Year |
Event |
500,000 bc |
● [1]
Civilization flourished on the planet Bajor at approximately this time. [1]
30,000 bc |
● [2]
An ancient city was built on Bajor in this period. It would be inhabited for the next five thousand years, at which time it was abandoned and became buried under sediment. The city of B'hala was subsequently built on top of it. [3]
25,000 bc |
● [4]
An ancient city on Bajor becomes abandoned and is buried under sediment. The city of B'hala was subsequently built on top of it. [3]
7,750 bc |
● [5]
The first of the Bajoran Orbs is discovered. [5]
630 bc |
● [6]
Bajoran prophet Trakor encounters the Orb of Change. He subsequently makes many prophecies, some of which appear to come true in the 24th century. [6]
2172 |
● [7]
Bajoran poet Akorem Laan is thought lost whilst on an interplanetary journey. He actually stumbles into the Bajoran Wormhole. [7]
2279 |
● [8]
A treaty is signed between the Navot and the Paqu groups on Bajor. [8]
2309 |
● [9]
Representatives of the Cardassian union offer assistance to Bajor. Although their presence is seen as benign, this will eventually lead to the Occupation. [9]
2343 |
● [10]
Kira Nerys is born on Bajor. [10]
2353 |
● [11]
Dukat's daughter, Tora Ziyal, is born to the Bajoran Tora Naprem. [11]
2355 |
● [12]
Kira joins the Bajoran Resistance. [12]
2362 |
● [13]
Dukat places the Cardassian child Rugal into a Bajoran orphanage, hoping the boy will become an embarrassment for his father Kotan Pa'Dar, a political enemy of Dukat's. [13]
2363 |
● [14]
Quark has a brief affair with Natima Lang, who admires him for illegally selling food to Bajorans. They break up when she finds he used her personal access codes to steal money. [14]
2365 |
● [15]
Kira kills a Bajoran named Vaatrik while on a mission on Deep Space Nine. Although Odo is ordered to investigate the crime by Gul Dukat, he is not able to discover the guilty party for another five years. [15]
2366 |
● [11]
Dukat sends his Bajoran mistress and their daughter to Lissepia on the Ravinok. The vessel vanishes on route to the planet. [11]
2368 |
● [16]
Ensign Ro Laren joins the crew of the Enterprise in order to take part in a mission to contact a Bajoran terrorist group who recently attacked a Federation colony on Solarion IV and negotiate to prevent further attacks. The mission proves to be a ruse by Starfleet Admiral Kennelly, who is working with the Cardassians in order to eliminate the group. Captain Picard is able to overcome the ruse. In the aftermath, Ensign Ro joins the crew permanently. [16]
2369 |
● [17]
The Cardassians retreat from the Bajoran system, abandoning the Terok Nor ore processing facility in orbit of the planet. The Bajoran Provisional Government asks Starfleet to take over the running of the station. [17]
● [17]
Jadzia is assigned to Deep Space Nine. She and Commander Sisko discover the a stable wormhole in the Bajoran system's Denorios belt. The wormhole has existed for at least 10,000 years in a stable state, apparently due to the influence of aliens who live within it. Sisko is successful in convincing the wormhole aliens to allow traffic to use the wormhole. [17]
● [18]
Tahna Los, a member of the Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorist organisation, arrives on Deep Space Nine. His presence proves to be part of a mission to destroy the Bajoran wormhole. The station crew are able to defeat the plan and take Tahna into custody. [18]
● [19]
Kai Opaka visits the Gamma Quadrant with Captain Sisko, where an automated defence system around a penal moon shoots down her Runabout, resulting in her death. Nanotechnology located on the moon resurrects Opaka, who chooses to stay on the moon to help the warring residents achieve peace. [19]
● [20]
Chief O'Brien is briefly taken to be the successor to the religious leader of a Bajoran village. The mistake is quickly cleared up. [20]
● [21]
