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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Ktarians [1]
Quadrant : Alpha

Humanoid species found in the Alpha Quadrant and native to the planet Ktaria VII. [2] The Ktarians are recognizable by their distinctive foreheads, which are divided into two large bone like structures, and by their yellow eyes. [1] Ktarians have scales on some parts of their bodies, [3] and at least some Ktarian/Human hybrids have several small horns on their forehead. Ktarian children grow far faster than their Human equivalents. [4]

The Ktarians are notable for an attempt they made to conquer the Federation in 2368. Since they are significantly less powerful militarily, the Ktarians attempted to subvert Starfleet by introducing a game which was highly addictive and which rendered the mind of the user susceptible to suggestion. The Ktarians succeeded in gaining control of the USS Enterprise but before the game could be spread to other Starships their control of the crew was broken by Wesley Crusher and Commander Data. [1]

Despite this attack, the Federation and Ktarians maintained diplomatic and cultural relations. In 2372 Harry Kim met his future fiancee, Libby, while he was visiting a Ktarian music festival. [5] Ktaria VII was a popular vacation spot with tourists, as the large Ktarian glaciers offered excellent skiing. [6] Ktaria has also given the Federation some interesting foodstuffs; Ktarian Puff Chocolate is popular with some Federation citizens - the blend of seventeen different chocolates was Counsellor Troi's favourite desert item. [7] Ktarian eggs are large, with mottled red and yellow shells and a green interior, and were a breakfast favourite of Captain Kirks girlfriend Antonia in 2284, [8] and Ktarian Merlot is an alcoholic beverage which Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres sometimes enjoyed. [9]

Ktarians bury their dead in a highly ceremonial manner by laying thousands of sacred stones in tombs, each representing a special prayer. On an away mission to the planet a young Chakotay once took one of these stones as a souvenir, and was later horrified to find that he had desecrated the man's resting place by his actions. [2]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 5 The Game
2 VOY 1 Emanations
3 VOY 2 Deadlock
4 Example : Naomi Wildman
5 VOY 2 Non Sequitur
6 VOY 3 Macrocosm
7 TNG 7 Liaisons
8 Star Trek : Generations
9 VOY 4 Scientific Method
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Game
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Source : Example : Naomi Wildman
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Non Sequitur
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Macrocosm
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Liaisons
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scientific Method

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 40,417 Last updated : 15 Mar 2013