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Name Notes
PADD [1] Personal Access and Display Device, a hand held computer used by many Star trek species. PADDs usually consist of a flat panel with a touch sensitive screen and a small number of buttons. [1]
Parallel Dimensions [2] One of the great issues with temporal mechanics is that of paradoxes. By far the most famous of these is the so called "grandfather paradox". This occurs when a time traveller kills their own grandfather, therefore preventing the birth of one of their parents and ultimately of themselves. Since the time traveller was never born, then they cannot have travelled back in time to kill their grandfather. Yet if their grandfather is not killed, then the time traveller is indeed born and can then perform the murder successfully. And so on.

The theory of parallel dimensions originated in the 20th century as a way to explain such paradoxes. Briefly, the theory proposed that each time an event occurred a number of new universes was created in which every possible consequence of the decision was played out. So when the time traveller kills their grandfather it does not in fact erase themselves from history, because two universes are created - the original one in which the grandfather lives and a new one in which he does not. Since the time traveller originated in the first universe, then he can continue to play out the consequences of his or her actions in the second.

Since there are a near-infinite number of possible actions and consequences then the number of parallel universes is also near-infinite. Many would be only marginally different from our own - universes in which a single relatively unimportant action occurred in a slightly different manner and had little or no overall effect. Others would be radically different. [3]

For centuries this theory remained just that, but in 2267 Captain Kirk provided proof of the actual existence of parallel universes. The Enterprise encountered Lazarus, a man who had become obsessed with finding and killing his counterpart from a parallel universe composed of antimatter. He was ultimately unsuccessful, but both he and his counterpart became stranded forever in an interface between the two dimensions. [2]

Later in the same year came a much more wide-ranging contact between parallel universes. Whilst beaming up from the Halkan home world during an Ion storm, Kirk and several of his officers were swapped with their counterparts from an alternate dimension. Kirk found himself on an Enterprise which was a ship of the Terran Empire, a disturbing mirror image of the Federation. The Empire was a violent and expansionist power dedicated to the enslavement of other life forms. In this dimension Humans had no general philosophy of self-improvement, kindness or compassion. Rather Humanity became dedicated to greed, violence and the survival of the fittest - or rather, of the most ruthless. On board the Enterprise discipline was enforced by 'agonizers', pain-giving devices that each person was forced to wear. Career advancement through the assassination of superiors was commonplace, and all senior officers walking the ship would be accompanied by a bodyguard detachment.

Whereas Kirk had been trying to obtain dilithium from the Halkans by peaceful negotiation, in the Mirror universe the Terran Empire was determined to obliterate the entire species and take the crystals afterwards. Kirk managed to put off the slaughter whilst he was there, and ultimately convinced the mirror Spock to attempt to save them permanently. [4]

In later eras further crossovers have occurred, both into the same Mirror universe Kirk visited and others. The crew of Deep Space Nine have had several encounters with the Mirror universe, finding that the Terran Empire had collapsed and been taken over by a Cardassian/Klingon alliance. [5] A handful of Terrans have been fighting back against the alliance with the assistance of the Federation crew. [6]

In 2370 Lieutenant Worf of the Enterprise-D passed through an anomaly which caused him to begin jumping between parallel dimensions. When the Enterprise attempted to investigate the phenomenon, an attack on the ship caused an accidental rupture in the quantum barrier which keeps the universes separate. As a result, hundreds of thousands of different versions of the Enterprise were brought together into a single universe. Fortunately the barrier was repaired and everything returned to normal. [7]
Parallel universe [7] A universe co-existing alongside out own in another dimension. In theory there are an almost infinite number of parallel universes in which every possible consequence of every possible action is played out. [7]
Parametric Scanner [8] Type of scanner which can determine physical dimensions to a high degree of accuracy. It is used for aligning phase coils. In 2152 Trip used a parametric scanner to measure Captain Archer so as to facilitate building a custom Captain's chair. [8]
Parthogenic Atmosphere [9] A type of atmosphere which is capable of distorting sensor readings. It is very difficult to detect a ship in orbit of a planet with a parthogenic atmosphere. [9]
Particle Fountain [10] An experimental project being studied by the Federation in 2369, the Fountain was a new method of mining a planet by using a beam to draw material from the surface up to a station in orbit above. Dr. Farallon hoped that the fountain technology would revolutionize mining throughout the Federation. [10]

The prototype station was expected to be able to lift 500 kilos of material per minute. As of Stardate 46307.2 actual performance was far below this, and Dr. Farallon was rather sensitive about the possibility of the project being cancelled. One drawback of the technology was that it took months to get the stream up to full strength; she boosted lift capacity by more than 70% by increasing the particle stream density but this risked overloading the field generators. To compensate she distributed the overload throughout the station's systems. [10]

In 2369 Starfleet asked the Enterprise-D to carry out a feasibility study of the project, hoping to be able to employ it on Carema III. Dr. Farallon's concerns about her project were heightened by the visit, especially as several problems arose whilst the ship was there. Dr. Farallon demonstrated a new device she was using, the Exocomp, which she hoped would get the project back on track. Unfortunately ethical problems arose concerning the use of the Exocomps. [10]

Unfortunately the project suffered a serious accident shortly afterwards; a power drain into the main particle impeller caused the internal confinement fields to be lost, flooding the station with radiation. The exocomps distorted the particle stream frequency to reduce the radiation levels enough to allow the Enterprise to beam some trapped crewmen back. Unfortunately one of the exocomps was lost in the process of saving the others. [10]

