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Species List

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Name Description
N'Kree [1] This Delta Quadrant species attempted to conscript a duplicate of Voyager into their battle fleet nine months and two days prior to Stardate 52586.3 [1]
Na'kuhl [2] Considered to be one of the more dangerous factions in the Temporal Cold War, the Na'kuhl regarded time travel as a right they had earned and treated it as a technology to be used like any other.

A group of Na'kuhl agents became trapped on Earth in the mid 20th century. In order to secure the raw materials to build a time machine for their return to their own time, they struck up an alliance with the Nazis whereby they would provide Germany with advanced weaponry in return for the raw materials and resources they needed. The Na'kuhl had no particular intention of holding up their side of the deal, and when Enterprise was sent to the period by Daniels the Na'kuhl leader Vosk offered to betray the Germans and restore history if Captain Archer would help them complete their machine, an offer that Archer declined.

The Na'kuhl were enemies of both Daniels' faction in the cold war and also of the Suliban - they once attempted to erase the Suliban from history by interfering in the distant past, but were prevented from doing so. Silik travelled into the past with Enterprise in order to infiltrate the Na'kuhl compound on Earth and steal time travel technology from them, apparently hoping to allow his own leader from the future to travel through time rather than just communicating through it. The attempt was initially successful, but Archer discovered Silik and prevented him from returning with the data.

Enterprise subsequently destroyed the Na'kuhl compound, killing all those there. The action restored the entire timeline to normal, effectively ending the Temporal Cold War once and for all. [2]
Nacene [3] A highly advanced species, a member of the Nacene known as the Caretaker was responsible for dragging various spacecraft into the Delta Quadrant. [3] A millennia ago the Nacene accidentally caused an environmental disaster on the Ocampa home planet; two of their kind remained to provide for the surviving Ocampa who they housed in an underground city. Eventually one of these Caretakers left [3], while the other died in 2371. [4]
Nagilum [5] Along with the Organians and Q, Nagilum is one of those mysterious entities whom the Federation may never come to fully understand. He - or rather, it - was encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2365. The ship encountered a 'void' in space, an area which seemed to contain no form of matter or energy - yet which was opaque to the light from stars on the other side. The void swallowed any probe which entered it, and when the Enterprise approached the region it expanded suddenly to encompass the ship. [5]

Within, the Enterprise crew found themselves dealing with a region where the physical laws themselves seemed to be different. Although the void had appeared relatively small on the outside, all attempts to reach its edge and emerge failed. Near copies of Romulan and Federation vessels appeared and disappeared before them, spatial relationships became oddly distorted. [5]

Eventually Nagilum itself appeared, showing itself as a disembodied catlike face hanging in the void - an appearance it claimed it had chosen because it was so close to Humanoid. It announced that it had been testing the crew because it was interested in seeing how they would react to unusual situations. It appeared intrigued by the physical differences between members of the crew, and surprised by the concepts of birth and death. In order to more fully understand the idea of death, Nagilum proposed to study the different ways in which a person could die by killing one third to one half of the Enterprise crew. [5]

Captain Picard chose to engage the ships autodestruct system rather than participate in the experiment. Nagilum attempted to deceive him into changing his decision by imitating members of the crew, but Picard remained resolute in his decision. Faced with this determination, Nagilum released the ship. [5]

Afterwards, Nagilum reappeared to Picard and stated that it had learned all it needed to know about Humanoids. It did not have a high opinion of them, and had decided that they had no common ground with itself, although Picard pointed out that both species were curious. [5]

The abilities it displayed were reminiscent of the Q and it is even possible that Nagilum was indeed a member of that species, although its behaviour was not typical of the continuum. Still, many fundamental questions remain unanswered. Since this incident there has been no further contact with this life form, and given the attitude to life that it displayed this is perhaps fortunate. [5]

Nakan [6] People who were massacred several centuries ago. [6]
Nalori [7] An intelligent Humanoid species. The Nalori had glossy skins with a smooth, almost oily texture and a deep coal-black colour. Their hair ranged from pale violet to magenta, and they had flat black eyes with no evident iris or pupils. [7]
Nanites [8] Nanotechnology has been used within the Federation for some time in the repair of cellular damage - at only one millionth of a millimetre in length these machines are easily able to penetrate a living cell. In 2366 Ensign Wesley Crusher was experimenting with forcing standard nanites to evolve on the Enterprise-D when some of his sample escaped from the containment vessel. The nanites continued to evolve, spreading through the ship's computer systems and inflicting considerable damage.

