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Quotes List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

Quote Episode
Picard : 
"Because it was no longer Starfleet! We withdrew. The galaxy was mourning, burying its dead, and Starfleet had slunk from its duties. The decision to call off the rescue and to abandon those people we had sworn to save was not just dishonourable. It was downright criminal!"
STP : Remembrance
Commodore Oh : 
"All these years, the hermit of La Barre. Now suddenly he's inescapable."
to Admiral Clancy; dicussing Picard's re-emergence
STP : Maps and Legends
Agnes : 
"Ah, you have a taste for the classics, I see."; holding a copy of The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov.
Picard : 
"I never really cared for science fiction... I guess I just didn't get it."
STP : Maps and Legends
Picard : 
"Picard, P-I-C-A-R-D, Jean-Luc"
upset that he wasn't recognised by a young ensign at Starfleet HQ.
STP : Maps and Legends
Picard : 
on the Bridge of La Sirena, when leaving orbit, the first time we heard this since Nemesis.
STP : The End is the Beginning
Picard : 
"One impossible thing at a time"
to Raffi; remembering what they used to say when planning the rescue of the Romulans.
STP : Absolute Candor
Agnes : 
"Anyone else think the 'Way of Absolute Candor' sounds potentially annoying?"
STP : Absolute Candor
Agnes : 
"What's your book about."
Rios : 
"The existential pain of living with the consciousness of death and how it defines us as Human beings."
Agnes : 
"Well that's not a conversation killer at all."
STP : Absolute Candor
Seven of Nine : 
"Picard still thinks there's a place in the galaxy for mercy. I didn't want to disillusion him."
to Bjayzl; shortly before killing her.
STP : Stardust City Rag
Elnor : 
"Are we still pretending?"
Picard : 
"No Elnor, I think everyone has finally stopped."
STP : Stardust City Rag
Raffi : 
"Your personality needs to match your clothes. You need to show a little panache."
Seven : 
"You need a feather in your hat."
STP : Stardust City Rag
EMH : 
"What is the nature of the psychiatric emergency?"
to Agnes; asking what's wrong when she's waiting to beam the team up.
STP : Stardust City Rag
 Three Romulan guards appear and hold pistols on them, saying, hands in the air. One falls to the floor and Elnor is behind with his sword, moments later all three Romulans are dead.
Picard : 
"Elnor, I told you to stay on the ship."
Elnor : 
"Yes. I didn't listen."
Picard : 
"Thank you."
STP : The Impossible Box
Narek : 
"It sounded like a nightmare. Wanna tell me about it?"
Soji : 
"Why? Because you care? Or because you're endlessly fascinated with the way my mind works?"
STP : The Impossible Box
Elnor : 
"He can't see you're also... haunted by something you'd like to forget. Was I in-butting?"
Agnes : 
"That time, yes."
STP : The Impossible Box
Agnes : 
"Maybe they've changed."
Picard : 
"Changed? The Borg."
Picard : 
"They coolly assimilate entire civilizations, entire systems in a matter of hours."
Picard : 
"They don't change. They metastasise."
STP : The Impossible Box
Kestra : 
"Seems weird to make an android with mucus and saliva, but... I guess Data would do it like that."
Soji : 
"I don't see how this Data could be my father. I mean, if I was made, it was probably about three years ago. Wait, why would Data want to make an android with mucus and saliva?"
Kestra : 
"Well, he was always trying to be more human. He could do all these amazing things, but all he ever really wanted to do was, like, have dreams and tell jokes and, like, learn how to ballroom dance."
STP : Nepenthe
Hugh : 
"How's this for a lost cause? I was that much of a hopeful fool again for a minute. Thanks for that."
to Elnor; his last words.
STP : Nepenthe
EMH : 
"What is the nature of your... Oh, bloody hell."
on seeing Agnes on the floor convulsing.
STP : Nepenthe
Picard : 
"Commander Riker and I served together on the USS Enterprise."