The failure made it clear that the particle fountain technology was not yet ready for full scale use. Dr. Farallon agreed that more development was needed, but was confident that the fountain would ultimately be successful. [10]
Particle synthesis [11] An advanced alien technology which is similar but superior to Federation holodeck technology. [11]
Particles Anyons are particles which can be used to counter Chronitons. In 2368 Lieutenant Commander Data used an Anyon emitter to clear the ship of Chroniton particles generated by Geordi La Forge and Ensign Ro Laren, who were on board the ship in a phased state. [12]
Particles Class of the heaviest particles. Include neutrons, protons and the heavier, unstable hyperons: the lambda, sigma, xi, and omega particles. The antiparticles of this class are termed antibaryons. Baryons consist of three quarks and interact through the strong force, which holds atomic nuclei together. The law of conservation of baryons states that for any interaction of elementary particles, the sum of baryon numbers remains unchanged. [13] Federation starships must periodically undergo "Baryon Sweeps" at facilities such as the Remmler Array to clear them of contamination. [14]
Particles Particles associated with phasing / temporal technology. In 2368 Chroniton particles caused members of the Enterprise-D crew to become phased during a mission to assist a damaged Romulan vessel. The two were able to produce a massive surge of Chronitons by overloading a phased Romulan disruptor pistol in ten forward, prompting Lieutenant Commander Data to flood the space with Anyons and render them partially visible again. [12] In 2371 Chroniton particles caused a transporter accident which threw Captain Sisko, Doctor Bashir and Lieutenant Commander Dax to be thrown back in time to the 21st century. [15] Shortly afterwards Chroniton particles caused Chief O'Brien of Deep Space Nine to make several short jumps into the future. [16]
Particles A class of particles which travel at below light speed. USS Voyager used a Dekyon beam to open a fissure in the event horizon of a class 3 singularity [17]; in 2369 the Enterprise-D crew detected changes in the Dekyon field which proved that they were trapped in a temporal loop. [18]
Particles The particle responsible for the gravitational force which exists between all masses in our universe. Gravitons can be artificially generated by Federation starships, and have various uses. The Enterprise-D used gravitons in an attempt to communicate with the crystalline entity, for example. [19] Heavy gravitons can be highly destructive and this form of weapon was considered for use against the Borg by the Enterprise crew, although it was decided that the weapon would probably be insufficient. [20] In 2368 graviton waves destroyed the USS Vico, and nearly destroyed the USS Enterprise, when they interacted with the power of the ships shields. [21] Tractor beam systems create a graviton field during normal operation [22] - The USS Defiant's tractor beam emitter had a phase-conjugate graviton emitter built into it. [23] An inverse graviton field could disrupt the warp field of a ship, preventing it from using warp drive until the field had dispersed. [24] Sabotage to the graviton emitters on Deep Space Nine in 2373 caused them to strengthen rather than collapse the Bajoran wormhole. [25] Graviton emitters could be used to affect games of chance such as Dabo. [26]

Antigravitons are produced by certain alien technologies, and can be used to interfere with transporter beams. [27]
Particles Ionogenic particles can be used to contain certain forms of energy; in 2368 Geordi La Forge used Ionogenic particles in an attempt to trap the "souls" of alien criminals who had possessed members of the crew in an attempt to escape from a prison moon. [28]
Particles A particle which Lieutenant Commander La Forge used in 2370 to reset Data's ethical subroutine after it had been disabled by Lore, causing the android to engage in sadistic behaviour. [29]
Particles A class of particles that do not interact by the strong nuclear force. They are electrically neutral or have unit charge, and are fermions. Leptons appear not to have any internal structure. The electron, the muon, the tau, and the three kinds of neutrino are all Leptons. Although all leptons are relatively light, they are not alike. The electron, for example, carries a negative charge, and is stable, meaning it does not decay into other elementary particles; the muon also has a negative charge, but has a mass about 200 times greater than that of an electron and decays into smaller particles. Leptons interact with other particles through the weak force (the force that governs radioactive decay), the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. [30] Wormholes can emit Leptons prior to opening or changing position. [31]
Particles Historically, the magneton is a unit used to measure of the magnetic dipole moment of a particle. In modern physics the term refers to a specific particle which can be used by sensor systems. [32] A magneton pulse consists of a burst of polarised magnetic energy which is often emitted by a damaged warp core. [33] A magneton pulse was also part of the method used by Dr. Khan's team to create an artificial wormhole, [34] and was sometimes used by the Jam'hadar to cover the Ion trail left by their engines. [35]
Particles Any of a class of particles believed to participate in the forces that hold nucleons together in the atomic nucleus. [36] Starfleet power reactors are unique in that they create warp eddies with a meson particle emission pattern. [37]
Particles Particle which allows the "Metreon Cascade" to function. This weapon was used to end a war by destroying a Talaxian lunar colony; the Cascade resulted in enormous levels of metreon radiation on the moon. Exposure to such high levels of can cause Metremea, a fatal blood disease. In 2371 Dr Jetrel, creator of the Metreon Cascade, died of Metremea which he contracted after working on the sites of the Cascade detonations. [38]
Particles An unstable particle similar to an electron, but with a much greater mass. Muons are part of the Lepton family. [39] A build up of Muons in a Federation warp core can result in a massive explosion if the ship enters warp. This is especially dangerous as the build up is very difficult to detect. [12]
Particles A particle associated with phaser weapons. In 2371 Captain Janeway used her phaser to close a temporal rift by creating nadion particle feedback within it. [40] Voyager later used a Nadion burst to damage the lifeform inhabiting the Demon class planet the Starship had landed on, forcing it to halt its attack on the ship. [41]
Particles A particle which has no charge and very small mass. Neutrinos are famous for their ability to pass through large amounts of matter. [42] Despite this, by the 24th century neutrino detectors have become very compact and efficient, allowing these particles to be used in distress beacons. [43] Neutrinos are associated with the opening and closing of the Bajoran wormhole. [44] In 2365 the Enterprise was able to use a neutrino beam to destroy a colony of bacteria which were eating its hull. [45] Neutrinos have a spin of 1/2 [42] - in 2370 Jadzia Dax found that the laws of probability on Deep Space Nine were being distorted, affecting the spin of the neutrinos in the station. [46]

