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Bioship Planetbuster Assault Ship Fighter Emissary Kendra Pagh Prophet Solar Sail Additional Cube Probe Singularity Ship Sphere Tactical Cube Transwarp Prototype Yacht Dreadnought Freighter Galor Hideki Keldon Breen Frigate Attack Ship Battlecruiser Battleship Dreadnought Karemma Ship Air Tram Akira Ambassador Antares Centaur Challenger Cheyenne Class F Shuttle Constellation Constitution Constitution Daedalus Danube Defender Defiant Delta Flyer Dreadnaught Endgame Nova Endgame Shuttle Excelsior Excelsior II Federation Class Raider Scout Trainer Freedom Gagarin Gage Galaxy Galaxy Yacht Griffin Hermes Holo Ship Intrepid Kelvin Luna Miranda Nebula New Orleans Niagara Norway Nova Oberth Olympic Orbital Shuttle Peregrine Polaris Prometheus Ptolemy Raven Refit Galaxy Reliant Rigel Ross Saber Sagan Saladin Shelley Sovereign Sovereign Yacht Soyuz Springfield Steamrunner Sutherland Sydney Travel Pod Trident Type 3 Shuttle Type 6 Shuttle Type 7 Shuttle Type 8 Shuttle Type 9 Shuttle Type 10 Shuttle Type 11 Shuttle Type 14 Shuttle Type 15 Shuttle Type 17 Shuttle Type 18 Shuttle Warp Sled Wells Work Bee Yeager Additional D'Kora Additional Ares Conestoga DY-100 Intrepid J Class Neptune NX Class NX Test Ship Saturn V SS Enterprise The Phoenix Type 0 Shuttle USS Enterprise Valiant Y Class Additional Raider Predator Additional B'rel D'tai D-5 D-7 Early Bird of Prey K'pak K'T'Inga Bird of Prey Cargo Ship Tanker Negh'var Raptor Regency Voodieh Vor'cha Additional D'Deridex Early Bird of Prey Narada Norexan Bird of Prey D7 Science ship Scout Shuttle Scimitar Scorpion Additional Battleship Collector Destroyer Additional Cell Ship Module Ship Salvage Ship Additional Observation Ship War Ship Additional D'Kyr Sh'Raan Suurok Vahklas Lander Additional Aquatic Cruiser Arboreal Ship Insectoid Assault Ship Insectoid Fighter Insectoid Warship Primate Ship Primate Shuttle Reptilian Warship Additional Dauntless Doomsday Machine Kumari class Angosian Ship Cravic Ship Tash's Ship Yonada Hirogen Ship Husnock Ship Krenim Patrol Krenim Timeship Krenim Warship Malon Ship Mawasi Cruiser Eymorg Ship Nihydron Ship Pralor Ship Promellian Battlecruiser Swarm Ship Tarellian Ship Early Tholian Ship V'Ger Whale Probe Varro Ship Zahl Ship Additional

Borg Cube

Size Comp
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Starship internal Borg Cube
The interior of a Borg cube. [1]
Starship internal Borg Cube
The interior of a Borg Cube. [2]
Starship internal Borg Cube
Another view of a Borg cube interior showing regeneration slots. [3]
Starship internal Borg Cube
Another view of the interior of a Borg Cube. [3]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A "nursery" inside a Borg cube. [3]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A failed assimilation attempt aboard a disabled Borg cube. [4]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A nursery aboard a disabled Borg cube. [4]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A hanger bay on board a Borg cube. [4]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A power distribution node aboard a Borg cube. [5]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A corridor on board a Borg Cube. [6]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube, the Borg alcoves are clearly visible. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube, the Borg alcoves are clearly visible. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
An area on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
Living quarters made on The Artifact a captured Borg Cube. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
The docking bay on The Artifact. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A Romulan Zhal Makh room, built on The Artifact. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A Romulan Zhal Makh room, built on The Artifact. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A corridor on The Artifact. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
The Queen cell on the The Artifact, 2399. [7]
Starship internal Borg Cube
Another view of the docking bay on The Artifact, showing a pair of Romulan Snakehead ships. [8]
Starship internal Borg Cube
A wide angle view of the interior of The Artifact. [8]
Starship internal Borg Cube
The upper regions of the Queencell. [9]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : First Contact
2 VOY 6 The Voyager Conspiracy
3 TNG 2 Q Who
4 VOY 6 Collective
5 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
6 STP 1 Absolute Candor
7 STP 1 The Impossible Box
8 STP 1 Nepenthe
9 STP 1 Broken Pieces
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Voyager Conspiracy
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Collective
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Absolute Candor
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The Impossible Box
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Broken Pieces

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 141,336 Last updated : 22 Dec 2021