Quote |
Episode |
Spock : | "Check the circuit." | | to helmsman; the first words ever spoken on Star Trek |
TOS : The Cage |
Pike : | "I'm tired of being responsible for 203 lives, and I'm tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn't, and who's going on the landing party and who doesn't... and who lives, and who dies." | | to Boyce |
TOS : The Cage |
Pike : | "I'll break out of this zoo somehow and get to you. Is your blood red like ours? I'm gonna find out!" | | to the Talosian |
TOS : The Cage |
Talosian : | "We had not believed this possible. The customs and history of your race show a unique hatred for captivity. Even when it is pleasant and benevolent, you prefer death!" | | to Pike |
TOS : The Cage |
Pike : | "Engage." | | to Number one; the first time the word was ever used in Trek |
TOS : The Cage |
Boyce : | "Sometimes a man'll tell his bartender things he'll never tell his doctor." | | to Pike |
TOS : The Cage |
Boyce : | "A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on, and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away." | | to Pike |
TOS : The Cage |
Boyce : | "It was a perfect illusion. They had us seeing just what we wanted to see, human beings who'd survived with dignity and bravery, everything entirely logical, right down to the building of the camp, the tattered clothing, everything. Now let's be sure we understand the danger of this. The inhabitants of this planet can read our minds. They can create illusions out of a person's own thoughts, memories, and experiences, even out of a person's own desires. Illusions just as real and solid as this table top and just as impossible to ignore!" | | to the crew |
TOS : The Cage |
Pike : | "They couldn't repair the machines left by their ancestors. Is that why they want us, to build a colony of slaves?" | | to Vina |
TOS : The Cage |
Talosian : | "A curious species. They have fantasies they hide even from themselves." | | describing Humans |
TOS : The Cage |
Pike : | "I'm going to gamble you're too intelligent to kill for no reason at all. On the other hand, I've got a reason. I'm willing to bet you've created an illusion this laser is empty. I think it just blasted a hole in that window and you're keeping us from seeing it." |
| Places the laser against the Talosian's skull. |
Pike : | "You want me to test my theory out on your head?" |
| talking to the Talosian |
TOS : The Cage |
Number One : | "It's wrong to create a whole race of humans to live as slaves." | | to Pike; setting her laser to self-destruct to to kill everybody present |
TOS : The Cage |
Mitchell : | "The first thing I ever heard from upperclassmen was 'watch out for Lieutenant Kirk. In his class, you either think or sink.'" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Kirk : | "Did you hear him joke about compassion? Above all else a 'god' needs compassion!" | | to Dehner; regarding Mitchell |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Mitchell : | "Improving the breed, Doctor? Is that your line?" |
Dehner : | "I heard that's more your specialty, Commander, line included." |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Kirk : | "You? Spinoza?" |
Mitchell : | "Once you get into him, he's rather simple though. Childish, almost. I don't agree with him at all." |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Dehner : | "No one's been hurt, have they? Don't you understand? A mutated superior man could also be a wonderful thing! The forerunner of a new and better kind of human being!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Kirk : | "Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's five year mission : to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before." | | in the first use of the line |
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver |
Spock : | "Has it occurred to you that there's a certain... inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?" |
Kirk : | "It gives me emotional security." |
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver |
Spock : | "A very interesting game, this poker." |
Kirk : | "It does have advantages over chess." |
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver |
Mudd : | "You'll find out that ships' captains are already married, girl, to their vessels. You'd find that out the first time you came between him and the ship." | | to Eve |
TOS : Mudd's Women |
Eve : | "Is this the kind of wife you want, Ben? Not someone to help you, not a wife to cook and sew and cry and need, but this kind? Selfish, vain, useless. Is this what you really want?" | | to Childress |
TOS : Mudd's Women |
Spock : | "You can't afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect. If you do, they lose faith, and you lose command." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Enemy Within |
McCoy : | "The intelligence, the logic, it appears that your half has most of that. And perhaps that's where most of man's essential courage comes from for you see, he was afraid and you weren't." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Enemy Within |
McCoy : | "He's dead, Jim." | | to Kirk; regarding the dog, the first use of the line in Star Trek |
TOS : The Enemy Within |
Spock : | "Being split in two halves is no theory with me, doctor. I have a human half, you see, as well as an alien half, submerged, constantly at war with each other. Personal experience, doctor. I survive it because my intelligence wins over both, makes them live together." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Enemy Within |
Uhura : | "Mister Spock, sometimes I think if I hear that word frequency once more, I'll cry." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Man Trap |
Sulu : | "May the Great Bird of the galaxy bless your planet!" | | to Rand |
TOS : The Man Trap |
Scott : | "I can't change the laws of physics!" | | to Kirk; in a much parodied quote |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Spock : | "My mother... I could never tell her I loved her." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Kirk : | "This vessel. I give, she takes. She won't permit me my life. I've got to live hers." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Kirk : | "Never lose you. Never." | | to the Enterprise |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Sulu : | "I'll protect you, fair maiden!" |
Uhura : | "Sorry, neither!" |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Kirk : | "No beach to walk on." | | bemoaning the demands of Starfleet life |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Charlie : | "If I had the whole universe, I'd give it to you. When I see you I feel like I'm hungry all over. Hungry! Do you know how that feels?" | | to Rand |
TOS : Charlie X |
Kirk : | "Charlie, there are a million things in this universe you can have and there are a million things you can't have. It's no fun facing that, but that's the way things are." | | to Charlie |
TOS : Charlie X |
Kirk : | "Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." | | to Stiles |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
Bones : | "War is never imperative, Mister Spock." |
Spock : | "It is for them, Doctor." |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
McCoy : | "You're discussing tactics! Do you realise what this really comes down to? Millions and millions of lives hanging on what this vessel does next!" | | to Spock |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
Kirk : | "I wish I were on a long sea voyage somewhere. Not too much deck tennis, no frantic dancing. And no responsibility." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
McCoy : | "In this galaxy there's a mathamatical probability of three million Earth type planets. And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this. And in all of that... and perhaps more... only one of each of us." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
Romulan commander : | "You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
Korby : | "You think I could love a machine?" |
Chapel : | "Did you?" |
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
Korby : | "Can you imagine how life could be improved if we could do away with jealousy, greed, hate?" |
Kirk : | "It can also be improved by eliminating love, tenderness, sentiment. The other side of the coin, doctor." |
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
Ruk : | "That was the equation! Existence! Survival must cancel out programming!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
