Name |
Description |
Mugato [1] |
White simian creature native to Tyree's planet. The Mugato had a highly poisonous bite, which would be fatal if left untreated. The Kanutu women of the planet knew how to cure a Mugato bite by mingling their blood with that of the victim via a Mako root, one of the many biological oddities on the planet. It was said that a man who was cured in this way became bonded to the Kanutu woman and could deny her nothing. Kirk was bitten by a Mugato during his visit to the planet in 2267, and subsequently cured by Nona. He dismissed the possibility of a resulting bond between them as superstition. [1] |
Macrovirus [2] |
Virus which grows up to a metre across and can defy gravity [2] |
Mealworm [3] |
Type of worm native to the planet Earth. Those infected by the alien Parasites which infiltrated Starfleet in the 2360s regarded live Mealworms as a tasty snack food. [3] |
Malosian [4] |
Traders who operated in the Delphic Expanse. This race may be ficticious, as Archer mentioned them as part of a plot to trick Degra into revealing details of the Xindi weapon program. [4] |
Mordanian [5] |
This species were plunged into decades of civil war after a Starfleet officer gave them advanced weapons. [5] |
Muse [6] |
This non-corporeal species takes corporeal form and feeds off the creative energy of artists. [6] |
Mikhal Traveller [7] |
This largely nomadic race love to travel the galaxy in small craft, swapping tall tales with one another. [7] |
Mintakan [8] |
These primitive Vulcanoids suffered cultural contamination from an accidental first contact with the Federation. [8] |
Morg / Eymorg [9] |
The planet Sigma Draconis VI once boasted an advanced society, but at some time in the past the planet entered a glacial stage. An underground complex was constructed, but for some reason this came to be inhabited only by the females of the species while the males continued to live on the surface. Both groups lost all knowledge or understanding of their situation, forgetting their past entirely. The men, who came to call themselves Morg, reverted to stone age technology. The women, or Eymorg, continued to live within the technologically sophisticated underground complex, but lost all understanding of it. The complex was run by a computer system which was based on a Humanoid brain. This device controlled every aspect of the complex, but since it was based on organic components it had a limited life span and needed replacing every so often.
To facilitate this the Eymorg used a device called the Teacher. This temporarily implanted advanced knowledge and skills into an individual, allowing them to understand and use their other technology. Under the influence of the Teacher an Eymorg incapacitated the crew of the USS Enterprise and removed Commander Spock's brain from his body for use in the control system. Kirk was able to track the Eymorg to Sigma Draconis VI, but the Eymorg were extremely reluctant to return the brian to him. They used a variety of methods to control both the Morg and the Enterprise officers, including belts which caused intense pain at the touch of a button. Eventually Kirk was able to overcome the Eymorg and recover the brain, and using the Teacher Doctor McCoy was able to restore it to its body.
Kirk convinced the Eymorg that they should learn to coexist with the Morg and that both should fend for themselves without depending on their technology. [9] |
Miradorn [10] |
The Miradorn are born in twinned pairs, with an extremely strong bond between each twin. [10] |
Mazarite [11] |
The Mazarites had a corrupt government in the 2150s, which they were trying to correct with Vulcan help. [11] |
Markalian [12] |
The Markalians are a species seen on Deep Space Nine occasionally. [12] Some Markalians are notorious for their smuggling and other criminal activities; Odo arrested one on Deep Space Nine during the Federation's takeover of the station. [13] Some Markalians fine employed as mercenaries. [14] Kassidy Yates employed a Markalian on the Xhosa. [15] A wounded Markalian was being cared for in the field hospital on Ajilon Prime when Jake visited [16], and at least one was interned by the Dominion in the run up to the Dominion war. [17] In 2374 Molly O'Brien wounded a Markalian in Quark's Bar. [18] |
Mari [19] |
Telepathic civilisation in the Delta Quadrant who have largely eliminated crime [19] |
Microbiotic Colony [20] |
Subatomic life form which eats away at metals [20] |
Meridian [21] |
Species who's planet shifted In the alternate dimension they existed in a non-corporeal state. [21] |
M'klexa [22] |
Species which visited the planet Valakis prior to the NX-01 Enterprise's visit of 2151. [22] |
Monean [23] |
Species which populated the space ocean. [23] |
Mokra [24] |
Species which lived under paranoid, tyrannical rulers. [24] |
Mislan [25] |
Species from the planet Mislan. Voyager encountered a Mislan ship which had been destroyed by the Swarm in 2373. [25] |
Moropa [26] |
Society hostile to the Bolians. As of 2366, an uneasy truce existed between the Bolians and the Moropa. [26] |
Marijne [27] |
Sentient beings encountered by the Enterprise-D which communicated by directly accessing one anothers thoughts. The beings lived in subspace. [27] |
Malon [28] |