At the time the Enterprise was assisting Dr. Paul Stubbs in an important astrophysics experiment which had to take place at one specific time. When the nanite's actions threatened to prevent the experiment, Dr. Stubbs argued that they should be eliminated. Captain Picard declined, arguing that the nanites could be considered as a new life form and as such could not be killed en masse for the Federation's convenience.

Dr Stubbs attempted to force the crew's hand by irradiating one of the ship's computer cores with gamma rays to destroy the infestation. He hoped to provoke a conflict between the Enterprise crew and the nanites which would force the eradication of the machine life form. The nanites responded by launching attacks against Dr. Stubbs personally, indicating that they had developed a degree of intelligence.

Eventually the crew managed to make contact with the nanites via commander Data, and peaceful relations were established. The nanites proved to be fully sentient, highly intelligent creatures. The declined further conflict with the Federation, and the Enterprise transferred them to Kavis Alpha IV. This planet was designated as their home world. [8]
Napean [9] Humanoid species. Napeans are empathic, and are capable of cross-breeding with Humans. [9]
Nasari [10] The Nasari are sworn enemies of the Taresians, and will attack any ship carrying a Taresian on sight. [10]
Nassordin [11] Delta Quadrant civilisation which traded with the B'omar [11]
Nasturtium [12] Terran plant [12]
Nausicaans [13] Humanoid species native to the Beta Quadrant. [14] The Nausicaans are large people renowned for their lack of subtlety and surly, ill-tempered manner. [13] Nausicaan pirates were a problem for Earth cargo ships in the 2150s, since they carried energy shielding which made them highly resistant to the plasma cannon most of the Earth ships carried. The advent of the NX class helped to even things up somewhat. [15] In 2371 a group of Nausicaans used an ultrasonic generator to break in rob central museum of Remmil VI by breaking down one of the walls. [16] They are a common choice as bodyguards or hired muscle - FCA liquidator Brunt used two Nausicaans as bodyguards in 2372 when he investigated a labour union set up by employees of Quark. The Nausicaans severely beat Quark in an unsuccessful attempt to force Rom to shut down the union. [17]

In 2327 the newly graduated Ensign Picard and two of his friends became involved in a fight at a gambling establishment on Starbase Earhart after a Nausicaan cheated during a game of Dom Jot. One of the Nausicaans stabbed Picard through the heart, severely injuring him and necessitating an artificial replacement organ. [13]

In 2374 Quark made 200 bars of gold pressed latinum by selling Denevan crystals to a Nausicaan entrepreneur. [18]
Nebula Consciousness [19] Spontaneous consciousness Nebula developed by the Jonisian Nebula. [19]
Nechani [20] Species who were willing to allow Kes to die for unwittingly breaking one of their religious laws. [20]
Neethian Catfish [21] Creature which can survive being cut in half. [21]
Neo-Roman [22] Humanoid species from a planet which paralleled earth's early development but on which the Roman empire never fell. [22]
Neuralian [23] Species who lived in peace until the Klingons and Federation armed them, starting a civil war. [23]
Nexian tapeworm [24] Parasitic worm which can live within Denobulans. It attaches itself to the lower intestinal tract and absorbs nutrients from there; as a side effect, the host will tend to lose weight. Phlox used one of the creatures for this purpose in 2154 [24]
Neyel [25] Descendants of the Human residents of the O'Neil-class Vanguard asteroid colony, the Neyel were separated from the rest of humanity in 2053 when contact with Earth was cut off by World War III. Five years later the asteroids were thought to have been destroyed in an experiment aimed at generating a stable subspace field. In reality the Vanguard colony survived the experiment but was thrown some 200 light years across space. [25]

A month after this event, the asteroid was discovered and attacked by Nausicaan raiders. The "tuskers" killed 252 of the inhabitants before being driven away. This was a formative event in the history of the Neyel, as it led most Vanguard inhabitants to regard aliens only as a threat. They treated all future first contacts as invaders to be killed on sight. [25]

In 2155 Vanguard encountered a region of interphasic space and was catapulted more than 210,000 light years across space to the Small Magellanic Cloud. Whilst here the Neyel started using extensive genetic alteration, modifying their bodies to be more suitable for life in space as well as increasing durability and damage resistance. The Neyel would eventually have a very thick gray skin, feet with opposable thumbs which could be used as extra hands, and a prehensile tail. They were even capable of withstanding vacuum exposure for short periods. [25]