Gul Darhe'el, commander of the infamous Gallitep labour camp suring the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, is apparently captured aboard Deep Space Nine. However, investigation by Major Kira proves that the man is actually Aamin Marritza, a file clerk at Gallitep who is attempting to impersonate Darhe'el to bring light to the crimes of Cardassia. [21]
● [22]
Vedek Winn accuses Keiko O'Brien of teaching blasphemy in the Deep Space Nine school. Although considerable controversy results on the station, the situation is resolved. [22]
2370 |
● [23]
The Xenophobic Bajoran rebel group "The Circle" gains popularity on Bajor, seeking to overturn the Bajoran provisional government. Major Kira uncovers evidence that Bajoran hero Li Nalas may still be alive in a Cardassian prison camp and sets out to rescue him. [23]
● [24]
Major Kira is replaced as first officer of DS9 by Li Nalas. Shortly thereafter, a Circle assault force takes possession of Deep Space Nine. [24]
● [25]
Captain Sisko leads a covert campaign to disrupt Circle control of Deep Space Nine. Major Kira and Lieutenant Dax discover evidence that the Circle is a front for the Cardassians and present it to the Council of Ministers. Support for the Circle collapses and the organisation falls apart. Li Nalas is killed. [25]
● [26]
A massive group of Skreean refugees arrive through the Bajoran wormhole, fleeing the Dominion. They want to settle on Bajor, but the Bajoran government forcibly settles them on Draylon II instead. [26]
● [27]
Vedek Winn asks Major Kira to investigate rumours of a prominent Bajoran who turned traitor during the war. The evidence indicates that Vedek Bareil is the guilty party, although in fact he is taking the blame for Kai Opaka. The scandal destroys his chances of being elected Kai, and Vedek Winn gains the position instead. [27]
2371 |
● [28]
Veder Bareil Antos begins negotiations with Legate Turrel of the Cardassian Union, with a view to signing a formal peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia. The negotiations will continue for the next five months. [29]
● [30]
The Bajoran gratitude festival is held on Deep Space Nine. Lwaxana attends the festivities. [30]
● [31]
Deep Space Nine hosts the first joint Bajoran/Cardassian/Federation science mission. Although some believe that Bajoran prophecies indicate imminent doom, the mission is successful. [31]
● [32]
Commander Sisko builds a solar sail craft and sets out on a mission to recreate the early Bakoran flights with his son Jake. Thanks to a tachyon anomaly, he is able to pilot the craft all the way to Cardassian space, proving that legends of such flights in the past are in fact possible. [32]
● [33]
The First Minister of the Bajoran Provisional Government dies. Kai Winn is appointed as his replacement. When Winn almost causes a minor civil war over some soil reclamantors, Major Kira's old friend Shaakar decides to stand for the First Minister position in order to draw publicity to her actions. Winn decides to step down from the position. [33]
2372 |
● [34]
The Klingons begin to lay a minefield around the Bajoran system; Captain Sisko destroys the field. Worf's brother Kurn comes to Deep Space Nine to participate in a ritual suicide, considering himself to have lost his honour. [34]
2373 |
● [35]
Bajor is accepted for entry into the Federation. One the eve of the ceremony, Captain Sisko locates the ancient Bajoran lost city of B'hala. Visions from the Bajoran prophets convince him that Bajor must reject Federation membership, and on his advice they choose to suspend their application. [35]
2375 |
● [36]
Sisko discovers the Orb of the Emissary and uses it to re-open the Bajoran Wormhole. [36]
● [37]
Dukat attempts to release the pah-wraiths from captivity with the help of Kai Winn, and is trapped in the fire caves with them for all eternity by Sisko. Sisko ascends to a higher state of being, choosing to live with the Bajoran Prophets within the wormhole. [37]
2377 |
● [38]
Many of Voyager's crew fall under the influence of an old mind control program implanted by a Bajoran Vedek. [38]