Relatively little is known about the Malon; there has been no formal contact with the Malon government as such, merely a series of accidental encounters with their ships. Since these encounters have occurred over thirty thousand light years apart, it is possible that Malon territory extends across these kinds of distances - making their space far larger than the Federation. [29] However, the Malon are known to have access to at least one stable "spatial vortex" - apparently a form of wormhole. It is possible that they have access to others which allow them to cross large distances, or even that are able to build such phenomena themselves. At this point in time we simply do not know. [28] At least some aspects of Malon technology produce large amounts of Theta radiation, and the Malon dispose of this by dumping it in unpopulated areas of space. The amounts involved are such that this has caused significant levels of pollution, endangering several species. It is the freighters involved in this operation that the USS Voyager has encountered. On their first meeting in early 2375, Voyager offered the Malon technology which would eliminate their Theta radiation problems. unfortunately the Malon still appear to operate a profit based economy; since the waste dumping business would be totally destroyed by such technology, the Malon crews have been less than receptive to this idea. [28] Several weeks later a Malon freighter attempted to steal an advanced probe belonging to Voyager, prompting the Starfleet crew to build the Delta Flyer to retrieve the probe first. [30] Later in the same year, Voyager encountered an abandoned freighter and recovered two crew members from nearby escape pods. This encounter allowed the crew to learn much more about the Malon. The freighters can carry enormous amounts of the toxins, over twelve trillion isotons on a single vessel. Should such a ship be destroyed it would devastate everything within three light years of the explosion. Their freighter crews generally suffer serious cell damage from their exposure to the Theta radiation, which they call 'freighter blight'. The Malon use analeptic compound injections to counter the freighter blight, but while the treatment keeps them alive it does not prevent skin scarring.
A crew member will typically work six months of the year on a Malon freighter; the exposure so received is expected to cut his life in half. The 'core labourers' who work closest to the waste receive the greatest dosage; less than one third are expected to survive any given trip, but they make more money in two months of working than most Malon earn in a lifetime. Occasionally the radiation causes core labourers to experience mutations, and the Malon have many stories of 'monsters' which attack crew members or damage ships. Voyagers crew encountered one such individual on board the abandoned freighter and were forced to kill him in order to prevent the ship from being sabotaged. [31] |
Melkotian [32] |
Powerful telepaths, the Melkotians do not like outsiders but were eventually persuaded to make contact with the Federation. [32] |
Mathenite [33] |
Possible species name. Legate Ghemor said that the Mathenite government had offered him political sanctuary. [33] |
Muktok Plant [34] |
Plant native to Betazed. [34] |
Memory Virus [35] |
Organisms that ate peptides within the hosts brain [35] |
Mizarian [26] |
Mizarians value peace above all else, and as a result have been conquered six times in the last three hundred years. [26] |
Makusians [36] |
Members of this species attended the conference on the planet Babel in 2267 concerning the entry of Coridan into the Federation. [37] |
Majalan [38] |
Magalans are a humanoid race with both male and female genders. They originate from the planet Majalis in the Majalan system, which is located on the edge of Federation space. They were first encountered by Christopher Pike, who rescued a native of the planet from a pulsar. Although they were offered Federation membership they turned it down. [38]
The Magalans has a highly advanced system of medicine, even by Federation standards. They were able to use quantum implants to repair damage on a sub-cellular level. They claimed to live a life without disease of any kind. They had laws that prevented them from sharing the technology with other species. [38]
Some time ago their planets surface had become covered with lava and lakes of acid. To avoid this they had built a series of floating platforms which they lived on. The system was maintained by hooking a neural network of a child into a machine. This lead to the slow painful death for the child, but lead to the survival of the rest of the species. Over many years this sacrifice had obtained a religious significance. The child was seen as to be adcending, a duty that had to be carried out willingly. Known as the "First Servant" the child was honoured by the other members of the species. [38] |
Markoffian Sea Lizard [39] |
Life form familiar to Q [39] |
Mordian Butterfly [40] |
Insectoid life form which resides on Mizar II [40] |
Metalic Microbe [41] |
Fossilised examples of these life forms were discovered within a graviton ellipse [41] |
Maple Trees [42] |
Earth plant [42] |
Markonians [43] |
Delta quadrant species which maintained an outpost visited by Voyager in 2376. [43] |
Mawasi [44] |
Delta Quadrant civilisation; in an alternate timeline the Mawasi allied with Voyager against the Krenim [44] |
Mylean [45] |
Delta Quadrant civilisation similar to Talaxians [45] |
Marlonian [46] |
Culture whose pottery resembles both Buranian and Taguan work. [46] |
Mellitus [47] |
Creature which is solid when still and gaseous when moving [47] |
Manchovite [48] |
Civilization which were engaged in a war at some point in the 24th century. Gaila and Hagath sold the Manchovites 150,000 hand weapons. They also sold 100,000 of the same weapons to their enemies, thus profiting from both sides of the war. The arms dealers were annoyed when an armistice was subsequently signed. [48] |
