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Psionic Resonator

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Psionic Resonator [1]

This ancient Vulcan device was developed before the teachings of Surak became widespread on Vulcan. It was built as a weapon; when used it would amplify any violent emotions many fold and then turn them back upon the person experiencing them.

Unfortunately, the weapon had one great weakness; if the target was able to empty their mind of violent thoughts, the resonator had nothing to amplify and so was unable to operate. Since the teachings of Surak were aimed at precisely this kind of emotional control the psionic resonator was useless against his followers, which may explain in part why his teachings were so successful in spreading through the Vulcan people.

When the remaining violent factions left Vulcan the resonator was largely forgotten, and over what became known as "the Stone of Gol" was known only as a myth. In 2370 a group of mercenaries working for the Romulan Tal'shiar attempted to find and reunite the three pieces of the resonator. Captain Picard managed to infiltrate the crew and located all three pieces. The Romulan operative on board the ship attempted to steal the resonator, but Picard was able to use the Vulcan pictograms on the device to work out how to withstand an attack.

The Vulcans took custody of the resonator and have placed the three pieces into storage at separate secure locations. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 36,453 Last updated : 1 Jan 1970