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Quotes List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Picard | Strange New Worlds | The Animated Series | Films

Quote Episode
Spock : 
"Check the circuit."
to helmsman; the first words ever spoken on Star Trek
TOS : The Cage
Pike : 
"I'm tired of being responsible for 203 lives, and I'm tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn't, and who's going on the landing party and who doesn't... and who lives, and who dies."
to Boyce
TOS : The Cage
Pike : 
"I'll break out of this zoo somehow and get to you. Is your blood red like ours? I'm gonna find out!"
to the Talosian
TOS : The Cage
Talosian : 
"We had not believed this possible. The customs and history of your race show a unique hatred for captivity. Even when it is pleasant and benevolent, you prefer death!"
to Pike
TOS : The Cage
Pike : 
to Number one; the first time the word was ever used in Trek
TOS : The Cage
Boyce : 
"Sometimes a man'll tell his bartender things he'll never tell his doctor."
to Pike
TOS : The Cage
Boyce : 
"A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on, and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away."
to Pike
TOS : The Cage
Boyce : 
"It was a perfect illusion. They had us seeing just what we wanted to see, human beings who'd survived with dignity and bravery, everything entirely logical, right down to the building of the camp, the tattered clothing, everything. Now let's be sure we understand the danger of this. The inhabitants of this planet can read our minds. They can create illusions out of a person's own thoughts, memories, and experiences, even out of a person's own desires. Illusions just as real and solid as this table top and just as impossible to ignore!"
to the crew
TOS : The Cage
Pike : 
"They couldn't repair the machines left by their ancestors. Is that why they want us, to build a colony of slaves?"
to Vina
TOS : The Cage
Talosian : 
"A curious species. They have fantasies they hide even from themselves."
describing Humans
TOS : The Cage
Pike : 
"I'm going to gamble you're too intelligent to kill for no reason at all. On the other hand, I've got a reason. I'm willing to bet you've created an illusion this laser is empty. I think it just blasted a hole in that window and you're keeping us from seeing it."
 Places the laser against the Talosian's skull.
Pike : 
"You want me to test my theory out on your head?"
talking to the Talosian
TOS : The Cage
Number One : 
"It's wrong to create a whole race of humans to live as slaves."
to Pike; setting her laser to self-destruct to to kill everybody present
TOS : The Cage
Mitchell : 
"The first thing I ever heard from upperclassmen was 'watch out for Lieutenant Kirk. In his class, you either think or sink.'"
to Kirk
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Kirk : 
"Did you hear him joke about compassion? Above all else a 'god' needs compassion!"
to Dehner; regarding Mitchell
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Mitchell : 
"Improving the breed, Doctor? Is that your line?"
Dehner : 
"I heard that's more your specialty, Commander, line included."
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Kirk : 
"You? Spinoza?"
Mitchell : 
"Once you get into him, he's rather simple though. Childish, almost. I don't agree with him at all."
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Dehner : 
"No one's been hurt, have they? Don't you understand? A mutated superior man could also be a wonderful thing! The forerunner of a new and better kind of human being!"
to Kirk
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Kirk : 
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's five year mission : to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
in the first use of the line
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver
Spock : 
"Has it occurred to you that there's a certain... inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?"
Kirk : 
"It gives me emotional security."
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver
Spock : 
"A very interesting game, this poker."
Kirk : 
"It does have advantages over chess."
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver
Mudd : 
"You'll find out that ships' captains are already married, girl, to their vessels. You'd find that out the first time you came between him and the ship."
to Eve
TOS : Mudd's Women
Eve : 
"Is this the kind of wife you want, Ben? Not someone to help you, not a wife to cook and sew and cry and need, but this kind? Selfish, vain, useless. Is this what you really want?"
to Childress
TOS : Mudd's Women
Spock : 
"You can't afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect. If you do, they lose faith, and you lose command."
to Kirk
TOS : The Enemy Within
McCoy : 
"The intelligence, the logic, it appears that your half has most of that. And perhaps that's where most of man's essential courage comes from for you see, he was afraid and you weren't."
to Kirk
TOS : The Enemy Within
McCoy : 
"He's dead, Jim."
to Kirk; regarding the dog, the first use of the line in Star Trek
TOS : The Enemy Within
Spock : 
"Being split in two halves is no theory with me, doctor. I have a human half, you see, as well as an alien half, submerged, constantly at war with each other. Personal experience, doctor. I survive it because my intelligence wins over both, makes them live together."
