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Species List

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Name Description
Skreean [1] A gamma Quadrant species. Fleeing the Dominion, the refugee Skreean mistook Bajor for their promised land in 2370, but were not allowed to settle there by the government. [1]
Straleb A Humanoid species which resided on the planet Straleb in 2365. Along with the inhabitants of Altec, the Stralebs were members of the Coalition of Medina. The species was relatively primitive as compared to the Federation. [2]
Slijm [3] A non-sentient creature. Slijms resemble a cross between a dog and a walrus. They appear to be encased in blubber, with smooth brown hair. They have spindly front legs which they use to drag themselves around. They have wide nostrils, puffy cheeks, and black, beady eyes. [3]

When threatened, a Slijm could squirt a yellow-green mucus which burned on contact with skin. [3]

The Zakdorn accountant Sakud Armnoj had a pet Slijm which he called Sniffy. [3]
Sheliak [4] A powerful and mysterious life form, the Sheliak have a tendency to regard other species - especially Humanoid species - as inferior. Classified as type R-3, they are only vaguely Humanoid themselves. Their precise form is not clear, as the Sheliak hide their physical form under a concealing garment when contacting Humanoids. There are indications that they may have at least a slight degree of shape shifting ability - the constant movement of their body under the garment indicates that their external shape is somewhat variable. This, however, is purely speculative at present. [4]

The Federation signed the Treaty of Armens with the Sheliak in 2255. An extensive document, the treaty ceded several worlds to the Sheliak including Tau Cygna V. In 2366 the Sheliak transmitted a message to the Federation indicating that they were about to colonize the planet, and that the Human population would be eradicated if it were not removed. This came as something of a surprise to the Federation, who were not aware of any colony on the planet. [4]

The Enterprise-D was dispatched to deal with the problem, and discovered a colony of many thousands of people on Tau Cygna V. Leaving Lieutenant Commander Data on the planet the ship went to intercept the Sheliak vessel. The Sheliak who spoke to Captain Picard called himself the "Director". He claimed his ship carried "The Membership", part of the Sheliak Corporate. He declined all requests for further time to evacuate the planet, instead threatening to exterminate the Humans on arrival. The Sheliak were determined to stick precisely to the letter of the treaty, claiming the document as an absolute description of the relationship between themselves and the Federation. [4]

Picard was eventually able to find a loophole in the treaty, naming the Grisellas as arbiters of the dispute as allowed one of its articles. Since the Grisellas were at the time in a hibernation period, this gave the Federation all the time needed to evacuate the colony. [4]

The Sheliak are one of several species who prefer that their body temperature is identical to the temperature of the room in which they are standing. [5]
Silgov [6] A sentient humanoid species. The Silgov had skin of pale emerald green. The species was not known for their interest in exploration, though occasional individuals did wander from their world to travel space. A Silgov woman named Manón ran a bar on Starbase 47 (Vanguard) in 2275. [6]
Satarran [7] A species encountered by the Enterprise-D in 2368. The Satarrans were locked in a war with the Lysians, but had been unable to win. Both cultures were at least a century behind the Federation in technology, so the Satarrans developed a plan to use a memory blanking technology to fool the Enterprise-D crew into believing they were at war with the Lysians. A Satarran agent posed as the Executive officer of the ship to carry out this mission, disguising himself as a Human. The attempt was unsuccessful. [7]
Salmon [8] A species of Earth fish which, although they live in the sea, feel an irresistible compulsion to return to their spawning grounds in inland rivers to mate before dying. Spock compared this to the compulsion Vulcans feel to find a mate during Pon'Farr. [8]
Slanikian Oysters [9] A type of oyster enjoyed by humans. [9]
Shepherds [10] A warp civilisation with technology more advanced than the Federation when encountered in 2258. Shepherds believed that the comet known as C/2260-Quentin was actually an "Arbiter of Life", which travelled the galaxy promoting or destroying life as required. [10]
Selkie [11] Also known as Pacificans, the Selkies are an amphibious / aquatic species native to the planet Pacifica. [11]

For the first phase their life Selkies are amphibious, able to operate on land for short periods. After childbearing, their single lung shrinks and changes structure. It can no longer support them out of the water, becoming nothing more than a flotation sac. At this point the Selkie becomes fully aquatic breathing via two gill crests which begin on the head and run down the back. [11] When a Selkie is embarrassed blood flows into the fill crests, darkening their colour in the equivalent of a blush. [12] The breasts of a female Selkie also flatten during the transition from amphibian to aquatic. [11]