Soji : 
"And you were the greatest captain ever, I heard."
Riker : 
"The greatest captain ever? Where'd you get that nonsense?"
Kestra : 
"From you."
Riker : 
"From me? I must have been drinking at the time."
STP : Nepenthe
Troi : 
"I'm not as brave as I used to be, Jean-Luc."
Picard : 
"Then you're getting wiser."
 Discussing her worry that Kestra might get hurt.
STP : Nepenthe
Troi : 
"You cut out the venom sacks?"
Kestra : 
"Nope, I left them all in so we can all spew black bile and die."
 Discussing the Bunnicorn she had brought home for dinner.
STP : Nepenthe
Rios : 
"Everybody here thinks you're crazy."
Agnes : 
"And brave."
Rios : 
"...and brave. Adios, kid."
 Talking to Elnor about his decision to remain on the Cube to help the ex-Borg.
STP : Nepenthe
Raffi : 
"The Tal Shiar had a tracker inside your girl Jurati, and it looks like she killed Bruce Maddox."
ENH : 
"Well, that's bad news."
Raffi : 
"Uh. Yeah. Unless you like giant, all-encompassing, paranoid conspiracy theories, then it's, you know, kinda awesome. You know, in a horrible way."
ENH : 
"In bad situations, it's so important to try and find something positive."
 Raffi assumed she was talking to Rios
STP : Broken Pieces
Clancy : 
"That's a hell of a report."
Picard : 
"And you thought I was a desperate old man. Quixotic, paranoid, possibly senile..."
Clancy : 
"Let's just leave it at 'quixotic'."
Picard : 
"And now the windmills have turned out to be giants."
Clancy : 
"You want an apology?"
Picard : 
"I want a squadron."
Clancy : 
Picard : 
"Clancy! Out there, in the Vayt system, right now, beings who have as much right to life and liberty as you and I or Commander Data are being hunted down by an enemy who seeks to exterminate them..."
Clancy : 
Picard : 
"No, Clancy. If you say this is not a job for Starfleet, then I'm sorry, but you are a waste of space!"
Clancy : 
"Admiral Picard, with all due respect and at long last, shut the fuck up. I'm sending a squadron to rendezvous with you at DS12. Now stay put until they get there."
STP : Broken Pieces
Narissa : 
"Though, when you lost your mind, you certainly did it with panache. Breaking a Borg Cube by the sheer force of your despair."
to Ramdha
STP : Broken Pieces
Raffi : 
"So... Captain Alonzo Vandermeer. Is that his Walkman?"
to Rios; talking about a record player
STP : Broken Pieces
Picard : 
"One more thing, I have a brain abnormality. I've known for years. I never had any symptoms, so I never thought much about it. However, just before we left the Earth, I learned that my condition was more acute. The prognosis was terminal, and there is no effective treatment. There will be no further discussion. Anyone who treats me like a dying man will run the risk of pissing me off. Is that clear?"
to the crew of La Sirena
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Altan Soong : 
"I take it my face looks familiar."
Picard : 
"I feel as if I'm looking at Data."
Altan Soong : 
"Data if he had gotten old and gone soft. Must be disturbing. I know it is for me. Doctor Altan Inigo Soong, mad scientist. My father had me, but he created Data... a fact he never let me forget."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Altan Soong : 
"What you did. Shame on you, Agnes. You put out a small, bright candle shedding its light in a vast darkness. You owe a great debt."
to Agnes; talking about killing Bruce Maddox
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Raffi : 
"After everything that you've done for me... I need to say... thank you. I love you, JL. Oh, you don't have to say it back to me. I just..."
Picard : 
"I don't?"
Raffi : 
"Not unless you want to. Oh, s... Yeah. No, it's fine. It's fine."
Picard : 
Raffi : 
Picard : 
"I love you too, Raffi."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Soji : 
"Picard, try to see this from our point of view. You choose if we live, you choose if we die. You choose! We have no choice! You organics have never given us one."
