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Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Exocomps [1]

Created by Dr. Farallon to assist in the Particle Fountain project on Tyrus VIIA, the exocomp is a small computerized autonomous repair unit. Each exocomp is equipped with an antigrav unit which allows it to move around under its own power, a computer which allows it to analyse and diagnose faults and produce repair strategies independent of outside control, and a replicator unit which allows it to produce a wide variety of tools with which to conduct repairs. [1]

The exocomps were highly successful in their initial service, but quickly developed what appeared to be erratic behaviour. When an exocomp refused to enter a work area shortly before it exploded, Lieutenant Commander Data theorized that the devices had developed sentience and were acting in their own interests. The first tests designed to prove this hypothesis failed, but subsequently Data discovered that this had been because the exocomps had outwitted the tests. [1]

Before he could communicate this information to the Enterprise-D crew, an accident at the particle fountain put Captain Picard and Lieutenant La Forge in danger from high radiation levels. Commander Riker attempted to sacrifice the exocomps to save the officers, but was prevented from doing so by Data. Data argued that since the exocomps were in fact sentient, they had the right to decide for themselves whether to sacrifice their lives. [1]

Riker agreed, and three exocomps were allowed to board the particle fountain under their own control. They were able to successfully rescue both officers, although one of the exocomps was tragically lost in the operation. [1]

After this striking demonstration of their sentience, Dr. Farallon agreed to allow the exocomps full autonomy in all future work on the project. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 6 The Quality of Life
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Quality of Life

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 41,305 Last updated : 1 Jan 1970