Korby : | "Do you realize the number of discoveries lost because of superstition, of ignorance, of a layman's inability to comprehend?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
McCoy : | "A cage is a cage, Jim." | | to Kirk; unimpressed with his description of how humane the colony is |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Adams : | "To all mankind. May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." | | His toast |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Spock : | "Interesting. Your Earth people glorify organized violence for forty centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Kirk : | "One of the advantages of being a captain, doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it." | | to Noel |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Spock : | "Open your mind... we move together, our minds sharing the same thoughts." | | performing a meld on Van Gelder |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Kirk : | "Can you imagine the mind, emptied by that thing? Without even a tormentor for company?" | | to Spock; about Adams |
TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
McCoy : | "Now, this is marvelous. The most horrible conglomeration of antique architecture I've ever seen." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Miri |
McCoy : | "Life prolongation. Didn't have much luck, did they?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Miri |
Rand : | "Back on the ship, I used to try to get you to look at my legs. Captain, look at my legs." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Miri |
Kirk : | "I never get involved with older women, Yeoman." | | to Rand |
TOS : Miri |
McCoy : | "The chain of command is often a noose." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Lenore : | "And this ship. All this power. Surging and throbbing, yet under control. Are you like that, captain?" | | to Kirk; Oh my! |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
McCoy : | "Do you play God? Carry his head through the corridors in triumph? That won't bring back the dead, Jim." |
Kirk : | "No. But they may rest easier." |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Karidian : | "Blood thins. The body fails. One is finally grateful for a failing memory." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Lenore : | "You are like your ship. Powerful, and not human. There is no mercy in you." |
Kirk : | "If he is Kodos, then I've shown him more mercy than he deserves." |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Kirk : | "We've armed man with tools. Striving for greatness continues." | | to Kodos; in response to the latter's claim that modern life has dehumanized Mankind |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Lenore : | "All the ghosts are dead. I've buried them. There's no more blood on your hands!" |
Kodos : | "Oh my child, my child! You've left me nothing!" |
TOS : The Conscience of the King |
Spock : | "It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six, doctor." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
Spock : | "Mister Scott, there are always alternatives." | | to Scotty; a much used quote |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
McCoy : | "Mister Spock, respect is a rational process! Did it ever occur to you they might react emotionally? With anger?" | | to Spock |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
Boma : | "I'm sick and tired of this machine!" | | to McCoy; regarding Spock |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
McCoy : | "It may be the last action you'll ever take, Mister Spock, but it was all human." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
Spock : | "I examined the problem for all angles and it was plainly hopeless. Logic informed me that under the circumstances the only possible action would have to be one of desperation. A logical descision, logically arrived at." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
McCoy : | "All of my old friends look like doctors. All of his look like you." | | to Shaw |
TOS : Court Martial |
McCoy : | "Mister Spock, you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known." |
Spock : | "Why, thank you, doctor." |
TOS : Court Martial |
Spock : | "It is impossible for Captain Kirk to act out of panic or malice. It is not in his nature." | | to Areel |
TOS : Court Martial |
Samuel T. Cogley : | "I speak of rights. A machine has none; a Man must! My client has the right to face his accuser. And if you do not grant him that right you have brought us down to the level of the machine. Indeed you have elevated that machine above us! I ask that my motion be granted. And more than that, Gentlemen... in the name of humanity, fading in the shadow of the machine... I demand it. I DEMAND IT!" | | to the Court |
TOS : Court Martial |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1 |
McCoy : | "Now, that man can think anything we can, and love, hope, dream as much as we can. But he can't reach out and no one can reach in!" | | to Kirk; on Pike |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1 |
Pike : | "You want me to test out my theory on your head?" | | to a Talosian; wondering if his weapon is actually working |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2 |
Talosian : | "Captain Pike has an illusion, and you have reality. May you find your way as pleasant." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2 |
McCoy : | "You've got your problems, I've got mine. But he's got ours, plus his, plus four hundred and thirty other people." | | to Sulu; on Kirk |
TOS : Shore Leave |
Barrows : | "Don't peek!" |
McCoy : | "My dear girl, I am a doctor. When I peek, it's in the line of duty." |
TOS : Shore Leave |
Kirk : | "The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play." | | to Sulu |
TOS : Shore Leave |
Spock : | "On my planet, to rest is to rest. To cease using energy. To me, it is quite illogical to run up and down on green grass using energy instead of saving it." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Shore Leave |
Trelane : | "Do you know that you're one of the few predator species that preys even on itself?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Spock : | "I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose." | | to Trelane |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Spock : | "Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected. In this case, I should think 'interesting' would suffice." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Trelane : | "You will hang by the neck, captain, until you are dead, dead, dead!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Trelane : | "So this is victory! It has a sweet taste!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Trelane's Father : | "They're beings, Trelane. They have spirit. They're superior." | | to Trelane; regarding Humanity |
TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
Metron : | "You are still half savage. But there is hope." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Arena |
Kirk : | "We're a most promising species, mister Spock, as predators go. Did you know that?" | | to Spock; on Humanity |
TOS : Arena |
Spock : | "Jim, madness has no no purpose or reason. But it may have a goal." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Alternative Factor |
Spock : | "I fail to comprehend your indignation, sir. I've simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar." | | to Lazarus |
TOS : The Alternative Factor |
Kirk : | "Sometimes pain can drive a man harder than pleasure." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Alternative Factor |
Kirk : | "Well, gentlemen, we all have to take a chance. Especially if one is all you have." | | to Spock and Scotty |
TOS : Tomorrow is Yesterday |
Kirk : | "You said you wanted freedom. It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned." | | to Marplon |
TOS : The Return of the Archons |
Kirk : | "Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life." | | to Landru |
TOS : The Return of the Archons |
Spock : | "How often mankind has wished for a world as peaceful and secure as the one Landru provided." |
Kirk : | "Yes. And we never got it. Just lucky, I guess." |
TOS : The Return of the Archons |