to McCoy
TOS : The Enemy Within
Uhura : 
"Mister Spock, sometimes I think if I hear that word frequency once more, I'll cry."
to Spock
TOS : The Man Trap
Sulu : 
"May the Great Bird of the galaxy bless your planet!"
to Rand
TOS : The Man Trap
Scott : 
"I can't change the laws of physics!"
to Kirk; in a much parodied quote
TOS : The Naked Time
Spock : 
"My mother... I could never tell her I loved her."
to Kirk
TOS : The Naked Time
Kirk : 
"This vessel. I give, she takes. She won't permit me my life. I've got to live hers."
to Spock
TOS : The Naked Time
Kirk : 
"Never lose you. Never."
to the Enterprise
TOS : The Naked Time
Sulu : 
"I'll protect you, fair maiden!"
Uhura : 
"Sorry, neither!"
TOS : The Naked Time
Kirk : 
"No beach to walk on."
bemoaning the demands of Starfleet life
TOS : The Naked Time
Charlie : 
"If I had the whole universe, I'd give it to you. When I see you I feel like I'm hungry all over. Hungry! Do you know how that feels?"
to Rand
TOS : Charlie X
Kirk : 
"Charlie, there are a million things in this universe you can have and there are a million things you can't have. It's no fun facing that, but that's the way things are."
to Charlie
TOS : Charlie X
Kirk : 
"Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge."
to Stiles
TOS : Balance of Terror
Bones : 
"War is never imperative, Mister Spock."
Spock : 
"It is for them, Doctor."
TOS : Balance of Terror
McCoy : 
"You're discussing tactics! Do you realise what this really comes down to? Millions and millions of lives hanging on what this vessel does next!"
to Spock
TOS : Balance of Terror
Kirk : 
"I wish I were on a long sea voyage somewhere. Not too much deck tennis, no frantic dancing. And no responsibility."
to McCoy
TOS : Balance of Terror
McCoy : 
"In this galaxy there's a mathamatical probability of three million Earth type planets. And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this. And in all of that... and perhaps more... only one of each of us."
to Kirk
TOS : Balance of Terror
Romulan commander : 
"He's a sorcerer, that one! He reads the thoughts in my brain!"
to Decius; regarding Kirk
TOS : Balance of Terror
Romulan commander : 
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."
to Kirk
TOS : Balance of Terror
Korby : 
"You think I could love a machine?"
Chapel : 
"Did you?"
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Korby : 
"Can you imagine how life could be improved if we could do away with jealousy, greed, hate?"
Kirk : 
"It can also be improved by eliminating love, tenderness, sentiment. The other side of the coin, doctor."
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Ruk : 
"That was the equation! Existence! Survival must cancel out programming!"
to Kirk
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Korby : 
"Do you realize the number of discoveries lost because of superstition, of ignorance, of a layman's inability to comprehend?"
to Kirk
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
McCoy : 
"A cage is a cage, Jim."
to Kirk; unimpressed with his description of how humane the colony is
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Adams : 
"To all mankind. May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth."
His toast
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Spock : 
"Interesting. Your Earth people glorify organized violence for forty centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately."
to McCoy
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Kirk : 
"One of the advantages of being a captain, doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it."
to Noel
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Spock : 
"Open your mind... we move together, our minds sharing the same thoughts."
performing a meld on Van Gelder
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
Kirk : 
"Can you imagine the mind, emptied by that thing? Without even a tormentor for company?"
to Spock; about Adams
TOS : Dagger of the Mind
McCoy : 
"Now, this is marvelous. The most horrible conglomeration of antique architecture I've ever seen."
to Kirk
TOS : Miri
McCoy : 
"Life prolongation. Didn't have much luck, did they?"
to Kirk
TOS : Miri
Rand : 
"Back on the ship, I used to try to get you to look at my legs. Captain, look at my legs."
to Kirk
TOS : Miri
Kirk : 
"I never get involved with older women, Yeoman."
to Rand
TOS : Miri
McCoy : 
"The chain of command is often a noose."
to Spock
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Lenore : 
"And this ship. All this power. Surging and throbbing, yet under control. Are you like that, captain?"
to Kirk; Oh my!
TOS : The Conscience of the King
McCoy : 
"Do you play God? Carry his head through the corridors in triumph? That won't bring back the dead, Jim."
Kirk : 
"No. But they may rest easier."
