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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Palgrenai [1]
Quadrant : Unknown

A sentient species native to the Palgrenax system within the Taurus Reach. The Palgrenai had a pre-industrial society, some 800-900 years behind the technology of the Klingon Empire as of the mid 23rd century. Their home planet was occupied by the Klingon Empire in that period. Because of their relatively poor technological base and warrior prowess, the Palgrenai were an easy conquest for the Klingons. They attempted to carry out an insurgent-style resistance after their conquest, but this was so ineffectual that the Klingon Governor, Morqla, considered it a source of considerable amusement. [1]

Physically the Palgrenai were rather shorter in stature than the average Klingon, with squat, bulky bodies. Although ungainly in comparison to Klingons, this their clawed feet could carry them with surprising speed. They had dark, oily hides with short extremities. Their heads were narrow and hairless with large, angular ears drooping from the sides. To Governor Morgla they appeared somewhat reptilian, and he considered them to resemble a cross between a Klingon Targ and a Denebian slime devil. [1]

Palgrenai had a habit of slobbering drool over both objects and people, and it was not uncommon for individuals to bear dried and fresh drool on the edges of their mouths and their clothing. [1]

In 2265 the Palgrenai were wiped out when their planet was destroyed by the Shedai. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,312 Last updated : 14 May 2017