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Universe : Prime Timeline
Location of Event : Delta Quadrant [1]
Date of event : Involved 2371, 237?, 2375, 2875, 2876 [1]
Nature of Event : Past Incursions [1]

In the entire history of Temporal Investigations there have been only a handful of cases like this. The Wells class Timeship Relativity was conducting some scans of the timeline when it discovered that a temporal disruptor weapon had been placed on board the USS Voyager at some point in its history. The weapon had lain inactive for some time but in 2375 it was activated, destroying the ship and killing all on board. Detailed scans indicated that these events were not in fact part of the preferred timeline, and Captain Braxton decided to correct the situation.

Braxton chose to recruit one of Voyagers crew, Seven of Nine, in order to assist in the operation. Several attempts were made to locate the exact position of the weapon and the date on which it was planted. Seven was killed at least once during this operation, but Braxton continued to recruit her from just before the destruction of Voyager.

On one mission Seven searched the ship shortly before it was launched, meeting with Captain Janeway on the day she first came aboard. Seven was able to locate the device in one of Voyagers Jefferies Tubes, but was not able to determine the exact date of its positioning before having to be beamed out. On a later mission Seven was able to determine that the temporal disruptor was planted during a Kazon attack on Voyager in 237?. Unfortunately, she had to confess her identity to the Captain Janeway of this period in order to do so. Janeway and Seven went together to the Jefferies Tube, and discovered the weapon being placed by none other than Captain Braxton.

This version of Braxton originated from a time ahead of even the Relativity's 'current' time frame. He confessed that he had become increasingly irritated with Voyager after having to clear up several incidents of timeline contamination caused by Janeway. The final straw had come when Voyager caused Braxton to be stranded on 20th century Earth for several decades. Although he had gone through rehabilitation after this event, Braxtons grudge against Janeway had become obsessive. He decided to destroy the ship early in its time in the Delta Quadrant, so avoiding his marooning on Earth. The Executive Officer of the Relativity relieved and arrested that times Braxton for crimes he would commit in the future. In the past Braxton attempted to escape; although eventually he was captured, the timeline was significantly polluted in the process.

Ultimately, the Relativity was able to repair the timeline and restore all events to their proper sequence. The two versions of Captain Braxton were reintegrated and eventually convicted of deliberate alteration of the preferred timeline. He is currently serving a term in a Federation rehabilitation colony. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 5 Relativity
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Relativity

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 34,688 Last updated : 20 Sep 2016