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Ptolemy Class

Size Comp 1Size comp 2Size comp 3

Transport / Tug

Universe : Prime Timeline
Affiliation : Federation
Class Name : Ptolemy Class [1]
Type : Tug [1]
Unit Run :
NCC 3801 USS Ptolemy [1] - Retired
NCC 3802 USS Al Rashid [1] - Retired
NCC 3803 USS Anaxagoras [1] - Retired
NCC 3804 USS Anaximander [1] - Retired
NCC 3805 USS Aristarchus [1] - Retired
NCC 3806 USS Ibn Daud [1] - Retired
NCC 3807 USS Eratosthenes [1] - Retired
NCC 3808 USS Galllei [1] - Retired
NCC 3809 USS Hipparchus [1] - Retired
NCC 3810 USS Ulugh Beg [1] - Retired
NCC 3811 USS Philolaus [1] - Retired
NCC 3814 USS Hevelius [1] - Retired
NCC 3815 USS Copernicus [1] - Retired
NCC 3816 USS Keppler [1] - Retired
NCC 3818 USS Flamarion [1] - Retired
NCC 3819 USS Schiaparelli [1] - Retired
NCC 3820 USS Deslandres [1] - Retired
NCC 3821 USS Brahe [1] - Retired
NCC 3822 USS Newton [1] - Retired
NCC 3823 USS Riccioli [1] - Retired
NCC 3824 USS Cassini [1] - Retired
NCC 3825 USS Donati [1] - Retired
NCC 3826 USS Kidinnu [1] - Retired
NCC 3827 USS Piazzi [1] - Retired
NCC 3828 USS Leverrier [1] - Retired
NCC 3829 USS Luyten [1] - Retired
NCC 3830 USS Messier [1] - Retired
NCC 3831 USS Doppler [1] - Retired
NCC 3832 USS Gaillot [1] - Retired
NCC 3833 USS Halley [1] - Retired
NCC 3834 USS Holden [1] - Retired
NCC 3835 USS Jeffrey [1] - Retired
NCC 3836 USS Kuiper [1] - Retired
NCC 3837 USS Oort [1] - Retired
NCC 3839 USS Savary [1] - Retired
NCC 3840 USS Struve [1] - Retired
NCC 3841 USS Vogel [1] - Retired
NCC 3842 USS Airy [1] - Retired
NCC 3843 USS Bondi [1] - Retired
NCC 3844 USS Chauvenet [1] - Retired
NCC 3845 USS Eddington [1] - Retired
NCC 3846 USS Gautier [1] - Retired
NCC 3847 USS Hencke [1] - Retired
NCC 3848 USS Hubble [1] - Retired
NCC 3849 USS Leavitt [1] - Retired
NCC 3850 USS Peale [1] - Retired
NCC 3851 USS Rittenhouse [1] - Retired
NCC 3852 USS Secchi [1] - Retired
NCC 3853 USS Tombaugh [1] - Retired
NCC 3854 USS Wolaston [1] - Retired
NCC 3855 USS Baade [1] - Retired
NCC 3856 USS Campell [1] - Retired
NCC 3857 USS Columbo [1] - Retired
NCC 3859 USS Goldricke [1] - Retired
NCC 3860 USS Herschell [1] - Retired
NCC 3861 USS Humanson [1] - Retired
NCC 3862 USS Klepstra [1] - Retired
NCC 3863 USS Mitchell [1] - Retired
NCC 3865 USS Ross [1] - Retired
NCC 3866 USS Shklovsky [1] - Retired
NCC 3867 USS Toscanelli [1] - Retired
NCC 3868 USS Wright [1] - Retired
NCC 3869 USS Bayer [1] - Retired
NCC 3870 USS Carrington [1] - Retired
NCC 3871 USS Kruger [1] - Retired
NCC 3872 USS Fracastor [1] - Retired
NCC 3873 USS Hale [1] - Retired
NCC 3874 USS Hirayama [1] - Retired
NCC 3875 USS Jansky [1] - Retired
NCC 3876 USS Laplace [1] - Retired
NCC 3877 USS Newcomb [1] - Retired
NCC 3879 USS Sabine [1] - Retired
NCC 3881 USS Van De Kamp [1] - Retired
NCC 3882 USS Von Zach [1] - Retired
NCC 3883 USS Chamberlain [1] - Retired
NCC 3884 USS Biela [1] - Retired
NCC 3885 USS Dollfus [1] - Retired
NCC 3886 USS Galle [1] - Retired
NCC 3887 USS Hayashi [1] - Retired
NCC 3888 USS Hubbard [1] - Retired
NCC 3889 USS Kaula [1] - Retired
NCC 3890 USS Lockyer [1] - Retired
NCC 3891 USS Palitzsch [1] - Retired
NCC 3892 USS Reber [1] - Retired
NCC 3894 USS Swift [1] - Retired
NCC 3895 USS Walker [1] - Retired
NCC 3896 USS Apian [1] - Retired
NCC 3897 USS Brouwer [1] - Retired
NCC 3898 USS Clark [1] - Retired
NCC 3899 USS Dreyer [1] - Retired
NCC 38S9 USS Encke [1] - Retired
NCC 3900 USS Dollond [1] - Retired
NCC 3901 USS Goldreich [1] - Retired
NCC 3902 USS Hertzsprung [1] - Retired
NCC 3903 USS Irwin [1] - Retired
NCC 3904 USS Kohlschutter [1] - Retired
NCC 3905 USS Moulton [1] - Retired
NCC 3907 USS Russell [1] - Retired
NCC 3908 USS Slipher [1] - Retired
NCC 3909 USS Van de hulst [1] - Retired
NCC 3910 USS Young [1] - Retired
NCC 3911 USS Bessel [1] - Retired
NCC 3912 USS Challis [1] - Retired
NCC 3913 USS Flamsteed [1] - Retired
NCC 3914 USS Henderson [1] - Retired
NCC 3915 USS Huggins [1] - Retired
NCC 3916 USS Lagrange [1] - Retired
NCC 3917 USS Olbers [1] - Retired
NCC 3918 USS Plaskett [1] - Retired
NCC 3919 USS Sandage [1] - Retired
NCC 3920 USS Schawbe [1] - Retired
NCC 3921 USS Wolf [1] - Retired
NCC 3922 USS Bode [1] - Retired
NCC 3923 USS Chandrasekher [1] - Retired
NCC 3924 USS Eichelberger [1] - Retired
NCC 3925 USS Adams [1] - Retired
NCC 3926 USS Hall [1] - Retired
NCC 3927 USS Gold [1] - Retired
NCC 3928 USS Hoyle [1] - Retired
NCC 3929 USS Jeans [1] - Retired
NCC 3930 USS Langley [1] - Retired
NCC 3931 USS Pierce [1] - Retired
NCC 3932 USS Roques [1] - Retired
NCC 3933 USS Shapley [1] - Retired
NCC 3934 USS Todd [1] - Retired
NCC 3935 USS Baum [1] - Retired
NCC 3936 USS Carpenter [1] - Retired
NCC 3937 USS Delambre [1] - Retired
NCC 3938 USS Frost [1] - Retired
NCC 3939 USS Lowell [1] - Retired
NCC 3940 USS Van Maanen [1] - Retired
NCC.3812 USS Pythagoras [1] - Retired
NCC.3813 USS Thales [1] - Retired
NCC.3817 USS Ambartsumian [1] - Retired
NCC.3838 USS Pritchett [1] - Retired
NCC.3864 USS Pickering [1] - Retired
NCC.3878 USS Popper [1] - Retired
NCC.3880 USS Schmidt [1] - Retired
NCC.3893 USS Scheiner [1] - Retired
NCC.3906 USS Pogson [1] - Retired
3 have been lost in all. 137 have been retired from service.
Commissioned : 2247 - 2255, remained in service until 2321
Dimensions : Length : 222 m [2]
Beam : 127.1 m [1]
Height : 66 m [1]
Decks : 12
Mass : 274,000 metric tons
Crew : 220 [1]
Armament : 4 [1] x Type VI phaser bank [1], total output 1,500 TeraWatts
Defence Systems : Standard shield system, total capacity 54,000 TeraJoules
Standard Monotanium Single hull.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
(TOS scale) :
Maximum Cruise : 6 [1]
Maximum Rated : 6 [1] for 2 hours.
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 30
Torpedo Firepower : -
Weapon Range and Accuracy : -
Shield Strength : 20
Hull Armour : 5
Speed : 113
Combat Manoeuvrability : 6,890
Overall Strength Index : 39
Diplomatic Capability : Specialized facilities can be towed as required
Expected Hull Life : 60
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 1 years
Major : 20 years


