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Quotes List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

Quote Episode
Pike : 
"Communications? Ah, yes. The prodigy. Cadet… Uhura? On communications rotation. Very happy to have you aboard."
Uhura : 
"Thank you, sir. Glad to be here. Enterprise is cleared for launch."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Pike : 
"Take me to your leader."
to Kiley security; after he and Spock are captured on Kiley 279
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Ortegas : 
"Course, captain? What's the mission?"
Pike : 
"Our mission? We explore. We seek out new life and new civilizations. We boldly go where no one has gone before."
Uhura : 
"Cool... sir."
Pike : 
"Let's take her out, Lieutenant Ortegas. Warp factor two. Hit it."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Pike : 
"Sometimes, Mr Spock, things go so badly you just have to laugh."
to Spock
SNW : Children of the Comet
Spock : 
"I am more than capable of managing any pain you can induce."
Chapel : 
"Mr. Spock. Now you're just toying with me."
SNW : Children of the Comet
La'An : 
"Isn't using any Illyrian medical tech against Federation regs?"
Number 1 : 
"Thanks to the Eugenics Wars. I imagine you know all about that period in history."
La'An : 
"Well, you don't grow up with a bioengineered mass murderer as your ancestor and not develop a thick skin."
Number 1 : 
"Khan Noonien Singh."
SNW : Ghosts of Illyria
Pike : 
"Many of us have known those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Officers, scientists, civilians who gave their lives in the hope for galactic peace.
Today we remember the friends and comrades we lost.
Exploration can exact a heavy toll.
As captain, there is no loss more devastating than that of a crew member.
Remembrance Day is about them.
Those of us left behind wear the insignia of past ships on which we served together.
As we honour the lives that have been given, let us also be grateful to be still on the journey."
to the Enterprise crew
SNW : Memento Mori
Ortegas : 
Never get in the middle of a Vulcan relationship. They will hit you with a lirpa.
to Chapel; on the subject of Spock and T'Pring
SNW : Spock Amok
Number One : 
"Well, if this is what passes for fun, I'm happy to be 'Fun's Funeral'".
La'an : 
"'Where fun goes to die', not 'Fun's Funeral'".
talking about what the junior staff call Number One.
SNW : Spock Amok
Spock : 
"This is coming dangerously close to hijinks."
to Chapel; on being in T'Pring's body and doing her job.
SNW : Spock Amok
Elder Gamal : 
On Majalas we have a saying: Let the tree that grows from the roots of sacrifice lift us where suffering cannot reach.
SNW : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Christopher Pike : 
"Argh, me mateys. If we ever catch Angel, we should make them walk the plank. Argh."
to Number One; imitating an old human ship pirate.
SNW : The Serene Squall
Dr M'Benga : 
Chief medical officer's personal log, supplemental. None of the crew remember what happened. The entity's doing, my daughter's doing, I'm sure. The surveillance logs are blank. It's as if every one of them lost five hours. Except for me.
discussing the events of The Elysian Kingdom.
SNW : The Elysian Kingdom
Pike : 
"It'll be fine, Number One. You get the supplies to K-7. I'll pile the kids in the station wagon, take a road trip."
Spock : 
"Sir? The station wagon?"
Pike : 
"Anybody has to go, now's the time."
 in a stern, parental tone
Pike : 
"Do not make me turn this car around."
discussing an away mission in a shuttle
SNW : All Those Who Wander
Sam Kirk : 
"Am I off the record here, sir? Jim was always at the top of his class. Smart and highly skilled, obviously. But he's not above relying on charm, or even luck."
Pike : 
"Sounds like a wild card."
Sam Kirk : 
"A whole deck of 'em. He doesn't like taking the path everyone else does, and he doesn't like to lose."
Pike : 
"Should we be worried that he's gonna start a war?"
Sam Kirk : 
"Look, I'm not gonna say Jim isn't a pain in the ass. He is. He is huge pain in the ass. But the truth is, he's as fine a captain as Starfleet has."
Pike : 
"Okay, good to know."
Sam Kirk : 
"Like I said, he does like to bend the rules sometimes. No, more like all the time."
discussing James T. Kirk
SNW : A Quality of Mercy

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 116,879 Last updated : 13 Mar 2025