Year |
Event |
850 bc |
● [1]
The Vulcan sanctuary at P'Jem is established. [2]
266 |
● [3]
Spock's ancestors acquire a tract of land on Vulcan. They will hold this area until at least 2267, when Soock will attend his Kun-Ut-Kali-Fee ceremony at a ceremonial site located on the land. [4]
354 |
● [5]
Surak's teachings bring him reknown as the father of Vulcan logic. [5]
370 |
● [6]
The Vulcans adopt a philosophy of suppressing emotion in favour of logic under the guidance of their greatest leader, Surak. Those Vulcans who reject the teachings of Surak leave the planet and settle on Romulus and Remus. [6]
1869 |
● [7]
The Vulcans achieve interstellar flight. [8]
1953 |
● [9]
First contact between the Andorians and the Vulcans, leading to a prolonged period of hostilities. [9]
1957 |
● [10]
Sputnik 1 is launched, Earth's first artificial satellite. The launch is observed by a Vulcan vessel which subsequently crashes on the planet, stranding the crew there for some months. [11]
2051 |
● [12]
The Vulcan ship T'Plana encounters a class 5 neutronic wavefront and is destroyed. [13]
2053 |
● [14]
The Vulcans make first contact with the Arkonians. The initial contact goes well but the Arkonians prove hostile and difficult to deal with, and eventually contact is broken off. [14]
2058 |
● [15]
V'Lar becomes an Ambassador. [15]
2063 |
● [16]
Zefram Cochrane makes Humanities first faster than light journey. The flight results in First Contact between Humans and Vulcans. [16]
2097 |
● [17]
The Andorian planetoid Weytahn is captured by the Vulcans; the Andorian colonists are removed and the planetoid is renamed Pan Mokar [17]
2103 |
● [18]
A Vulcan ship discovers Berengaria VII. The crew's report includes the discovery of fire breathing flying reptiles more than 200 metres in length. This is rather doubted by many on Vulcan [19], though the report is in fact accurate. [20]
2105 |
● [21]
The Vulcan and Andorians agree a territorial compromise over the planet Weytahn / Pan Mokar. Despite the agreement tensions remain high and the two sides almost go to war twice over the next 92 years. [21]
2122 |
● [22]
The Vulcan Ministry of Security sends agents to infiltrate the criminal syndicates on the planet Agoran at the request of the government. Some of the agents will later refuse to return to Vulcan, though all will eventually be recaptured. [22]
2128 |
● [24]
T'Pol undergoes a dental procedure to seal her teeth with tri-fluorinate compound. Despite the treatment, some decay will appear by 2151. [24]
2135 |
● [25]
T'Pol graduates from the Vulcan Ministry of Security. Her first assignment is to capture seven Vulcan agents who have refused to leave the planet Agoran. T'Pol captures five of the agents, and is forced to kill the sixth. The seventh, Menos, escapes. Guilty at her actions, T'Pol leaves the Ministry of Security and spends time at the monastery on P'Jem. [25]
2137 |
● [26]
An artifact is uncovered on Vulcan by Syrran. The artifact bears Surak's katra, which Syrran is able to recover. [26]
2144 |
● [27]
The Vulcan ship Vahklas leaves the planet with a group of V'tosh ka'tur - 'Vulcans without logic' - who are experimenting with creating a new lifestyle for themselves. [27]
2149 |
● [28]
T'Pol moves to Earth as part of the Vulcan diplomatic mission on the planet. [28]
2151 |
● [29]
Archer reveals the existence of a secret Vulcan intelligence installation beneath the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem to the Andorians. Shortly afterwards they destroy both the monastery and the base beneath. [29]
● [30]
The NX-01 encounters a group of Vulcans who believe in experiencing emotions. T'Pol is forced to undergo a mind meld by one of the group, contracting Pa'nar Syndrome in the process. [30]
● [31]
The NX-01 recovers Vulcan ambassador V'Lar from the planet Mazar and returns her to a Vulcan ship, in spite of some resistance from the Mazarites. [31]
2152 |
● [32]
Captain Archer negotiates a ceasefire between the Vulcans and Andorians, resolving the Weytahn / Pan Mokar crisis. This marks the first time Humans are able to provide major assistance to the Vulcans. [32]
2153 |
● [33]
T'Pol resigns from the Vulcan High Command to take part in Enterprise's mission to the Delphic Expanse. [33]
● [34]
The Enterprise discovers the Vulcan ship Seleya adrift in the expanse, it's crew driven insane by the effects of Trellium-D. T'Pol also experiences the effects of the substance when she boards the ship [34]; she becomes a habitual user of it afterwards. [35]
2161 |
● [36]
The United Federation of Planets is formed by the Human, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite governments. [37]
2165 |
● [38]
Sarek is born on the planet Vulcan. [38]
2218 |
● [39]
Fifty years worth of hostility between the Federation and the Klingon Empire begin. [39]
2250 |
● [40]
A Vulcan science mission reports a subspace rupture in the Hanoli star system. They detonate a pulse wave torpedo in the rupture in attempt to seal it. Unfortunately, the attempt causes the rupture to expand radically, destroying both the Vulcan expedition and the entire system. [40]
2258 |
● [41]
An attempt to rescue Sybok from a Vulcan rehabilitation centre fails and he remains an inmate. [41]
2264 |
2267 |
● [38]
The Enterprise transports over a hundred delegates to the planet Babel for a conference regarding the admission of Coridan to the Federation. Included amongst them is Ambassador Sarek, leading to his first meeting with his son Spock in four years and the first time the two exchange words in 18 years. Despite an attempt to sabotage the conference, the Enterprise succeeds in reaching Babel safely. [38]
2366 |
● [43]
The Enterprise-D transports Ambassador Sarek to take part in the Legarans conference, which he has been working towards since 2273. Sarek's participation is threatened when it is discovered that he is suffering from Bendi syndrome. A mind meld with Captain Picard allows Sarek to complete his mission. [43]
2368 |
● [44]
Spock goes to Romulus without authorisation in order to work undercover toward the goal of re-unification. Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data are sent to Romulus in a Klingon Bird of Prey to investigate. [44]
● [45]
Captain Picard is able to make contact with Ambassador Spock on Romulus and, with his help, warn the Federation of a Romulan plot to invade Vulcan. With this warning, the Enterprise-D is able to turn back the invasion force. The success is tempered by the death of Spock's father, Sarek, who has long been suffering from Bendi syndrome. [45]
2370 |
● [46]
Captain Picard and Commander Riker discover that Arctus Baran's mercenary group is being manipulated by Romulan agent Tallera, who is seeking to gain control of a telepathic weapon. They are able to foil Tallera's plans. [46]