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Timeline - 2200S


Year Event
 [1] The Vangar asteroid encounters a class M planet, Oghen, inhabited by an iron age civilisation. Under Drech’tor Wafiyy’s orders the Neyel take control of the planet in a somewhat benign conquest, improving conditions for the Ohen natives in return for taking resources from the planet. [1]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel, Oghen
 [2] George Kirk is born. He will later become a Starfleet officer and father the future Captain James Tiberius Kirk. [3]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [4] The first case of transporter psychosis is diagnosed. This rare condition is a result of changes to neurochemicals caused by the transporters in use at the time. [4]


Year Event
 [5] Gillian Moratino is born. She will go on to become a Starfleet officer, and by the year 2266 will be an Admiral in the Starfleet Judge Advocate General corps. [6]
  People :  Admiral Gillian Kei Moratino
 [7] On Vulcan, T'Prynne undergoes Pon farr. She rejects her potential mate, Sten, and chooses the kal-if-fee combat instead. Fighting on her own behalf, she kills Sten. He chooses to implant his katra in her mind during his last moments. Unable to remove it, she will spend the next 53 years fighting against him within her mind. She does not return to Vulcan for this entire time. [8]
  People :  Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn
 [9] Dr. Ezekiel Fisher joins Starfleet. He will one day rise to be Chief Medical Officer of Starbase 47. [8]
 [10] The planet Selcundi Drema begins to disintegrate, forming an asteroid belt in the solar system. [10]
 [11] Cervantes Quinn is born. [8]
  People :  Cervantes Quinn
 [12] The USS Valiant contacts Eminiar VII in the star cluster NGC-321. The ship and its crew are killed when the planets computers designate them as casualties in the ongoing computer-controlled war with Vendikar. [12]
  Species :  Eminian, Vendikaran
 [13] Fifty years worth of hostility between the Federation and the Klingon Empire begin. [13]
  Species :  Klingons, Humans, Vulcans
 [14] Richard Daystrom is born. [14]
  People :  Richard Daystrom
 [1] Drech’tor Hanif Wafiyy dies. The Neyel rule of Oghen becomes much more severe in the aftermath, effectively reducing the Oghen species to planet-wide slavery. Much of the Oghen population is destroyed over the next 45 years. [1]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel, Oghen


Year Event
 [15] Montgomery Scott is born. [15]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
Picture from 2222  [16] Pralor Automated Unit 3947 is activated by a builder on the Pralor home world for use in the war against the Cravic. [16]
  Species :  Pralor, Cravic
Picture from 2224  [17] Sybok is born. A son of Sarek, Sybok is Spock's elder half brother. [18]
  People :  Spock, Sybok, Sarek
 [19] Diego Reyes joins Starfleet. He will one day rise to become a Commodore, and commanding officer of Starbase 47. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes
 [20] McCoy is born on Earth in North America. [21]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [6] The Vulcan physician Sobon resigns from the Vulcan Science Academy to devote himself to the study of the mental arts. He subsequently became a master of mental healing. He generally eschewed titles and formal positions, living a simple lifestyle in an isolated village in the Llangon mountains on Vulcan. [6]
  People :  Sobon
 [22] Dax begins trying to master the Altonian Brain Teaser. [22]
  People :  Dax
Picture from 2229  [23] Mr. Brack purchases the planet Holberg-917 G. Brack is actually an alias for Flint. [23]
  People :  Flint


Year Event
 [24] Tobin dies. The Dax symbiont is joined to Emony. She subsequently becomes a professional gymnast. [25]
  People :  Dax
 [26] Spock is born. [18]
  People :  Spock, Spock
Picture from 2230  [27] The USS Kelvin discovers Royla, home to the Roylan species. Keenser chooses to leave the planet with the ship, the first of his people to explore space. [27]
  People :  George Kirk, Keenser
  Species :  Roylan
 [28] Kirk is born in Iowa on Earth. [29]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [30] Carol Marcus is born. [6]
  People :  Carol Marcus
Picture from 2236  [31] The SS Columbia crashes on the planet Talos IV. Crew member Vina is the only survivor. The Talosians judge Humans to be ideal slaves, but are unable to create a breeding stock without a male Human. In 2254 they will attempt to capture several members of the crew of the Starship Enterprise. [31]
  Species :  Humans, Talosians
Picture from 2237  [32] Spock is betrothed to T'Pring. [33]
  People :  Spock, T'Pring
 [34] Hikaru Sulu is born in San Francisco, on Earth. [29]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
 [34] Nyota Uhura is born. [35]
  People :  Nyota Uhura


Year Event
 [34] Scotty enters Starfleet academy. [35]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
 [36] A batch of Macallan whiskey is distilled in this year. Glasses of this batch will be enjoyed by Dr. Ezekiel Fisher and Commodore Reyes in 2265. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes
 [37] The battle of Donatu V is fought near Shermans Planet. [37]
Picture from 2242  [38] Gary Mitchell is born in Eldman city. [39]
  People :  Gary Mitchell
Scotty begins specialising in Engineering subjects while still a cadet at the Academy.
  People :  Montgomery Scott
Picture from 2243  [14] Dr. Daystrom invents the Duotronic computer. He wins the Nobel and Zee-Magnees prizes for this advance. [14]
  People :  Richard Daystrom
 [40] Scotty becomes a Starfleet engineer. [40]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
Emony meets Leonard McCoy and has a brief affair with him. [41]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Dax
 [42] Scotty graduates from Starfleet academy. [35]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
Picture from 2244  [43] Elizabeth Dehner is born in Delman city. [39]
  People :  Doctor Elizabeth Dehner
Emony dies. The Dax symbiont is joined to Audrid. [25]
  People :  Dax
 [42] The first Starship Enterprise is launched from the San Francisco Fleet yards in orbit of Earth. [35] The launch is attended by Ex-President of the United Federaton of Planets, Jonathan Archer. [44]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand, Jonathan Archer
 [45] McCoy joins Starfleet medical school. [35]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [46] Pavel Chekov is born. [46]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov
Picture from 2246  [47] Kodos the Executioner seizes power on Tarsus IV when a food shortage becomes critical. Kodos orders the execution of 4,000 people in order to extend food supplies for the remainder - emergency supplies arrive too late to avoid the killings. James Kirk and Kevin Riley are among nine witnesses to the events. [47] Amongst the victims are the elderly Hoshi Sato, formerly of the NX-01 Enterprise. [48]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Hoshi Sato, Anton Karidian, Lenore Karidian
Picture from 2247  [49] Earth loses contact with the Friendship One probe. It is approximately thirty thousand light years away at this point. Unknown to its builders the probe makes contact with a relatively primitive planet and transmits all of its technical information to them. [49]
 [50] Lenore Karidian is born [50]
  People :  Anton Karidian, Lenore Karidian
 [51] Dusty Swender is born on the 18 January 2247 in Syracuse, New York, North America. [51]
  People :  Dusty Swender
 [51] T'Quiel Dawn is born on the 6 February 2247 in North continent, Cerberus Colony. [51]
  People :  T'Quiel Dawn
 [51] Muliq Al Alcazar is born on the 8 December 2247 in Ondau sector, Tendara Colony. [51]
  People :  Muliq Al Alcazar
 [51] Yuuto Hoshide is born on the 5 November 2248 in Misawa, Aomori, Japan. [51]
  People :  Yuuto Hoshide
 [51] Andrea Lopez is born on the 23 May 2248 on Starbase 2. [51]
  People :  Andrea Lopez
 [52] Lieutenant Christopher Pike rescues Alora when her shuttle suffers a accident in the Majalan system. [53]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike, Minister Alora
  Species :  Majalan
 [54] Spock joins Starfleet Academy, against the wishes of his father. The decision causes Spock and Sarek to stop speaking to one another, a silence which lasts for the next 18 years. [54]
  People :  Spock, Sarek
 [55] Charles Evans is born. [55]
  People :  Charles Evans
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [56] A Vulcan science mission reports a subspace rupture in the Hanoli star system. They detonate a pulse wave torpedo in the rupture in attempt to seal it. Unfortunately, the attempt causes the rupture to expand radically, destroying both the Vulcan expedition and the entire system. [56]
  Species :  Vulcans
 [57] Kirk enters Starfleet academy. He serves on board the USS Republic during this year. Whilst there, he reports an error made by his friend Ben Finney, causing Finney to be passed over for promotion. Unknown to Kirk, Finney will develop an obsessive hatred of him over the years due to this incident. [58]
  People :  James T. Kirk
Picture from 2250  [57] Starship Captain Garth wins a major victory at the planet Axenar. [59] Afterwards James Kirk visits Axenar on a peace mission. The operation is a major success, and Kirk is awarded the Palm Leaf of Axenar for his part in the mission. [58]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Garth of Izar
 [57] Kirk meets Gary Mitchell while teaching at Starfleet Academy. Mitchell sets Kirk up with a blonde lab technician in order to distract him and so have an easier time in classes; the attempt is so successful that Kirk almost marries the woman. [39]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [57] Kirk endures considerable torment from Finnegan, an upperclassman. [60]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [61] Commander Pike is promoted from First Officer to Captain and placed in command of the USS Enterprise. [62]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
 [63] Spock first serves aboard the Enterprise as a Cadet. [63]
  People :  Spock
 [55] Charlie Evans becomes the sole survivor of a spaceship crash on the planet Thasus. He survives with the aid of powers given him by the non-corporeal Thasians. [55]
  People :  Charles Evans
 [60] Kirk becomes romantically involved with Ruth. [60]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [64] Ming Xiong leaves his home in Kunming, China, for Starfleet Academy. His father ceased speaking to him at this point, disappointed that Xiong did not choose to become an architect. [8]
 [65] Spock graduates from Starfleet academy. [35]
  People :  Spock
 [66] McCoy graduates from Starfleet medical school. He develops an impressive technique for the creation of axonal pathways between grafted neuronal tissue and basal ganglia. This procedure is later incorporated into Starfleet's Emergency Medical Hologram. [66]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [65] Kirk graduates Starfleet academy. He is assigned duty on the USS Farragut under Captain Garrovick after graduation. [67]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Ensign Garrovick
 [68] A bottle of scotch is distilled during this year; in 2266 Fisher would offer a drink from the bottle to Commodore Reyes during his court martial. [6]