The antineutrino is the antimatter equivalent of the neutrino. These can be highly harmful to Federation warp cores - in 2371 a Sikarian space folding mechanism released antineutrino particles when B'Elanna Torres attempted to use it, threatening the safety of the ship. [47]
Particles Neutrons are one of the particles which make up atomic nuclei. They have a mass of approximately 1 u, and zero charge. Neutrons not contained within a nucleus are unstable, decaying with a half life of approximately 17 minutes. Isotopes differ from the standard form of an element by having more or less neutrons in their nucleus, altering the mass of the atom but leaving its chemical properties unchanged. [48] In the late 2200's the Klingons produced a prototype Bird of Prey which could fire whilst cloaked; the vessel produced large amounts of neutron radiation, but this was insufficient to render the vessel detectable at anything other than extreme close range. [49]

Antineutrons have the same mass, spin, and rate of decay as the normal particle. They are sometimes produced in the collisions of antiprotons with protons, and they possess a magnetic moment equal and opposite to that of the neutron. [48] Certain configurations of gravity fields allow antineutrons to pass through whilst stopping antigravitons. [50]
Particles Nucleonic particles are associated with certain forms of communications technology. In 2368 a Kataran probe used a nucleonic beam to penetrate the shields of the Enterprise-D, implanting artificial memories within Captain Picard. [51] In 2371 Voyager detected damage to a Kazon vessel due to nucleonic particle fluctuations. The vessel was eventually discovered to have been catastrophically damaged when a makeshift copy of one of Voyagers food replicators exploded. [52]
Particles A molecule believed by many to have the potential to be the ultimate energy source. Even a single molecule can produce more energy than a Federation warp core, and some scientists believe that Omega molecules may have been the energy source behind the Big Bang which created the universe. Omega molecules are highly unstable and their decay can cause damage to subspace over large areas, rendering the use of warp drive impossible. The Federation regards the use of Omega molecules to be a serious threat to interstellar travel throughout the galaxy, and Starship Captains are authorized to use any and all means to destroy the molecules wherever they are found - an order which supersedes even the prime directive. [53]
Particles A possible alternative power source for Federation starships, omicron particles where detected in 2371 within a nebula by the crew of Voyager. The particles turned out to be part of the circulatory system of the nebula, which was a living being. [54] Omicron particles are also associated with some forms of holographic technology. The particles are incredibly rare and believed only be created in certain types matter/antimatter reactions. [55]
Particles A quantum of electromagnetic radiation. The wave and particle behaviour displayed by photons led to the development of quantum theory on Earth. [56]
Particles Polarons are a particle associated with some forms of scanning and communications systems. They can be used to detect camouflaged vessels, although they are not greatly effective at this [57]The Taresians used a polaron field to protect their home planet from attack. [58] Polaron bursts can damage the power core of some ship designs, such as those used by the Kobali. [59] The Dominion uses phased polaron weapons, as these are very effective at penetrating shield systems. [60] Modern Federation and allied shield systems have been altered so as to resist phased polaron weapons much more effectively. [61]
Particles The Positron is the antiparticle of the electron, one of the particles which make up atoms. [48] 20th century science fiction writer Issac Asimov used positronic brains in his robot stories; centuries later Dr. Soong made this a reality when he developed Positronic technology for the neural nets of his androids, including Lore and Data. [62] This technology is not yet widespread, but positronic systems can be used to keep the brain of an injured person functioning. [63] Positrons can also be used by scanning systems against objects which are particularly difficult to penetrate with normal scans. [21]
Particles Along with neutrons, protons make up the nuclei of atoms. [64] Antiprotons have many applications in scanning systems - the Enterprise-D tracked the Crystalline entity by detecting gamma radiation from antiproton decay [19], and detected antiprotons as a residual trace of Romulan disruptor fire in 2369. [65] The Dominion uses antiproton beams to penetrate cloaking devices. [66] In 2267 the Enterprise fought an alien war machine which fired a beam of absolutely pure antiprotons capable of cutting through an entire planet. [67] Antiprotons can also be used in medical applications; Voyager's EMH used antiprotons to cure Paris of genetic mutations which occurred after his Warp 10 flight. [68]
Particles Class of particles which travel at greater than the speed of light. Active tachyon beams can be used to detect cloaked Romulan vessels. [69] Naturally occurring tachyon eddies are believed to have assisted ancient Bajoran lightsail vessels in crossing interstellar distances. [70] Inverse tachyon beams can have a harmful effect on the space time continuum. [71]
Particles Terracon particles are used by archaeologists, as their decay profiles can allow the authenticity of ancient artefacts to be determined. [72]
Particles Particle used in some weapon systems. Captain Jean-Luc Picard was badly wounded by a compressed Teryon beam in 2369, almost killing him. [73]
Particles Tetryons are elementary particles which can only exist for any length of time in subspace, being unstable in normal space. In 2369 Tetryons were discovered on board the Enterprise-D, helping to prove that an alien race living within a subspace domain was abducting members of the crew. [74] Tetryons can be damaging to equipment, and have been used on occasion to disable energy weapons. [75] A beam of compressed tetryons can also be used as a weapon itself [76], as can tetryon pulse launchers. [77]The Nasari used tetryon weapons when Voyager encountered them in 2373. [58] A Tetryon compositor is part of at least some Romulan cloaking devices, and these particles are sometimes radiated by cloaked Warbirds. [78] Coherent Tetryon beams were used by the Caretaker to scan over galactic distances. [79] Exposure to the warp plasma conduits of a Defiant class Starship leaves a Tetryon particle trace on a person for a short time afterwards. The trace is detectable with a standard tricorder scan. [80] In 2373 Quark obtained a baby Changeling which had been exposed to a massive dose of tetryon radiation; Bashir was able to purge the isotopes using an electrophoretic diffuser. [81] When a phased ionic pulse is used against a craft with a metaphasic shield it creates a tetryon field inside, briefly disrupting the shield. [82] Unusually intense tetryon fields in the region of the Hekaras Corridor posed a severe navigational hazard to warp driven vessels and limited sensor performance. [83] In an alternate timeline, Ensign Kim planned to use tetryon plasma in the warp nacelles of the Yellowstone class runabout. [84] Voyager encountered a huge field of tetryon radiation in 2373, but was able to pass through it using enhanced shields. [85] Voyager itself used tetryon scans on occasion. [86]
Particles A verteron pulse can disable a starship's engines and other primary systems; repairs can take several days. [83] The Bajoran wormhole was formed by verteron particles [87], and they are associated with natural wormholes also. [88] Bombarding an area with verteron particles can even attract a wormhole entrance and force it to open. [89] Verteron particles can mask a subspace resonance trace from sensors, though this is not very useful since verterons are purely artificial and so the deception would be quickly revealed. [90] In the mid 22nd century Humanity maintained a 'verteron array' on Mars which was used to deflect comets. [91]
Particles Any of several particles emitted by an active warp drive. Warp particles can leave a detectable signature behind, even enabling specific vessels to be identified. [17]
Particles Z particles are one of the carriers of the weak nuclear force. [30] They are emitted by vessels, especially those using relatively poor versions of cloaking technology. Z particle emissions were used to determine the location of Ardras vessel in orbit around Ventax III by the crew of the Enterprise-D. [92]
Pattern buffer [93] An element of the transporter which stores the matter stream whilst the other systems function. The stream will normally start to degrade in under a minute, but can be jury rigged to last for decades if need be. [93]
Pattern enhancers [28] Devices normally employed in threes to assist a transporter in achieving a lock on a subject under conditions which would normally be too difficult or hazardous for ordinary function. [28]
Pattern generator [94] An element of Cardassian food replicators. In 2369 Chief O'Brien accidentally activated a sabotage device within the pattern generator of a replicator; the device introduced a virus into all the food and drink it created. [94]
Peak transitional threshold [95] The power a vessel must produce in order to achieve an integer warp factor. Once the peak transitional threshold has been crossed, the power required to maintain the same velocity falls significantly. [95]
Phase coil [8] Device which was used aboard the NX class starship. Phase coils had to be aligned very precisely via a parametric scan. [8]
Phase coil inverter [96] Cardassian device powered by a neodynium power cell. [96]
Phase couplers [97] Element of the phase cannon used on board NX class starships. [97]
Phase decompiler [98] Tool in use on Deep Space Nine during 2373. [98]
Phase discriminator [99] Device which was capable of penetrating Suliban cloaking fields. [99]
Phase shift [90] Adjusting an object so that it exists in a slightly different timeframe from normal space. This renders the object invisible, and potentially able to pass through normal matter. [90]
Phased deflector pulse [100] The Xindi used these to open a subspace vortex. [100]
Phaser [101] Type of particle weapon used by the Federation. Phasers are capable of knocking a person unconscious, heating objects to very high temperatures, vaporizing them, and possibly even of moving objects into a different continuum. [101]
Phaser emitter [102] Element of phaser weapons. In 2375 the USS Musashi traded a phaser emitter with Nog in return for an induction modulator. The emitter was then traded with the USS Sentinel for a graviton stabiliser. [102]
Planetary Classes A small rocky planetoid with an airless surface - essentially a great rock in space. The class D planetoid Regula was chosen as the site for the second phase of the Genesis project, and the Starfleet corps of engineers spent ten months in space suits tunnelling out a complex under the surface to facilitate the project. The second phase was a success, creating a cavern several miles across in the planetoid.