Picard : 
"To say you have no choice is a failure of imagination."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Agnes : 
"They've left us behind, Picard! They're generations beyond us!"
Picard : 
"In one sense, yes, but in another, as you said, they are children. And until now, the only teachers that they've had are a couple of hermits, and the fear of extermination. But fear is an incompetent teacher. Yes, they have life. But no one is teaching them what it's for. To be alive is a responsibility, as well as a right."
Agnes : 
"How are they supposed to learn that lesson in six minutes, and eleven seconds?"
Picard : 
"The way that children learn most things, by example."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Agnes : 
"So, how do we hold off 218 warbirds until Starfleet gets here? If they get here? … Are you not answering to build suspense, or…?"
Picard : 
"At the present moment, Dr. Jurati, I am trying to pilot a starship for the first time in a very long time, without exploding or crashing! If that is alright with you."
Agnes : 
"No, totally, good call. One impossible thing at a time."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Picard : 
"Raffi? You were quite right."
to Raffi; his last words
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Admiral Picard : 
"We often refer to space as the final frontier. But the older I get, the more I come to believe… that the true final frontier is time."
to Starfleet academy cadets
STP : The Star Gazer
Guinan : 
"I think your answers are not in the stars and they never have been. Also, I suggest that we drink. Because I think there's one final frontier yet to come."
to Jean-Luc
STP : The Star Gazer
Q : 
"Do you recall what I said to you when last we parted ways? The trial never ends."
Jean-Luc : 
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Q : 
"You've been talking a lot about second chances. Well, my friend, welcome to the very end of the road not taken."
STP : The Star Gazer
Q : 
"Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc. You are more than just a piece. Why, you're the very board upon which this game is played."
to Jean-Luc
STP : Penance
Jean-Luc : 
"Q, I am too old for your bullshit!"
to Q
STP : Penance
General Picard : 
"In the name of the Confederation, I fought for a pure universe. One by one, with the aid of the brave crew of the CSS World Razer, we conquered the stars. We sought out and subjugated savage civilizations, boldly conquered warlike alien worlds, increased the wealth and resources for future generations of humanity. And you could be Earth's next great hero because a safe galaxy is a human galaxy."
a recording of the general listened to by Admiral Picard
STP : Penance
Rios : 
"So, to be clear, wake a queen who could kill us all, beam from a ship with no power, and find a Watcher who may or may not exist."
to Jean-Luc
STP : Assimilation
Borg Queen : 
"What you have just done here is more difficult, and vastly more dangerous than you realise."
Agnes : 
"And what is that?"
Borg Queen : 
"You've impressed me."
STP : Assimilation
Seven : 
"Hey! Hey! You mind stopping that noise?"
Punk on bus : "Yeah, OK, fine! I just like that song. OK? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Apologies."
In a scene similar to that in Star Trek : The Voyage Home, where Spock ends up nerve pinching the punk
STP : Watcher
Rios : 
"Why does the past hurt so much?"
after first falling and bashing his head on a fire escape and now being shocked with a stungun by Officer Morris of ICE
STP : Watcher
Q : 
"Dr. Soong, I presume?"
to Adam Soong
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Adam Soong : 
"Do you have any idea how many crackpots contact me about my work? I get everything from basement-dwelling Nazis to... rich heiresses who want me to clone their fucking cats."
to Q
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Commander Musa : 
"We've been on this path for quite some time. But now, what was once theory, just endless studies and tests, has finally become our reality. We are sending humans further than we have ever gone before."
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Tallinn : 
"You know, your voice does this funny little thing when you say her name. Who is she, anyhow?"
Jean-Luc : 
"Oh, no one of importance"
Tallinn : 
"Thanks for that. Now I know what it looks like when you lie"
 talking about Laris
STP : Two of One
Borg Queen : 
"I do miss Locutus."
Agnes : 
"I'm a hundred percent sure he doesn't miss you."