 [31] Three Enterprise crewman are killed and several injured during a violent encounter on Rigel. Captain Pike blames himself for the incident and considers resigning his commission. [31]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
Picture from 2254  [31] The USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, detects a distress call sent from Talos IV eighteen years before. The ship proceeds to Talos, where the Talosians attempt to use members of the crew to create a slave race of Humans. The Talosians release their captives when it becomes clear that they will immolate themselves rather than live as slaves. [31]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
  Species :  Humans, Talosians
 [69] Kirk commands his first planetary survey. He befriends Tyree, one of the local inhabitants, and recommends that the planet be left un-contacted. [70]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Tyree
  Species :  Neuralian
 [71] The last contact between the Federation and the Sheliak Corporate prior to 2366. The two groups sign the Treaty of Armens; this massively complex document cedes the planet Tau Cygna V to the Sheliak. [71]
  Species :  Sheliak
 [69] Hikaru Sulu enlists in Starfleet academy. [29]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
Picture from 2256  [72] McCoy ends his romantic involvement with Nancy [73]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Nancy Crater
 [74] Terrance Sadler becomes the Security Chief on the USS Dauntless under Diego Reyes. Reyes would remember Sadler as the best Security Chief he ever had. [75]
 [76] Whilst serving on the Farragut, Kirk encounters a dangerous Vampire cloud on Tycho IV which kills 200 crew members, including the Captain. Kirk blames himself for the deaths because he hesitating when ordered to fire his phasers, though it is later discovered that it would have made no difference. [76]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [77] Anton Karidian's company of actors begins a tour of Starfleet installations. [77]
  People :  Anton Karidian, Lenore Karidian
 [78] Nyota Uhura enlists in Starfleet academy. [35]
  People :  Nyota Uhura
 [79] The Federation makes first contact with the inhabitants of Kiley 279, thinking that they have invented warp drive. As it turns out they have actually produced a warp bomb. They take the Federation representatives prisoner. [79]
  People :  Number One / Una Chin-Riley
 [79] General Order One is renamed "The Prime Directive". [79]
 [51] Hemmer joins the USS Enterprise as chief engineer. [51]
  People :  Hemmer
 [51] The USS Enterprise encounters a species calling themselves Shepherds, who follow a comet that they believe to be an "Arbiter of Life". Unfortunately the comet is due to hit a planet housing a pre-warp civilisation. The Enterprise crew manage to trick the Shepherds and divert the comet, in the process it releases a large quantity of water vapour improving conditions on the planet. [51]
  Species :  Shepherds
 [80] The Enterprise visits Hetemit IX in order to ascertain the fate of the Illyrian colonists. [80]
  Species :  Illyrian
 [81] K'Tyll and T'Pring apprehended the Vulcan V'tosh ka'tur criminal Barjan T'Or [81]
  People :  T'Pring, K'Tyll, Barjan T'Or
 [82] The Enterprise visits Finibus III to provide an atmospheric filter to clean up their atmosphere. When they arrive they find the colony has been attacked and the colonists are missing. They are then attacked by the Gorn and a battle ensues. They only survive by tricking the Gorn into believing that they have been destroyed. [82]
 [81] The R'ongovian form an alliance with the Federation. [81]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike, Captain Vasso L'Gaelia, Brax
  Species :  R'ongovian
 [53] Christopher Pike returns the Majalan system for the first time in over ten years. [53]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
  Species :  Majalan
 [83] An attempt to rescue Sybok from a Vulcan rehabilitation centre fails and he remains an inmate. [83]
  People :  Sybok, Fran, Remy, Aspen / Captain Angel
  Species :  Vulcans
 [84] The USS Enterprise encounters an entity spontaneously created by the Jonisian Nebula. The encounter leads to a cure for Doctor M'Benga's daughter, but she must remain in the nebula for it to work. Nobody but Dr M'Benga remembers the events surounding the mission. [84]
  People :  Doctor Joseph M'Benga, Rukiya M'Benga
  Species :  Nebula Consciousness
 [85] Ensign Duke is promoted to Lieutenant. [85]
  People :  Ensign/Lieutenant Duke
 [85] Lieutenant Duke is killed by a infant Gorn. [85]
  People :  Ensign/Lieutenant Duke
 [85] Hemmer kills himself after being infected with Gorn eggs. [85]
  People :  Hemmer
 [86] Pike meets a future version of himself, who informs him that attempting to change his future and prevent the accident that kills several cadets and serious injures him would result in catastrophic changes for the future of the Federation. Future Pike has worked with the Klingon's to provide a time crystal which will allow Prime Pike to witness the events that would cause the changes. Pike agrees and uses the crystal to view the events. [86]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2259  [78] Hikaru Sulu graduates from Starfleet academy. [29]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
 [87] Tim Pennington becomes a writer for the Federation News Service. [8]
 [88] Terrance Sadler, a Starfleet security chief working under Diego Reyes, leaves Starfleet to settle down on the colony world Ingraham B. [75]


Year Event
 [89] Diego Reyes and his ex-wife Jeanne Vinueza encounter one another. They will not meet again until 2266. [89]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Jeanne Vinueza
Picture from 2261  [90] Uhura graduates Starfleet Academy. [90]
  People :  Nyota Uhura
 [6] Colin Rella joins a Starfleet science vessel. He will remain on the ship for the next five years, before resigning to join the Lerais II colony in 2266. [6]
 [78] David Marcus is born to Carol Marcus. The boy's father, James Kirk, leaves Carol to raise him alone at her request. [91]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Doctor David Marcus, Carol Marcus
 [92] The exploratory vessel SS Beagle is lost. It is later found to have crashed on planet 892-IV. [92]
Picture from 2261  [93] Robert and Nancy Crater arrive on the planet M113 to do archaeological research. [93]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Nancy Crater, Professor Robert Crater
 [94] Christine Chapel's fiance, Dr. Roger Korby, disappears on Exo III. His last message describes cave formations he has discovered. Christine gives up a promising career in bioresearch to sign aboard a Starship in order to search for Korby. [94]
  People :  Christine Chapel, Doctor Roger Korby
 [95] Leila Kalomi meets Spock whilst he is on Earth. She falls in love with Spock, though due to his Vulcan nature he does not return the sentiment. [96]
  People :  Leila Kalomi, Spock
 [97] The Andorian Sherican sh'Ness enrolls in medical school. [89]
  People :  Sherivan sh’Ness
 [98] The USS Constellation, under the command of Commodore Matt Decker, conducts a routine investigation of the planet Ravanar IV in the Taurus Reach. Analysis of the biosamples collected from the planet reveals a mold sample with a large amount of information coded into the genome. A report is filed with Starfleet command. [8]
 [99] Starfleet begins construction of Starbase 47 in the Taurus Reach. A Watchtower class base, Starbase 47 would normally be expected to take four years and nine months to build. Starfleet assigns high priority to finishing the base much faster than this. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn
 [100] Captain Christopher Pike is promoted to Fleet Captain, leaving command of the USS Enterprise. [63]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
 [101] James Kirk is promoted to Captain and assigned to command the Starship Enterprise. [35]
  People :  James T. Kirk
Picture from 2263  [101] Pavel Chekov enlists in Starfleet academy. [35]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov
 [102] The miners Childress, Gossett and Benton begin lithium crystal mining on Rigel XII. [102]
  People :  Benton, Gossett, Ben Childress, Harcourt Fenton Mudd, Ruth, Eve McHuron, Magda
 [103] A group of 150 colonists under the leadership of Elias Sandoval set off from Earth for Omicron Seti III to found a colony. [96]
  People :  Elias Sandoval, Leila Kalomi
Picture from 2263  [104] Spock returns home Vulcan to visit his parents. He and his father do not talk during the visit, maintining the silence which has lasted for the last 14 years and which will last for a further four. [54]
  People :  Spock, Sarek
 [89] Gamma Tauri IV is colonised. [89]
  People :  Jeanne Vinueza
 [105] The Federation Colony on Boam II is established, one of the first to be planed within the Taurus Reach. [75]
 [39] Sulu is assigned as a physicist on board the USS Enterprise. [39]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
 [106] Chekov has a romance with Irina Galliulin, an academy classmate. The pair split up when she drops out of the academy. [106]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov, Irina Galliulin
 [107] A Federation civilian settlement is placed on Kessik IV, a planet rich in dilithium. [8]
 [108] Lieutenant D'Amato sees his wife for the last time in almost a year. [8]
  People :  Lieutenant D'Amato
Picture from 2264  [35] The Starship Enterprise, under the command of Captain Kirk, is assigned a five year mission of exploration. [35]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
 [109] Tuvok is born. [109]
  People :  Tuvok
  Species :  Vulcans
 [93] Nancy Crater is killed on planet M113 by a creature native to the planet. The creature, which is able to assume any appearance it chooses, lives with Professor Crater. [93]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Nancy Crater, Professor Robert Crater
 [110] The Sandoval colonists arrive on Omicron Seti III. Unfortunately, the planet is found to have high levels of deadly Berthold rays, threatening the lives of the colonists. They manage to survive after being infected by a substance produced by the local plant life. [110]
  People :  Elias Sandoval, Leila Kalomi
  Species :  Humans
 [111] The Federation President is questioned on the purpose of building a Starbase in the Taurus Reach, and the apparent high priority this project had received. In the opinion of reporter Tim Pennington, his answers had been extremely heavy in euphemisms and empty platitudes. [8]
 [112] Tim Pennington, a reporter for the Federation News Service, begins an affair with Oriana D'Amato, helm officer of the USS Bombay and wife of USS Enterprise geologist Lieutenant Robert D'Amato. They will continue seeing one another for the next several months, until Oriana D'Amato is killed in the loss of the USS Bombay. [8]
Scotty is appointed as Chief Engineer of the original constitution class USS Enterprise. [35]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
Picture from 2265  [39] Elizabeth Dehner, a psychiatrist studying crew reactions, joins the USS Enterprise. [39]
  People :  Doctor Elizabeth Dehner
 [113] Starbase 47 (Vanguard) experiences a series of technical problems during final completion. The USS Lovell visits in order to assist with the issues. It is discovered that the problems are being caused by a mysterious subspace carrier wave being broadcast from a location within the Taurus Reach.  [114]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes
