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Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Squale [1]
Quadrant : Unknown

Squales were an intelligent species native to the planet Droplet, encountered by the USS Titan in 2381. Their name was a portmanteau of "Squid-Whales", based on their physical resemblance to those two species. Squales had a body similar in shape to that of a whale, with four flukes at the rear. The Squales could use these together or in pairs for propulsion. They had four large tentacles projecting forward from their face. These could be folded back against the body for streamlining, allowing the Squales to achieve considerable speed in the water. Their mouth is beaked, with two large eyes above and behind it. [1]

As well as vision, Squales could use a sonar sense to locate objects around them and to communicate. Squale communication carried a tremendous amount of information - they were easily able to 'sing' complex images to one another. [1]

Squales were able to change their skin colour as part of their communication method. Squales, like all life on Droplet, lacked a bony skeleton due to the low mineral content in their environment. Instead their form was maintained by a cartilaginous structure.. [1]

The basic social unit of the Squales was the 'pod', a grouping of related family members or of individuals assembled for a specific task or function. The size and makeup of pods was very flexible, with members able to transfer in or out as needed. The arrival of the USS Titan prompted the creation of a 'Contact Pod' formed from members of three different pods. Many of the contact pod were scientists, but security and other members were also assigned. [1]

Squales have four genders, two analogous to males which donated gametes, and two that were hermaphroditic, which could exchange gametes with one another. These latter genders were responsible for the bearing and rearing of children. [1]

Since Droplet was completely covered in an ocean of water some ninety kilometres deep the Squales had no conception of inanimate matter. Everything in their experience was either directly alive, like themselves, or was a product of such life, like the coral-type floating islands found on the surface. As a result they found the concept of technology as used by the Federation hard to comprehend. This attitude was enhanced by the Squales sensitivity to magnetic fields, which made it disturbing or painful for them to be in proximity to the magnetic fields generated by much Federation hardware. [1]

Squale technology was entirely biological. They were able to manipulate other life forms through selective breeding and other methods, producing animals bred for a variety of uses. These included 'sensors' with augmented vision and other sensory systems, atmospheric probes resembling living weather balloons, and even small orbital spacecraft. Squale biological technology was thus considerably in advance of that of the Federation. [1]

Squales, like all life on Droplet, were uniquely dependent on the planets powerful magnetic field. They perceived the complex variations in this field as a kind of universal song which was the foundation for all life and activity. They refer to this as the 'Song of Life', believing that the song defined the world, gave it form and function, and ultimately made it real. Captain Riker compared this to the Christian view that 'In the beginning was the Word'. [1]

Squales viewed the universe as being divided into three parts; the World Below, referring to the hyper-saline depths of the ocean which were partly responsible for the complexities of the planets magnetic field. The Squales could not venture to this realm, as their organic technology could not survive the enormous pressures here. The World Between was their own part of the ocean, whilst the World Above referred to the sky and space above. [1]

Early in their history the Squales achieved orbital flight via living space capsules which they were able to engineer, but the occupants of the capsule became impaired when removed from the field, causing the Squales to ultimately abandon such efforts. First Contact with the crew of the USS Titan in 2381 promoted renewed interest in space flight amongst the Squales. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 8,988 Last updated : 7 Mar 2016