STP : Two of One
Adam Soong : 
"Picard! Adam Soong. I believe we have a friend in common. A Mister Q"
Jean-Luc : 
"He's not a friend"
Adam Soong : 
"That's what he said about you."
STP : Two of One
Jean-Luc : 
"You're Renée Picard, astronaut of the Europa Mission. You must be capable of such great things to have come this far."
Renée : 
Jean-Luc : 
"You remind me a bit of my mother. She, too, loved the stars. And she, too... struggled."
Renée : 
"Sometimes fear is a friendly reminder you're not ready for something."
Jean-Luc : 
"No. Fear is fear. It doesn't speak in riddles. Fear means you're smart. You understand the risks."
Renée : 
"So, what are you afraid of?"
Jean-Luc : 
"I don't know where I would begin."
Renée : 
"And you found a way to live with it?"
Jean-Luc : 
"I found that even in the darkest circumstances, there is a light. Sometimes, only a glimmer. Trust that light. Find a way back, no matter what it takes."
Renée : 
"Your mother... was very lucky to have you."
STP : Two of One
Tallinn : 
"So, this is your mind, sober. I bet five-drink Picard is a blast."
to Jean-Luc; in his mind
STP : Monsters
Teresa : 
"Are you from outer space?"
Rios : 
"No. I'm from Chile. I just… I work in outer space."
STP : Monsters
Tallinn : 
"You'll do so much with this pain. You'll save worlds with it."
to Young Picard; in his mind
STP : Monsters
Guinan : 
"You're dying."
Q : 
"Another quality I sincerely loathe about your species. Empathy."
STP : Mercy
Jean-Luc : 
"I know a haunted man when I see one. The things we hold onto. The pieces of emotional shrapnel that drive us all our lives."
to Wells
STP : Mercy
Agnes : 
"I assume a lecture on the futility of resistance is not going to be necessary?"
to Adam Soong
STP : Mercy
Jean-Luc : 
"And now, for my truth. I am Human but I am from the future, the 25th century to be precise. And I am here to save Earth. To save the entire galaxy, in fact. But to do so, it seems… I need your help."
to Wells
STP : Mercy
Raffi : 
"You know, you should have joined Starfleet."
Seven : 
"I tried. After Voyager. Starfleet shut me down because…"
Raffi : 
"You were Borg?"
Seven : 
"Janeway went to bat for me, threatened to resign. But, I gave it up. Went full Ranger."
STP : Hide and Seek
Jean-Luc : 
"I remember now. In a cloudy moment of extreme melancholy, my mother hung herself here in this place. And for all I've lived, all I've seen and done, I suppose this is the moment I've kept myself from remembering."
recalling his mother's suicide
STP : Hide and Seek
Renée : 
"Did you know that space is so vast, so infinite, it takes billions of years for that tiny pinprick of light to make that lonely journey from its star to our eyes? The brilliance you see in the night sky, Jean-Luc, that exquisite light, it's just an echo, really, of a star that has long since faded. Like me."
to Jean-Luc Picard
STP : Hide and Seek
Kore : 
"And you are...?"
Wesley Crusher : 
"That's a very long and very complicated story."
Kore : 
"Honestly, I've got nothing pressing."
Wesley Crusher : 
"OK. A long time ago, I was known as Wesley Crusher. But now, I am a traveller of all of space and time."
STP : Farewell
Rios : 
"I never fit, you know? Nothing stuck. I mean, I was living alone on a cargo ship with five holographic versions of myself. Not very encouraging. But then, I met you. I never had a family in any real way. You changed all that. All of you did. This is where I belong. Jean-Luc… I'm home."
Jean-Luc : 
"Make a good future."
STP : Farewell
Q : 
"Farewell, mon capitaine. It's time for me to go. But not alone. Isn't that the point of all this? See you out there."
to Jean-Luc; possibly the last words he ever said
STP : Farewell
Jean-Luc : 
"You just saved billions of lives."
Borg Agnes : 
"That was the idea, mister."
STP : Farewell

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

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