Kirk : | "This is the captain. Condition... yellow alert. Phaser crews stand by. Deflector shields up. We're going in... peacefully, I hope. But, peacefully or not... we're going in." | | to the crew |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Spock : | "Sir, there's a multilegged creature crawling on your shoulder." | | lying to an to Eminian |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Scott : | "Diplomats! The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank!" | | to McCoy |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
McCoy : | "Well, Scotty, now you've done it!" |
Scott : | "Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure." |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Scotty : | "This is the commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise. All cities and installations on Eminiar 7 have been located, identified, and fed into our fire control system. In 1 hour and 45 minutes, the entire inhabited surface of your planet will be destroyed. You have that long to surrender your hostages." | | to the Eminians |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Kirk : | "Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about, Anan. That's what makes it a thing to be avoided. You've made it neat and painless, so neat and painless you've had no reason to stop it!" | | to Anan |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Kirk : | "We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it! We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes... knowing that we won't kill today." | | to Anan 7 |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Fox : | "Diplomacy, gentlemen, should be a job left to diplomats. You will, of course, immediately resume a peaceful status." |
Scott : | "No, sir, I will not." |
Fox : | "What did you say!?" |
Scott : | "I'll not lower the screens, not until the captain tells me to." |
Fox : | "You are taking orders from me. You will lower the screens as a sign of good faith, my authority!" |
Scott : | "I know about your authority, but the screens stay up." |
McCoy : | "Mr. Fox, they faked a message from the captain, they've launched an attack against our ship. You want us to trust them openly?" |
Fox : | "I want you to obey my lawful orders!" |
Scott : | "No, sir. I won't lower the screens." |
Fox : | "Your refusal to comply with my orders has endangered the entire success of this mission! I can have you sent to a penal colony!" |
Scott : | "You can, sir, but I won't lower the screens." |
Fox : | "Your name will figure prominently in my report to the Federation Central." |
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
Kirk : | "If I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes." | | to McGivers |
TOS : Space Seed |
Spock : | "Superior ability breeds superior ambition." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Space Seed |
Kirk : | "You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mr. Khan. This is a social occasion." |
Khan : | "It has been said that social occasions are only warfare concealed. Many prefer it more honest, more open." |
TOS : Space Seed |
Khan : | "We offered the world order!" |
Kirk : | "'We'?" |
TOS : Space Seed |
Khan : | "Go! Or stay... but do it because it is what you wish to do!" | | to McGivers |
TOS : Space Seed |
Spock : | "I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question." | | to Kalomi |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Spock : | "I am what I am, Leila. And if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them. Mine can be no worse than someone else's." | | to Leila |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Kirk : | "Maybe we weren't meant for Paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. Maybe we can't stroll to music of the lute, we must march to the sound of drums." | | to McCoy |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Spock : | "I have little to say about it, Captain, except that for the first time in my life... I was happy." | | to Kirk |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
McCoy : | "On pure speculation, just an educated guess, I'd say that man is alive." | | to Spock |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Sandoval : | "I think you'll find our settlement an interesting one. Our philosophy is a simple one, that men should return to a less complicated life. We have few mechanical things here. No vehicles, no weapons. We have harmony here. Complete peace." | | to Kirk |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Kalomi : | "I love you. I said that six years ago, and I can't seem to stop repeating myself. On Earth, you couldn't give anything of yourself. You couldn't even put your arms around me. We couldn't have anything together there. We couldn't have anything together anyplace else. We're happy here. I can't lose you now, Mister Spock. I can't." | | to Spock |
TOS : This Side of Paradise |
McCoy : | "I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Devil in the Dark |
Kor : | "Smile and smile! I don't trust men who smile too much." | | to the Organians |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Kirk : | "Gentlemen, I have no great love for you, your planet, your culture. Despite that Mister Spock and I are going to go out there and quite probably die, in an attempt to show you that there are some things worth dying for." | | to Ayelbourne |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Kirk : | "We have the right -" |
Ayelbourne : | "To wage war, Captain? To kill millions of innocent people? To destroy life on a planetary scale? Is that what you're defending?" |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Ayelbourne : | "It is true that in the future, you and the Klingons will become fast friends. You will work together." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Spock : | "I should say the Organians are as far above us on the evolutionary scale as we are above the amoeba." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Spock : | "Even the gods did not spring into being overnight. You and I have no reason to be embarrassed." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Spock : | "Captain, you're asking me to work with equipment which is hardly very far ahead of stone knives and bearskins." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The City on the Edge of Forever |
Spock : | "Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Operation: Annihilate! |
McCoy : | "Mister Spock is the best first officer in the fleet." | | to Kirk; confessing his secret admiration for Spock |
TOS : Operation: Annihilate! |
Spock : | "I am free of it and the pain. And I'm also quite blind. An equitable trade, doctor. Thank you." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Operation: Annihilate! |
Spock : | "Very bad poetry, Captain" | | to Kirk; when asked for an analysis of the witches |
TOS : Catspaw |
DeSalle : | "All right, but it's there and it's real. If it's real, it can be affected. Engineering, stand by to divert all power systems to the outer hull. Prepare impulse engines for generation of maximum heat directed as ordered. Maybe we can't break it, but I'll bet you credits to navy beans we can put a dent in it!" | | to Chekov |
TOS : Catspaw |
Crewman : | "Captain Kirk, can you hear me? There is a curse on your ship. Leave this place or you will all die!" | | to Kirk; Speaking despite being dead! |
TOS : Catspaw |
Sylvia : | "Don't threaten me! I can squash you... and that would be an interesting sensation, yes! I find I like these new sensations. Don't try to push me!" | | to Korob |
TOS : Catspaw |
Korob : | "Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance? You examine any object, you question everything. Is it not enough to accept what is?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Catspaw |
Korob : | "You are the different one, Mister Spock. You do not think like the others. There are no colours to your patterns of logic. There's only black and white. You see all this around you, yet you do not believe." | | to Spock |
TOS : Catspaw |
Korob : | "Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires. All the crystalline forms that you cherish above all things! A fortune of them for each of you if you leave here without further inquiry." |
Kirk : | "We could manufacture a ton of these on our ship. They mean nothing to us." |
TOS : Catspaw |
Sylvia : | "I would advise you to co-operate, Captain. Forcible extraction of the information we wish from you is not complicated, but it is extremely painful and it has a certain draining effect." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Catspaw |
Sylvia : | "You will be swept away. You, your men, your ship, your worlds!"