During the amphibious phase of their lives Selkies are expected to devote themselves to procreation and parenting [11], having eight children per female on average. [12] Purely recreational sex is frowned upon during this phase, although in practice not all Selkies follow this norm. Amphibious Selkies often seek out sexual contact with aliens who will be unaware of this cultural taboo. [11] In their aquatic phase, are known for having a strong interest in uninhibited recreational sex, though alien species often don't understand that this applies only to the aquatic phase. [12]
Shedai [6] An ancient and powerful race, in the distant past the Shedai ruled what is now known as the Taurus reach. The species was able to cross interstellar space without the use of spacecraft via a technology referred to a the Conduit. Although they had long ago disappeared, in 2265 a Shedai Wanderer returned to Ravanar IV after an ancient Shedai device there was discovered by Starfleet and subsequently destroyed by the Tholians. [6]

The Shedai Wanderer moved on to Erilon where she attacked the Starfleet outpost there using 'Sentinels', devices with a generalised anthropomorphic shape which were capable of extreme strength, speed and durability. A single Sentinel was able to kill many of the Federation team on Erilon, resisting maximum phaser strikes with little effort. The Wanderer also used a Shedai planetary defence system to attack and badly damage the USS Endeavour. [3]

Subsequently she moved to the Klingon world of Palgrenaxi, where she attacked the Klingon presence with half a dozen Sentinels. The Klingon forces fared better thanks to the presence of heavy disruptor weapons which were able to destroy Sentinels, and a sustained bombardment of the planetary defences by a Klingon Battlecruiser. However, the Shedai Wanderer responded to the battle turning against her by destroying Palgrenaxi. [3]

Research by Starfleet science officers suggested a method of disrupting the Shedai Wanderer's control of her technology, and on the Endeavour's return to Erilon the ship was able to repel an attack by Sentinels and prevent the Shedai from destroying the planet. [3]

The Shedai tended to assume names descriptive of their personalities and roles. As well as the Wanderer, there was the Shedai Herald, Sage, Adjudicator, Warden, Maker, Avenger, and Apostate. [13]
Sark [14] An animal native to the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS. Sarks could be ridden much as Earth horses could. A simulation of a Sark was one of the options available for riding on the holodecks of the Enterprise-D. [14]
Syrath [15] And intelligent species, the Syrath had an exoskeletal body with a high dome on top containing the primary sense organs, tapering down almost to a point before blooming out into a diamond structure which contained the secondary sense organs. Both sets of organs were dotted with green bioluminescent bulges. The body was supported on four slender intricately joined legs spaced equidistantly around the body, jointed to it at the narrowest point. Four tentacles could emerge from apertures just beneath the upper dome. [15]

At rest, with tentacles retracted, Syrath looked like an inanimate object. [15]

Syrath are almost impossible to permanently kill. Their cells are encoded in piezoelectric crystal units suspended in a liquid silicate solvent, with neural and genetic information, encoded structurally in chains of dislocation loops and electrically in stored potentials, rather than chemically in nucleic acids as was the case for most species. This enabled them to sustain enormous damage and simply regenerate afterwards - individual memories might be lost but the same individual would still survive afterwards. As a result of this, Syrath felt very little in the way of fear. They typically did not reveal this information to other races, not wishing to earn their envy. [12]

