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Mawasi Cruiser

Size Comp
Universe : Year of Hell
Affiliation : Mawasi
Class Name : Mawasi Cruiser
Type : Cruiser [1]
Unit Run : In the 52%-Krenim timeline, at least several of these ships existed [1]
Dimensions : Length : 260 m [2]
Beam : 231 m
Height : 60 m
Decks : 14
Crew : Unknown
Defence Systems : Unknown  hull.
Warp Speeds
(TNG scale) :


The Mawasi was a species which existed in the timeline created by the destruction of the Ram Izad home world. When made aware of the timeline changes being made by the Krenim Timeship, the Mawasi agreed to ally with Voyager to attempt to stop Annorax. Two cruisers joined the fleet led by Voyager which attacked the Timeship. One of these was badly damaged and subsequently collided with Voyager; the other was also disabled. [1]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 2
2 Speculative Based on visual comparison to Voyager in the episode 'Year of Hell, Part 2', while the Mawasi ship was in the process of ramming the Federation vessel.
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 2
Source : Speculative
Comment : Based on visual comparison to Voyager in the episode 'Year of Hell, Part 2', while the Mawasi ship was in the process of ramming the Federation vessel.


The Mawasi cruiser was one of the ships which fought the Krenim Timeship at the end of "Year Of Hell, Part 2". We know little about the ships, and never saw a Mawasi individual in the epsiode. The sizing comes from the scene in which a Mawasi ship hits voyager - the Mawasi bridge unit is just above the dent in the front of Voyagers saucer section, while the small structure at the top of the 'hump' is just around Voyagers bridge. This sizes the whole ship to 260 metres, with the other dimensions coming from scale diagrams.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 44,045 Last updated : 4 Jul 2004