| | to Kirk |
TOS : Catspaw |
Kirk : | "We're on a thousand planets and spreading out. We cross fantastic distances and everything's alive, Cochrane. Life everywhere. We estimate there are millions of planets with intelligent life. We haven't begun to map them." | | to Cochrane |
TOS : Metamorphosis |
Kirk : | "Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome." | | to the Companion |
TOS : Metamorphosis |
Hedford : | "But I've never been loved. Never. What kind of life is that? Not to be loved, never to have shown love? And he runs away from love." | | to Kirk; about Cochrane |
TOS : Metamorphosis |
The Companion : | "Loneliness. This is loneliness. What a bitter thing... oh Zefram, it's so sad! How do you bear it, this loneliness?" | | to Cochrane |
TOS : Metamorphosis |
Maab : | "Perhaps to be a Teer is to see in new ways. I begin to like you, Earthman... and I saw fear in the Klingon's eye." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Friday's Child |
McCoy : | "Look, I'm a doctor, not an escalator!" | | to Spock |
TOS : Friday's Child |
Eleen : | "No. Here, child belongs to husband." |
McCoy : | "So, they take all the credit here. Poppycock!" |
TOS : Friday's Child |
Scotty : | "There's an old, old saying on Earth, Mr Sulu. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.'" | | to Sulu |
TOS : Friday's Child |
Spock : | "I think you're both going to be insufferably pleased with yourselves for at least a month, sir!" | | to Kirk and McCoy |
TOS : Friday's Child |
Kirk : | "Human flesh against human flesh. We're the same! We share the same history, the same heritage, the same lives. We're tied together beyond any untie. Man or woman, it makes no difference, we're Human! We couldn't escape each other, even if we wanted to. That's how you do it, Lieutenant. By remembering who and what you are, a bit of flesh and blood afloat in a universe without end. The only thing that's truly yours is the rest of humanity. That's where our duty lies." | | to Palamas |
TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais? |
Kirk : | "We've outgrown you. You asked for something we can no longer give." | | to Apollo; on the latter's need for worship |
TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais? |
Spock : | "Miss Chapel." |
Chapel : | "Yes, Mister Spock?" |
Spock : | "I had a most startling dream. You were trying to tell me something... but I couldn't hear you. It would be illogical for us to protest against our natures, don't you think?" |
| talk about subtext... |
TOS : Amok Time |
Spock : | "Would you beam down to the planet's surface and stand with me? There is a brief ceremony." |
Kirk : | "Is it permitted?" |
Spock : | "It is my right. By tradition the male is accompanied by his closest friends." |
Kirk : | "Thank you Mister Spock." |
Spock : | "I also request McCoy accompany me." |
McCoy : | "I shall be honoured, sir." |
TOS : Amok Time |
T'Pau : | "What thee are about to see comes down from the time of the beginning, without change. This is the Vulcan heart. This is the Vulcan soul. This is our way." | | to Kirk; regarding the ceremony |
TOS : Amok Time |
Spock : | "He does not know! I will do... what I must... T'Pau, but not with him! His blood does not burn. He is my friend!" |
T'Pau : | "It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin. Are thee Vulcan, or are thee human?" |
TOS : Amok Time |
Kirk : | "That's T'Pau, of Vulcan. All of Vulcan in one package. How can I back out in front of her?" | | to McCoy |
TOS : Amok Time |
Spock : | "I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me." |
T'Pring : | "You have become much known among our people, Spock. Almost a legend. And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to be the consort of a legend. But by the laws of our people, I could only divorce you by the Kal-if-fee. There was also Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort. And I wanted him. If your Captain were victor, he would not want me, so I would have Stonn. If you were victor, you would free me because I had dared to challenge, and again I would have Stonn. But if you did not free me, it would be the same. For you would be gone. And I would have your name and your property, and Stonn would still be there." |
Spock : | "Logical. Flawlessly logical." |
T'Pring : | "I am honoured." |
TOS : Amok Time |
Spock : | "Stonn; she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true." | | to Stonn |
TOS : Amok Time |
Spock : | "Live long, T'Pau and prosper." |
T'Pau : | "Live long and prosper, Spock." |
Spock : | "I shall do neither. I have killed my Captain... and my friend." |
| The first time this phrase is used. |
TOS : Amok Time |
Decker : | "They say there's no devil, Jim, but there is. Right out of hell, I saw it!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Decker : | "The commander is responsible for the lives of his crew, and for their deaths. Well, I should have died with mine." | | recording his last words |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
McCoy : | "To blazes with regulations! You can't let him take command when you know he's wrong." | | to Spock; on Commodore Decker |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Kirk : | "Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard." | | to Spock; perfectly calm as death approaches |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Kirk : | "He gave his life in an attempt to save others. Not the worst way to go." |
Spock : | "Indeed, Captain. I presume your log will show Commodore Decker died in the line of duty." |
Kirk : | "Indeed it shall, Mr. Spock." |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Kirk : | "Ironic, isn't it? Way back in the 20th century, the H-Bomb was the ultimate weapon, their doomsday machine. We used something like it to destroy another doomsday machine. Probably the first time such a weapon has ever been used for constructive purposes." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Sybo : | "Yes, there is something here. Something terrible... I feel its presence. Fear, anger, hatred! Anger feeds the flame. Oh! Oh! There is evil here. Monstrous, terrible evil! Consuming hunger! Hatred of all that lives... hatred of women. A hunger that never dies. It is strong, overpowering. An ancient terror. It has a name... Beratis, Kesla, Redjac! Devouring all life, all light. A hunger that will never die! Redjac! Redjac!" | | in her trance |
TOS : Wolf in the Fold |
Tark : | "Of course he knew her. They were to be married, but he behaved disgracefully. Unheard of! He was jealous of her!" | | to Kirk and Jaris |
TOS : Wolf in the Fold |
Spock : | "Humans and humanoids make up only a small percentage of the life forms we know of." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Wolf in the Fold |
Spock : | "Computer, this is a Class A compulsory directive : compute to the last digit, the value of pi." | | giving an impossible order to the computer |
TOS : Wolf in the Fold |
Nomad : | "This unit is different. It is well ordered." | | to Kirk; regarding Spock |
TOS : The Changeling |
Chekov : | "The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow. A very nice place. It must have made Adam and Eve very sad to leave." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Apple |
McCoy : | "Well there goes paradise." | | on finding that Vaal does not allow holding and touching |
TOS : The Apple |
Spock : | "The good doctor was concerned that the Vaalians achieve true human stature. I submit there is no cause for worry. They've taken the first step, they've learned to kill." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Apple |
Mirror Spock : | "Terror must be maintained or the Empire is doomed. It is the logic of history." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Mirror, Mirror |
TOS : Mirror, Mirror |
Kirk : | "I submit to you that your Empire is illogical because it cannot endure. I submit that you are illogical to be a willing part of it." | | to Mirror Spock |
TOS : Mirror, Mirror |