The Syrath evolved on the planet Syr, which had a surface pressure of two hundred standard atmospheres. [12]
Snowskimmer [16] Animal life form native to the planet Andor. Lieutenant Pava Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa hunted Snowskimmers as a teen on the planet. She considered them to look rather like Chobliks. [16]
Sun viper [17] Animal life form native to the Skagaran planet discovered in the Delphic Expanse by the NX-01 Enterprise [17]
Samarian Coral Fish [18] Aquatic lifeform which are sometimes perceived in nebula clouds [18]
Soukara Lizard [19] Creature found on the planet Soukara. Worf and Jadzia encoutered one of these whilst on a covert mission to the planet. [19]
Sinoraptor [20] Creature known for having great fighting spirit. When Kira Nerys wanted to join the Shakaar resistance cell Lupaza said that she should be accepted as she had the heart of a Sinoraptor. [20]
Screetch rhino [21] Creature which could weigh 3,000 tons. Dax promised Sisko that a holographic image projector could make him look like a Screetch rhino. [21]
Snow beetle [22] Creature which Dr. Phlox kept in sickbay to feed to his other animals. [22]
Sand Bat [23] Creatures which appear to be inanimate rock crystals, until they attack [23]
Selay [24] Deadly enemies of the Anticans, the Selay were also considered for Federation membership in 2364. [24]
Serosian [25] Delta Quadrant species from the planet Seros; the Serosians used isomorphic projections as menial labourers. In 2374 Voyager's crew encountered a projection which had murdered the crew of his ship. [25]
Shivolian [26] Delta Quadrant species, Borg designation Species 521 [26]
Sloth [27] Earth animal to be found near the Amazon river as of 2151. [27]
Sheep [28] Earth mammal. In primitive times the milk, meat, and most especially the fleece of sheep were widely used on Earth. The Bringloidi still kept sheep when the Enterprise-D encountered them in 2365. [28]
Solanae [29] Existing in a parallel dimension, these beings abducted several members of the Enterprise-D crew to experiment on them. The purpose of the experiments was unclear, but appeared to center around testing the biology of those from our dimension. [30]
Suliban [31] First encountered by Humanity in 2151, the Suliban are a Humanoid species [31] resident in the Beta Quadrant. They are no more evolved than Humans, but certain parts of the Suliban species have allied themselves with a shadowy figure from the distant future in order to wage a "temporal cold war" on others of their time. This "Cabal" have undergone extensive genetic engineering in order to give them impressive physical abilities. Engineered Suliban can distort their skeletal structure, allowing them to flatten their bodies and fit through tight openings. They can also adhere themselves to many different surfaces, allowing them to crawl across the walls or ceiling. Their skin has a network of subcutaneous pigment sacks which allow them to change colour in a manner reminiscent to the Terran chameleon; their uniform is a biomemetic garment with similar properties.

Internally, the modified Suliban have five bronchial lobes instead of three, and their alveoli clusters have been modified to allow them to breathe various different atmospheres. Compound retinas allow the modified Suliban to see a wide variety of spectra. [31]

The crew of Enterprise had several dealings with the Suliban, notably when Captain Archer returned the Klingon agent Klaang to the Empire with information that the Suliban were attempting to provoke a Klingon civil war. [31]

However, not all Suliban are members of the Cabal; many regard the actions of the more violent members of their species with disgust. Even so they themselves face considerable emnity from other species, and some species such as the Tandarans keep all Suliban captive whether they are active members of the Cabal or not. [32]

Even the actions of the Cabal themselves are not always as clear cut as they seem; a Suliban operative saved the NX class Enterprise from destruction whilst it was investigating a protostar, [33] and the Suliban warned Captain Archer of the origin of the Xindi attack on Earth in 2153. [34]

Soong-type Android [35] Form of Android based around a positronic network [35]
Saltah'na [36] Gamma Quadrant species; they produced telepathic objects which could affect the minds of others [36]
Sky Spirit [37] Human name for a delta quadrant species which visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago. [37]
Scalosians [38] Humanoid inhabitants of the planet Scalos. The Scalosians were subject to biochemical acceleration by volcanic radiation many generations ago which made them move at many hundreds of times normal speed. The radiation also decreased fertility in females and completely sterilized all males. To continue their species the Scalosians kidnapped crewmembers from passing ships, a process which continued until 2268 when the USS Enterprise arrived at the planet. Captain Kirk was able to defeat the Scalosian's attempts to infiltrate his ship, and subsequently Starfleet warned all nearby species to stay away from Scalos. [38]
Spawn Beetle [39] Insect [39]
Skagaran [17] Intelligent species native to the Delphic Expanse. The Skagarans abducted groups of Humans from Earth in circa. 1864 for use as slave labour on a colony world in the Expanse. The Humans rebelled against their masters and overthrew them; unfortunately the Humans then established a legal system in which Skagarans had very few rights and were themselves poorly treated. The Humans and Skagarans began to move towards mutual tolerance in 2154 thanks to the intervention of the NX-01 Enterprise. [17]
Space Whale [40] Lifeform which lived entirely in space. Data described the creature as an asymmetrical field of intense energy, comprising a mass of plasma energy contained within an outer covering of silicates, actinides, and carbonaceous chondrites. Although sensors had difficulty penetrating the interior, it appeared that there was a coherent system of energy storage and utilization at work. The creatures were able to produce energy discharges to scan its surroundings, but could also produce a damaging energy dampening field and dangerous levels of radiation. The creatures were extremely susceptible to even minimal levels of phaser fire. The creatures were discovered by the Enterprise-D in 2367; the ship was forced to kill the first creature encountered when it attacked the ship. they were subsequently able to free an infant creature from the body. The infant latched onto the ship for a time, drawing energy from it. They were eventually able to dislodge the creature safely. [40]
Swarm [41] Mysterious species who attack all those who enter their space. [41]
S'ti'ach [15] Native to the planet S'ti'ach'aas, the S'ti'ach are approximately one metre tall six-limbed, and covered in blue fur. They have large, dark eyes and large, saber-like white incisor teeth, and their bodies have dorsal spines, large and very sensitive ears. Many larger species pervieve them as non-threatening because of their appearence, but in their own environment the S'ti'ach are a top-level predatory species. [15]