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Karidian : 
"Blood thins. The body fails. One is finally grateful for a failing memory."
to Kirk
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Lenore : 
"You are like your ship. Powerful, and not human. There is no mercy in you."
Kirk : 
"If he is Kodos, then I've shown him more mercy than he deserves."
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Kirk : 
"We've armed man with tools. Striving for greatness continues."
to Kodos; in response to the latter's claim that modern life has dehumanized Mankind
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Lenore : 
"All the ghosts are dead. I've buried them. There's no more blood on your hands!"
Kodos : 
"Oh my child, my child! You've left me nothing!"
TOS : The Conscience of the King
Spock : 
"It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six, doctor."
to McCoy
TOS : The Galileo Seven
Spock : 
"Mister Scott, there are always alternatives."
to Scotty; a much used quote
TOS : The Galileo Seven
McCoy : 
"Mister Spock, respect is a rational process! Did it ever occur to you they might react emotionally? With anger?"
to Spock
TOS : The Galileo Seven
Boma : 
"I'm sick and tired of this machine!"
to McCoy; regarding Spock
TOS : The Galileo Seven
McCoy : 
"It may be the last action you'll ever take, Mister Spock, but it was all human."
to Spock
TOS : The Galileo Seven
Spock : 
"I examined the problem for all angles and it was plainly hopeless. Logic informed me that under the circumstances the only possible action would have to be one of desperation. A logical descision, logically arrived at."
to Kirk
TOS : The Galileo Seven
McCoy : 
"All of my old friends look like doctors. All of his look like you."
to Shaw
TOS : Court Martial
McCoy : 
"Mister Spock, you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known."
Spock : 
"Why, thank you, doctor."
TOS : Court Martial
Spock : 
"It is impossible for Captain Kirk to act out of panic or malice. It is not in his nature."
to Areel
TOS : Court Martial
Samuel T. Cogley : 
"I speak of rights. A machine has none; a Man must! My client has the right to face his accuser. And if you do not grant him that right you have brought us down to the level of the machine. Indeed you have elevated that machine above us! I ask that my motion be granted. And more than that, Gentlemen... in the name of humanity, fading in the shadow of the machine... I demand it. I DEMAND IT!"
to the Court
TOS : Court Martial
Commodore Mendez : 
"RHIP Captain... rank hath its privileges."
to Kirk
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1
McCoy : 
"Now, that man can think anything we can, and love, hope, dream as much as we can. But he can't reach out and no one can reach in!"
to Kirk; on Pike
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1
Pike : 
"You want me to test out my theory on your head?"
to a Talosian; wondering if his weapon is actually working
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2
Talosian : 
"Captain Pike has an illusion, and you have reality. May you find your way as pleasant."
to Kirk
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2
McCoy : 
"You've got your problems, I've got mine. But he's got ours, plus his, plus four hundred and thirty other people."
to Sulu; on Kirk
TOS : Shore Leave
Barrows : 
"Don't peek!"
McCoy : 
"My dear girl, I am a doctor. When I peek, it's in the line of duty."
TOS : Shore Leave
Kirk : 
"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."
to Sulu
TOS : Shore Leave
Spock : 
"On my planet, to rest is to rest. To cease using energy. To me, it is quite illogical to run up and down on green grass using energy instead of saving it."
to Kirk
TOS : Shore Leave
Trelane : 
"Do you know that you're one of the few predator species that preys even on itself?"
to Kirk
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Spock : 
"I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose."
to Trelane
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Spock : 
"Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected. In this case, I should think 'interesting' would suffice."
to McCoy
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Trelane : 
"You will hang by the neck, captain, until you are dead, dead, dead!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Trelane : 
"So this is victory! It has a sweet taste!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Trelane's Father : 
"They're beings, Trelane. They have spirit. They're superior."
to Trelane; regarding Humanity
TOS : The Squire of Gothos
Metron : 
"You are still half savage. But there is hope."
to Kirk
TOS : Arena
Kirk : 
"We're a most promising species, mister Spock, as predators go. Did you know that?"
to Spock; on Humanity
TOS : Arena
Spock : 
"Jim, madness has no no purpose or reason. But it may have a goal."
to Kirk
TOS : The Alternative Factor
Spock : 
"I fail to comprehend your indignation, sir. I've simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar."
to Lazarus
TOS : The Alternative Factor
Kirk : 
"Sometimes pain can drive a man harder than pleasure."
to McCoy
TOS : The Alternative Factor
Kirk : 
"Well, gentlemen, we all have to take a chance. Especially if one is all you have."
to Spock and Scotty
TOS : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Kirk : 
"You said you wanted freedom. It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned."
to Marplon
TOS : The Return of the Archons
Kirk : 
"Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life."
to Landru
TOS : The Return of the Archons
Spock : 
"How often mankind has wished for a world as peaceful and secure as the one Landru provided."
