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Galaxy Class

Size Comp 1Size comp 2


Universe : Prime Timeline
Affiliation : Federation
Class Name : Galaxy Class [1]
Type : Explorer / Heavy Cruiser
Unit Run :
USS Magellan - Upgraded [2]
NCC 1701-D USS Enterprise [1] - Destroyed [3]
NCC 70637 USS Galaxy [4] - Active
NCC 71099 [5] USS Challenger [6] - Active
NCC 71807 [5] USS Yamato - Destroyed [7]
NCC 71832 [5] USS Odyssey - Destroyed [8]
NCC 71854 [5] USS Venture [9] - Active
NCC 71867 [5] USS Trinculo [2] - Active
plus 10 others built in total. 4 have been lost in all.
Commissioned : 2362 - present
Dimensions : Length : 641 m [10]
Beam : 470 m [11]
Height : 145 m [12]
Decks : 42 [13]
Mass : 4,960,000 [14] metric tons
Crew : 1,013 [15], 15,000 person evacuation limit. [16]
Armament : 12 [17] x Type X phaser arrays [18], total output 50,000 TeraWatts
2 [14] x Type 3 burst fire [19] photon torpedo tube [1] with 250 [18] rounds
Defence Systems : High capacity [18] shield system, total capacity 2,700,000 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium / Tritanium Double hull plus 9 cm High density armour.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
(TNG scale) :
Normal Cruise : 6 [14]
Maximum Cruise : 9.2 [1]
Maximum Rated : 9.6 [1] for 12 [14] hours.
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 1,000
Torpedo Firepower : 1,000
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,000
Shield Strength : 1,000
Hull Armour : 1,000
Speed : 1,000
Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,000
Overall Strength Index : 1,000
Diplomatic Capability : 7
Expected Hull Life : 100 [14]
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 1 years
Major : 20 [14] years


The Galaxy class was developed to replace the ageing Ambassador and Oberth class starships as Starfleets primary exploration vessel. The design was initiated in 2343 with a highly challenging specification [20] which called for a ship based on the Nebula design then being developed, but equally capable of scientific, exploration, diplomatic, cultural, and combat roles all within a single multi-mission hull. [20] In fact, many came to regard the requirement as too challenging; the project suffered from numerous delays due to a wide range of design, manufacturing, and construction problems. The first of the class, the USS Galaxy, was launched in 2357 and commissioned in 2362, nearly two decades after initial approval. [21]

The Galaxy class which emerged from the Utopia Planitia shipyard [22] had very similar lines to the Nebula class. The Galaxy is slightly larger in volume, although its less compact design gives it considerably greater length than the smaller vessel. The major change between the two is the lack of a mission specific pod on the Galaxy class, [23] the increased volume allowing sections within the hull to be mission customized. This combined with a more advanced systems level to allow all functions to be performed by the single design. In addition the saucer and engineering hulls are separated by an eleven deck connecting neck section. This separation between the two hulls allows the nacelles to be located outboard and above the engineering hull, [23] a position which increases the efficiency of the warp drive field slightly. This gives the Galaxy class warp coils an efficiency of 88% at speeds of up to Warp 7 and 52% through Warp 9.1 [20] - the comparable figures for the Nebula class are 84% and 47% respectively.

Saucer Section features
Deck Contains...
1 Main bridge, main observation lounge, captain's ready room. [24]
2 Junior officers quarters [25]
3 Junior officers quarters [25]
4 Residential quarters. [26] main shuttle bay, cargo bays [25]
5 Science laboratories, residential quarters [25]
6 Transporter room 1, 2, [25] 3, [27] 4, science laboratories,  [25]

main dorsal saucer phaser array
7 Residential quarters [25]
8 Residential quarters, [28]
9 Residential quarters, including captains quarters [29] Saucer impulse engines, [25]

secondary dorsal saucer phaser arrays
10 Ten forward, [24] Holodeck 5, [30]computer cores, escape pods [25]
11 Holodeck [28], residential quarters [31]
12 Sickbay, [32] medical laboratories, [25] gymnasium, [33] transporter room [34] Residential quarters, [35] Stellar cartography, [36] biological research, [36] astrophysics [36]
13 Residential quarters, life support system,

main ventral saucer phaser array [25]
14 Conference room, [28] residential quarters [25]
15 Maintenance centre [25]
16 Captain's yacht docking port [25]