The S'ti'ach homeworld, S'tiach'aas, is largely an ocean planet, with islands comprising the only land area. The gravity is also considerably higher than most class M worlds. As a result the S'ti'ach have an extremely dense strong bone structure supporting an otherwise very light low-density biology. [11]

The the Federation contacted the S'ti'ach they sent Alexander as ambassador to the species, as his diminutive stature made him not that much taller than a tall S'ti'ach. Alexander was able to convince the S'ti'ach that their diminutive stature would not lead to discrimination within the Federation. [11]
Sarthonian [42] Natives of Sarthong V. The Sarthonians strongly opposed any trespassers on their planet [42], though this did not stop Vash from going there. [43]
Sikarians [44] One of the many species that Voyager has encountered on its journey home, the Sikarians are in some respects significantly more advanced than the Federation. They are renowned in the Delta Quadrant as a friendly and generous people who extend great hospitality to visitors, and were happy to entertain Voyagers crew. Indeed, from the limited contact that Voyager had with the Sikarians it appeared that they had solved all of their material problems and were largely concerned with overcoming the boredom which resulted.

The Sikarians advanced technology is most apparent in their trajector system. This is a form of matter transmission similar in its operation to Federation transporters. However, the Sikarian planet has a mantle of tetrahedral quarts 20 kilometres thick; by using this to amplify their trajector field, the Sikarians have achieved field magnitudes ten orders of magnitude beyond anything the Federation has, allowing them to instantaneously transport objects up to 40,000 light years.

Voyager was naturally keen to use this technology, but the Sikarian culture has a policy similar to the Federations Prime Directive which forbids them from lending such help. Captain Janeway offered the Sikarian ruling council a copy of the Federation literary database in return for the use of the trajector - the Sikarians prize stories greatly, but although this offer was tempting it was ultimately refused. Several of Voyagers crew set up negotiations with dissident Sikarians and purchased a trajector unit in return for the database, an act in direct violation of Janeways orders. Although the trade was successful, the trajector technology proved to be incompatible with Voyagers systems due to its dependence on antineutrinos.

Although Voyager has made several significant leaps forward in her journey since this time, it is still technically within range of the Sikarians trajector system. Nevertheless there have been no further contacts with the Sikarians. [44]
Starpeelers [11] Photonic beings, starpeelers are composed of coherent energy fields sustained in plasma matrices. They travel from star to star, peeling away the outer layers of each to create plasma vessels to travel in. This often results in great changes to the climates of any M Class planets in the system, along with intense bursts of radiation. It is unknown if the Starpeelers are sentient; if so, they show no concern for the damage done by their feeding. Starpeelers were one of the many spacegoing species hunted by the Pa’haquel. [11]
Squill [45] Plant from the planet Balancar [45]
Soukaran Snake [19] Reptilian life form from the planet Soukara. Worf and Jadzia saw one of these whilst on a covert mission to the planet. [19]
Seltan Carnosaur [46] Reptilian lifeform approximately 300 metres tall [46]
Saurian [47] Saurians were members of the Enterprise crew during the V'Ger incident of 2371. [47]

Saurians had webbed feet. [13]

First Contact between the Saurians and Humanity came in 2157 when the ECS Silk Road reached their system. At the time they had no general name for their species, and were dubbed 'Saurians' by the Silk Road's crew because of their appearance. [48]