Spock : | "May I point out, that I had an opportunity to observe your counterparts here quite closely. They where brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilised, traitorous. In every way splendid examples of Homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity. I found them quite refreshing." | | to Kirk and McCoy |
TOS : Mirror, Mirror |
Chekov : | "Give us some more blood, Chekov.' 'The needle won't hurt, Chekov.' 'Take of your shirt, Chekov.' 'Roll over, Chekov.' 'Breath deeply, Chekov.' 'Blood sample, Chekov.' 'Marrow sample, Chekov.' 'Skin sample, Chekov.' If... if I live long enough, I'm going to run out of samples." | | to Sulu |
TOS : The Deadly Years |
Mudd : | "Spock, you're going to love it here. They all talk just the way you do." | | to Spock |
TOS : I, Mudd |
Mudd : | "She urged me on into outer space. Not that she meant to, but with her continual, eternal, confounded nagging... Well, I think of her constantly. And every time I do, I go further out into space." | | to Kirk; regarding his wife |
TOS : I, Mudd |
TOS : I, Mudd |
Kirk : | "What is man but that lofty spirit, that sense of ... enterprise. That devotion to something that cannot be sensed, cannot be realized, but only dreamed. The highest reality" |
TOS : I, Mudd |
Harry : | "Human beings do not survive on bread alone, you poor, soulless creature, but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom, naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity." | | to Norman |
TOS : I, Mudd |
Spock : | "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad. Are you sure your circuits are registering correctly? Your ears are green." | | on logic |
TOS : I, Mudd |
McCoy : | "There's something wrong about a man who never smiles, whose conversation never varies from the routine of the job, and who won't talk about his background." |
Spock : | "I see." |
McCoy : | "Spock, I mean that it's odd for a non-Vulcan. The ears make all the difference." |
Spock : | "I find your argument strewn with gaping defects in logic." |
McCoy : | "Maybe, but you can't evaluate a man by logic alone. Besides, he has avoided two appointments that I've made for his physical exam without reason." |
Spock : | "That's not at all surprising, Doctor. He's probably terrified of your beads and rattles." |
TOS : I, Mudd |
Kirk : | "I have never questioned the orders or the intelligence of any representative of the Federation. Until now." | | to Baris |
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
Korax : | "Oh, I just remembered! There is one Earthman who doesn't remind me of a Regulan bloodworm. That's Kirk. A Regulan bloodworm is soft and shapeless. But Kirk isn't soft. Kirk may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood! But he's not soft." | | to Scotty |
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
Korax : | "Of course, I'd say that Captain Kirk deserves his ship. We like the Enterprise! We really do! That sagging old rust bucket is designed like a garbage scow. Half the quadrant knows it. That's why they're learning to speak Klingonese!" | | to Scott |
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
Baris : | "In my opinion, you have taken this important project far too lightly." |
Kirk : | "On the contrary, sir. I think of this project as very important. It is you I take lightly." |
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
Scotty : | "Before they went into warp I transferred the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
McCoy : | "Once, just once, I would like to land somewhere and say 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'" | | to Spock |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
Kirk : | "My world, Proconsul, is my vessel, my oath, my crew." | | to Claudius |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
McCoy : | "I'm trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin!" | | to Spock |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
McCoy : | "Do you know why you're not afraid to die, Spock? You're more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out." | | to Spock |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
Claudius : | "You're a Roman, Kirk, or you should have been!" | | expressing his man-crush on Kirk |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
Claudius : | "You may not understand because you're centuries beyond anything as crude as television." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
Uhura : | "I'm afraid you have it all wrong, all of you. I've been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion, but he couldn't. Well, don't you understand? It's not the sun up in the sky... it's the son of God." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
Sarek : | "Tellarites do not argue for reasons. They simply argue." | | to Gav |
TOS : Journey to Babel |
Sarek : | "At the time it seemed the logical thing to do." | | to Spock; on marrying Amanda |
TOS : Journey to Babel |
Nona : | "And you have ways as far above fire-sticks as the sky above our world!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Kirk : | "We once were as you are, spears, arrows. There came a time when our weapons grew faster than our wisdom, and we almost destroyed ourselves. We learned from this to make a rule during all our travels; never to cause the same to happen to other worlds." | | explaining the Prime Directive to Nona and Tyree |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Apella : | "I thought my people would grow tired of killing. But you were right. They see that it is easier than trading... and it has pleasures." | | to Krell |
TOS : A Private Little War |
McCoy : | "Well, Jim, here's another morsel of agony for you. Since Tyree won't fight, he will be one of the first to die." | | to Kirk |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "You are here because I wished you here." |
Kirk : | "Oh? I thought it was my idea." |
Nona : | "Yes. They always believe they come of free will." |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Kirk : | "Bones, do you remember the 20th century brush wars on the Asian continent? Two giant powers involved, much like the Klingons and ourselves. Neither side could pull out." |
McCoy : | "Yes. It went on bloody year after bloody year!" |
Kirk : | "What would you have suggested, that one side arm its friends with an overpowering weapon? Mankind would never have lived to travel space if they had! No. The only solution is what happened back then. Balance of power." |
McCoy : | "And if the Klingons give their side even more?" |
Kirk : | "Then we arm our side with exactly that much more. A balance of power, the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all. But the only one that preserves both sides." |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Kirk : | "Tomorrow... in the palm of her hands." | | to McCoy; on the phaser Nona stole |
TOS : A Private Little War |
McCoy : | "Well, you got what you wanted." |
Kirk : | "Not what I wanted, Bones. What had to be." |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Kirk : | "Spock, ask Scotty how long it would take him to reproduce a hundred flintlocks." |
Scotty : | "I didn't get that exactly, Captain. A hundred what?" |
Kirk : | "A hundred... serpents. Serpents for the garden of Eden. We're very tired, Mr. Spock. Beam us up home." |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "Touch me again and this small box will kill you!" | | to Villagers |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "I am a Kahn-ut-tu woman. In all this land, how many are there? Men seek us because through us they become great leaders." | | to Tyree |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "Our blood has passed through the mahko root together. Our souls have been together. He is mine now." | | to McCoy; regarding her healing of Kirk. |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "There's an old custom among my people. When a woman saves a man's life, he is grateful!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Nona : | "We must fight or die! Is dying better? You would let him die when you have weapons to make him powerful and safe? Then he has the wrong friends! And I have the wrong husband!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Apella : | "A quarrel by my people. A division of some skins and a hill woman taken this morning. It's hard to divide one woman." |