The Ptolemy class tugs are based on the standard Starfleet hull components of the time, but replaced the engineering hull of the Constitution class with a connector at the base of the connecting neck. This could accept a variety of large pods for hauling cargo, passengers, or other stores. [1]

The pods hauled by the Ptolemies were divided into five main marks. Each were given their own NCC numbers, in line with their Mark number; Mark I pods were designed for bulk liquid carrying, and were given NCC numbers in the 1000 range. Mark II carried dry bulk goods and were given NCC numbers in the 2000 range. Mark III reefers carried refrigerated goods with numbers in the 3000 range, Mark IV "star liners" carried personnel and were given numbers in the 4000 range, and Mark V general cargo hulls received numbers in the 5000 range. [1]

The ships proved invaluable in service, and continued to ply the space-lanes of the Federation for decades. By 2307 they were beginning to reach the end of their operational lives, and Starfleet began to retire them in this year. The last ships were due to retire in 2315, but Starfleet retained six of these ships for a further few years in order to provide a stopgap due to delays in their replacements. The last of the Ptolemy class vessels was retired in 2321.

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek - Starfleet Technical Manual
2 Star Trek - Starfleet Technical Manual Stated on page 01:04:16
Book : Star Trek - Starfleet Technical Manual
Book : Star Trek - Starfleet Technical Manual
Comment : Stated on page 01:04:16


This ship is almost exactly as described in the Starfleet Technical Manual by Franz Joseph. The strengths of the weapons and defence systems are my own invention. The mass has been raised from the the TM's figure of 126,500 metric tons; since TOS establishes that the Constitution is far more massive than the TM suggests, I have raised the mass of all these ships in line with the canon figure.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 90,868 Last updated : 1 Oct 2021