Saurians were considered to be a very robust and adaptable people. They could survive conditions that would kill most other species - so much so that some considered that they had not developed a very high level of technology because they had little need of protection from the environment. Contact with the Silk Road prompted great advances in technology, with multiple Saurian nations achieving significant local spaceflight within five years. [48]
Sluggo [27] Slug-like creature, one of the first lifeforms discovered by the NX-01 on its exploration mission. [27]
Space Shrimp [39] Space going life form which Voyager encountered in 2371. [39]
Spinners [11] Spacegoing life form encountered by the USS Titan on Stardate 57207.4 (2380). Spinners are non-sentient creatures, each a gigantic sail of fine mesh, many kilometres on a side. The sail rotates, with a set of eighteen relatively massive nodules on the perimeter keeping the structure spread out. The spinners normally act as living solar sails, travelling by light pressure, but the nodules contain maneuvering jets. Their spin also induces a magnetic field which can be use for maneuvering, changing the shape of the mesh, and for gathering hydrogen for the jets in the style of a bussard collector. A spinner is capable of wrapping itself around another spacegoing life form or spacecraft, using the sail to drain energy from it. [11]

Spinners are one of the many species which are hunted by the Pa'haquel. They consider Spinners to be slow-moving, flimsy life forms - though they are difficult to kill. To do so the nodules must be attacked, as these contain the main organs and brains. [11]
Sakari [49] Species which was devastated by the Borg and subsequently attempted to hide their existence to avoid further attacks. [49]
Scathos [39] Species who kill any woman under forty who conceives a child [39]
Subytt [50] Species. A Subytt first officer was attempting to smuggle defective isolinear rods to Bajor in 2370. He was caught after a tip-off from Quark. [50]
Spittlebug [51] Spittlebugs are an insectoid species that are often found infesting grapevines, especially around harvest time. [51]
Squale [12] Squales were an intelligent species native to the planet Droplet, encountered by the USS Titan in 2381. Their name was a portmanteau of "Squid-Whales", based on their physical resemblance to those two species. Squales had a body similar in shape to that of a whale, with four flukes at the rear. The Squales could use these together or in pairs for propulsion. They had four large tentacles projecting forward from their face. These could be folded back against the body for streamlining, allowing the Squales to achieve considerable speed in the water. Their mouth is beaked, with two large eyes above and behind it. [12]

As well as vision, Squales could use a sonar sense to locate objects around them and to communicate. Squale communication carried a tremendous amount of information - they were easily able to 'sing' complex images to one another. [12]

Squales were able to change their skin colour as part of their communication method. Squales, like all life on Droplet, lacked a bony skeleton due to the low mineral content in their environment. Instead their form was maintained by a cartilaginous structure.. [12]

The basic social unit of the Squales was the 'pod', a grouping of related family members or of individuals assembled for a specific task or function. The size and makeup of pods was very flexible, with members able to transfer in or out as needed. The arrival of the USS Titan prompted the creation of a 'Contact Pod' formed from members of three different pods. Many of the contact pod were scientists, but security and other members were also assigned. [12]

Squales have four genders, two analogous to males which donated gametes, and two that were hermaphroditic, which could exchange gametes with one another. These latter genders were responsible for the bearing and rearing of children. [12]

Since Droplet was completely covered in an ocean of water some ninety kilometres deep the Squales had no conception of inanimate matter. Everything in their experience was either directly alive, like themselves, or was a product of such life, like the coral-type floating islands found on the surface. As a result they found the concept of technology as used by the Federation hard to comprehend. This attitude was enhanced by the Squales sensitivity to magnetic fields, which made it disturbing or painful for them to be in proximity to the magnetic fields generated by much Federation hardware. [12]

Squale technology was entirely biological. They were able to manipulate other life forms through selective breeding and other methods, producing animals bred for a variety of uses. These included 'sensors' with augmented vision and other sensory systems, atmospheric probes resembling living weather balloons, and even small orbital spacecraft. Squale biological technology was thus considerably in advance of that of the Federation. [12]

Squales, like all life on Droplet, were uniquely dependent on the planets powerful magnetic field. They perceived the complex variations in this field as a kind of universal song which was the foundation for all life and activity. They refer to this as the 'Song of Life', believing that the song defined the world, gave it form and function, and ultimately made it real. Captain Riker compared this to the Christian view that 'In the beginning was the Word'. [12]