Krell : | "Give her to the man who killed the most of her people. The others will see the profit in bravery. I'll make a Klingon of you yet." |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Bones : | "You're going to leave here without them and run off on some wild goose chase halfway across the galaxy just because you found a discrepancy in a hydrogen cloud?" |
Spock : | "Doctor I am chasing the Captain, Lieutenant Uhura and Ensign Chekov, not some wild aquatic fowl." |
TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion |
Kirk : | "A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior, mentally or otherwise." | | to the Providers |
TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion |
McCoy : | "Monsters come in many forms. You know the greatest monster of them all, Jim? Guilt." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Obsession |
Kirk : | "Intuition, however illogical, Mister Spock, is recognized as a command prerogative." | | to Spock |
TOS : Obsession |
Chapel : | "You know, self-pity's a terrible first course. Why don't you try the soup instead?" | | to Garrovick |
TOS : Obsession |
McCoy : | "Crazy way to travel! Spreading a man's molecules all over the universe!" | | to Spock; on the transporter |
TOS : Obsession |
Scotty : | "Captain, thank heaven!" |
Spock : | "Mr Scott, there was no deity involved. It was my cross-circuiting to B that recovered them." |
McCoy : | "Well then, thank pictchforks and pointed ears." |
TOS : Obsession |
Spock : | "I've noticed that about your people. You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulcan heart, yet how little room there seems to be in yours." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome |
Kirk : | "We're on a difficult mission, but it's not the first time. Our orders do not say 'stay alive' or 'retreat'. Our mission is to investigate." | | to crew |
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome |
McCoy : | "Here we are. Antibodies of our own galaxy, attacking an invading germ. It would be ironic indeed if that were our sole destiny, wouldn't it?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome |
McCoy : | "Shut up, Spock! We're rescuing you!" | | to Spock |
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome |
Kirk : | "No, I don't think you're stupid, Mister Krako. I just think your behavior is arrested." |
Krako : | "I haven't been arrested in my whole life!" |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Oxmyx : | "Nobody helps nobody but himself." |
Spock : | "Sir, you are employing a double negative." |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Oxmyx : | "The most co-operative man in this world is a dead man. And if you don't keep your mouth shut, you're going to be co-operating." | | to Spock |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Spock : | "Captain, you are an excellent star ship commander, but as a taxi driver... you leave much to be desired." | | to Kirk |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Spock : | "I would advise yas to keep dialin', Oxmyx!" | | threatening Oxmyx with a gun |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Rojan : | "I think we're somewhat alike, Captain. Each of us cares less about our own safety then for the lives of our command. We feel pain when others suffer for our mistakes. Your punishment shall be to watch them die." | | to Kirk |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Kelinda : | "These are lovely. Captain Kirk, what is it you call them?" |
Kirk : | "Flowers. I don't know the variety." |
Kelinda : | "Our memory tapes tell us of such things on Kelvan. Crystals that form with such rapidity, they seem to grow. They look like this fragile thing somewhat. We call them Sahsheer." |
Kirk : | "A rose by any other name." |
Kelinda : | "Captain?" |
Kirk : | "A quote from a great human poet, Shakespeare. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Kelinda : | "This business of love. You have devoted much literature to it. Why do you build such a mystique around a simple biological function?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Spock : | "Yes, Humans are very peculiar. I often find them unfathomable, but an interesting psychological study." | | to Rojan |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Rojan : | "I told her to stay away from him." |
Spock : | "It would appear, sir, that you have little control over her. Or perhaps Captain Kirk has more." |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Tomar : | "Very interesting. But I feel rather strange." |
| He falls off his chair, unconscious. Scotty picks up the bottle and smiles at it. |
Scotty : | "We did it, you and me. Put him right under the table!" |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Kirk : | "Look what's happened in the short time you've been exposed to us. What do you think will happen in three centuries? When this ship gets to Kelva, the people on it will be human. They'll be aliens. Enemies!" | | to Rojan |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Rojan : | "You would really do that? You would extend welcome to invaders?" |
Kirk : | "No, but we would welcome friends." |
TOS : By Any Other Name |
Sargon : | "One day our minds became so powerful, we dared think of ourselves as gods." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Return to Tomorrow |
Henoch : | "Oh, you are a lovely female. A pleasant sight to wake up to after half a million years!" | | to Chapel |
TOS : Return to Tomorrow |
Kirk : | "They used to say if man could fly he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to. Do you wish that the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the moon? Or that we hadn't gone on to Mars and then to the nearest star? That's like saying you wish that you still operated with scalpels, and sewed your patients up with catgut like your great great great great grandfather used to. I'm in command. I could order this... but I'm not. Because Doctor McCoy is right in pointing out the enormous danger potential in any contact with life and intelligence as fantastically advanced as this. But I must point out that the possibilities, the potential for knowledge and advancement is equally great. Risk! Risk is our business, that's what this starship is all about. That's why we're aboard her!" | | to crew |
TOS : Return to Tomorrow |
McCoy : | "What he's saying, Spock, is that a man who holds that much power, even with the best intentions, just can't resist the urge to play god." | | to Spock |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
Spock : | "You should make a very convincing Nazi." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
Isak : | "If we adopt the ways of the Nazis, we're as bad as the Nazis." | | to Abrom |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
Melakon : | "Note the sinister eyes and the malformed ears. Definitely an inferior race." | | to Daras; regarding Spock |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
Gil : | "Even historians fail to learn from history... they repeat the same mistakes. Let the killing end, Kirk." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
Kirk : | "There are certain things men must do to remain men." | | to Daystrom |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
McCoy : | "Did you see the love light in Spock's eyes? The right computer finally came along!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Spock : | "Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Wesley : | "Our compliments to the M-5 unit, and regards to Captain Dunsel. Wesley out." |
McCoy : | "Dunsel? Who the blazes is Captain Dunsel? What does it mean, Jim? Spock? What does it mean?" |