Class D objects are not habitable by Human life forms without extensive life support facilities. [103]
Planetary Classes Generally extremely dry, class H planets are marginally habitable. Tau Cygna V is a good example of a habitable class H planet. With an atmosphere capable of supporting Human life, the planet was bathed in levels of hyperonic radiation thought lethal to Human life. Nevertheless, when a colony vessel crash-landed on the planet in the 2270s the colonists were eventually able to adapt to the radiation and survive. Class H planets are also suitable for colonization by the Sheliak. [104]
Planetary Classes Class J planets are gas giants. Largely composed of Hydrogen and Helium, they have turbulent atmospheres with wind speeds in excess of 10,000 kilometres per hour. Jupiter and Saturn in the Sol system are examples of class J planets. Both planets have extensive collections of moons, while Saturn also has a major ring system comprising many hundreds of individual rings. There are several Starfleet facilities located near the planets, including the Jupiter station and a Starfleet Academy training range. [105]
Planetary Classes Class K planets have gravity fields which are suitable for Humanoid life, but are otherwise uninhabitable. They are only suitable for habitation with the use of pressurized domes or underground habitats using life support systems. Planet Mudd was class K and at one time sustained a sophisticated civilization. This died out some time ago, leaving advanced robot technology behind which was utilized by Harcourt Fenton Mudd in order to briefly capture the Starship Enterprise. [106]
Planetary Classes These are small rocky worlds with an oxygen-argon atmosphere. They are sometimes capable of supporting life, but this tends to be limited to plant life only. Class L planets tend to have a high concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In 2373 a Starfleet runabout containing two personnel from the Deep Space Nine station crash-landed on a class L planet. [107] In 2340 the class L planet Indri VIII was discovered by the Federation. It became the subject of a scientific research project by several governments in 2369 when it became apparent that an ancient species had seeded many planets, including this one, with genetic codes designed to direct evolution on the planet towards a Humanoid form. The codes apparently failed to perform this function on Indri VIII. In order to prevent anybody from recovering samples from the planet, a Klingon vessel destroyed the entire biosphere with a plasma reaction. [108]

