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Antiproton Beam Borg Shield Drainer Breen Energy Dampener Chroniton torpedoes Contact Weapons CRM-114 Disintegrator Disruptors Druoda warhead Echo Papa 607 Isokinetic cannon Isolytic subspace weapons Isomagnetic disintergrator Lasers Maco Rifle Mines Pain Stick Phase Weapons Phased Polaron Beam Phasers Photon Grenades Photon Torpedoes Plasma Weapons Projectile Weapons Quantum Torpedoes Spatial Torpedo Subspace Warhead Thalaron Generator Tholian Web Transphasic Torpedoes Tricobalt Device Trilithium Torpedoes Xindi Slug Thrower Xindi Weapon Additional Weapons


Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Takarian [1]
Quadrant : Delta [1]

A humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. The Takarian's where a pre-industrial species. [1]

In 2366, two Ferengi, Arridor and Kol, landed on Takar after being stranded in the Delta Quadrant when they went through the Barzan wormhole. Taking advantage of the primitive species the Ferengi set themselves up as the Takarian's deities. [1]

USS Voyager came across the Ferengi in 2373 and had to decide whether it was better to keep to the prime directive, leaving the Ferengi to their con or remove them from the planet. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 3 False Profits
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : False Profits

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,175 Last updated : 8 Jul 2022