 [114] Lieutenant Isaiah Farber transfers from the USS Lovell to Starbase 47 (Vanguard). [114]
  People :  Lieutenant Isaiah Farber
 [115] A bottle of Dom Perignon champagne from this year will be used to launch the Enterprise-B in 2293. [115]
 [39] The USS Enterprise penetrates the barrier at the edge of the galaxy. Two of the crew develop powerful psychic abilities as a result, and are killed to protect the ship. [39]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Doctor Elizabeth Dehner, Gary Mitchell
 [116] Returning from Delta Vega, the USS Enterprise stops at Starbase 47 for repairs. Located within the Taurus Reach, the base was recently completed some two years and two months ahead of the normal building schedule for a Watchtower class station. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn
 [8] The Starfleet JAG office adjudicates that an attempt by Commodore Reyes take over a Dilithium mine on Kessik IV via eminent domain was improperly made, and is declined. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes
 [8] The USS Bombay, a Miranda class Starship, is destroyed in a battle with six Tholian battlecruisers in orbit of Ravanar IV. The Tholian ships launch an unprovoked attack, destroying both the Starship and the research outpost investigating the planet. [8]

In the aftermath of the attack, the USS Enterprise investigates the site of the battle and recovers conclusive evidence of Tholian involvement. This information is revealed by Federation News Service reporter Timothy Pennington. However, Pennington's evidence proves to be fabricated, manufactured by Starfleet Intelligence as part of a disinformation campaign intended to discredit Tholian involvement and so avoid a war. [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn
 [8] During the investigation Scotty is able to determine that the alien device being investigated on Ravanar IV was a long range communications array. With this information the Starship Endeavour is able to investigate the planet Erilon on the Klingon border and discover another, larger array and further examples of the Taurus Reach "meta Gene". [8]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Lieutenant Commander T'Prynn
 [117] The civilisation on Ingraham B is destroyed by a wave of mass insanity. Although not known at the time, the insanity was the result of an invasion of the planet by Denevian neural parasites. [118]
 [75] The Tholian battle cruiser Aen’q Tholis is destroyed by the Romulan vessel Bloodied Talon. The Bloodied Talon has spent the last several months making its way to the Taurus Reach on an intelligence gathering mission. [75]
  People :  Commander Sarith, Commander Hirskene, Subcommander Ineti, Centurion Darjil
 [75] The research team on Erilon activate the alien artifact discovered there, releasing an aggressive alien life form. Several members of the team are killed, along with Captain Zhao of the Starship USS Endeavour and members of his crew. The Starship itself is also badly damaged when defence systems protecting the artefact become active. [75]
  People :  Captain Zhao Sheng
 [75] An assassination attempt is made on the Klingon Governor of the planet Palgrenax, Morqla. The attempt fails. [75]
 [75] The Daedalus class USS Lovell is assigned to Starbase 47 (Vanguard). [75]
 [75] The natives of the planet Palgrenax stage a major uprising against the Klingon occupation forces. During the battle a half dozen hostile life forms emerge from the ancient alien device being investigated by the Klingons on the planet. The aliens kill a number of Klingon soldiers before apparently being destroyed by heavy disruptor weapons. [75]
 [75] The Romulan warship Bloodied Talon, crippled in the explosion of Plagrenax, is forced to engage a Klingon battlecruiser. The Romulan ship is destroyed, either in battle or destroyed by her Captain. [75]
  People :  Commander Sarith, Subcommander Ineti, Centurion Darjil
 [75] Ambassador Jetanien arranges a summit conference with the Klingon and Tholian Ambassadors on Starbase 47 (Vanguard). DIsmissing the junior delegates from the room, he locks the three Ambassadors in, insisting that they will not be released until an agreement can be reached to avert further hostilities in the Taurus Reach. The attempt ultimately fails when news arrives of hostilities breaking out between Klingon and Tholian forces, though the Klingon Ambassador, Lugok, does reach out to Jetanien afterwards.. [75]
  People :  Ambassador Jetanien, Ambassador Lugok, Ambassador Sesrene
Picture from 2265  [119] The Borg destroy Guinan's home planet, scattering the few surviving El-Aurian people. [119]
  People :  Guinan, Doctor Tolian Soran
  Species :  Borg, El-Aurians
 [1] The Neyel launch a campaign of conquest, with the planet Lirillia as their first target. [1]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
 [120] Kail Tescar graduates from Starfleet academy. [6]
  People :  Ensign Kail Tescar
 [89] Jeanne Vinueza is appointed as the Colony Leader of the New Boulder colony on Gamma Tauri IV. She passes through Starbase 47 (Vanguard) on the way to the colony. [89]
  People :  Jeanne Vinueza
 [89] The Shedai Wanderer captures the Tholian battleship Lanz’t Tholis, bringing it to the Jinoteur system where she uses the crew to activate the Shedai's First Conduit. Many of the crew are killed in the process. [89]
 [89] The Shedai launch a major attack on the Federation New Boulder colony on Gamma Tauri VI, killing all 13,000 inhabitants. In retaliation Commodore Reyes orders the USS Endeavour to carry out Starfleet General Order 24 on the planet, annihilating the entire surface. [89]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Captain Atish Khatami, Jeanne Vinueza
  Species :  Shedai
 [121] McCoy is assigned as chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise. [122]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [89] The USS Sagittarius is sent to the Jinoteur system to investigate the origin of the mysterious Shedai signal. The ship is engaged by a Shedai defence system and forced to crashland on the planet. With the assistance of Cervantes Quinn and Tim Pennington on the Rocinante, the Sagittarius is able to escape the planet. [89]
 [89] The Jinteour system is destroyed, a result of an internal conflict between the Shedai Apostate and the other leaders. Many of the Shedai are scattered across disparate planets before the First Conduit is destroyed. [89]
 [89] Diego Reyes is removed from command of Starbase 47 and placed under arrest by his JAG officer, Rana Desai, after he allows Tim Pennington to publish classified information about the true reasons for the Federation's presence in the Taurus Reach. [89] He is replaced as commander of the station by his executive officer, Jon Cooper, on a temporary basis before Rear Admiral Heihachiro Nogura arrives to take command. [6]
  People :  Commodore Diego Reyes, Captain Rana Desai
Picture from 2266  [122] On the USS Enterprise, Hikaru Sulu is transferred from sciences to helm officer. [122]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
 [6] The Vanguard science team begin to unlock the secrets of the Shedai technology as a result of the recent incidents involving them. The possibilities opening up include the ability to reorganise matter, allowing rapid and complete healing of tissue damage. Researcher Carol Marcus, working on the project, speculates that the technology might one day have far larger applications. [89]
  People :  Carol Marcus
Uhura is assigned to the USS Enterprise as Communications Officer. [35]
  People :  Nyota Uhura
 [123] A Federation colony is founded on the planet Lerais II in the Taurus Reach. The planet is three months away from Rigel X at Warp 5. [6]
 [122] The USS Enterprise encounters a ship of the First Federation, marking the first contact with this civilisation. Lieutenant Baily is assigned as a liaison with the First Federation vessel Fesarius, under the command of Balok. [122]
  People :  Balok, Lieutenant David Bailey
Picture from 2266  [102] The USS Enterprise has its first encounter with Harry Mudd when it intercepts his ship whilst he was transporting three women to Rigel XII. [102]
  People :  Harcourt Fenton Mudd
 [124] Charlie Evans is rescued from Thasus. [55]
  People :  Charles Evans
 [125] The Enterprise visits Alfa 177. Whist there a strange mineral causes the transporter system to behave erratically, stranding Lieutenant Sulu and two other men on the surface; the problem is ultimately resolved in time to save them from the extreme cold of the planet's night. [125]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
Picture from 2266  [93] The USS Enterprise visits M113 on a routine stop. Several crew members are killed by a creature native to the planet which has been living in the guise of Nancy Crater. The creature, the last of its kind, is killed. [93]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Nancy Crater, Professor Robert Crater
  Species :  M-113 Creature
 [126] The Enterprise charts the final disintegration of the planet Psi-2000. The shifting gravity conditions produce a modified form of water, which causes those affected by it to lose all inhibition. Although most of the crew are affected, Dr McCoy is able to devise a treatment in time to avert disaster. In breaking away from the planet at warp speed, the Enterprise experiences a three day time shift - the first time the Federation is able to use this method of time travel. [126]
 [55] Charles Evans is transferred from the Antares to the Enterprise. Whilst aboard, he meets and becomes infatuated with Yeoman Janice Rand. Charlier proves to have learned extraordinary mental powers from the Thasians whilst growing up alone on their planet; a Thasian ship arrives to take him back to their world. [55]
  People :  Janice Rand, Charles Evans
Picture from 2266  [127] The USS Enterprise engages in a prolonged battle with a Romulan bird of Prey which has crossed the Neutral Zone and attacked several Federation outposts. During the battle it is discovered for the first time that the Romulans are descended from the Vulcans who left their planet when Surak's teachings of total logic began to gain widespread support. [127]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [6] A Klingon D-7 cruiser, the IKS M'ahtagh, attacks the Federation colony on Lerais II. The cruiser destroys a civilian ship in orbit and demands the immediate evacuation of the planet. [6]
 [6] The Federation establishes a colony on the planet Cestus III. Commodore Howard Travers is assigned as the colony leader. [6]
 [6] The cargo vessel Valinor is seized by Starfleet near Arcturus after it is found to be carrying various items of contraband. The seizure is of great concern to the Orion gangster Ganz, who owned the shipment. In the aftermath of the event, Admiral Nogura directs Ganz to depart Starbase 47 for good. [6]
 [6] A Federation hospital ship is attacked and destroyed by a pair on Klingon cruisers in the Kalinora Sector. The Klingons claim that the ship had been engaged in espionage. The incident is one of a series of clashes resulting from a steady rise in tensions between the two powers. [6]
 [63] Fleet Captain Pike is seriously injured by Delta Rays during an accident aboard a Class J Starship. Badly disfigured, he is confined to a wheelchair. [63]
  People :  Captain Christopher Pike
