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Krenim Patrol

Size Comp
Universe : Year of Hell
Affiliation : Krenim
Class Name : Krenim Patrol
Type : Warship [1]
Unit Run : In the Zahl-dominant timeline, a handful of these ships still existed [1]
Dimensions : Length : 125 m [2]
Beam : 61 m
Height : 46.9 m
Decks : 8
Crew : 15 [1]
Defence Systems : Unknown  hull.
Warp Speeds
(TNG scale) :
Low Warp Speed in the Zahl-dominant timeline. [1]
Sublight only in the Krenim-prewarp timeline. [1]


The Krenim patrol ship was a vessel which existed in the Zahl-dominant timeline. The ship was a small craft, with limited armaments and low warp capacity. The remaining Krenim took to travelling Zahl space in these ships, accosting travellers and making grandiose threats against them. The ships were not powerful enough to back up these threats in most cases, and were generally ignored.

The Patrol ships were replaced in the Krenim-dominant timeline by the larger and far more effective Warship. [1]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 1
2 Speculative One of the more speculative lengths, based more on my 'feel' for how large the ship is compared to Voyager in 'Year of Hell' than anything.
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 1
Source : Speculative
Comment : One of the more speculative lengths, based more on my 'feel' for how large the ship is compared to Voyager in 'Year of Hell' than anything.


The Krenim patrol ship was a small, fairly weak vessel which existed in two distinct timelines. The first was the first timeline we saw in the episode, which I have dubbed the Zahl-dominant timeline for obvious reasons. The specs page is mostly based on Tuvoks assessment of the ship.

After the Krenim Timeship removed the Garenor home world from the timeline, a Krenim warship was replaced by another of these ships. However, a few minutes later Obrist reported that after this incursion "The entire Krenim Imperium - it's reverted to a pre-warp state!". So presumably there are two versions of this ship, one with warp drive and one which is purely sublight. This would place Voyager somewhere within a star system at this point in the episode. When reporting on the change Kim reports the smaller ship as "half the size", which forms the basis of the scaling of the two ships I have used. However, while the ratio is canon the specific values are guestimates basedon the episode FX, so be warned.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 44,473 Last updated : 30 Jun 2004