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Air Tram

Size Comp
Universe : Prime Timeline
Affiliation : Federation
Class Name : Air Tram
Type : Atmospheric transport craft
Unit Run : 22,120 built in total. 38 have been lost in all. 22,082 have been retired from service.
Commissioned : 2254 - 2260, remained in service until 2285
Dimensions : Length : 12 m [1]
Beam : 3 m
Height : 2.6 m
Decks : 1
Mass : 16.9 metric tons
Crew : 1, plus up to 20 passengers
Defence Systems : Light Monotanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Sub-impulse only : Acceleration : 5 m/s/s
Delta Vee : 36,000 m/s
Endurance : 2 hours
Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : -
Torpedo Firepower : -
Weapon Range and Accuracy : -
Shield Strength : -
Hull Armour : 0.31
Speed : -
Combat Manoeuvrability : 19,740
Overall Strength Index : 27
Diplomatic Capability : None
Expected Hull Life : 25
Refit Cycle : Minor : 0 year
Standard : 0 years
Major : 5 years


The Air Tram concept is a simple development of the public transportation systems which have been in use within Human society for millennia. This particular model was designed to operate purely within planetary atmospheres, carrying small groups of passengers on trips of a few miles - generally within the boundaries of a single city, where transporter systems were still too energy expensive for wide scale use by the public. The tram was built in large numbers and was a common sight on Earth in the 2260's. Eventually, however, improvements in the efficiency of transporters began to seriously affect the air trams competitiveness. By the early 2270's air tram numbers had fallen rapidly, and by 2280 this type of craft was no longer in civilian service.

In 2259 Starfleet procured a number of air trams for use in and around sensitive ground facilities which operated continually under transporter inhibitors. These continued in service well beyond the point at which civilian models had become impractical - some were to be seen still operating as late as 2285. In the late 2280's Starfleet switched to inhibitors which blocked only non-Starfleet transports, and the air tram was finally phased out of service for good.

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Speculative Estimated by scaling against a person approximately six feet in height.
Source : Speculative
Comment : Estimated by scaling against a person approximately six feet in height.


Seen only once in Star Trek : The Motion Picture, the air tram seemed to be a sort of shuttlebus type affair. Almost everything about these things is completely made up - the size is judged against Kirk standing inside one. There's not much more to say about them, really.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 71,235 Last updated : 12 Mar 2013