After drifting in the Magellanic Cloud for nineteen years the Neyel encountered and captured an alien spacecraft with an intact warp drive and artificial gravity system, allowing them to reverse-engineer these technologies. In 2204 they encountered the planet Oghen, inhabited by a primitive iron-age civilisation. The Neyel easily conquered the planet. Although their reign was initially at least somwhat beneficial to the Oghen themselves, this changed in 2219 when Drech’tor Hanif Wafiyy died. Subsequently the Neyel treated the Oghen as nothing more than slave labour, and much of their population was killed off over the next few decades. [25]

The Neyel used the resources of Oghen to build fleets of warships, conquering neighbouring planets and founding a large Empire called the Neyel Hegemony. Their domination seemed secure until regions of interphase space allowed contact with the Tholian Assembly, leading to war beytween the two species. In 2298 the USS Excelsior, under the command of Captain Sulu, and with the help of Federation Ambassador Burgess, was able to broker a ceasefire between the two sides. It was discovered that the Neyel had forgotten or distorted most of their history, granting almost divine status to what they referred to as "Auld Aerth". Burgess remained in the Small Magellanic Cloud with the Neyel, in an effort to prepare them for further contact with Earth by teaching them the truth of their history. [25]

By 2380 Ambassador Burgess' work with the Neyel had born considerable fruit. Their militaristic conquering phase had been brought to an end and the Neyel slave races had become citizens, albeit second class ones. However, elements of the Neyel retained their aggressive ways and sought to undermine these changes by assassinating Burgess, which resulted in her becoming widely regarded as a martyr and a revered figure in Neyel culture.

A cult known as the Seekers After Penance arose, composed of both Neyel and alien races. Seekers believed the existance of a supernatural entity they called the Sleeper, which would one day awaken and punish the Neyel for their sinful past, purging them of their guilt. When a subspace anomaly opened in Neyel space, the Seekers After Penance took it to be a manifestation of the Sleeper. The anomaly swept a fleet of Romulan ships into Neyel space, resulting in a battle with Neyel forces there. [26]

It also destroyed the planet Oghen, killing most of the population there. Thanks to the efforts of the USS Titan and the Romulan fleet, some 2 million of the natives were evacuated to "Holy Vangar" - the original Vanguard asteroid habitat, which had orbited the planet since the Neyel had arrived in it. The colony was subsequently returned to Federation space via the anomaly. The closing of the anomaly marked the end of contact with the Neyel. [26]
Nezu [27] Voyager helped the Nezu resist an asteroid bombardment in 2373. [27]
Nibiran Humanoid inhabitants of the planet Nibiru, the Nibirans were the subject of a scientific study by the USS Enterprise in 2259. The species was threatened with extinction by the impending eruption of a gigantic volcano near their settlement. Captain Kirk violated the Prime Directive in order to prevent the eruption and save the species. In the process he exposed the Enterprise itself to their view; the Nibirans responded by abandoning their religion and worshipping a new god-image in the shape of the Enterprise. [28]

Nibirans painted themselves with white colouring and tribal markings. Their eyes were solid black in colour, and had an inner eyelid. [28]