Voyager encountered a class L planet in the Delta Quadrant which had a flourishing Human civilization upon it, descended from Humans abducted from Earth in the 20th century. [109] Other class L planets are not so habitable, however - in 2374 the crew of the USS Defiant raced to rescue a Starfleet officer from a class L planet whose atmosphere was so inhospitable that she required regular doses of tri-ox compound. The attempt was unsuccessful. [110]
Planetary Classes Class M is the Federation designation for planets which have similar environmental conditions to those on Earth. The term comes from the Vulcan designation, Minshara class. In our galaxy only one in every 42,000 planets is M class. [111] They are approximately 12,000 kilometres in diameter and have temperatures which allow liquid water to exist on large parts of the surface. The atmospheres tend to be an oxygen-nitrogen mix, highly supportive of organic life. Starfleet tends to focus much of its effort on class M planets, since these are the ones most commonly inhabited by Humanoid life.
Planetary Classes Also known as a Demon class planet, these are the most inhospitable worlds known to the Federation. The surface temperatures are at least 500 Klevin, and the atmosphere is highly toxic and corrosive. Worst of all, Demon class planets have very high levels of thermionic radiation which make it dangerous for a vessel even to enter orbit.

Voyager encountered a Demon class planet in 2374 which had extensive deposits of Deuterium on the surface contained within some form of liquid metal. The ship, which was very low on fuel at the time, landed on the planet n order to mine supplies. The crew were surprised to discover that the liquid metal was in fact a life form. [41]
Planetary Classes A class of gas giants. T class planets can have orbital ring systems, sometimes including radiogenic particles. [112]
Planetary Classes Typically 1,000 - 10,000 km in diameter, with a partially molten surface and an atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen compounds. These planets cool to become class C. They are not habitable. Examples include Gothos. [113]
Planetary Classes Up to 10 billion years old, these planets are 1,000 - 10,000 km in diameter. They are partially molten, with a high surface temperature. They have virtually no atmosphere. Examples include Mercury (Sol I). [113]
Planetary Classes Aged 2 to 10 billion years, these worlds are 1,000 - 10,000 km in diameter. They have a low surface temperature, with any atmosphere frozen on the surface. They do not harbour life. Examples include Pluto (Sol IX) ans Psi 2000. [113]
Planetary Classes Aged 0 to 2 billion years, these worlds are 10,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. They have a high surface temperature, with a molten surface and an atmosphere composed of hydrogen compounds and reactive gases. They are rarely inhabited, but at least one such world - Excalbia - has been found to harbour carbon-cycle life forms. [114]
Planetary Classes Aged 1 to 3 billion years, these worlds are 10,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. They are volcanically active and have an atmosphere composed of hydrogen compounds. They cool to become class G planets. Some class F worlds have evolved silicon based life, such as the Horta which inhabit Janus IV. [114]
Planetary Classes Gas supergiants, these worlds are 140,000 - 10,000,000 kilometres in diameter. They have no solid surface as such; atmospheric zones vary in composition, temperature and pressure throughout. No known Class I planet is inhabited. Examples include Q'tahL. [115]
Planetary Classes Aged 3 to 10 billion years and 10,000 to 15,000 km in diameter, these worlds have a high surface temperature due to a runaway greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Water exists only as a vapour on a Class N world. The atmosphere is extremely dense with very high levels of carbon dioxide and sulfides. No known Class N world has evolved life. Examples include Venus (Sol II). [116]
Planetary Classes An ultragiant planet, S class worlds are 10 - 50 million kilometres in diameter. They are largely composed of gaseous hydrogen, though the atmosphere varies considerably in composition, pressure and temperature at different levels. They radiate a great deal of heat, though they are not large enough to be classed as stars. [117]
Planetary Classes Rouge worlds, Class R planets have been thrown from their solar systems and travel through deep space. They are usually 4,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. Their atmospheres are generally composed of volcanic outgassings; volcanic activity can create large zones which are warm enough to be habitable, and non-photosynthetic plants can thrive in these areas along with animal life. Examples include Dakala. [117]
Planetary Classes Age 2 to 10 billion years, Class Q planets are 4,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. Their surfaces are highly variable as a result of their eccentric orbits or a variable output from their star; surface temperatures range from molten rock to liquid water to solid carbon dioxide in a single year. Atmosphere can range from virtually none to highly dense. Examples include the Genesis planet. [117]
Planetary Classes Age 3 to 10 billion years, Class P planets are 4,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. Their surfaces are heavily glaciated, with water ice covering 80% or more of the total surface area. The atmosphere is composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with trace elements. Surface life includes hardy plant and animal life and occasionally humanoids. Examples include Exo III. [116]
Planetary Classes Age 3 to 10 billion years, Class O planets are 10,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. Their surfaces are largely covered in liquid water, with only 20% or less land area. The atmospheres are composed of nitrogen and oxygen with trace elements. Life forms generally include aquatic vegetation and animal life. Examples include Argo. [117]
Planetary Classes Age 3 to 4 billion years, Class G planets are 10,000 - 15,000 km in diameter. Their surfaces are largely composed of crystalline material, and they have a carbon dioxide atmosphere with some toxic gases mixed in. They cool to become Class K, L, M, N, O, or P worlds. They are generally inhabited only by simple life forms such as single celled organisms. Examples include Delta Vega. [117]
Planetary Collision [118] Planetary collisions are a very rare event in any solar system. In 2369 the Enterprise-D was able to study an especially rare event - the collision of two large gas giants. These planets were so large that the combination of the two was expected to result in a new star, an event never before witnessed by the Federation.

Unfortunately, the Enterprise experienced considerable technical difficulties in the run-up to the impact due to a malfunctioning holodeck program. This resulted in a temporary loss of control over the ship - for a time it even appeared that the formation of the new star would lead to the destruction of the Enterprise. Thankfully some quick thinking on the part of the Captain and third officer led to a satisfactory resolution, and the ship was able to observe the impact as planned.