Picture from 2266  [128] The Enterprise investigates Exo III, site of famed archeologist Roger Korby's last mission. It initially appears that Korby has survived, much to the pleasure of Christine Chapel, his finacé. However, investigation shows that he had been replaced by an alien android. The Korby android and several others are destroyed. [128]
  People :  Christine Chapel
 [129] The Enterprise visits the Tantalus Penal Colony. During the stop it is discovered that the director of the facility, Dr. Adams, is abusing patients with a mind-altering device he has created. The crew are able to overcome Adams and return the penal colony to normal operation. [129]
  People :  Doctor Tristam Adams
 [130] Klingon operatives begin supplying crude firearms to the village people on Tyree's planet. [130]
  People :  Tyree, Apella, Nona, Krell, Yutan
  Species :  Neuralian
 [131] The Enterprise visits Miri's planet, a world which turns out to be an eerily close parallel of Earth. It is discovered that most of the population has been destroyed by a biological catastrophe caused by a projected intended to extend life. The few remaining natives set about rebuilding their civilisation with Federation help. [131]
Picture from 2266  [47] The Enterprise visits the planet Planet Q, where the ship encounters a travelling acting troupe. The lead actor of the group proves to be infamous Kodos the Executioner, who has been believed dead since 2246. Kodos is accidentally killed by his daughter as she struggles to assassinate Captain Kirk, one of the last witnesses to his crimes. [47]
Picture from 2267  [58] James Kirk becomes the first Starship Captain ever to be court martialled when it appears that he has been negligent in the death of Ben Finney. Kirk is exonerated when it is discovered that Finney is in fact alive, having faked his own death to frame Kirk. [58]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [132] The USS Enterprise is researching Murusaki-312, a quasar-like phenomena, when the shuttlecraft Galileo is lost on the planet Taurus II. The shuttle is able to regain suborbital height long enough to the surviving crew be retrieved by the departing Enterprise. [132]
  People :  Spock, Leonard H. McCoy
 [63] Commander Spock hijacks the USS Enterprise and uses it to return Fleet Captain Pike to Talos. [63] Despite the regulations against visiting Talos, Starfleet approves his actions because of the special circumstances involved. [133]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Captain Christopher Pike, Spock
 [60] The USS Enterprise visits an apparently uninhabited planet for shore leave. The planet is discovered to be a vast alien amusement park in which people can live out any fantasy that crosses their mind. Once the misunderstanding s cleared up, the crew are allowed to spend some time enjoying themselves on the planet. [60]
Picture from 2267  [134] Whilst crossing a 'star desert' some nine hundred light years from Earth the Enterprise encounters Trelane, a being of immense power. Trelane is discovered to be an infant member of an advanced and powerful civilization, possibly the Q continuum. [134]
  People :  Trelane
 [135] First contact with the Gorn occurs when a Gorn ship destroys an Earth observation outpost on Cestus III. Kirk and the Gorn captain are subsequently forced to fight one another by an advanced species calling themselves the Metrons. [135]
  People :  James T. Kirk
  Species :  Gorn, Humans, Metrone
 [136] Whilst charting an unexplored planet the Enterprise encounters Lazarus, a man who is being plagued by a version of himself from a mirror antimatter universe. The two Lazarus' are ultimately consigned to an inter-dimensional void, where they will spend all eternity at one another's throats. [136]
 [137] The Enterprise encounters a black star; in warping away, the interaction between high gravity and warp drive catapults the ship back in time to 20th century Earth. The ship is ultimately able to return to the present time. [137]
Picture from 2267  [138] Chekov graduates Starfleet Academy and is posted to the USS Enterprise. [139]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov
 [140] The USS Enterprise visits the planet Beta III, where the Archon was destroyed in 2167. Kirk makes the Landru computer destroy itself by forcing it to accept that it is harmful to the society is was built to protect. [140]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [12] The USS Enterprise visits the planet Eminiar, under orders to transport Ambassador Robert Fox there to open diplomatic relations with the planet by any means necessary. Kirk and the Enterprise are able to force an end to the computer war which has been fought on the planet for the last 500 years. [12]
  Species :  Eminian, Vendikaran
Picture from 2267  [141] The USS Enterprise discovers an ancient DY-100 class spacecraft with the preserved bodies of several dozen people on board. It is soon discovered that these are the Genetic Tyrants led by Khan, missing from Earth since 1996. Kirk is able to defeat them, but rather than press charges he leaves Khan to found a settlement on Ceti Alpha V. [141]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh, Joaquim
  Species :  Humans
 [96] The USS Enterprise arrives at Omicron Seti III. Almost overcome by the effects of the local plant life, the crew manage to break free and rescue the colonists. [96]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
 [142] The Enterprise travels to Janus VI, site of a Federation mining operation, to investigate deaths amongst the miners. A native species, the Horta, is found to be responsible for the deaths - retaliation for the miners destroying the Horta's eggs. Tensions are eventually resolved and a peaceful relationship with the Horta is established. [142]
Picture from 2267  [143] Starfleet command issues a Code One directive to all commands, indicating that a state of war has broken out between the Federation and Klingon Empire. The USS Enterprise is assigned to secure the co-operation of the planet Organia, a primitive society which is located at a strategic point between the two powers. In fact the Organians are revealed to be enormously powerful and sophisticated non-corporeal entities who stop the war and force an uneasy treaty between the Federation and the Klingons. [143]

Amongst the other combatants, the Organian intervention comes just in time to prevent six Klingon cruisers from attacking Starbase 47. [6]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock
  Species :  Klingons, Organians, Humans
Picture from 2267  [144] The Enterprise detects time distortions emanating from an uninhabited planet. Investigating, they discover that the effect is being caused by an ancient artefact on the planet, a remnant of a long-vanished civilisation. McCoy, suffering the effects of an accidental drug overdose, travels to 1930s Earth via the portal, disrupting Earth's history. Kirk and Spock are able to use the device to travel back and correct the damage. [144]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Leonard H. McCoy, Spock, Edith Keeler
 [118] The Enterprise discovers that the Federation planet Deneva has been infested with a species of neural parasites. The ship's science departments are able to discover a method of destroying the creatures, and the infestation is removed. Captain Kirk's brother, George, is killed by the creatures. [118]
  People :  James T. Kirk, George Kirk
 [139] The Enterprise visits the planet Pyris VII where the crew encounter Sylvia and Korob, members of an extragalactic civilisation who are stranded there. The crew are able to overcome the pair despite their possession of advanced matter manipulating technology. [139]
 [145] An Enterprise shuttlecraft is transporting Federation Commissioner Nancy Hedford to a rendezvous when it is pulled off course by an alien life form and crashlands on a habitable asteroid. Whilst there, Hedford succumbs to Sakuro's disease and dies. The alien being inhabits her body afterwards. [145]
  People :  Zefram Cochrane, Commissioner Nancy Hedford
Picture from 2267  [146] The Enterprise visits the planet Capella IV to negotiate for mineral rights on the planet. Although negotiations are complicated by local politics and interference by the Klingons, the mission is ultimately successful. [146]
  Species :  Capellan
 [147] The Enterprise encounters Apollo, an alien being of immense power. Apollo and his kind visited Earth thousands of years ago, inspiring the Greek civilisation to worship them as gods. Apollo hopes to recreate this encounter with the Enterprise crew, but is unable to convince them to worship him. Apollo, the last of his kind, destroys himself after his failure. [147]
Picture from 2267  [33] Spock undergoes Pon Farr; he is rejected by T'Pring and continues to serve in Starfleet. [33]
  People :  Spock, T'Pau
 [148] The Enterprise encounters a gigantic alien weapon platform which is destroying whole planets as it travells the galaxy. The crew are ultimately able to destroy the device, although the USS Constellation is sacrificed to this end. Commodore Decker is killed by the alien device. [148]
 [149] The Enterprise visits the planet Argelius. Whilst there, Chief Engineer Scott is suspected of the murder of several women. It transpires that an energy being is murdering the victims in order to feed off their fear of death. The being is destroyed. [149]
 [150] Uhura's memory is wiped clean by the Nomad probe; she is re-educated on board the Enterprise. [150]
  People :  Nyota Uhura
 [151] The Enterprise is visiting the planet Gamma Trianguli VI when it comes under attack by a computer intelligence which rules the native population there. Holding that the device is disrupting the natural evolution of the locals, Captain Kirk acts to destroy the computer. [151]
  Species :  Vaalian
 [152] The Enterprise visits the planet Halkan to negotiate for mining rights on the planet. Whilst there a strong ion storm causes a transporter accident which swaps several officers with their counterparts from a parallel universe. The officers are able to reverse the swap, returning to the correct universe. [152]
  Species :  Halkan
Picture from 2267  [28] The Enterprise visits the science outpost on Gamma Hydra IV, finding the personnel there suffering from an effect similar to extremely rapid ageing. Captain Kirk is relieved of command when the condition affects him, degrading his mental faculties. Doctor McCoy is able to treat the condition and return the sufferers to normal. [28]
 [153] The Enterpsie is hijacked by an advanced alien android under the control of Harry Mudd. Mudd, who stumbled on a group of these androids on an alien planet and was captured by them, hopes that the androids will release him if he provides the Enterprise crew as alternatives. The plan does not work, but the crew are eventually able to overload the android control system and disable them. Mudd is left on the planet. [153]
  People :  Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Picture from 2267  [37] The USS Enterprise uncovers a Klingon plot to gain development rights to Shermans planet. Unknown to the crew, they receive covert assistance from the crew of the USS Defiant, thrown back in time from 2373. [37]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Dax, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo
  Species :  Klingons
Lieutenant Commander Spock is promoted to Commander.