Squales viewed the universe as being divided into three parts; the World Below, referring to the hyper-saline depths of the ocean which were partly responsible for the complexities of the planets magnetic field. The Squales could not venture to this realm, as their organic technology could not survive the enormous pressures here. The World Between was their own part of the ocean, whilst the World Above referred to the sky and space above. [12]

Early in their history the Squales achieved orbital flight via living space capsules which they were able to engineer, but the occupants of the capsule became impaired when removed from the field, causing the Squales to ultimately abandon such efforts. First Contact with the crew of the USS Titan in 2381 promoted renewed interest in space flight amongst the Squales. [12]
Squid [52] Terran water dweller [52]
Son'a [53] The Ba'ku are a people filled with contradictions. Their home world is unknown, but is believed to be located beyond Federation space. Some three hundred years and fifty years ago the Ba'ku had entered a period of rapidly escalating and uncontrolled technological advancement, to the point where they were on the verge of destroying themselves. A group of Ba'ku left their world to begin again, fearing a catastrophe. Determined not to repeat the mistakes the rest of their people had made, the Ba'ku adopted a philosophy of near total avoidance of high technology. The Ba'ku claimed that when a machine was built to do the work of a person, it took away an essential quality of that person.

For two hundred years the Ba'ku society continued in a pre industrial state; however, in the 2270's a group of young Ba'ku attempted to seize control of the settlement. They planned to abandon the policy on non reliance on technology and become a star faring species once again, but their attempt quickly failed and the group were exiled from the planet in a spacecraft constructed specifically for this purpose.

Renaming themselves the Son'a, the exiled Ba'ku spent almost fifty years building a technologically based culture on a world beyond Federation borders. In the 2320's they conquered two other species and integrated them into their society as a labour class in order to provide themselves with the manpower base needed to turn them into a major power. By the 2370's the Ba'ku were maintaining a fleet of some two hundred warships. Their reputation in galactic affairs was not a good one - in part due to their subjugation of other species, but also because they were widely rumoured to employ subspace weaponry on their warships. For many years the Federation declined to establish diplomatic relations with the Son'a, but after the beginning of the Dominion war it was learned that the Son'a were able to reproduce Ketracel White in large quantities. The Federation immediately moved to isolate the Son'a from the Dominion and establish an alliance with them, a move the Son'a welcomed with open arms.

However, the Son'a had one major problem; without the unique environment of the Ba'ku planet, the original generation of Son'a were reaching the end of their natural lives. Used to immortality, their leaders became obsessed with regaining the youth they had lost. Unable to challenge the Federation directly, the Son'a siezed on the opportunity presented by the offer of an alliance. When they learned that Starfleet had already discovered the Ba'ku settlement and learned of the immortality enjoyed by the natives, the Son'a came to the Federation offering an explanation for the Ba'ku puzzle; high concentrations of metaphasic radiation particles in the planets rings was continually regenerating the genetic structure of the life on the planet. Concealing their Ba'ku heritage, the Son'a offered a method of collecting this radiation via a large orbital vessel they had constructed. The potential was awesome; a whole new medical science would be created, with sufficient radiation present in the rings to treat billions of individuals. However, the collection method involved initiating an isothermic reaction within the rings which would destroy all life on the surface of the planet.

Naturally, the Federation refused this offer as it would contravene the Prime Directive. However, it was agreed to establish a duck blind facility on the surface and conduct covert surveillance of the Ba'ku in an attempt to investigate the planets environment more thoroughly. During this research it became apparent to the Federation that the Ba'ku were not in fact a primitive people; they possessed technological knowledge up to and including warp drive. With Prime Directive considerations considerably eased by the Ba'ku's new status, the Federation decided to proceed with the Son'a plan. The whole Ba'ku population was limited to six hundred people, all living in one small area. The Federation constructed a replica of their village and the surrounding countryside on a suitably similar planet, and a vessel was built which was capable of transplanting the Ba'ku without their knowledge. However, shortly prior to the implementation of the plan Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E discovered the operation and made it public, including the fact that the Son'a and Ba'ku were one and the same people. The Federation halted the entire project while a reappraisal was initiated.