Spock : | "Dunsel, Doctor, is a term used by Midshipmen at Starfleet Academy. It refers to a part which serves no useful purpose." |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Kirk : | "All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. You could feel the wind at your back in those days. The sounds of the sea beneath you. And even if you take away the wind and the water, it's still the same. The ship is yours. You can feel her. And the stars are still there, Bones." | | to McCoy; on being a Captain |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Spock : | "Most illogical. Of all people, he should have known how the computer would perform. Of course, the M-5 itself has not behaved logically." |
McCoy : | "Please, Spock, do me a favour and don't say it's fascinating." |
Spock : | "No. But it is... interesting." |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Daystrom : | "I've developed a method of impressing human engrams upon the computer circuits. The relays are not unlike the synapse of the brain. M-5 thinks, Captain." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Wesley : | "All ships damaged in unprovoked attack. Excalibur Captain Harris and First Officer dead. Many casualties. We have damage, but are still able to manoeuvre. The Enterprise refuses to answer, and is continuing attack. I still have an effective battle force and believe the only way to stop the Enterprise is to destroy her. Request permission to proceed." | | messaging Starfleet |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Daystrom : | "You are my greatest creation, the unit to save men. You must not destroy men." | | to M-5 |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Daystrom : | "To kill is a breaking of civil and moral laws we've lived by for thousands of years. You've murdered hundreds of people. We've murdered. How can we repay that?" | | to M-5 |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Spock : | "I am most impressed with the technology, Captain. Doctor Daystrom has created a mirror image of his own mind." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Daystrom : | "Destroyed, Kirk? No! We're invincible! Look what we've done! Your mighty starships, four toys, to be crushed as we choose!" | | to Kirk; cracking up under the strain |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
McCoy : | "Compassion. That's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Spock : | "It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Kirk : | "...Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words." | | to Spock; justifing yet another prime directive violation |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Kirk : | "A star captain's most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive." | | to His log |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Cloud William : | "Freedom? Freedom? That is a worship word. Yang worship. You will not speak it." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Tracey : | "They sacrificed hundreds just to draw us out in the open! And then they came... and they came! We drained four of our phasers, and they still came! We killed thousands and they still came!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Tracey : | "We've got to stay alive. Let the Yangs kill us and destroy what we have to offer and we'll have committed a crime against all humanity. I'd say that's slightly more important than the Prime Directive, wouldn't you, Jim?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Tracey : | "You have a well-trained bridge crew, Captain. My compliments." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Tracey : | "I caution you, gentlemen, don't fight me here. I'll win. Or at worst, I'll drag you down with me." | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Cloud William : | "I am Cloud William, chief. Also son of chief. Guardian of the holies, speaker of the holy words, leader of warriors. Many have died, but this is the last of the Kohm places. What is ours, is ours again." |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Tracey : | "He was cast out! Don't you recognise the Evil One? Who else would trick you with your own sacred words? Let your God strike me dead if I lie. But he won't, because I speak for him!" | | to Cloud William |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Roberta Lincoln : | "That's why some of my generation are kinda crazy and rebels, you know? We wonder if we're going to be alive when we're thirty." | | to Gary Seven |
TOS : Assignment: Earth |
Spock : | "Current Earth crises would fill a tape bank, Captain. There will be an important assassination today, an equally dangerous government coup in Asia, and, this could be highly critical, the launching of an orbital nuclear warhead platform by the United States countering a similar launch by other powers." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Assignment: Earth |
Gary Seven : | "Agents are male and female, descendants of human ancestors taken from Earth approximately six thousand years ago. They're the product of generations of training for this mission. Problem. Earth technology and science have progressed faster than political and social knowledge. Purpose of mission. To prevent Earth's civilisation from destroying itself before it can mature into a peaceful society." | | to Computer |
TOS : Assignment: Earth |
Spock : | "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Spectre of the Gun |
Kirk : | "Mister Spock, the women on your planet are logical. That's the only planet in this galaxy that can make that claim." | | to Spock |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Elaan : | "Captain, that ancient custom called 'spanking'. What is it?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Kirk : | "Courtesy. Remember?" |
Elaan : | "Courtesy is not for inferiors." |
Kirk : | "Courtesy is for everyone around here, and you'll find you won't be able to exist on Troyius without it. Mister Scott, our Chief Engineer, has shown you his engineering department. That's a courtesy. You respond by saying thank you." |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Elaan : | We are interested in how the ship is used in combat, not in what drives it. Engines are for mechanics and menials. | | to Scotty |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Petri : | There will be no wedding! I would not have our ruler marry that monster if the entire galaxy depended on it, and I will have nothing further to do with you! | | to Kirk |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Kirk : | It's been my experience that the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. | | to Elaan |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Elaan : | "I have a plan. With this ship, you could completely obliterate Troyius. Then there will be no need for the marriage. And in gratitude, my people will give you the complete rule of this system." |
Kirk : | "What kind of a mind could think of such a thing?" |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Elaan : | "I love you. I have chosen you, and still I don't understand why you didn't fight the Klingon." |
Kirk : | "If I can accomplish my mission by turning tail and running, I'll gladly do that." |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
Scotty : | "My bairns! My poor bairns!" | | bemoaning the abuse of his engines |
TOS : The Paradise Syndrome |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Scotty : | "This is Lieutenant Commander Scott. The Enterprise takes no orders except those of Captain Kirk and we will stay right here until he returns and if you make any attempt to board or commandeer the Enterprise, it will be blown to bits along with as many of you as we can take with us." | | to Romulan commander |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "Why would you do this to me? What are you that you could do this?" |
Spock : | "First officer of the Enterprise." |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "Allow me to rephrase. Will you join me for dinner? |
Spock : | "I am honoured, Commander. Are the guards also invited?" |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "You are a superior being. Why do you not command?" |
Spock : | "I do not desire a ship of my own." |