  People :  Spock
 [154] Ceti Alpha VI explodes. The disaster shifts the orbit of Ceti Alpha V, causing environmental devastation. Khan's follows see their efforts to build a successful colony fail, and many of them will die over the years due to the harsh conditions and the remaining hostile life forms on the planet. Khan begins to nurture a deeply obsessive hatred of Kirk for his role in the tragedy. [154]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh
 [155] Investigating the loss of the SS Beagle, the Enterprise discovers a planet whose dominant civilisation parallels the Roman Empire of Earth, except that this Empire never fell. Although the locals attempt to capture the Enterprise crew and assimilate them into their society as slaves, the captured officers eventually escape and leave the planet behind. [155]
Picture from 2267  [54] The Enterprise transports over a hundred delegates to the planet Babel for a conference regarding the admission of Coridan to the Federation. Included amongst them is Ambassador Sarek, leading to his first meeting with his son Spock in four years and the first time the two exchange words in 18 years. Despite an attempt to sabotage the conference, the Enterprise succeeds in reaching Babel safely. [54]
  People :  Spock, Sarek
  Species :  Coridanite, Vulcans
 [70] The Enterprise visits the planet Neural, charted by Captain Kirk in 2254. Then home to a primitive but peaceful civilisation, the planet is found to be in the grip of a civil war with rapid advancements in weapon technology by one side. It is discovered that the Klingons are supplying weapons to the planet in an attempt to gain control of it. Captain Kirk ultimately decides to arm the other side equally to preserve a balance of power. [70]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Tyree
  Species :  Neuralian
 [156] Romulan, Klingon and Federation governments establish a colony on Nimbus III, The Planet of Galactic Peace. [156]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans, Klingons
 [157] Captain Kirk is abducted to the planet Triskelion, where three powerful alien beings are holding a group of slaves for their own amusement. Kirk is ultimately able to make a wager with the aliens which he wins, forcing them to free the slaves and assist them in building a new society on the planet. [157]
Picture from 2268  [67] The Enterprise encounters a deadly alien life form on the planet Argus X, which Kirk believes is the same creature which massacred most of the crew of the Starship Farragut in 2257. Kirk obsessively pursues the creature to Tycho IV, where he utilises an antimatter bomb to destroy it. [67]
 [158] The USS Enterprise destroys a colossal single-celled organism which is threatening to invade our galaxy. [158]
 [159] The Enterprise visits Sigma Iotia II, a planet visited by the Starship Horizon in 2168. The Iotians are found to have modelled their entire society on the book "Chicago Mobs of the 20s", left behind by the Horizon. Kirk is able to persuade the leaders of the various gangster groups to unite the planet under common leadership and establish a peaceful relationship with them. [159]
  Species :  Iotian
Picture from 2268  [160] The Enterprise encounters a group of Kelvans, a hostile alien species from the Andromeda galaxy. Despite initial difficulties, Kirk is able to forge peaceful diplomatic relations with the Kelvans. [160]
  Species :  Kelvans
 [161] The Enterprise encounters the remains of an exceptionally powerful alien species in the form of three individuals whose consciousness has been stored in articifial receptacles. The three take to fighting amongst themselves, and all are eventually destroyed. [161]
 [162] The Enterprise visits the planet Ekos, which has been the subject of a study by Federation historial John Gill for the past few years. It s discovered that Gill has been manipulating the planet, recreating Nazi German culture there as an experiment. The Enterprise officers manage to set the planet onto a course of recovery, though Gill is killed in the process. [162]
  People :  John Gill
  Species :  Ekosian, Zeon
 [14] The USS Enterprise tests the M-5 computer. Designed by Dr. Richard Daystrom, the M-5 is intended to allow Starships to operate with virtually no crew on board. The system malfunctions during testing, destroying the Starship Excalibur. The test convinces Starfleet that the removal of human thinking from Starships is wrong in principle, and no further moves along these lines are made. [14]
  People :  Richard Daystrom
Picture from 2268  [163] The Enterprise discovers the USS Exeter in orbit of Omega IV, with the entire crew dead on board. Beaming down, Captain Kirk discovers that Captain Tracey has taken sides in a war between rival native groups. Kirk is ultimately able to arrest Tracey and leave the planet. [163]
  People :  Captain Ronald Tracey
  Species :  Kohm, Yang
 [164] The Enterprise departs of a time travel mission to study Earth in the year 1969. [164]
 [165] The Enterprise contacts the Melkotians, a powerful race of isolationist telepaths. Despite a rocky start, the contact is evantually successful. [165]
  Species :  Melkotian
Picture from 2268  [166] The Enterprise transports the Elaan, the Dohlman of the planet Elas, to the nearby planet Troyius where she is due to take part in an arranged marriage in order to cement peace between the two planets. Despite interference from the Klingons, the mission is a success. [166]
  People :  Elaan, James T. Kirk
  Species :  Troyian, Elasian, Klingons
 [167] The Enterprise visits a planet inhabited by a humanoid group similar to Earth's native Americans. Captain Kirk is stranded on the planet when an alien device injures him, inducing amnesia; the Enterprise is forced to leave in order to attempt the diversion of an asteroid which is threatening the planet. Ultimately Kirk is rescued and his memory restored, and Commander Spock is able to use the alien device to successfully divert the asteroid. [167]
  People :  James T. Kirk
  Species :  Preserver
Picture from 2268  [168] Captain Kirk orders the USS Enterprise to cross the border into Romulan space, apparently acting irrationally as a result of stress. The ship is quickly surrounded by Romulan battlecruisers, who order it to surrender. Kirk reveals to his crew that he is acting on Federation orders, having faked his condition in order to allow the Federation deniability if the mission failed. Kirk is successful in stealing one of the Romulan cloaking devices and returning with it, a major intelligence coup for the Federation. [168]
  People :  James T. Kirk
  Species :  Romulans
 [169] The Enterprise visits the planet Triacus and discovers that all the adult members of the Federation science team there have been killed mysteriously, leaving their children behind. The children are discovered to be under the influence of an alien creature. Eventually the crew are able to free the children from the influence of the creature. [169]
 [170] The Enterprise encounters an advanced alien spacecraft whose occupant subdues the crew and removes Spock’s brain. Kirk is able to track down the craft to its home planet and recover the brain, replacing it in the First Officer’s head. [170]
  People :  Spock
  Species :  Morg / Eymorg
 [171] The Enterprise transports Ambassador Kollos back to his home planet. Although there is an attempt to murder Kollos during the trip, the Ambassador is safely returned. [171]
  People :  Doctor Miranda Jones
  Species :  Medusan
 [172] The Enterprise visits the Minaria system, whose sun is about to go nova. There they encounter Gem, an alien native of the system, along with the Vians, a powerful alien species who are experimenting on Gem to determine whether her species is worth saving from the coming cataclysm. The Vians ultimately decide to save Gem’s people thanks to her willingness to sacrifice herself to save the Enterprise officers. [172]
Picture from 2268  [173] The Enterprise discovers the USS Defiant adrift in space, her entire crew dead - driven to murderous insanity by the effects of an interphase region of space. Matters are complicated by the presence of several Tholian ships, but the Enterprise is ultimately able to escape. The Defiant is lost in the interphase effect. [173]
  Species :  Tholians
 [174] The Enterprise discovers the Fabrini asteroid, a multi-generational spacecraft under the control of an artificial intelligence known as The Oracle. The Oracle has assumed dictatorial powers over the Fabrini, who have long since forgotten the true nature of their world, declaring itself a god to them. The Enterprise officers are able to deactivate the Oracle and return the asteroid to proper control. Whilst on the asteroid, Doctor McCoy enjoys a brief but intense romance with Natira, one of the Fabrini leaders. [174]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy, Natira
  Species :  Fabrini
 [13] The Enterprise discovers a Klingon warship badly damaged, its crew claiming to be the victims of a sneak Federation attack. The hostilities are eventually discovered to be the result of an alien energy being which thrives on violent emotion. The creature is defeated and driven from the Enterprise. [13]
  People :  Kang
  Species :  Klingons
 [175] The Enterprise visits an alien planet, finding a group of humanoids there who have tremendous telekinetic powers which they use to inflict cruelty on others for their own amusement. They officers are eventually able to overcome the aliens and escape their influence. [175]
  Species :  Platonian
 [176] The Enterprise responds to a distress call from the planet Scalos, finding it deserted. It transpires that the Scalosians experience time at a hyper-accelerated pace, making them imperceptible to humans. Although the Scalosians attempt to capture the Enteprise, Captain Kirk is able to defeat them and the ship escapes. [176]
  Species :  Scalosians
Picture from 2268  [177] The Enteprise visits an artificial planet created by a long dead species, the Kalandans. Although an automated defence system kills or attempts to kill several officers, they are eventually able to overcome it. [177]
  Species :  Kalandan
 [178] The Enterprise encounters Bele and Lokai, the last surviving members of the Cheronian species. The two men, who display an obsessive hatred for one another, are eventually abandoned on the ruins of their home world. [178]
  People :  Bele, Lokai
  Species :  Cheronians
 [59] The Enterprise visits the Tantalus V penal colony, finding that it has been taken over by Captain Garth, one of the inmates. Kirk is eventually able to overcome Garth and return the colony to proper control. [59]
  People :  Garth of Izar
Picture from 2268  [179] The Enterprise visits the planet Gideon, a planet whose rulers are somewhat reticient concerning conditions there. It is found that Gideon is a massively overpopulated planet, a situation they hope to remedy using a disease harvested from Captain Kirk. [179]
  Species :  Gideonite
 [180] Merak II falls victim to a botanical plague, which requires quantities of the mineral zenite to treat it. [181]
 [182] Federation data archive Memory Alpha is attacked by an alien life form. The creatures subsequently possesses the body of Enterprise crewman Mira Romain. The Enterprise is able to force the creatures from Romain's body and destroy them. [182]
  People :  Lieutenant Mira Romaine, Montgomery Scott
  Species :  Zetarian
