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Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] The Dominion is founded by the shape shifting species known as Changelings in order to provide them with protection from non shape shifters and impose order on the region. The Changelings become known as the Founders. They are so reclusive that few in the Dominion believe that they actually exist. [2]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar
Picture from 374  [3] The Jem'Hadar become the Dominion's primary military force. [3]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Founders
 [4] The Dominion inflict the planet Teplan with a disease known as the Blight. [4]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar, Tellarites
Picture from 2373  [5] Conducting a mineral survey of Torga IV, a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Captain Sisko discovers a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Despite opposition from a group of Jem'Hadar led by the Vorta, Kilana, he manages to recover the ship and return it to Starfleet for analysis. In the process, one a Changeling hiding aboard the vessel dies. [5]
  People :  Kilana
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Founders
 [6] Captain Sisko and his crew crashland on a planet after their ship is damaged on a covert mission behind enemy lines. They manage to overcome a band of Jem'Hadar who are also on the planet, thanks to their Vorta leader betraying them. [6]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Keevan, Remata'Klan, Limara'Son
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
Picture from 2374  [7] Dominion forces invade the planet Betazed; the planet's loss is regarded as a disaster for the Allied forces. [7]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar, Betazoids

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 4 To the Death Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in
2 DS9 4 To the Death Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in "The Dogs of War" that the Dominion had not surrendered in battle in 10,000 years.
3 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1 Said to have happened 2,000 years before the episode
4 DS9 4 The Quickening Two hundred years ago.
5 DS9 5 The Ship
6 DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals
7 DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Comment : Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Comment : Weyoun said that the Dominion had lasted for 2,000 years. Note that this contradicts a statement by another Weyoun in "The Dogs of War" that the Dominion had not surrendered in battle in 10,000 years.
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Comment : Said to have happened 2,000 years before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Comment : Two hundred years ago.
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Rocks and Shoals
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : In the Pale Moonlight

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,283 Last updated : 6 Apr 2020