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Little Green Men

Universe : Prime Timeline
Location of Event : Earth [1]
Sate of Event : 2372 [1]
Nature of Event : Past Incursion [1]

In 2372 a group of Ferengi from Deep Space Nine journeyed to Earth on a personal shuttlecraft. Thanks to an accident whose details have never been made completely clear by the owner, the shuttle was thrown back in time over four hundred years. The shuttle crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico, on Earth's North American continent. Unfortunately local authorities captured the craft and it's inhabitants intact and took them to a nearby Army base. The Ferengi realised that the situation had presented them with a chance to acquire immense wealth by interfering with Earth's history; fortunately, difficulties with their universal translators prevented the trio from communicating effectively with the Humans investigating their appearance on the planet. [1]

Once the communication problems were overcome Quark, the lead Ferengi, immediately offered to sell advanced technology to Earth. Whilst his offer was being considered a dog on the base revealed itself to be Deep Space Nine's Constable Odo, who had been keeping Quark under covert surveillance during his trip. Along with some sympathetic members of the base staff, Odo convinced Quark and the others to return to their ship and attempt to travel back to 2372 using the energy liberated in an atomic bomb test explosion. The attempt was successful. [1]

Although the government of 1947 refused to officially confirm the presence of aliens at Roswell, rumours circulated for decades afterwards. Fortunately, the timeline contamination was minimal and temporal investigations chose not to make any attempt to reverse the events.

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 4 Little Green Men
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Little Green Men

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 33,684 Last updated : 27 Jul 2004