Picture from 2269  [181] The Enterprise visits the cloud city of Stratos to pick up a shipment of zenite with which to stop a plague. Despite some local political difficulties, Captain Kirk is ultimately able to collect the shipment. [181]
  People :  Spock, Vanna, Plasus
  Species :  Ardanan
 [106] The Enterprise captures the thieves who stole the space cruiser Aurora, Dr. Severin and his followers. Severin is subsequently able to hijack the Enterprise, using it to find a mythical lost planet which he thinks represents Eden. The planet proves to be filled with plant-life which is highly poisonous. [106]
  People :  Doctor Thomas Sevrin, Tongo Rad, Irina Galliulin, Pavel A. Chekov
 [183] The Enterprise visits Holberg 917G to find supplies of ryetalyn, vital to treat a disease which is ravaging the crew. On the planet they meet Flint, an immortal human who has lived for thousands of years. [183]
  People :  Flint
 [184] The senior officers of the Enterprise are subjected to an experiment by the Excalbians, who are seeking to determine the relative strengths of the concepts of good and evil. [184]
  Species :  Excalbian
Picture from 2269  [185] The Beta Niobe sun goes supernove, destroying the planet Sarpeidon. In the hours before the planet's destruction, the Enterprise investigates the civilisation there, finding that they population has used time travel to escape to the past. [185]
 [186] The Enterprise responds to a distress call from Camus II. Dr. Janice Lester uses an alien device there to swap bodies with Captain Kirk. The transfer does not hold, and the two eventally revert to their own bodies. [186]
 [187] The USS Enterprise completes its five year mission. [187]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
 [188] Captain Kirk is promoted to Admiral and assigned as Chief of Starfleet Operations. [188]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [189] Keiko O'Brien's mother is born in this year. She will live until at least her 100th birthday in 2369. [190]
  People :  Keiko O'Brien


Year Event
 [191] Spock retires from Starfleet in order to undergo the Kolinahr. [188]
  People :  Spock
 [191] McCoy retires from Starfleet. [188]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [188] Admiral Nogura reassigns Admiral Kirk as Captain of the USS Enterprise in order to deal with the V'Ger threat. [188]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Admiral Nogura
 [188] Spock rejects the award of the Kolinahr discipline and returns to Starfleet as Science Officer of the USS Enterprise. Shortly afterward, becomes the ship's First Officer as well. [188]
  People :  Spock
 [188] McCoy is drafted back into Starfleet against his wishes under the little-known, seldom-used 'reserve activation clause'. [188]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [193] Sulu's daughter, Demora, is born. [115]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu, Demora Sulu
 [188] Chekov serves on the USS Enterprise as weapons officer during the V'Ger incident. [188]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov
 [188] Chapel had become an MD by this point. [188]
  People :  Christine Chapel
 [188] Rand serves on the refitted USS Enterprise as transporter chief. [188]
  People :  Janice Rand
Picture from 2271  [188] The newly launched USS Enterprise encounters the entity known as V'Ger. V'Ger merges with Commander Decker to become a new life form. [188]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
 [194] Klingon forces under the command of Kor win a stunning victory over the Romulans at Klach D'kel Brakt. [194]
  People :  Kor
  Species :  Klingons, Romulans
 [195] The weather control system on Kaldos becomes operational. It is one of the Federation's first ventures into this type of system. [195]
 [196] Sarek begins work on a treaty with the Legarans. [196]
  People :  Spock, Sarek
 [197] The Artemis departs for Septimus Minor. It instead crashes on Tau Cygna V, where many of the crew die of hyperonic radiation. [197]
 [198] An individual named Tressa is born on Drayan II in the Delta Quadrant. [198]
 [199] Spock is promoted to Captain and assigned to Starfleet Academy as an instructor. Duties include command of the USS Enterprise during training missions. [91]
  People :  Spock
 [199] Chekov is assigned to the Starship Reliant as First Officer. [91]
  People :  Pavel A. Chekov
 [200] McCoy is promoted to Commander. [200]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [200] The USS Enterprise is retired from front line duty and assigned to Starfleet Academy as a training ship. [200]
 [200] Starfleet abolishes the practice of maintaining a different emblem for each Starship. [200]
Picture from 2278  [201] The USS Bozeman, NCC 1941, disappears near the Typhon Expanse. [201]
 [202] Pardek becomes a member of the Romulan senate. [202]
  Species :  Romulans
 [203] Mark Jameson is born [203]
  People :  Admiral Mark Jameson
 [204] A treaty is signed between the Navot and the Paqu groups on Bajor. [204]
  Species :  Bajorans


Year Event
Picture from 2281  [205] Saavik enters Starfleet Academy. [91]
  People :  Lieutenant Saavik
 [206] Kirk meets the young Demora Sulu for the last time prior to the launch of the Enterprise-B. [206]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [207] Kirk retires from Starfleet. [207]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [208] Tuvok undergoes the ritual of tal'oth - four months in a Vulcan desert with only a knife to stay alive. [208]
  People :  Tuvok
 [209] Kirk meets and falls in love with Antonia while out riding. [209]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Antonia
 [210] A bottle of Romulan Ale is produced in this year. McCoy will give the bottle to Kirk as a gift in the future. [210]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock
 [211] Kirk returns to Starfleet as an instructor in the Academy, much to the disappointment of Antonia. He moves to San Francisco. [211]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Antonia
Audrid dies. The Dax symbiont is joined to Torias. He subsequently becomes a test pilot. [25]
  People :  Dax
Torias Dax marries a woman named Nilani Kahn, a joined Trill. [212]
  People :  Dax
  Species :  Trill
Picture from 2284  [213] Carol Marcus presents the Genesis project proposal to the Federation. The project is funded and she begins working on the Genesis Device. [213]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Carol Marcus
 [214] Torias Dax dies after a shuttle accident. The Dax symbiont is joined to Joran Belar, a musician. [215]
  People :  Dax
 [216] The Starship Excelsior is commissioned. [217]
Picture from 2285  [91] USS Reliant, searching for a lifeless planet for use in the Genesis experiment, is seized by Khan Noonian Sing. Sing attempts to steal the Genesis Device, but is engaged in battle by the USS Enterprise under the command of Admiral Kirk. Spock is killed saving the Enterprise from destruction. The USS Reliant is lost in the battle, along with Khan and all of his remaining followers. [91]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand, Khan Noonien Singh, Joaquim
 [91] Spock is reborn on the Genesis planet. [218]
  People :  Spock
 [218] Saavik and David Marcus are assigned to the USS Grissom to investigate the Genesis planet. [218]
  People :  Lieutenant Saavik, Doctor David Marcus
Picture from 2285  [219] The Enterprise is retired. Scotty is appointed Captain of engineering on the USS Excelsior; Uhura takes a position as a transporter operator on Spacedock. Both abandon their posts along with the rest of the Enterprise senior officers in order to steal the Enterprise and rescue the rejuvenated Spock from the Genesis planet. Unfortunately, the Enterprise is destroyed during the mission and Kirk's son David is killed by the Klingons. The crew proceed to Vulcan in a captured Bird of Prey and succeed in reuniting Spock's Katra with his body. [218]
  People :  Montgomery Scott, Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Doctor David Marcus, Carol Marcus, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel A. Chekov
 [220] Joran Dax proves to be badly unstable; after he commits a murder the symbiont is removed and transferred to Curzon. [220]
  People :  Dax
 [29] Spock undergoes re-education on Vulcan. [29]
  People :  Spock
Picture from 2286  [29] A gigantic alien probe attempts to contact the long-extinct Humpbacked whales on Earth, causing environmental havoc on the planet. Chapel and Rand serve at Starfleet Command during the crisis. [29]
  People :  Christine Chapel, Janice Rand
 [29] The HMS Bounty rescues a pair of humpbacked whales from extinction by time travelling to 20th century Earth. The whales convince the alien probe to leave Earth. [29]
  Species :  Humpback Whale
 [29] All charges related to the theft and destruction of the Enterprise are dropped for the majority of the crew. Admiral Kirk is convicted of disobeying orders and reduced in rank to Captain. He takes command of the USS Enterprise-A. His officers from the Enterprise are also appointed to the new ship. [217]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [221] The USS Hathaway is launched. [221]
 [18] The Enterprise-A travels to the centre of the galaxy and penetrates the Great Barrier. [18]
 [222] On the planet Acamar, the Lornaks clan massacres the rival Tralesta clan. This all but ends a feud which has been going on since 2086. However, some few Tralestas survive. One, Yuta, is altered to slow her ageing and infected with a virus which will kill any Lornak she touches. [223]
  People :  Yuta
  Species :  Acamarian
 [224] The transwarp development project is deemed unsuccessful. [224]
 [201] Starfleet retires the Soyuz class Starships from service. [201]
 [225] Tuvok joins Starfleet Academy. [225]
  People :  Tuvok
 [226] Federation negotiator Curzon Dax holds difficult talks with Kang at the Korvat colony. The two become good friends. [226]
  People :  Dax


Year Event
Picture from 2290  [227] Sulu is promoted to Captain and assigned command of the USS Excelsior. [227]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu
 [228] An alliance between the Klingon and Romulan Empires collapses, leaving the two as blood enemies for seventy five years. [229]
  Species :  Romulans, Klingons
 [217] Rand serves on the USS Excelsior as communications officer. [217]
  People :  Janice Rand
 [225] Tuvok graduates from Starfleet Academy. He is appointed to the USS Excelsior, where he serves during the Khitomer Crisis. [225]
  People :  Tuvok
 [217] Spock arranges the peace conference between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. [217]
  People :  Spock
 [217] Uhura is scheduled to give a seminar at Starfleet Academy; cancels the appearance to return to the Enterprise-A for the mission to meet Chancellor Gorkon. [217]
  People :  Nyota Uhura, Chancellor Gorkon
Picture from 2293  [217] The Enterprise-A escorts Chancellor Gorkon to Earth for a peace conference. When Gorkon is assassinated, Kirk uncovers a plot to reverse the recent easing of tensions between the Federation and Klingons. [217]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov, Chancellor Gorkon
  Species :  Humans, Klingons
 [217] The Enterprise-A crew are responsible for saving the Khitomer Peace Conference, along with Captain Sulu of the USS Excelsior. [217]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov
 [115] The Enterprise-A is decommissioned. [115]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard H. McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura, Pavel A. Chekov
 [217] Spock retires from Starfleet. [217]
  People :  Spock
Uhura retires from Starfleet.
