 2 Assignment: Earth
111 TOS 1 Tomorrow is Yesterday Radio messages indicated that the Enterprise arrived shortly before the first moon landing, which in the real world took place in this year
112 TOS 1 Tomorrow is Yesterday
113 TOS 1 Space Seed Spock gives the date
114 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan Khan gives the date
115 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Comment : The exact age of the universe is uncertain (for now), but this is the right ballpark
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Hero Worship
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Comment : The Guardian said it had been waiting for a question since "before your sun burned hot in space", indicating a time of at least five billion years ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Comment : The Guardian said it had been waiting for a question since "before your sun burned hot in space", indicating a time of at least five billion years ago
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Comment : Q described Q's amarous intentions towards Janeway as being Tossed aside for someone five billion years younger.
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Comment : The timeframe would need to be in this region to preceed the development of life on Earth
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Comment : The timeframe would need to be in this region to precede the development of life on Earth
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Comment : Q said they had been dating for 4 billion years. This date presumes that their relationship took place in a linear fashion, which is not necessarily the case.
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Comment : Q told Picard this was 2 billion years ago, give or take an eon
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Comment : Q told Vash they really knew how to party here 2 billion years ago
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Comment : Date stated by Voyager's EMH.
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Masks
Comment : The archive was said to have been adrift for 87 million years. This is a rounded date
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Comment : Janeway describes it as 65 million years ago. This is a rounded date
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Comment : The Voth woman says her civilisation has lasted 20 million years. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Comment : Ayelborne says this happened millions of years ago. This is a rounded date
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Last Outpost
Comment : Data said that the Empire had died out 600,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ensign Ro
Comment : Picard said civilisation had flourished on Bajor before Humans stood erect
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Comment : Spock noted that the star had been fading for half a million years. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Return to Tomorrow
Comment : Sargon said his people had planted colonies 600,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Contagion
Comment : Captain Varley calculated the location of the Iconian home world from an artefact after accounting for 200,000 years of stellar drift. This is a rounded date
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Comment : Kim says the array is 100,000 years old. This is a rounded date
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to be almost 100,000 years old. This is 99,999 years before the main events of the book.
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Thirty Days
Comment : The field generator was said to be 100,000 years old. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Comment : The Horta told Spock about the 50,000 year life cycle of her species. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Comment : Bele said he had been chasing Lokai for 50,000 years. This is a rounded date
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dawn
Comment : The alien said this happened 40,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Comment : Said to be over 30,000 years ago; this is rounded up to 30,000 bc
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Q-Less
Comment : 30,000 years ago, according to Vash. This is a rounded date.
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Q-Less
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to have happened approximately 29000 years ago
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Comment : The city was abandoned 25,000 years ago. This is a rounded date.
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Comment : Said by Picard to be over 12,000 years prior to the episode in 2369. This is a rounded date.
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Apple
Comment : McCoy noted that the people had not undergone any change in 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Bar Association
Comment : The episode states that the Ferengi have been following capitalism for 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Comment : Kai Opaka says that the orbs have been discovered over the last 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Comment : Spock said that the asteroid had been in transit for 10,000 years. This is a rounded date
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Comment : Quinn said this happened 10 millennia ago
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Assignment: Earth
Comment : Gary Seven described the event to a computer, saying it had happened 6,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Requiem for Methuselah
Comment : Flint described his history
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spock's Brain
Comment : Spock described the event as happening 6,000 years ago. This is a rounded date
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Comment : Apollo said the visit happened 5,000 years ago; this is a rounded date
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : The Andorian Incident
Comment : Said to have happened 3,000 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : The Andorian Incident
Comment : Said to have happened 3,000 years before the episode. This would seem to contradict Soval's claim that Vulcans did not achieve star flight until 1,500 years after the Great Awakening
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : That Which Survives
Comment : The planet was described as being thousands of years old. This is about three thousand years ago
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Destiny
Comment : The prophecies where said to have been made 3,000 years ago
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Two thousand, four hundred and twelve years prior to 2265
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Comment : SPock said his family had held the land for more than 2000 Earth years. This is 2001 years prior to the episode.