After the failure of the project to relocate the Ba'ku, some of the Son'a decided to return to their people. Others have continued to operate independently. The Federation council is continuing its deliberations on the matter. [53]
Stromatopod larvae [54] The ECS Horizon was delivering a cargo of these creatures to the Demerians in 2153. [54]
Sphere Builders [55] The real name of this species is unknown, if indeed they have such a name. They are known to the Xindi as the Guardians [56], to the Triannon as The makers [22], and more generically as simply The Sphere Builders. [55] Existing in a dimension which is completely separate from our own, the Guardians long sought to find a way to colonise our universe. Unfortunately for them the laws of physics in our universe are significantly different from their own, and as a result exposure to our space is rapidly lethal to the Guardians. Approximately a thousand years ago they embarked on an ambitious attempt to 'reconfigure' our space, gradually altering the physical laws so that they could survive here. [57] To this end they built a series of gigantic spheres which interacted with one another to alter the physical laws. By the mid 22nd century this had created the Delphic Expanse, a vast region filled with dangerous anomalies. [58]

Ultimately the Federation led an alliance which defeated the Guardians at the Battle of Procyon V in the the 26th century. Realising that their colonisation efforts would come to nothing the Guardians sought to alter the timeline to erase the Federation from existence. [57] They contacted the Xindi in the aftermath of the destruction of their homeworld, guiding the survivors towards resources and lending assistance. The Xindi came to trust the Guardians utterly, even worshipping them. In the mid 22nd century the Guardians informed the Xindi that in the future Humans would become a deadly enemy of the Xindi and would destroy their new homeworld. In response the Xindi embarked on an ambitious project to build a weapon capable of destroying Earth and any other Human worlds. In this manner the Guardians hoped that the Federation would never be founded and so would be unable to oppose them in the future. [56]

The NX-01 first contacted a Guardian in 2153, when a small pod was discovered within a powerful anomaly in the Expanse. The Guardains had sent a test subject to our universe to test his survivability in the reconfigured space. The starship rescued the man, exposing him to our own space. His body began to disintergrate in response, but before his death he attempted to sabotage the NX-01. His actions gave Captain Archer his first clues as to the origin and purpose of the expanse. [59]

Archer was able to convince some of the Xindi of the Guardian's true intentions , but the Reptilians remained loyal no matter what evidence was presented. In an effort to assist the Reptilians in their theft of the final version of the Xindi weapon the Guardians created vast anomalies around some of the spheres, targeting the effects on the ships trying to stop the weapon. [55] As Captain Archer battled to stop the weapon the NX-01 attacked Sphere 41 in an attempt to disrupt the network and collapse the Expanse once and for all. The Guardians attacked the ship when it entered an anomaly around the sphere, but were unable to prevent it from destroying the sphere. The destruction of the network caused the anomalies of the Expanse to dissipate, ending the Guardian threat once and for all. [60]

Solari [61] The Solari warred for centuries, but were helped towardspeace by the mediator Riva. [61]
Space Vampire [27] This mysterious species preyed on others, draining biochemicals from their corpses after raiding their ships. The NX-01 encountered the species early in its mission in 2151. [27]
Space Jellyfish [62] This species were first encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. They are spacegoing creatures of immense size, capable of converting matter into energy and back again in almost any form. This allows them to reconfigure their bodies at will into almost any shape or form. One of the creatures had landed on the Deneb IV, injured and desperately short of energy. The Bandi fed the creature enough to keep it alive but not to let it leave the planet, essentially enslaving it. [62]

The Bandi forced the creature to configure itself into a luxurious Starbase, which they offered to the Federation. However, whilst negotiations for the use of the base were in progress the creature's mate arrived, in the form of a large spacecraft, to attack the Bandi for what they had done. Captain Picard was able to uncover the truth of the situation and fed the grounded creature enough energy to return to space, where it reunited with its mate and departed. Counsellor Troi reported that both creatures were extremely grateful for the assistance. [62]