The event went according to projections; a new star was indeed formed, providing large amounts of data for Federation astronomers. [118]
Plasma [119] A gas comprised of charged particles, often at a high temperature. Plasma is used by Federation Starships to transfer energy around the ships via the plasma transfer conduits, and is fired as a weapon by Romulan ships. [119]
Plasma coils [120] Part of the engineering systems of an NX class starship. Reversing the polarity on the plasma coils would trigger a feedback pulse. [120]
Plasma display subsystem [121] Element of the engine system of a Defiant class starship. [121]
Plasma eddies [122] A feature of neutronic wavefronts. Ships had to steer around the eddies, which were very dangerous. [123]
Plasma exhaust port [124] Element of the warp drive of an NX class starship. The ports could become clogged with EM residue. [124]
Plasma Fire [125] A form of fire. The Enteprise-D experienced a plasma fire after striking a quantum filament in 2368. Plasma fires can be extinguished if the air around them is evacuated [125]

In 2372 the Defiant suffered a major plasma fire in the engine room after an effort to generate an artificial wormhole failed. [34]
Plasma flow [126] Powerful eruption of plasma which occurs with great frequency in the Badlands. [126]
Plasma injectors [127] Element of the warp drive of an NX class starship. The ship had five such injectors; it could travel with four, but not three. [127]
Plasma manifold [98] Element of Deep Space Nine's systems. Plasma manifolds could not be replicated since they contained a Beta matrix compositor, and the failure of one in 2373 prompted a mission to Empok Nor to slavage a replacement. [98]
Plasma modulators [128] Element of the phase cannon of an NX class starship. Under certain conditions the plasma modulators could overload, producing a beam ten times more powerful than normal. When this happened plasma recoil would cause significant damage to the ship unless it could be directed into the hull plating. [128]
Plasma recoiler [98] Element of Deep Space Nine's systems. [98]
Plasma relay [129] Element of the engines of an NX class starship. Plasma relays could reverse polarity if a ship passed through certain kinds fo anomaly. [129]
Plasma residue [130] Waste product produced by certain types of warp engines. If the plasma residue is not cleaned out regularly it can build up and clog the warp injectors. [130]
Plasma torch [131] Tool in use in an alternate timeline version of 2165. The plasma torch was a cutting device able to cut duranium metal. [131]
Polaric energy [132] Type of energy which was carried by a diamagnetic storm. Polaric energy is extremely dangerous to Humanoids. [132]
Polaric field [133] Spatial anomaly to be found in the Delphic Expanse. Polaric fields could be as large as 11,000 kilometres in diameter. [133]
Polaric power [40] A method of power generation regarded as too dangerous to use by the Federation. A polaric power system can undergo a chain reaction which could destroy the entire surface of a planet. [40]
Polarity maximiser [98] Element of Deep Space Nine's systems. In 2373 bypass displacers were one of the items which Chief O'Brien's team attempted to retrieve from Empok Nor. [98]
Positronic brain [134] A form of computer system which was developed by Dr. Noonien Soong and is used on his Androids, Data and Lore. [134]
Preserver Cannon [135] In 2268 the USS Enterprise discovered an asteroid on a collision course a planet inhabited by a primitive Humanoid species. Although it was located half a galaxy away from Earth, on beaming down the landing party found the locals to be a mixture of Navaho, Mohican and Delaware Indians from the planet Earth! They also discovered a strange artefact on the surface, near to one of the tribes. It was constructed of alloys which resisted sensor scans, and was obviously well beyond the technological capabilities of the planet's inhabitants.

Whilst investigating the structure, Captain Kirk was injured in an accident which caused severe amnesia. With time a critical factor in diverting the asteroid, the rest of the landing party departed in the Enterprise to continue with their mission.

Unfortunately the Enterprise was unable to deflect the approaching menace, which was almost as large as Earth's moon and travelling at enormous velocity. The ship was crippled in the attempt, and limped back to the planet on impulse drive only hours ahead of the danger.

It took nearly sixty days for the ship to arrive back at the planet. During this time Captain Kirk largely integrated himself into the local Indian culture. They had legends which indicated that their people had been transplanted to the planet by an ancient species; the legend claimed that if danger ever threatened from the skies, a God would come forth who would be able to use the artefact to save them. They chose to believe that Kirk was this deity, a role he accepted due to his continuing amnesia. [135]

As the asteroid approached Kirk tried to use his Godhood to activate the artefact, but was unable to do so. Fortunately when the Enterprise officers beamed down shortly before the impact, Commander Spock was able to translate some of the symbols found on its exterior surface. Using these he gained access to the device and activated it. The artefact emitted a beam of tremendous power, knocking the asteroid safely away from the planet.

The power of this cannon can hardly be overestimated. An asteroid of this size masses in excess of 1022 kg, and this one was travelling at a significant fraction of light speed. The kinetic energy of such a body approaches 1039 Joules, tens of millions of times the energy required to completely destroy a class M planet. Yet the cannon, which apparently worked on some form of deflector principle, was able to effect a radical change in the course of this body in a matter of seconds.

Many questions remain regarding this device, the mysterious "Preserver" species which apparently constructed it, and even the asteroid which it deflected. It is difficult to imagine how a body the size of a large moon could have been accelerated to such enormous velocity in the first place; virtually no known natural phenomena are so energetic. It is conceivable that a Praxis-style dilithium explosion could do it, but such are extremely rare.

The power system of the deflector cannon is a mystery which has resisted all investigation. It is unlikely to be a matter/antimatter reactor, unless a significant fraction of the entire mass of the planet is used as fuel! Zero point energy is a possibility, but the power source could equally be some far more exotic technology.