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Comment : Soval says Surak is still thought of this way after 1,800 years. He may be referring to the Great Awakening with this comment, but it seems sensible that Surak's movement gathered pace for some years before it really changed the planet
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2
Comment : The Time of Awakening is described as having happened 2,000 years ago
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Comment : The phage was described as having blighted the Vidiians for over two millennia
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Comment : Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Comment : Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in "The Dogs of War" that the Dominion had not surrendered in battle in 10,000 years.
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Comment : Said to have happened 2,000 years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Comment : Said to have happened 1,500 years before the episode. This date chosen to fit in with the non canonical but more specific date Data gives for the death of Kahless, and with the subsequent construction of the Boreth monastery
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Source : From the episode script
Comment : Data states that Kahless has been dead for 1,547 years. This is that long prior to the episode date of 2367
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Comment : Koroth states that the Klingons have been waiting for the return of Kahless for over fifteen centuries. This is 1501 years prior to the episode date of 2367. In the episode script Data states that Kahless has been dead for 1547 years, which would allow 46 years travel time to Boreth at sublight speeds
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Exile
Comment : Tarquin says he is over 400 years old, so this is 401 years earlier
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Exile
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Chosen Realm
Comment : Said to have happened 1,000 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Comment : Quantum dating indicated a sphere as nearly 1,000 years old - this is 999 years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Booby Trap
Comment : Said to have happened over one thousand years ago in the episode. This is 1001 years before the episode in 2366.
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Booby Trap
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Devil's Due
Comment : The contract was said to have been for one thousand years
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Inner Light
Comment : Data noted that the star had gone nova a thousand years before
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : The Caretaker said he had watched over the planet for a thousand years
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sword of Kahless
Comment : The invasion took place a thousand years before the episode
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 1
Comment : The Hirogen leader said their way of life had been unchanged for a thousand years
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Dragon's Teeth
Comment : Stated to have happened 900 years prior to the episode
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Dragon's Teeth
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 2 - Mere Mortals
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rascals
Comment : Guinan said her father was 700 years old
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Comment : Anan 7 said the war had begun 500 years ago
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Comment : Paris said that the bar had been with the same family for over 600 years
Source : Speculative
Comment : Real world date
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Comment : The Suliban says this happened 200 years ago
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Breach
Comment : Phlox said the last conflict had been 300 years ago
Source : Speculative
Comment : Said to have been almost 40 years before the Wright brother's first flight; this is 39 years before the real world date of that event
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Comment : Soval said it took the Vulcans nearly 1,500 years after the great Awakening to travel to the stars. This is 1,499 years after
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Comment : Soval said it took the Vulcans nearly 1,500 years after the great Awakening to travel to the stars. This is 1,499 years after. Note that since the Romulan splinter group left at the time of the Awakening, Vulcans must have already had interstellar flight then. Most likely the Romulan exodus was aboard a slower than light sleeper ship or generational vessel, and this date refers to the Vulcan invention of warp drive.
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Defiant
Comment : Dukat said the founding had been 500 years ago
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Source : Speculative
Comment : Date is assumed to be the same as in the real world timeline
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Comment : Keeler tells Kirk the year
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Comment : The war was said to have lasted for nearly 100 years; this date assumes a 99 year war
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Comment : The year is stated in the episode
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Little Green Men
Comment : The exact date is shown on a calendar
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Proving Ground
Comment : Shran said that the threat of massive retaliation had prevented a Vulcan attack for 200 years
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Comment : Phlox said they began doing this over two centuries ago. This is 201 years before the episode.
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Comment : Phlox said they began doing this over two centuries ago. This is 201 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Carbon Creek
Comment : It appears from the episode that this was indeed a real event and not just a story
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Miri
Comment : Spock says that the project was begun 300 years ago
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Comment : Date shown in a caption on screen
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Assignment: Earth
Comment : Kirk states the date in his opening log entry
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Assignment: Earth
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Comment : Radio messages indicated that the Enterprise arrived shortly before the first moon landing, which in the real world took place in this year
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Comment : Spock gives the date
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Comment : Khan gives the date
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 45,628 Last updated : 16 May 2020