Universe : | Prime Timeline |
Affiliation : | Bajorans |
Class Name : | Kendra Class |
Type : | Cargo ship |
Unit Run : | 12 are operated by the Bajoran government 12 built in total. |
Commissioned : | 2310 - 2320, class remains in service |
Dimensions : | Length : 265 m [1] Beam : 90 m Height : 67 m Decks : 19 |
Mass : | 350,000 metric tons |
Crew : | 35 |
Defence Systems : | Light Duranium / Tritanium Single hull. Standard level Structural Integrity Field |
Warp Speeds (TNG scale) : |
Normal Cruise : 2.5 Maximum Cruise : 2.8 Maximum Rated : 3 for 2 hours. |
Strength Indices : (Galaxy class = 1,000) |
Beam Firepower : - Torpedo Firepower : - Weapon Range and Accuracy : - Shield Strength : - Hull Armour : 12.5 Speed : 20 Combat Manoeuvrability : 6,210 |
Overall Strength Index : | 20 |
Diplomatic Capability : | None |
Expected Hull Life : | 80 |
Refit Cycle : | Minor : 4 year Standard : 4 years Major : 40 years |
These ships are simple trading vessels, similar to many to be seen throughout this part of the galaxy. Several Bajoran refugee groups acquired vessels of this type during the occupation. Most fell into a state of considerable disrepair, some even losing the ability to travel at warp speeds altogether. After the occupation the provisional government reclaimed and refitted a dozen of the ships from returning refugee groups, usually trading land allocations for them. The ships carried out various cargo transportation roles for the provisional government.
Canon source | Backstage source | Novel source | DITL speculation |
# | Series | Season | Source | Comment |
1 | Speculative | Estimate. |
Source : | Speculative |
Comment : | Estimate. |
The model is a modification the Jovis from TNGs "The Most Toys". The two are different enough to be considered separate classes, but I would imagine that both would be built by the same source company or species. I have also used this as an excuse to give the ship the same general capabilities as Fajo's ship - a shuttle bay, and a speed of Warp 3.
Like many of the Bajoran ships, we do not know a class name but it is unlikely that the real Daystrom institute would not know such details. I have named all these ships after something distinctly Bajoran - in this case the Kendra Valley Massacre which took place during the Cardassian Occupation.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 68,252 | Last updated : 11 Aug 2006 |