The Preservers themselves remain largely a mystery, although they were apparently active until perhaps as later as the 1800s on the Earth calendar. Their actions appear to be one of the reasons that there are so many Humanoid species throughout the galaxy, yet frustratingly little has been discovered of them. Some suggest that the Preservers were engaged in a 'proxy war' with another advanced species, each side mounting attacks such as massive asteroidal impacts to destroy the species planted by the other in an attempt to ensure that their own kind of life would become dominant in the long run. Such theories can only be speculation, although they would explain how such a unique asteroid as this one came to exist. [135]
Probes [136] Any of various devices fitted with sensor and propulsion systems which allow them to be deployed from a Starship in order to gather information. Most Federation probes are fired from a standard photon torpedo tube, and many are externally almost identical to a photon torpedo. [136] Whilst many Federation probes are short range sublight devices, some are capable of warp speed travel. The Class 8 probe is capable of sustained travel at high warp speeds. [137] On occasion highly specialised probes are employed for significant events, such as the one created by Dr Stubbs to study a stellar explosion in 2366. [138]
Protomatter [103] A highly unstable form of matter, the use of protomatter had been declared unethical by the scientific community as of 2285. Despite this, David Marcus included protomatter in the matrix of the Genesis Device as it was the only way to solve certain problems. It was this which made the Genesis Planet unstable and led to it's destruction. [103] By the 24th century the use of protomatter was somewhat more accepted - Professor Gideon Seyetik used some in his successful attempt to re-ignite the dead star Epsilon 119 in 2370. [139] In the same year the Maquis used a protomatter implosion device to overload the fusion drive of the Cardassian warship Bok'Nor, destroying the ship. [140] In 2373, a Founder infiltrator used a device composed of protomatter, trilithium and tekasite in an effort to destroy the Bajoran sun, intending the shockwave to destroy a large fleet of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships at Deep Space Nine. [25] In 2374 the Starship Voyager encountered a nebula that contained high concentrations of protomatter. Neelix was killed during an attempt to beam a quantity of the material into a container which he was holding. Fortunately Borg technology was able to revive him. [141]
Protoplaser [142] A medical device in use with Starfleet in the early 2160s. A protoplaser could be used to stop internal bleeding. One was aboard the USS Franklin when it was lost during this time period. After the ship's discovery in 2266, Doctor McCoy would successfully use it to treat Spock. [143] T'Prynn kept a protoplaser in her office, which she used to heal small cuts in her hand in 2265. [144]

Protoplasers were still in use in the 2360s; in a delusion experienced by Will Riker on Tilonus IV, Doctor Crusher requested an anabolic protoplaser be used to treat a crewmember who had been injured when a plasma torch exploded. [142]
Protouniverse [145] During a mission to the Gamma Quadrant in 2370, a small unidentified object was discovered to have embedded itsself in the starboard nacelle of the Danube class runabout, after an impact a subspace interphase pocket. Dax and Arjin, a trill initiate, recovered the object and brought it back to deep space nine for further study. [145]

It was placed in the science laboratory of Deep Space Nine. Overnight, it expanded significantly breaching its containment field. It was later discovered that condition within the object did not conform to the physical laws of our universe. It was identified as a protouniverse. Further investigation reviled that it also showed signs of live. [145]

As it continued to expand it was starting to be a threat to the integrity of the station and if left unchecked the whole Bajoran system. Consequently, it was decided to attempt to return it to the Gamma quadrant where it originated. [145]

As Dax and Arjin started the journey back through the wormhole they discovered it was dangerously destabilised each time it interacted with a Verteron Node. The continued growth of the protouniverse also threatened to destroy the ship and release the universe within the wormhole, potentially destroying both in the process. Careful piloting by Arjin, who was a level five pilot, allowed the transit of the wormhole to be completed by avoiding the nodes. The universe was released to follow its natural progression. [145]
Psionic Resonator [72] This ancient Vulcan device was developed before the teachings of Surak became widespread on Vulcan. It was built as a weapon; when used it would amplify any violent emotions many fold and then turn them back upon the person experiencing them.

Unfortunately, the weapon had one great weakness; if the target was able to empty their mind of violent thoughts, the resonator had nothing to amplify and so was unable to operate. Since the teachings of Surak were aimed at precisely this kind of emotional control the psionic resonator was useless against his followers, which may explain in part why his teachings were so successful in spreading through the Vulcan people.

When the remaining violent factions left Vulcan the resonator was largely forgotten, and over what became known as "the Stone of Gol" was known only as a myth. In 2370 a group of mercenaries working for the Romulan Tal'shiar attempted to find and reunite the three pieces of the resonator. Captain Picard managed to infiltrate the crew and located all three pieces. The Romulan operative on board the ship attempted to steal the resonator, but Picard was able to use the Vulcan pictograms on the device to work out how to withstand an attack.

The Vulcans took custody of the resonator and have placed the three pieces into storage at separate secure locations. [72]