Stardrive Section features
Deck Contains... Deck Contains...
8 Battle bridge [25] 26 Engineering support [25]
9 Docking latches and supporting

mechanisms [25]
27 Deuterium fuel pumps and fill ports [25]
10 Emergency batteries,

phaser bank systems [25]
28 Deuterium fuel storage [25]
11 Life support systems, [25]shuttlebay 2 and 3, [37] 29 Deuterium fuel storage [25]
12 Science labs [25] 30 Deuterium injection reactors [25]
14 Shuttle bay support, [25] personnel

transporter [1]
5 and 6 [25]
31 Science laboratories [25]
15 Science labs [25] 32 Living quarters [25]
16 Maintenance [25] 33 Living quarters [25]
17 Living quarters [25] 34 Environmental support [25]
18 Living quarters [25] 35 Aft photon torpedo launcher [25]
19 Living quarters [25] 36 Main engineering, [38]

secondary ventral stardrive section phaser arrays [25]
20 Living quarters [25] 37 Environmental support, waste management [25]
21 Power distribution [25] 38 Cargo bay 3 [38], brig [25]
22 Engineering support laboratories [25] 39 Cargo bay 12 [39]
23 Main impulse engines [25] 40 Antimatter injection reactors [25]
24 Life support [25] 41 Antimatter storage pods [25]
25 Dorsal docking port,

forward photon torpedo launcher [25]
42 Antimatter storage pods [36]

The increased internal volume allowed for 800,000 square metres of mission adaptable facilities. [40] This allows the Galaxy class to support a wide range of ongoing research projects independently of the vessels primary mission. [24] Although not a new idea in Starfleet vessels, the Galaxy class is unique in the extent to which this is possible. These ships are capable of supporting up to 5,000 mission specialists, while the decentralized nature of the secondary power grids allows laboratories to function effectively even during combat operations.

The combat capability of the Galaxy class was also significantly greater than that of the Nebulas. [41] The burst fire torpedo tubes are each capable of launching groups of photons torpedoes [19], up to ten at a time [42] every six seconds, while t [43] As with many recent Federation designs, the use of long phaser arrays rather than banks gives the main phasers of the Galaxy class a great capability for sustained firing and rapid recharge/cool down time. The Galaxy class is the first on which all segments of every phaser array are supplied by a separate power system; although this increases the complexity of the system tremendously, it gives the phaser arrays a tremendous survivability in the face of combat damage.

In service the Galaxy class at first proved exemplary, beyond any of Starfleet's expectations [44] but by 2371 no less than three of the initial six ships had been lost - the Yamato, [7] Odyssey, [8] and finally Enterprise-D [3]. Yamato 's loss was particularly horrific, as she was destroyed with her entire complement of crew and families aboard. [7] This alarming record led to many changes being introduced during refits of the remaining three vessels, and also to the construction of six new Galaxy class ships from space frames held in reserve against future need. The unfortunate history of the Galaxy class vessels combined with the recent escalation's in tensions within the alpha quadrant has led to all six vessels being subsequently completed, and all are now on active service against the Dominion.

Major changes to the Galaxy class have included a new warp core, [45] a redesigned shield system intended to perform far better against phased polaron beam weapons, [46] various changes to the ships computer systems, plus many minor changes to the ships systems. Production of these vessels continues today; five Galaxy class ships took part in the recent operation to retake Deep Space Nine from the Dominion [47] and the class has gained a fearsome reputation during the war, operating with one of the highest kill-to-loss ratios of any Starfleet classes. Though new Galaxy class ships are being produced without any science or diplomatic facilities included in order to reduce the vessel mass and so enhance combat performance during the Dominion war. [40] These ships will be "filled out" after the war, considerably enhancing Starfleets exploration capacity. At this point further production is expected to be terminated in favour of the new Sovereign class.