Nibirilla A quadruped species native to Nibiru, the Nibirilla was used as a riding animal. Doctor McCoy planned for himself and Captain Kirk to ride a Nibirilla in their escape from the Nibiran settlement. Unfortunately Captain Kirk stunned the creature when it roared at him as he arrived and the two were forced to escape on foot. [28]
Nibiru Fish Nibiru Fish is a species of fish from the oceans of Nibiru. It is very large in size, typically, its eyeball is larger in volume than an average human head. It could easily swallow a human whole. It had teeth and three strange marks on the skin surface near the tip of its nose. Despite its physical size it was not very long, being approximately four times the length of its height. [28]
Nibiru Tree Crawler A small creature native to Nibiru, this life form lived on the trees near the Nibiran settlement. It had a dozen small tentacles at the top of its body; these could be withdrawn into the body. [28]
Night Being [29] Delta Quadrant civilisation who lived within the Void and were well adapted to the conditions there [29]
Night Blooming Throgni [30] From the planet Gault [31], this plant is known for its odour. [30]
Nihydron [32] Delta Quadrant civilisation; in an alternate timeline the Nihydron allied with Voyager against the Krenim [32]
Nimbus III Unicorn [33] A horselike species native to Nimbus III. [33]
Nitrium Metal Parasite [34] Spaceborne lifeform which eats metals and converts it into a viscous liquid [34]
Nivallan sea urchin [35] Nivallan sea creature. When ground up Nivallan sea urchin forms a nutrient-rich and water-resistant but noxious paste which is a good match for Vulcan skin "electromagnetically speaking". [35]
Noophian [36] Species which have no sentimental attachment to old things. [36]
Norcadian [37] Humanoid Delta Quadrant species. [37] Borg designation Species 686 [38]
Norpin Falcon [39] Bird from the planet Norpin known for its excellent reflexes [39]
Nucleogenic Cloud Being [40] Life form measuring over a billion kilometres in diameter [40]
Nucleogenic Lifeform [41] A species which was considered to be spiritually important by the Ankari. The bodies of these creatures yielded a substance which greatly improved the effectiveness of warp drive, and the crew of the Equinox killed many of them to assist them in their journey home. [41] The Equinox was eventually destroyed in retaliation. [42]
Numiri [43] Enemies of the Banea, the Numiri are notoriously hostile to outsiders. [43]
Nuu'bari [44] Species which used simple holograms for mining duties. [44]
Nuvian [45] Species to be found on various planets around Earth. Nuvian masseuses were highly prized, having twelve fingers on each hand. Risa had over 200 of them in 2152. [46] Nuvian concubines were to be found for sale in slave markets in the Delphic Expanse. [47]
Nyberrite Alliance [48] Spacefaring civilisation [48]
Nygean [49] Species which uses the death penalty on criminals. [49]
Nyrian [50] Species which captures ships by gradually swapping the crew for their own people via a long range transporter. The Nyrians are sensitive to high levels of light and humidity, and to low temperatures. [50]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 5 Course: Oblivion
2 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part 2
3 VOY 1 Caretaker
4 VOY 2 Cold Fire
5 TNG 2 Where Silence Has Lease
6 VOY 6 Memorial
7 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
8 TNG 3 Evolution
9 TNG 7 Eye of the Beholder
10 VOY 3 Favorite Son
11 VOY 4 The Raven
12 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
13 TNG 6 Tapestry
14 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 60
15 ENT 1 Fortunate Son
16 DS9 3 Heart of Stone
17 DS9 4 Bar Association
18 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
19 SNW 1 The Elysian Kingdom
20 VOY 3 Sacred Ground
21 ENT 1 Vox Sola
22 TOS 2 Bread and Circuses
23 TOS 2 A Private Little War
24 ENT 3 The Council
25 The Sundered
26 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
27 VOY 3 Rise
28 Star Trek Into Darkness
29 VOY 5 Night
30 TNG 1 Angel One
31 Speculative Worf said these plants were from "back home". I presume he meant it is from Gault, the Human colony where he grew up, but he might have meant the Klingon Khittomer colony where he lived for a while as a child, or even Qo'noS where he was born
32 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 1
33 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
34 TNG 5 Cost of Living
35 SNW 1 Spock Amok
36 TNG 4 Brothers
37 VOY 6 Tsunkatse
38 VOY 6 Ashes to Ashes
39 DS9 6 Sons and Daughters
40 VOY 1 The Cloud
41 VOY 5 Equinox, Part 1
42 VOY 6 Equinox, Part 2
43 VOY 1 Ex Post Facto
44 VOY 7 Flesh and Blood, Part 1
45 Various Enterprise episodes
46 ENT 1 Fallen Hero
47 ENT 3 Rajiin
48 DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior
49 VOY 7 Repentance
50 VOY 3 Displaced
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Course: Oblivion
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Where Silence Has Lease
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Memorial
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Evolution
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Eye of the Beholder
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Raven
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 60
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fortunate Son
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Bar Association
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Elysian Kingdom
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Sacred Ground
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Vox Sola
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Bread and Circuses
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Novel : The Sundered
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Rise
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Night
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Source : Speculative
Comment : Worf said these plants were from "back home". I presume he meant it is from Gault, the Human colony where he grew up, but he might have meant the Klingon Khittomer colony where he lived for a while as a child, or even Qo'noS where he was born
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 1
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cost of Living
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Spock Amok
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Brothers
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tsunkatse
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Ashes to Ashes
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sons and Daughters
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Equinox, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Equinox, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Ex Post Facto
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Flesh and Blood, Part 1
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fallen Hero
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Way of the Warrior
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Repentance
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 1,259,343 Last updated : 8 Nov 2003