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Klingon S.D.S.

Size Comp
Universe : Prime Timeline
Class Name : Klingon S.D.S.
Type : Strategic defence system
Unit Run : 140 built in total. 26 have been lost in all.
Commissioned : 2365 - present
Dimensions : Diameter : 1,532 m
Height (main) : 1,484 m
Height (overall) : 1,584 m [1]
Decks : 395
Mass : 18,000,000 metric tons
Crew : Uncertain; approximatel 2,000 - 5,000
Armament : 36 x Mark 10 disruptor cannon, total output 172,500 TeraWatts
5 x Triple Fire photon torpedo tube + 1,200 torpedoes
Defence Systems : Standard shield system, total capacity 2,511,000 TeraJoules
Light Duranium / Tritanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Docking Facilities : 3 docking bays capable of holding small starships [2]
Klingon S.D.S. : Not capable of independent movement; attitude control and/or orbital adjustment only.
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 3,450
Torpedo Firepower : 600
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 800
Shield Strength : 930
Hull Armour : 3.13
Speed : -
Combat Manoeuvrability : -
Overall Strength Index : 1,379
Diplomatic Capability : None
Expected Hull Life : Unknown


The Klingons have always been relatively secretive about their military hardware but during those periods when they have been allies the Federation has built up a good knowledge of the Klingon fleet's numbers and capabilities. During the Dominion war Klingon and Federation ships worked very closely together, giving each a good picture of the numbers and capabilities of the other. [3] When it comes to those military forces based within the Klingon Empire itself, however, rather less is known.

The Federation was aware that the Klingons had developed a new class of space station in the mid 2360's, and that it was designed to provide heavy defences to fixed installations such as planets and asteroids. But there was no information regarding the nature of this station, and for a long time it was assumed that the system was based around relatively small unmanned weapon platforms.

In 2373, Captain Sisko discovered information indicating that Chancellor Gowron had been replaced by a Changeling. [4] He led a small team into Klingon space in an attempt to infiltrate the Klingon base of Ty'Gokor, the site of an upcoming ceremony which Gowron would attend. The asteroid proved to have several defence stations orbiting it [5], and the Bird of Prey which carried the infiltration team was able to conduct detailed passive scans of them whilst Sisko was away.

The stations proved almost all of Starfleets expectations wrong. Instead of small weapon platforms, they were fully manned and equipped stations in their own right. Each one was over a kilometre and a half tall and was equipped with both disruptor and torpedo weapons. The upper and lower sections were studded with various antennas [2], indicating a formidable communications and sensor capability. The central section is the largest [2], and is thought to contain most of the crew quarters and major systems.

Above this is a narrower section which has four hangar bays emerging radially from it. Each of these is large enough to accommodate a bird of prey [2], and it is thought that every station has several such vessels permanently assigned to it in order to provide a local patrol capability and augment its firepower - in much the same way that Starfleet assigned the USS Defiant to Deep Space Nine.

Since it was limited to passive scans the cloaked ship was not able to ascertain anything beyond the basic details, and there are still significant unknowns regarding this station design.

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative Scaled to the Bird of Prey as shown in the Encyclopedia 2nd edition - vessel assumed to be a standard Bird of Prey type at 109 metres in length. Note that if the vessel shown is a larger variant, the station would have dimensions up to six times larger than this.
2 Visible on the shooting model
3 Various Deep Space Nine episodes
4 DS9 4 Broken Link
5 DS9 5 Apocalypse Rising
Source : Speculative
Comment : Scaled to the Bird of Prey as shown in the Encyclopedia 2nd edition - vessel assumed to be a standard Bird of Prey type at 109 metres in length. Note that if the vessel shown is a larger variant, the station would have dimensions up to six times larger than this.
Source : Visible on the shooting model
Series : DS9 Season
Episode : Various Deep Space Nine episodes
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Broken Link
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Apocalypse Rising


Seen only in the DS9 episode "Apocalypse Rising", these stations were orbiting the asteroid Ty'Gokor. They were designed by Anthony Fredrickson, and although nothing was said about them in the episode they are apparently some sort of defence installation. As with most alien ships and structures I've dotted the specs with "unknowns" since the real DITL probably wouldn't know too much about them. The notes are largely intended to support this and cover the events of the episode.

The station is scaled from the Encyclopedia diagram, which shows the a Bird of prey next to one of the hangar bays. I have assumed that the vessel shown is a 109 metre variant. If it were instead one of the larger variants which may or may not actually exist, then the station could be anything up to six times the dimensions I've calculated, making it a maximum of over nine and a half kilometres tall. That extreme figure depends on the DS9 TM's size for the K'Vort, which IMHO is highly unlikely to be right. By my own figures for the K'Vort, the station would be about 4.75 kilometres tall. However, since there's no real evidence one way or the other, I've gone with the lower figure for now.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 22,895 Last updated : 20 Sep 2016