Kirk : 
"Yes. And we never got it. Just lucky, I guess."
TOS : The Return of the Archons
Kirk : 
"This is the captain. Condition... yellow alert. Phaser crews stand by. Deflector shields up. We're going in... peacefully, I hope. But, peacefully or not... we're going in."
to the crew
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Spock : 
"Sir, there's a multilegged creature crawling on your shoulder."
lying to an to Eminian
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Scott : 
"Diplomats! The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank!"
to McCoy
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Fox : 
"Diplomacy, gentlemen, should be a job left to diplomats. You will, of course, immediately resume a peaceful status."
Scott : 
"No, sir, I will not."
Fox : 
"What did you say!?"
Scott : 
"I'll not lower the screens, not until the captain tells me to."
Fox : 
"You are taking orders from me. You will lower the screens as a sign of good faith, my authority!"
Scott : 
"I know about your authority, but the screens stay up."
McCoy : 
"Mr. Fox, they faked a message from the captain, they've launched an attack against our ship. You want us to trust them openly?"
Fox : 
"I want you to obey my lawful orders!"
Scott : 
"No, sir. I won't lower the screens."
Fox : 
"Your refusal to comply with my orders has endangered the entire success of this mission! I can have you sent to a penal colony!"
Scott : 
"You can, sir, but I won't lower the screens."
Fox : 
"Your name will figure prominently in my report to the Federation Central."
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
McCoy : 
"Well, Scotty, now you've done it!"
Scott : 
"Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure."
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Scotty : 
"This is the commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise. All cities and installations on Eminiar 7 have been located, identified, and fed into our fire control system. In 1 hour and 45 minutes, the entire inhabited surface of your planet will be destroyed. You have that long to surrender your hostages."
to the Eminians
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Kirk : 
"Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about, Anan. That's what makes it a thing to be avoided. You've made it neat and painless, so neat and painless you've had no reason to stop it!"
to Anan
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Kirk : 
"We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it! We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes... knowing that we won't kill today."
to Anan 7
TOS : A Taste of Armageddon
Kirk : 
"If I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes."
to McGivers
TOS : Space Seed
Spock : 
"Superior ability breeds superior ambition."
to Kirk
TOS : Space Seed
Kirk : 
"You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mr. Khan. This is a social occasion."
Khan : 
"It has been said that social occasions are only warfare concealed. Many prefer it more honest, more open."
TOS : Space Seed
Khan : 
"We offered the world order!"
Kirk : 
TOS : Space Seed
Khan : 
"Go! Or stay... but do it because it is what you wish to do!"
to McGivers
TOS : Space Seed
Spock : 
"I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question."
to Kalomi
TOS : This Side of Paradise
Spock : 
"I am what I am, Leila. And if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them. Mine can be no worse than someone else's."
to Leila
TOS : This Side of Paradise
Kirk : 
"Maybe we weren't meant for Paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. Maybe we can't stroll to music of the lute, we must march to the sound of drums."
to McCoy
TOS : This Side of Paradise
Spock : 
"I have little to say about it, Captain, except that for the first time in my life... I was happy."
to Kirk
TOS : This Side of Paradise
McCoy : 
"On pure speculation, just an educated guess, I'd say that man is alive."
to Spock
TOS : This Side of Paradise
Sandoval : 
"I think you'll find our settlement an interesting one. Our philosophy is a simple one, that men should return to a less complicated life. We have few mechanical things here. No vehicles, no weapons. We have harmony here. Complete peace."
to Kirk
TOS : This Side of Paradise
Kalomi : 
"I love you. I said that six years ago, and I can't seem to stop repeating myself. On Earth, you couldn't give anything of yourself. You couldn't even put your arms around me. We couldn't have anything together there. We couldn't have anything together anyplace else. We're happy here. I can't lose you now, Mister Spock. I can't."
to Spock
TOS : This Side of Paradise
McCoy : 
"I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Devil in the Dark
Kor : 
"Smile and smile! I don't trust men who smile too much."
to the Organians
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Kirk : 
"Gentlemen, I have no great love for you, your planet, your culture. Despite that Mister Spock and I are going to go out there and quite probably die, in an attempt to show you that there are some things worth dying for."
to Ayelbourne
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Kirk : 
"We have the right -"
Ayelbourne : 
"To wage war, Captain? To kill millions of innocent people? To destroy life on a planetary scale? Is that what you're defending?"