Minnobia [48] |
Civilisation. During his time as an arms dealer Quark falsely informed Hagath that he couldn't supply him with a mutagenic retrovirus because he had sold it all to the Minnobia for use in their war against the Vek. [48] |
Mikulak [49] |
Civilisation who donated tissue samples to Nahmi IV to assist in containing the outbreak of Correllium fever there. [49] |
Menthar [50] |
Civilisation which fought the Promellians to their mutual annihilation [50] |
Malurian [51] |
Beta Quadrant [52] species which mined minerals from the Akaali home world in 2151, poisoning the natives in the process. Their operation was stopped when the NX-01 intervened. [53] The Malurian species was destroyed in 2267 when the Nomad probe sterilised their system. [51] |
Microvirus [54] |
Artificially created organism [54] |
Megarite [55] |
Approximately Humanoid species [55] |
Melvaran mud flea [56] |
Animal life form. Considered a delicacy by certain individuals. Zoumas was a fan of eating them as he said that once a person got past their texture the taste was 'not that bad'. He also enjoyed keeping live fleas in his mouth and feeling them jumping around until he crunched them between his teeth. [56]
In the Kelvin timeline, Doctor McCoy vaccinated Kirk against viral infection carried by Melvaran mud fleas as a pretext to take him aboard the Enterprise. [57] |
Maker [58] |
Ancient civilisation which created advanced androids later controlled by Harry Mudd [58] |
M-113 Creature [59] |
An intelligent life form, once native to the planet M-113. At their height, the species numbered in the millions - Professor Crater compared them to the North American Buffalo, which roamed in herds that covered vast areas. The creatures were roughly humanoid. They fed on salt, which they were able to drain from the bodies of other living beings by touching the suction rings on their hands to the body of their prey. The process was rapid, and caused a quick and painful death to their prey. Because of their method of feeding, the M-113 creatures are sometimes referred to as 'Salt Vampires'. [59]
The M-113 creature was capable of imitating the appearance of others, an ability it used to get close to its prey. This ability was some form of telepathic projection; the creature did not change its actual physical form, but rather caused others to perceive it differently. It was capable of extracting images from their minds in order to appear as a person they thought of or remembered from their past. One quirk of this ability was that several people could look at an M-113 creature simultaneously and each see it as somebody completely different. This was a potential weakness in the disguise, since the illusion could be detected if the witnesses were to compare what they had seen. [59]
The M-113 creature was drawn to strong emotions. It would typically seek out people who had strong feelings for another person and then imitate that person in order to provoke emotional reactions. [59]
By the mid 23rd century very few M-113 creatures remained. Professor Crater and his wife Nancy found what is believed to be the last of them some one or two years prior to 2266. The creature killed Nancy, and subsequently imitated her in order to maintain a relationship with the Professor. In return, he supplied the creature with supplies of salt. [59]
When the USS Enterprise visited M-113 in 2266, the remaining creature killed two members of the landing party and then imitated one of them in order to beam aboard the ship. It imitated several different people whilst there, killing in order to get more salt. It ultimately killed Professor Crater and attacked Captain Kirk. Doctor McCoy used a phaser to kill the creature; this rendered the species extinct. [59] |
Microbrain [60] |
An inorganic life form native to Velara III. [60] |
Medusan [61] |
A species known as one of the great contrasts of the galaxy; the thoughts of the Medusans are considered to be the most sublime and beautiful in the entire galaxy, but their physical appearance is so ugly that simply looking at a Medusan is extremely dangerous. Human beings are driven insane by even the smallest glimpse of one, and will often become raving maniacs as a result. In some cases, death by widespread organ failure has been known to follow. The mental discipline possessed by Vulcans allows them to look at a Medusan safely, if it is done through a specially constructed visor. In very rare cases, non-Vulcans trained in Vulcan methods have been able to do the same. [61] Medusans are telepathic, and although establishing a telepathic link with another species is very difficult for them, this is their only method of communication. They are unable to vocalise or communicate by other methods, even with a universal translator. Medusans are also known for their extraordinary ability as navigators. [61] The image shown depicts a Medusan travelling box. For safety reasons we cannot show you an actual Medusan. [61] |
Menk [22] |
A primitive species which shared the same planet as the Valakians. The Menk were immune to the disease which threatened the Valakians. [22] |
Malcorian [62] |
A pre-warp species, the Malcorians were contacted by the Federation but eventually declined the offer of friendship. [62] |
Metrone [63] |
A highly advanced species, the Metrones staged a contest between Kirk and a Gorn starship captain. [63] |
Malkoth [44] |
A Delta Quadrant species erased from time by Annorax. He kept a bottle of their spirits on his ship, the only one remaining in the universe. [44]