  People :  Nyota Uhura
 [115] Kirk retires from Starfleet. [115]
  People :  James T. Kirk
 [217] McCoy retires from Starfleet. [217]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
Picture from 2293  [115] Scotty, Kirk and Chekov attend launch the Enterprise-B; the ship rescues some El-Aurian refugees from the Lakul on its maiden voyage, including Guinan and Soran. Kirk is apparently killed on the mission, but is in fact swallowed into the Nexus. [115]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Montgomery Scott, Pavel A. Chekov, Guinan
 [230] Scotty retires from Starfleet relocates to the Norpin V colony. His ship crashes on a Dyson Sphere while on route to Norpin and Scotty places himself into suspended animation to await rescue. [230]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
 [231] A plasma plague breaks out on the planet Obi VI. [231]
 [232] The Ansata terrorist group begins operating against the Rutian government. [232]
  Species :  Rutian
 [233] First Contact with Ventax II by a Klingon expedition. [233]
  Species :  Klingons, Ventaxian
 [1] The USS Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu and hosting Ambassador Aidan Burgess, travels to meet representatives of the Tholian Assembly on a peace mission. Covert intelligence gathering by the Excelsior reveals that the Tholians are at war with the Neyel, whose ships are entering Tholian territory through interphase space. Captain Sulu is able to broker a ceasefire between the two sides, whilst Ambassador Burgess defects from the Federation to live amongst the Neyel in the Small Magellanic Cloud, making it her life’s mission to prepare them to be reuinted with the rest of Humanity. [1]
  People :  Hikaru Sulu, Pavel A. Chekov, Tuvok
  Species :  Humans, Tholians, Neyel
 [225] Lieutenant Tuvok resigns from Starfleet after finding it difficult to accept the illogic of other species. He returns to Vulcan and attempts to complete the Kolinahr discipline. [234]
  People :  Tuvok

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 The Sundered
2 Star Trek Beyond Kirk said in 2263 that he was now older than his father. Kirk was 30 then, so his father was born 59 years prior. Same date in both timelines.
3 Star Trek Beyond
4 TNG 6 Realm of Fear
5 Speculative The Vanguard novel Open Secrets establishes that she was in her mid 50s in 2266; this assumes she was exactly 55 at that time
6 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
7 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to have happened 53 years ago
8 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
9 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger He has more than fifty years of service - this is 51 years ago
10 TNG 2 Pen Pals One hundred and fifty years ago.
11 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger He was said to be 49 in 2265
12 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
13 TOS 3 Day of the Dove
14 TOS 2 The Ultimate Computer
15 TNG 6 Relics Scotty was 147 years old in 2369
16 VOY 2 Prototype
17 Star Trek Chronology Page 38
18 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
19 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Reyes notes that he has forty years in Starfleet
20 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
21 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint Data says McCoy is 137 years old in the episode
22 DS9 1 A Man Alone 140 years ago
23 TOS 3 Requiem for Methuselah 30 years ago
24 Speculative Speculation. Makes Emony around 35+ when she met McCoy
25 DS9 3 Facets
26 Star Trek Beyond His date of birth was shown on the Padd the Kelvin Spock looked at. This confirms the Star Trek Chronology date.
27 IDW Star Trek Comic Book, Issue 14
28 TOS 2 The Deadly Years
29 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
30 Speculative The Vanguard novel Open Secrets establishes that she was in her early 30s in 2266; this assumes she was exactly 32 at that time
31 TOS 1 The Cage
32 TOS 2 Amok Time Spock said this happened when he was 7, so this date is 7 years after the Chronology conjectural date for Spock's birth.
33 TOS 2 Amok Time
34 Star Trek Chronology Page 40
35 Various Original Series episodes
36 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger The drink was said to be 25 years old.
37 TOS 2 The Trouble With Tribbles
38 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before His personnel file said he was 23 years old in 2265
39 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
40 TNG 6 Relics Scotty said he had been an engineer for 52 years before retiring
41 DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations
42 Star Trek Chronology Page 41
43 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before Her personnel file said she was 21 years old in 2265
44 Mike Sussman This was a part of Archer's biography written for but not seen in "In a Mirror Darkly"
45 Star Trek Chronology Page 42
46 TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais? Says he was 22 years old in the episode
47 TOS 1 The Conscience of the King
48 Mike Sussman This was a part of Hoshi's biography unseen in the episode
49 VOY 7 Friendship One
50 TOS 1 The Conscience of the King Lenore was 19 at the time of the episode
51 SNW 1 Children of the Comet
52 SNW 1 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach Assuming it was exactly 10 years from the episode date.
53 SNW 1 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
54 TOS 2 Journey to Babel
55 TOS 1 Charlie X
56 DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses
57 Star Trek Chronology Page 43
58 TOS 1 Court Martial
59 TOS 3 Whom Gods Destroy
60 TOS 1 Shore Leave
61 Federation : The First 150 Years Page 114, 123
62 Federation : The First 150 Years
63 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 1
64 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to have happened more than 12 years ago; this is 13 years ago
65 Star Trek Chronology Page 45
66 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 45
67 TOS 2 Obsession
68 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets The bottle was said to be twelve years old
69 Star Trek Chronology Page 46
70 TOS 2 A Private Little War
71 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command
72 TOS 1 The Man Trap Ten year ago
73 TOS 1 The Man Trap This happened ten years before the episode
74 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder He was said the have worked for Reyes for three years before leaving Starfleet in 2259
75 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
76 TOS 2 Obsession Eleven years before the episode
77 TOS 1 The Conscience of the King 9 years ago according to Enterprise computer
78 Star Trek Chronology Page 47
79 SNW 1 Strange New Worlds
80 SNW 1 Ghosts of Illyria
81 SNW 1 Spock Amok
82 SNW 1 Memento Mori
83 SNW 1 The Serene Squall
84 SNW 1 The Elysian Kingdom
85 SNW 1 All Those Who Wander
86 SNW 1 A Quality of Mercy
87 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Six years before the events of the main book
88 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder Six years before the book
89 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
90 Star Trek Chronology
91 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
92 TOS 2 Bread and Circuses missing for 6 years.
93 TOS 1 The Man Trap
94 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of? Five years before the episode
95 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise Leila said she knew Spock six years ago
96 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise
97 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind Said to be a four-year medical student in 2266
98 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Stated to have happened in this year, shortly before Kirk was promoted to Captain.
99 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Immediately after the prologue
100 Star Trek Chronology Page 48; date in non-canon, but that it happened when Kirk took command of the Enterprise is canonical
101 Star Trek Chronology Page 48
102 TOS 1 Mudd's Women
103 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise Sandoval says they departed four years ago
104 TOS 2 Journey to Babel Amanda stated that Spock had not been home in four years
105 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder Sixteen months before the beginning of the book
106 TOS 3 The Way to Eden
107 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Stated to have happened before Starbase Vanguard was half built
108 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to have happened almost a year ago
109 VOY 3 Flashback Tuvok said he was 29 at the time of the Khitomer conference. Note that this is not consistent with Fury in which Janeway said he was yet to reach 100 years of age, implying a birth date after 2277.
110 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise Kirk noted that the colonists had been on the planet for three years
111 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Said to have happened last year
112 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger The book states that the affair had been going on for three months
113 Star Trek : SCE 64 - Distant Early Warning Year stated at the start of the book - a few months before the station's completion
114 Star Trek : SCE 64 - Distant Early Warning
115 Star Trek : Generations
116 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger Stated to take place shortly after 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'
117 TOS 1 Operation: Annihilate! Said to have happened two years ago
118 TOS 1 Operation: Annihilate!
119 TNG 2 Q Who Guinan said this happened a century ago
120 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets Less than a year before the events of the book
121 Star Trek Chronology Page 50
122 TOS 1 The Corbomite Maneuver
123 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets A month before the main section of the book, which takes place just after The Corbomite Maneuver
124 TOS 1 Charlie X Some time before Charlie X
125 TOS 1 The Enemy Within
126 TOS 1 The Naked Time
127 TOS 1 Balance of Terror
128 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
129 TOS 1 Dagger of the Mind
130 TOS 2 A Private Little War Tyree noted that the weapons had appeared nearly a year ago
131 TOS 1 Miri
132 TOS 1 The Galileo Seven
133 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 2
134 TOS 1 The Squire of Gothos
135 TOS 1 Arena
136 TOS 1 The Alternative Factor
137 TOS 1 Tomorrow is Yesterday
138 Star Trek Chronology Page 55
139 TOS 2 Catspaw
140 TOS 1 The Return of the Archons
141 TOS 1 Space Seed
142 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
143 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy
144 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever
145 TOS 2 Metamorphosis
146 TOS 2 Friday's Child
147 TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais?
148 TOS 2 The Doomsday Machine
149 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold
150 TOS 2 The Changeling
151 TOS 2 The Apple
152 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
153 TOS 2 I, Mudd
154 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan Khan said the explosion happened six months after he was left on the planet
155 TOS 2 Bread and Circuses
156 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier The Romulan Ambassador said the colony had been established 20 years ago
157 TOS 2 The Gamesters of Triskelion
158 TOS 2 The Immunity Syndrome
159 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
160 TOS 2 By Any Other Name
161 TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow
162 TOS 2 Patterns of Force
163 TOS 2 The Omega Glory
164 TOS 2 Assignment: Earth
165 TOS 3 Spectre of the Gun
166 TOS 3 Elaan of Troyius
167 TOS 3 The Paradise Syndrome
168 TOS 3 The Enterprise Incident
169 TOS 3 And the Children Shall Lead
170 TOS 3 Spock's Brain
171 TOS 3 Is There in Truth no Beauty?
172 TOS 3 The Empath
173 TOS 3 The Tholian Web
174 TOS 3 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
175 TOS 3 Plato's Stepchildren
176 TOS 3 Wink of an Eye
177 TOS 3 That Which Survives
178 TOS 3 Let that be Your Last Battlefield
179 TOS 3 The Mark of Gideon
180 Speculative Some time shortly before the episode
181 TOS 3 The Cloud Minders
182 TOS 3 The Lights of Zetar
183 TOS 3 Requiem for Methuselah
184 TOS 3 The Savage Curtain
185 TOS 3 All Our Yesterdays
186 TOS 3 Turnabout Intruder
187 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 78
188 Star Trek : The Motion Picture
189 DS9 1 Dax O'Brien was away to celebrate her 100th birthday
190 DS9 1 Dax
191 Star Trek Chronology Page 79
192 Star Trek : The Motion Picture Decker noted that the ship had been in redesign and refit for 18 months
193 Star Trek Chronology Page 80
194 DS9 2 Blood Oath Stated as happening almost a century before the episode; this is 99 years earlier
195 TNG 7 Sub Rosa Stated as happening almost a century before the episode; this is 99 years earlier
196 TNG 3 Sarek Sarek said he had worked on the treaty for 93 years
197 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command 92 years before the episode
