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Xindi Reptilian Warship

Size Comp
Universe : Prime Timeline
Affiliation : Xindi
Class Name : Xindi Reptilian Warship
Type : Combat vessel
Unit Run : 38 built in total. 12 have been lost in all. 26 have been retired from service.
Commissioned : 2145 - 2159, remained in service until 2179
Dimensions : Length : 180 m [1]
Beam : 40 m
Height : 20 m
Decks : 5
Mass : 45,000
Crew : 22 [2]
Armament : 6 x disruptor beam emitters, total output 25 TeraWatts
4 x 20 round Merculite rocket pack with 80 rounds
Defence Systems : Low capacity shield grid shield system, total capacity 1,100 TeraJoules
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 3 cm High density armour.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
(TOS scale) :
Normal Cruise : 4
Maximum Cruise : 4.2
Maximum Rated : 4.5 for 18 hours.
Higher speeds available via subspace vortex travel [3]
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 0.5
Torpedo Firepower : 20
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 15
Shield Strength : 0.41
Hull Armour : 300.31
Speed : 48
Combat Manoeuvrability : 3,000
Overall Strength Index : 45
Diplomatic Capability : 1
Expected Hull Life : 20 years
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 1 years
Major : 4 years


These vessels were used by the Xindi Reptilians in the mid 22nd century. Like the Insectoids, the Reptilians were considered to be one of the most warlike Xindi factions. [4] Their ships are primarily designed for combat operations, and carry a heavy armament. They are also heavily armoured, but they do have a weakness in the power system which the Xindi Primate Degra helped to design, and hits in the correct place can incapacitate one of these vessels relatively easily. [5]

The ships were first encountered when they attacked the NX-01 to recover Rajiin, a Xindi agent who had been aboard on a covert mission to gather biometric data on the crew. [6] Ships of this type visited the kemocite production facility whilst the NX-01 was there [7], and were at the weapon proving ground which Captain Archer discovered. [8] The NX-01 battled several Xindi ships, including Reptilian Warships, when it penetrated the Azati system in an attempt to destroy the final version of the Xindi Weapon [4], and ships of this type battled Archer's ship during the theft of the Xindi weapon [2] and it's subsequent journey to Earth. During this period the MACOs carried by the NX-01 raided a Reptilian warship to recover Ensign Sato from captivity. [9] At Earth Commander Dolim's warship was successfully engaged by Shran's warship the Kumari. [10]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative Speculation, based on comparisons to the NX class in various episodes
2 ENT 3 The Council
3 Various Enterprise episodes
4 ENT 3 Azati Prime
5 ENT 3 The Forgotten
6 ENT 3 Rajiin
7 ENT 3 The Shipment
8 ENT 3 Proving Ground
9 ENT 3 Countdown
10 ENT 3 Zero Hour
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculation, based on comparisons to the NX class in various episodes
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Forgotten
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Proving Ground
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Countdown
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour


As with other Xindi ships, this is one of those entries with a great deal of speculation for a ship which we know relatively little about. As with all Xindi ships, there is no reason why the Federation would not end up with detailed information regarding the Reptilian Warship given that the Xindi themselves become Federation members eventually.

I've rated the Reptilian ship as being one of the more powerful Xindi ships, and about on a par with the upgraded NX class. We rarely see the NX battle one of these ships one on one - the closest we come is in The Forgotten, and Enterprise herself was in sorry shape by then so it's not really a fair comparison.

As with other Xindi ships, I went with Merculite rockets as the torpedo type weapon because these are common "ye olde weapons" in TNG times. Since nobody else seems to use them in the Enterprise era, I figured that the Xindi are at least a possible choice for them. Disruptors are also a guess, but are a very common weapon choice for non-Federation types.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 52,832 Last updated : 29 Nov 2024