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Ayelbourne : 
"It is true that in the future, you and the Klingons will become fast friends. You will work together."
to Kirk
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Spock : 
"I should say the Organians are as far above us on the evolutionary scale as we are above the amoeba."
to Kirk
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Spock : 
"Even the gods did not spring into being overnight. You and I have no reason to be embarrassed."
to Kirk
TOS : Errand of Mercy
Spock : 
"Captain, you're asking me to work with equipment which is hardly very far ahead of stone knives and bearskins."
to Kirk
TOS : The City on the Edge of Forever
Spock : 
"Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled."
to McCoy
TOS : Operation: Annihilate!
McCoy : 
"Mister Spock is the best first officer in the fleet."
to Kirk; confessing his secret admiration for Spock
TOS : Operation: Annihilate!
Spock : 
"I am free of it and the pain. And I'm also quite blind. An equitable trade, doctor. Thank you."
to McCoy
TOS : Operation: Annihilate!
Spock : 
"Very bad poetry, Captain"
to Kirk; when asked for an analysis of the witches
TOS : Catspaw
DeSalle : 
"All right, but it's there and it's real. If it's real, it can be affected. Engineering, stand by to divert all power systems to the outer hull. Prepare impulse engines for generation of maximum heat directed as ordered. Maybe we can't break it, but I'll bet you credits to navy beans we can put a dent in it!"
to Chekov
TOS : Catspaw
Crewman : 
"Captain Kirk, can you hear me? There is a curse on your ship. Leave this place or you will all die!"
to Kirk; Speaking despite being dead!
TOS : Catspaw
Sylvia : 
"Don't threaten me! I can squash you... and that would be an interesting sensation, yes! I find I like these new sensations. Don't try to push me!"
to Korob
TOS : Catspaw
Korob : 
"Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance? You examine any object, you question everything. Is it not enough to accept what is?"
to Kirk
TOS : Catspaw
Korob : 
"You are the different one, Mister Spock. You do not think like the others. There are no colours to your patterns of logic. There's only black and white. You see all this around you, yet you do not believe."
to Spock
TOS : Catspaw
Korob : 
"Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires. All the crystalline forms that you cherish above all things! A fortune of them for each of you if you leave here without further inquiry."
Kirk : 
"We could manufacture a ton of these on our ship. They mean nothing to us."
TOS : Catspaw
Sylvia : 
"I would advise you to co-operate, Captain. Forcible extraction of the information we wish from you is not complicated, but it is extremely painful and it has a certain draining effect."
to Kirk
TOS : Catspaw
Sylvia : 
"You will be swept away. You, your men, your ship, your worlds!"
to Kirk
TOS : Catspaw
Kirk : 
"We're on a thousand planets and spreading out. We cross fantastic distances and everything's alive, Cochrane. Life everywhere. We estimate there are millions of planets with intelligent life. We haven't begun to map them."
to Cochrane
TOS : Metamorphosis
Kirk : 
"Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome."
to the Companion
TOS : Metamorphosis
Hedford : 
"But I've never been loved. Never. What kind of life is that? Not to be loved, never to have shown love? And he runs away from love."
to Kirk; about Cochrane
TOS : Metamorphosis
The Companion : 
"Loneliness. This is loneliness. What a bitter thing... oh Zefram, it's so sad! How do you bear it, this loneliness?"
to Cochrane
TOS : Metamorphosis
Maab : 
"Perhaps to be a Teer is to see in new ways. I begin to like you, Earthman... and I saw fear in the Klingon's eye."
to Kirk
TOS : Friday's Child
McCoy : 
"Look, I'm a doctor, not an escalator!"
to Spock
TOS : Friday's Child
Eleen : 
"No. Here, child belongs to husband."
McCoy : 
"So, they take all the credit here. Poppycock!"