198 VOY 2 Innocence 96 years old
199 Star Trek Chronology Page 82
200 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 82
201 TNG 5 Cause and Effect
202 TNG 5 Unification, Part 1 He had served for 9 decades.
203 TNG 1 Too Short a Season He was said to be 85 at the time
204 DS9 1 The Storyteller 90 years ago
205 Star Trek Chronology Page 83
206 Star Trek : Generations Chekov says it has been twelve years since the two met
207 Star Trek : Generations Kirk noted that this was 12 years before the Enterprise-B was launched
208 VOY 3 Displaced
209 Star Trek : Generations Kirk says it was eleven years before the launch of the Enterprise-B
210 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan Kirk read the date off the bottle
211 Star Trek : Generations Kirk notes that this happened nine years ago, and from his point of view the Enterprise-B was only just launched
212 DS9 4 Rejoined
213 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan Kirk says the tape presentation was made a year ago
214 Speculative Date is speculative
215 DS9 3 Equilibrium
216 Star Trek Chronology Page 84
217 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
218 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
219 Star Trek Chronology Page 85
220 DS9 3 Equilibrium Joran was joined for six months
221 TNG 2 Peak Performance The ship was said to be 80 years old
222 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor Data reports this as happening eighty years ago. However, Yuta states this was a century ago. I presume she was tallking in Acamarian years.
223 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
224 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 87
225 VOY 3 Flashback
226 DS9 2 Blood Oath 81 years ago
227 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country Sulu said that he had finished a his first 3 year mission as Captain
228 TNG 4 Reunion LaForge noted that the two powers had been blood enemies for 75 years
229 TNG 4 Reunion La Forge noted that the two powers had been blood enemies for 75 years
230 TNG 6 Relics
231 TNG 2 The Child 70 years ago
232 TNG 3 The High Ground Alexana said the ground had been going for 70 years
233 TNG 4 Devil's Due 70 years ago
234 VOY 3 Flashback His marriage to T'Pel is said to be six years later
Novel : The Sundered
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : Kirk said in 2263 that he was now older than his father. Kirk was 30 then, so his father was born 59 years prior. Same date in both timelines.
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Source : Speculative
Comment : The Vanguard novel Open Secrets establishes that she was in her mid 50s in 2266; this assumes she was exactly 55 at that time
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to have happened 53 years ago
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : He has more than fifty years of service - this is 51 years ago
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Pen Pals
Comment : One hundred and fifty years ago.
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : He was said to be 49 in 2265
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Day of the Dove
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Ultimate Computer
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Comment : Scotty was 147 years old in 2369
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Prototype
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 38
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Reyes notes that he has forty years in Starfleet
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Comment : Data says McCoy is 137 years old in the episode
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : A Man Alone
Comment : 140 years ago
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Requiem for Methuselah
Comment : 30 years ago
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculation. Makes Emony around 35+ when she met McCoy
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Comment : His date of birth was shown on the Padd the Kelvin Spock looked at. This confirms the Star Trek Chronology date.
Source : IDW Star Trek Comic Book, Issue 14
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Deadly Years
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Source : Speculative
Comment : The Vanguard novel Open Secrets establishes that she was in her early 30s in 2266; this assumes she was exactly 32 at that time
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Cage
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Comment : Spock said this happened when he was 7, so this date is 7 years after the Chronology conjectural date for Spock's birth.
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 40
Series : TOS Season
Episode : Various Original Series episodes
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : The drink was said to be 25 years old.
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Trouble With Tribbles
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : His personnel file said he was 23 years old in 2265
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Comment : Scotty said he had been an engineer for 52 years before retiring
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Trials and Tribble-ations
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 41
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : Her personnel file said she was 21 years old in 2265
Source : Mike Sussman
Comment : This was a part of Archer's biography written for but not seen in "In a Mirror Darkly"
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 42
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Comment : Says he was 22 years old in the episode
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Conscience of the King
Source : Mike Sussman
Comment : This was a part of Hoshi's biography unseen in the episode
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Friendship One
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Conscience of the King
Comment : Lenore was 19 at the time of the episode
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Children of the Comet
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Comment : Assuming it was exactly 10 years from the episode date.
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Charlie X
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : If Wishes Were Horses
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 43
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Court Martial
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Whom Gods Destroy
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Shore Leave
Source : Federation : The First 150 Years
Comment : Page 114, 123
Source : Federation : The First 150 Years
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 1
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to have happened more than 12 years ago; this is 13 years ago
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 45
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 45
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Comment : The bottle was said to be twelve years old
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 46
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Man Trap
Comment : Ten year ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Man Trap
Comment : This happened ten years before the episode
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Comment : He was said the have worked for Reyes for three years before leaving Starfleet in 2259
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Comment : Eleven years before the episode
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Conscience of the King
Comment : 9 years ago according to Enterprise computer
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 47
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Strange New Worlds
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Ghosts of Illyria
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Spock Amok
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Memento Mori
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Serene Squall
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Elysian Kingdom
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : All Those Who Wander
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : A Quality of Mercy
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Six years before the events of the main book
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Comment : Six years before the book
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Bread and Circuses
Comment : missing for 6 years.
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Man Trap
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Comment : Five years before the episode
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Comment : Leila said she knew Spock six years ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Comment : Said to be a four-year medical student in 2266
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Stated to have happened in this year, shortly before Kirk was promoted to Captain.
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Immediately after the prologue
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 48; date in non-canon, but that it happened when Kirk took command of the Enterprise is canonical
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 48
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Mudd's Women
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Comment : Sandoval says they departed four years ago
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Comment : Amanda stated that Spock had not been home in four years
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Comment : Sixteen months before the beginning of the book
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Way to Eden
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Stated to have happened before Starbase Vanguard was half built
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to have happened almost a year ago
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Comment : Tuvok said he was 29 at the time of the Khitomer conference. Note that this is not consistent with Fury in which Janeway said he was yet to reach 100 years of age, implying a birth date after 2277.
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Comment : Kirk noted that the colonists had been on the planet for three years
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Said to have happened last year
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : The book states that the affair had been going on for three months
Novel : Star Trek : SCE 64 - Distant Early Warning
Comment : Year stated at the start of the book - a few months before the station's completion
Novel : Star Trek : SCE 64 - Distant Early Warning
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Comment : Stated to take place shortly after 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Operation: Annihilate!
Comment : Said to have happened two years ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Operation: Annihilate!
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Comment : Guinan said this happened a century ago
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Comment : Less than a year before the events of the book
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 50
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Corbomite Maneuver
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Comment : A month before the main section of the book, which takes place just after The Corbomite Maneuver
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Charlie X
Comment : Some time before Charlie X
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Enemy Within
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Balance of Terror
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Dagger of the Mind
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Comment : Tyree noted that the weapons had appeared nearly a year ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Miri
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Galileo Seven
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 2
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Squire of Gothos
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Alternative Factor
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 55
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Catspaw
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Return of the Archons
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Friday's Child
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Doomsday Machine
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Apple
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : I, Mudd
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Comment : Khan said the explosion happened six months after he was left on the planet
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Bread and Circuses
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Comment : The Romulan Ambassador said the colony had been established 20 years ago
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Gamesters of Triskelion
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Immunity Syndrome
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : By Any Other Name
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Return to Tomorrow
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Patterns of Force
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Omega Glory
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Assignment: Earth
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spectre of the Gun
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Elaan of Troyius
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Paradise Syndrome
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Enterprise Incident
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : And the Children Shall Lead
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spock's Brain
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Empath
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Tholian Web
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Plato's Stepchildren
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Wink of an Eye
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : That Which Survives
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Mark of Gideon
Source : Speculative
Comment : Some time shortly before the episode
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Cloud Minders
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Lights of Zetar
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Requiem for Methuselah
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Savage Curtain
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : All Our Yesterdays
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Turnabout Intruder
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 78
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Comment : O'Brien was away to celebrate her 100th birthday
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 79
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Comment : Decker noted that the ship had been in redesign and refit for 18 months
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 80
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Blood Oath
Comment : Stated as happening almost a century before the episode; this is 99 years earlier
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Sub Rosa
Comment : Stated as happening almost a century before the episode; this is 99 years earlier
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sarek
Comment : Sarek said he had worked on the treaty for 93 years
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Comment : 92 years before the episode
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Innocence
Comment : 96 years old
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 82
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 82
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cause and Effect
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 1
Comment : He had served for 9 decades.
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Comment : He was said to be 85 at the time
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Storyteller
Comment : 90 years ago
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 83
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Comment : Chekov says it has been twelve years since the two met
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Comment : Kirk noted that this was 12 years before the Enterprise-B was launched
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Comment : Kirk says it was eleven years before the launch of the Enterprise-B
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Comment : Kirk read the date off the bottle
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Comment : Kirk notes that this happened nine years ago, and from his point of view the Enterprise-B was only just launched
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rejoined
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Comment : Kirk says the tape presentation was made a year ago
Source : Speculative
Comment : Date is speculative
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 84
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 85
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Comment : Joran was joined for six months
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Peak Performance
Comment : The ship was said to be 80 years old
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Comment : Data reports this as happening eighty years ago. However, Yuta states this was a century ago. I presume she was tallking in Acamarian years.
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 87
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Blood Oath
Comment : 81 years ago
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Comment : Sulu said that he had finished a his first 3 year mission as Captain
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Comment : LaForge noted that the two powers had been blood enemies for 75 years
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Comment : La Forge noted that the two powers had been blood enemies for 75 years
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Comment : 70 years ago
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The High Ground
Comment : Alexana said the ground had been going for 70 years
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Devil's Due
Comment : 70 years ago
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Comment : His marriage to T'Pel is said to be six years later

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