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
2 DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels
3 Star Trek : Generations
4 Star Trek : Nemesis
5 Star Trek Encyclopedia
6 VOY 5 Timeless
7 TNG 2 Contagion
8 DS9 2 The Jem'Hadar
9 DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior
10 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Taken from a diagram with dimensions on it on page 20. This length, or lengths within a metre or two of this one, have been confirmed in multiple official sources.
11 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Taken from a scale diagram on page 20. Note that the figure given on the diagram is incorrect; a correct figure must be derived from scaling
12 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Taken from a diagram with dimensions on it on page 20.
13 TNG 3 Yesterday's Enterprise
14 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
15 TNG 4 Remember Me
16 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Page 151
17 Generic canonical information
18 TNG 5 Conundrum
19 TNG 1 The Arsenal of Freedom
20 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Page 1
21 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Page 17
22 TNG 3 Booby Trap
23 Visible on the shooting model
24 Various Next Generation episodes
25 Star Trek Encyclopedia second edition
26 TNG 7 Preemptive Strike
27 TNG 3 The Bonding
28 TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona
29 TNG 3 Allegiance
30 TNG 7 Homeward
31 TNG 6 Schisms
32 TNG 3 The Price
33 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor
34 TNG 3 The Survivors
35 TNG 6 Face of the Enemy
36 TNG 7 Liaisons
37 TNG 2 Unnatural Selection
38 TNG 3 The Hunted
39 TNG 3 A Matter of Perspective
40 Generic official information
41 TNG 4 The Wounded
42 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Page 130
43 Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual Page 1231058
44 TNG 1 11001001
45 TNG 7 Phantasms
46 Various Deep Space Nine episodes
47 DS9 6 Favor the Bold
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sacrifice of Angels
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Book : Star Trek Encyclopedia
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Timeless
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Contagion
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Jem'Hadar
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Way of the Warrior
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Taken from a diagram with dimensions on it on page 20. This length, or lengths within a metre or two of this one, have been confirmed in multiple official sources.
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Taken from a scale diagram on page 20. Note that the figure given on the diagram is incorrect; a correct figure must be derived from scaling
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Taken from a diagram with dimensions on it on page 20.
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Yesterday's Enterprise
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Remember Me
Book : Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual
Comment : Page 151
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Arsenal of Freedom
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Page 1
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Page 17
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Booby Trap
Source : Visible on the shooting model
Series : TNG Season
Episode : Various Next Generation episodes
Book : Star Trek Encyclopedia
Comment : second edition
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Preemptive Strike
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Bonding
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Outrageous Okona
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Homeward
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Schisms
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Price
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Survivors
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Face of the Enemy
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Liaisons
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Unnatural Selection
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Hunted
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : A Matter of Perspective
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Wounded
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Page 130
Book : Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual
Comment : Page 1231058
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : 11001001
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Phantasms
Series : DS9 Season
Episode : Various Deep Space Nine episodes
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Favor the Bold


Thanks to the TNG tech manual (not to mention seven years of TNG!) we probably know more about the Galaxy class than any other ship. As a result, there's a lot of canon and backstage info on the specs page here, and very little in the way of speculation.

The list of 'backstage' deck references comes from a table printed in the Star Trek Encyclopedia. The canonical deck references are gleaned from various episodes, either from direct references that characters have made - such as somebody specifying a deck when walking into a turbolift, then walking out at the other end and going into sickbay - or from the deck numbers which are printed on the ship's door labels. I have only used the latter source where the number is clearly visible in the episode.

The TNG Tech manual suggested that only six Galaxy class ships had been built. A further six spaceframes had been constructed but then mothballed, so that extra ships could be built in short order should the need arise. We have seen a total of eight ships on screen; one, the USS Challenger, was in an alternate timeline future and may not exist in the present day Trek universe. Since this still leaves seven observed ships, then it would indicate that Starfleet did indeed take at least some of these extra spaceframes to completion. Assuming that all had been completed, then the present day Starfleet would have either eight or nine Galaxy class ships.

However, in the DS9 Favor the Bold / Sacrifice of Angels episodes, Sisko's force had no less than five Galaxy class starships in it. This force was composed of "elements" of two other fleets cobbled together for the mission to retake Deep Space Nine. If one element of one fleet can have two or three Galaxy class vessels, it seems hard to believe that a mere nine existed in all. It is for this reason that I have chosen to over-rule the TNG TM in this respect, and assume a far larger number of ships in service. Really there is no contradiction here - you could assume that the "six completed / six in reserve" thing described in the TM was merely the first batch of ships to be ordered, and that Starfleet ordered further batches as the Galaxy proved itself in service.

Going by the Favor the Bold force, then, a full fleet should expect to have a good half dozen or more Galaxy class ships. Since the highest fleet number we have heard of was the tenth, then the total number in service could be as high as sixty to ninety. However, not all fleets are so large - the seventh fleet had only 112 ships, for instance. For this reason I have chosen to go with about forty Galaxy class ships overall.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 284,853 Last updated : 8 Apr 2017