Romulan commander : | "Or is it that no one has offered you, a Vulcan, that opportunity?" |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "You must have your own ship." |
Spock : | "Commander, shall we speak plainly? It is you who desperately need a ship. You want the Enterprise." |
Romulan commander : | "Of course. It would be a great achievement for me to bring home the Enterprise intact. It would broaden the scope of my powers greatly. It would be the achievement of a lifetime. And it would open equal opportunities for you." |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Kirk : | "Are those Romulan officers still aboard the ship?" |
Scotty : | "They're in the brig, sir." |
Kirk : | "I'll need a Romulan uniform." |
Scotty : | Smiling broadly... "Aye. It'll be a pleasure!" |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "You have nothing in Starfleet to which to return. I offer, we offer you an alternative. We will find a place for you, if you wish it." |
Spock : | "A place?" |
Romulan commander : | "With me. Romulan women are not like Vulcan females. We are not dedicated to pure logic and the sterility of non-emotion. Our people are warriors. Often savage. But we are also many other pleasant things." |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Romulan commander : | "Now one final step to make the occasion complete. You will lead a small party of Romulans aboard the Enterprise, and there you will take your rightful place as its commander. And you will lead the ship to a Romulan port, with my flagship at its side." |
Spock : | "Yes, of course. But not just this moment. An hour from now will do even better... would it not, Commander?" |
Romulan commander : | "Yes. Yes, it will." |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Tal : | "We have you under our weapons, Enterprise. You cannot escape." |
Kirk : | "This is Captain Kirk. Hold your fire. We have your commander aboard." |
Tal : | "Commander?" |
Romulan commander : | "Destroy this vessel! I gave you a direct command! Tal!" |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Spock : | "Deck two. It is regrettable that you were made an unwilling passenger. It was not intentional. All the Federation wanted was the cloaking device." |
Romulan commander : | "The Federation. And what did you want?" |
Spock : | "It was my only interest when I boarded your vessel." |
Romulan commander : | "And that's exactly all you came away with." |
Spock : | "You underestimate yourself, Commander." |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
Spock : | "Without followers, evil cannot spread." | | to Kirk |
TOS : And the Children Shall Lead |
Kara : | "Brain, brain! What is brain?" | | to Kirk |
TOS : Spock's Brain |
Kirk : | "Most of us are attracted by beauty and repelled by ugliness. One of the last of our prejudices." | | to Marvick |
TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty? |
Kollos via Spock : | "This thing you call language, though, most remarkable. You depend on it for so very much... but is any one of you really its master?" |
TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty? |
TOS : The Empath |
Lal : | "Your actions were spontaneous. Everything that is truest and best in all species of beings has been revealed by you. Those are the qualities that make a civilization worthy to survive." |
TOS : The Empath |
Spock : | "At critical moments men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see." | | to McCoy |
TOS : The Tholian Web |
Spock : | "Indeed, Doctor, the young lady did show a marked preference for your company." |
McCoy : | "Now, nobody can blame her for that, can they?" |
TOS : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky |
Fabrini Man : | "Years ago I climbed the mountains... even though it was forbidden." |
Kirk : | "Why is it forbidden?" |
Fabrini Man : | "I am not sure. But things are not as they teach us. For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky!" |
TOS : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky |
Spock : | "Those who hate and fight must stop themselves, Doctor. Otherwise it is not stopped." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Day of the Dove |
Klingon : | "Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man with a knife." | | to Kang |
TOS : Day of the Dove |
Kang : | "We need no urging to hate humans! But for the present... only a fool fights in a burning house." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Day of the Dove |
Kirk : | "I guess we weren't sufficiently... entertaining." |
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren |
Alexander : | "You think that's what I want? Become one of them? Become my own enemy? Just lie around like a big blob of nothing and have things done for me? No, sir... if I want to do something, I'll do it for myself! If I want to laugh or cry, I'll do it for myself! You can keep your precious power! All I ask is one thing... if you do make it out of here, take me with you!" | | to McCoy |
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren |
Alexander : | "I could have had your power, but I didn't want it. I could have had your position, your place, right now! But the sight of you and your academicia sickens me. Despite your brains, you're the most comtemptable beings who ever lived in this universe!" | | to Parmen |
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren |
Deela : | "Oh there is a scientific explanation for it. But all that really matters is that you can see me, and talk to me and we can go on from there." | | to Kirk |
TOS : Wink of an Eye |
TOS : That Which Survives |
Kirk : | "What's the matter with you? Do you hear Spock, your planet's dead! There's no one alive on Cheron because of hate! Give yourselves time to grieve, give up your hate! You're welcome to live with us. Listen to me! You both must end up dead if you don't stop hating!" | | to Lokai and Bele |
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield |
Spock : | "All that matters to them is their hate." |
Uhura : | "Do you suppose that's all they ever had, sir?" |
Kirk : | "No. But that's all they have left." |
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield |
McCoy : | "How can we be powerful enough to wipe out a planet and still be so helpless?" | | to Scotty |
TOS : Whom Gods Destroy |
Spock : | "We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis." | | to bridge crew |
TOS : The Mark of Gideon |
McCoy : | "When the personality of a human is involved, exact predictions are hazardous." | | to Spock |
TOS : The Lights of Zetar |
Kirk : | "Well, this is an Enterprise first. Doctor McCoy, Mister Spock, and Engineer Scott find themselves in complete agreement! Can I stand the strain?" | | to Spock and McCoy |
TOS : The Lights of Zetar |
Droxine : | "Father, are we so sure of our methods that we never question what we do?" | | to Plasus |
TOS : The Cloud Minders |
Chekov : | "I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?" | | to Irina |
TOS : The Way to Eden |
Space hippies : | "Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! Herbert!" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Way to Eden |
Rayna : | "What is loneliness? |
Flint : | "It is thirst, it is a flower dying in the desert." |
TOS : Requiem for Methuselah |
Abraham Lincoln : | "There's no honerable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy; there is nothing good in war except it's ending" | | to Kirk |
TOS : The Savage Curtain |
Mr Atoz : | "After all a library serves no purpose unless someone is using it." | | to Spock |
TOS : All Our Yesterdays |
Scotty : | "Doctor, I've seen the Captain feverish, sick, drunk, delirious, terrified, overjoyed, boiling mad. But up to now I have never seen him red faced with hysteria." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Turnabout Intruder |
Scotty : | "It may not be scientific, but if Mr. Spock thinks it happens then it must be logical." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Turnabout Intruder |
Scotty : | "Headquarters has it's problems and we have ours. And right now the Captain of the Enterprise is our problem." | | to McCoy |
TOS : Turnabout Intruder |