In 2380 the USS Titan encountered large numbers of Space Jellyfish whilst exploring the Gum Nebula region. The avioanoid Pa'haquel hunted the "Jellies", killing them and then using their corpses as spacecraft with which to hunt both more Jellyfish and other, more harmful spacegoing life forms. The Jellyfish were horrified by both the hunt itself and the use of their dead, which they regarded as akin to being hunted by "zombies". The Titan crew were able to broker a deal between the Pa'haquel and the Jellyfish whereby they would co-operate together in herding the more dangerous life forms away from planets inhabited by sentient life and into regions where they could feed without harm. [11]
Shib'a lizard [63] Type of animal native to an alien planet. They don't move very fast. [63]
Srivani [64] Voyager encountered this species in 2374. The Srivani are an advanced race posessing sophisticated cloaking technology resembling the phase cloak developed by renegade Federation officers. They use this technology to infiltrate alien vessels and conduct medical experiments on the crew without their knowledge. The Srivani hold that such experiments are justified as the development of new medical treatments saves more lives than are taken in the experiments. Seven of Nine was able to detect the presence of the Srivani, and Captain Janeway forced them to withdraw by piloting Voyager near-suicidal course between a pair of pulsars. As the Srivani ships docked to Voyager's hull withdrew at least one of them was destroyed. [65]
Sehlat [66] Vulcan animal resembling a Teddy Bear, but with six inch fangs [66] Sehlat's were to be found in the region of desert known as The Forge; they were predatory carnivores who hunted at night. One chased Captain Archer and T'Pol in the region whilst they were there in 2154. [67]

As a child, T'Prynn once encountered a Sehlat whilst in the foothills leading into one of the mountain ranges that formed the perimeters of Vulcan’s Forge. She would long remember the fear that the encounter provoked in her. [68]
Sarpeidonian [69] When their planet was threatened by a nova, this species saved themselves by traveling into their past. [69]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 2 Sanctuary
2 TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona
3 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
4 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command
5 TNG 6 Starship Mine
6 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
7 TNG 5 Conundrum
8 TOS 2 Amok Time
9 SNW 1 Spock Amok
10 SNW 1 Children of the Comet
11 Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
12 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
13 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
14 TNG 2 Pen Pals
15 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
16 Star Trek : Titan, Book 6 - Synthesis
17 ENT 3 North Star
18 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
19 DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight
20 DS9 5 The Darkness and the Light
21 DS9 3 Second Skin
22 ENT 3 Chosen Realm
23 TOS 3 The Empath
24 TNG 1 Lonely Among Us
25 VOY 4 Revulsion
26 VOY 6 Survival Instinct
27 ENT 1 Fight or Flight
28 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
29 Star Trek Online
30 TNG 6 Schisms
31 ENT 1 Broken Bow
32 ENT 1 Detained
33 ENT 1 Cold Front
34 ENT 2 The Expanse
35 TNG 1 Datalore
36 DS9 1 Dramatis Personae
37 VOY 2 Tattoo
38 TOS 3 Wink of an Eye
39 VOY 2 Elogium
40 TNG 4 Galaxy's Child
41 VOY 3 The Swarm
42 TNG 3 Captain's Holiday
43 TNG 4 Qpid
44 VOY 1 Prime Factors
45 DS9 6 The Magnificent Ferengi
46 DS9 6 One Little Ship
47 Star Trek : The Motion Picture
48 Star Trek : Rise of the Federation - A Choice of Futures
49 VOY 3 Blood Fever
50 DS9 2 The Homecoming
51 STP 1 Maps and Legends
52 DS9 5 Blaze of Glory
53 Star Trek : Insurrection
54 ENT 2 Horizon
55 ENT 3 Countdown
56 ENT 3 The Council
57 ENT 3 Azati Prime
58 Various Enterprise episodes
59 ENT 3 Harbinger
60 ENT 3 Zero Hour
61 TNG 2 Loud as a Whisper
62 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
63 ENT 2 Marauders
64 From the episode script
65 VOY 4 Scientific Method
66 TOS 2 Journey to Babel
67 ENT 4 The Forge
68 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
69 TOS 3 All Our Yesterdays
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Sanctuary
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Outrageous Okona
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Spock Amok
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Children of the Comet
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Pen Pals
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 6 - Synthesis
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : In the Pale Moonlight
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Darkness and the Light
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Second Skin
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Chosen Realm
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Empath
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Lonely Among Us
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Revulsion
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Survival Instinct
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fight or Flight
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Source : Star Trek Online
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Schisms
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Cold Front
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Expanse
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dramatis Personae
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tattoo
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Wink of an Eye
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Elogium
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Galaxy's Child
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Swarm
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Captain's Holiday
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Magnificent Ferengi
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : One Little Ship
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Novel : Star Trek : Rise of the Federation - A Choice of Futures
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Blood Fever
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Homecoming
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Maps and Legends
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Blaze of Glory
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Horizon
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Countdown
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Harbinger
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Loud as a Whisper
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Marauders
Source : From the episode script
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scientific Method
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : All Our Yesterdays

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,260,137 Last updated : 8 Nov 2003