Name :  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Generic canonical information
2 TOS 1 The Alternative Factor
3 Speculative This is one of the standard present day explanations of such paradoxes
4 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
5 DS9 2 Crossover
6 DS9 3 Through the Looking Glass
7 TNG 7 Parallels
8 ENT 2 Singularity
9 VOY 6 Equinox, Part 2
10 TNG 6 The Quality of Life
11 VOY 4 Hope and Fear
12 TNG 5 The Next Phase
13 Speculative Assumes Baryons are as described by present day physics
14 TNG 6 Starship Mine
15 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 1
16 DS9 3 Visionary
17 VOY 1 Parallax
18 TNG 5 Cause and Effect
19 TNG 5 Silicon Avatar
20 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
21 TNG 5 Hero Worship
22 DS9 1 Captive Pursuit
23 DS9 5 The Ship
24 DS9 7 Once More Unto the Breach
25 DS9 5 By Inferno's Light
26 DS9 5 A Simple Investigation
27 TNG 7 Attached
28 TNG 5 Power Play
29 TNG 7 Descent, Part 2
30 Speculative Assumes Leptons are as described by present day physics
31 TNG 3 The Price
32 VOY 4 Unforgettable
33 DS9 4 Hippocratic Oath
34 DS9 4 Rejoined
35 DS9 4 To the Death
36 Speculative Assumes Mesons are as described by present day physics
37 DS9 1 Battle Lines
38 VOY 1 Jetrel
39 Speculative Assumes Muons are as described by present day physics
40 VOY 1 Time and Again
41 VOY 4 Demon
42 Speculative Assumes Neutrinos are as described by present day physics
43 TNG 3 The Enemy
44 DS9 1 Emissary
45 TNG 2 A Matter of Honor
46 DS9 2 Rivals
47 VOY 1 Prime Factors
48 Speculative Assumes Neutrons are as described by present day physics
49 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
50 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
51 TNG 5 The Inner Light
52 VOY 1 State of Flux
53 VOY 4 The Omega Directive
54 VOY 1 The Cloud
55 DS9 2 Shadowplay
56 Speculative Assumes Photons are as described by present day physics
57 DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire
58 VOY 3 Favorite Son
59 VOY 6 Ashes to Ashes
60 DS9 2 The Jem'Hadar
61 DS9 5 Call to Arms
62 TNG 1 Datalore
63 DS9 3 Life Support
64 Speculative Assumes Protons are as described by present day physics
65 TNG 6 Face of the Enemy
66 DS9 3 The Search, Part 1
67 TOS 2 The Doomsday Machine
68 VOY 2 Threshold
69 TNG 4 Redemption, Part 1
70 DS9 3 Explorers
71 TNG 7 All Good Things
72 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2
73 TNG 6 Tapestry
74 TNG 6 Schisms
75 DS9 2 Blood Oath
76 DS9 2 Necessary Evil
77 Star Trek : Insurrection
78 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
79 VOY 1 Caretaker
80 DS9 3 The Adversary
81 DS9 5 The Begotten
82 TNG 6 Suspicions
83 TNG 7 Force of Nature
84 VOY 2 Non Sequitur
85 VOY 3 Distant Origin
86 VOY 3 Displaced
87 DS9 1 In the Hands of the Prophets
88 VOY 1 Eye of the Needle
89 VOY 3 False Profits
90 TNG 7 The Pegasus
91 ENT 4 Demons
92 TNG 4 Devil's Due
93 TNG 6 Realm of Fear
94 DS9 1 Babel
95 Generic official information
96 DS9 5 In the Cards
97 ENT 3 Proving Ground
98 DS9 5 Empok Nor
99 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
100 ENT 3 Stratagem
101 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
102 DS9 7 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
103 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
104 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command
105 TNG 5 The First Duty
106 TOS 2 I, Mudd
107 DS9 5 The Ascent
108 TNG 6 The Chase
109 VOY 2 The 37's
110 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
111 ENT 1 Strange New World
112 VOY 6 Good Shepherd
113 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 22
114 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 23
115 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 24
116 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 27
117 Star Trek : Star Charts Page 28
118 TNG 6 Ship in a Bottle
119 TOS 1 Balance of Terror
120 ENT 3 Harbinger
121 DS9 6 One Little Ship
122 ENT 2 The Catwalk
123 ENT 2 Precious Cargo
124 ENT 1 Unexpected
125 TNG 5 Disaster
126 DS9 7 Penumbra
127 ENT 2 A Night In Sickbay
128 ENT 1 Silent Enemy
129 ENT 3 Anomaly
130 ENT 1 Desert Crossing
131 ENT 3 Twilight
132 ENT 2 Vanishing Point
133 ENT 3 Similitude
134 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
135 TOS 3 The Paradise Syndrome
136 TOS 2 The Immunity Syndrome
137 TNG 2 The Emissary
138 TNG 3 Evolution
139 DS9 2 Second Sight
140 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 1
141 VOY 4 Mortal Coil
142 TNG 6 Frame of Mind
143 Star Trek Beyond
144 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
145 DS9 2 Playing God
Source : Generic canonical information
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Alternative Factor
Source : Speculative
Comment : This is one of the standard present day explanations of such paradoxes
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Crossover
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Through the Looking Glass
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Parallels
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Singularity
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Equinox, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Quality of Life
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hope and Fear
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Next Phase
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Baryons are as described by present day physics
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Visionary
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Parallax
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cause and Effect
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Silicon Avatar
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Hero Worship
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Captive Pursuit
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Once More Unto the Breach
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : By Inferno's Light
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : A Simple Investigation
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Attached
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Power Play
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Descent, Part 2
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Leptons are as described by present day physics
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Price
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Unforgettable
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hippocratic Oath
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rejoined
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Mesons are as described by present day physics
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Battle Lines
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Muons are as described by present day physics
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Time and Again
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Demon
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Neutrinos are as described by present day physics
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Enemy
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : A Matter of Honor
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rivals
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Neutrons are as described by present day physics
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Inner Light
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : State of Flux
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Omega Directive
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Shadowplay
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Photons are as described by present day physics
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Soldiers of the Empire
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Ashes to Ashes
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Jem'Hadar
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Call to Arms
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes Protons are as described by present day physics
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Face of the Enemy
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Doomsday Machine
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Threshold
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Redemption, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Explorers
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Schisms
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Blood Oath
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Necessary Evil
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Begotten
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Suspicions
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Force of Nature
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Non Sequitur
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : In the Hands of the Prophets
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Eye of the Needle
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : False Profits
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : The Pegasus
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Devil's Due
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Babel
Series : Season
Episode : Generic official information
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In the Cards
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Proving Ground
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Empok Nor
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Stratagem
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The First Duty
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : I, Mudd
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ascent
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Strange New World
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Good Shepherd
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 22
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 23
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 24
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 27
Book : Star Trek : Star Charts
Comment : Page 28
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Ship in a Bottle
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Balance of Terror
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Harbinger
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : One Little Ship
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Precious Cargo
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Disaster
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Penumbra
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : A Night In Sickbay
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Silent Enemy
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Desert Crossing
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Twilight
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Vanishing Point
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Similitude
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Paradise Syndrome
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Immunity Syndrome
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Emissary
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Evolution
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Second Sight
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Mortal Coil
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Frame of Mind
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 2 - Summon the Thunder
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Playing God

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