TOS : Friday's Child
Scotty : 
"There's an old, old saying on Earth, Mr Sulu. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.'"
to Sulu
TOS : Friday's Child
Spock : 
"I think you're both going to be insufferably pleased with yourselves for at least a month, sir!"
to Kirk and McCoy
TOS : Friday's Child
Kirk : 
"Human flesh against human flesh. We're the same! We share the same history, the same heritage, the same lives. We're tied together beyond any untie. Man or woman, it makes no difference, we're Human! We couldn't escape each other, even if we wanted to. That's how you do it, Lieutenant. By remembering who and what you are, a bit of flesh and blood afloat in a universe without end. The only thing that's truly yours is the rest of humanity. That's where our duty lies."
to Palamas
TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Kirk : 
"We've outgrown you. You asked for something we can no longer give."
to Apollo; on the latter's need for worship
TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Spock : 
"Miss Chapel."
Chapel : 
"Yes, Mister Spock?"
Spock : 
"I had a most startling dream. You were trying to tell me something... but I couldn't hear you. It would be illogical for us to protest against our natures, don't you think?"
talk about subtext...
TOS : Amok Time
Spock : 
"Would you beam down to the planet's surface and stand with me? There is a brief ceremony."
Kirk : 
"Is it permitted?"
Spock : 
"It is my right. By tradition the male is accompanied by his closest friends."
Kirk : 
"Thank you Mister Spock."
Spock : 
"I also request McCoy accompany me."
McCoy : 
"I shall be honoured, sir."
TOS : Amok Time
T'Pau : 
"What thee are about to see comes down from the time of the beginning, without change. This is the Vulcan heart. This is the Vulcan soul. This is our way."
to Kirk; regarding the ceremony
TOS : Amok Time
Spock : 
"He does not know! I will do... what I must... T'Pau, but not with him! His blood does not burn. He is my friend!"
T'Pau : 
"It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin. Are thee Vulcan, or are thee human?"
TOS : Amok Time
Kirk : 
"That's T'Pau, of Vulcan. All of Vulcan in one package. How can I back out in front of her?"
to McCoy
TOS : Amok Time
Spock : 
"I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me."
T'Pring : 
"You have become much known among our people, Spock. Almost a legend. And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to be the consort of a legend. But by the laws of our people, I could only divorce you by the Kal-if-fee. There was also Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort. And I wanted him. If your Captain were victor, he would not want me, so I would have Stonn. If you were victor, you would free me because I had dared to challenge, and again I would have Stonn. But if you did not free me, it would be the same. For you would be gone. And I would have your name and your property, and Stonn would still be there."
Spock : 
"Logical. Flawlessly logical."
T'Pring : 
"I am honoured."
TOS : Amok Time
Spock : 
"Stonn; she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
to Stonn
TOS : Amok Time
Spock : 
"Live long, T'Pau and prosper."
T'Pau : 
"Live long and prosper, Spock."
Spock : 
"I shall do neither. I have killed my Captain... and my friend."
The first time this phrase is used.
TOS : Amok Time
Decker : 
"They say there's no devil, Jim, but there is. Right out of hell, I saw it!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Decker : 
"The commander is responsible for the lives of his crew, and for their deaths. Well, I should have died with mine."
recording his last words
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
McCoy : 
"To blazes with regulations! You can't let him take command when you know he's wrong."
to Spock; on Commodore Decker
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Kirk : 
"Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard."
to Spock; perfectly calm as death approaches
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Kirk : 
"He gave his life in an attempt to save others. Not the worst way to go."
Spock : 
"Indeed, Captain. I presume your log will show Commodore Decker died in the line of duty."
Kirk : 
"Indeed it shall, Mr. Spock."
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Kirk : 
"Ironic, isn't it? Way back in the 20th century, the H-Bomb was the ultimate weapon, their doomsday machine. We used something like it to destroy another doomsday machine. Probably the first time such a weapon has ever been used for constructive purposes."
to Spock
TOS : The Doomsday Machine
Sybo : 
"Yes, there is something here. Something terrible... I feel its presence. Fear, anger, hatred! Anger feeds the flame. Oh! Oh! There is evil here. Monstrous, terrible evil! Consuming hunger! Hatred of all that lives... hatred of women. A hunger that never dies. It is strong, overpowering. An ancient terror. It has a name... Beratis, Kesla, Redjac! Devouring all life, all light. A hunger that will never die! Redjac! Redjac!"
in her trance
TOS : Wolf in the Fold
Tark : 
"Of course he knew her. They were to be married, but he behaved disgracefully. Unheard of! He was jealous of her!"
to Kirk and Jaris
TOS : Wolf in the Fold
Spock : 
"Humans and humanoids make up only a small percentage of the life forms we know of."
to Kirk
TOS : Wolf in the Fold
Spock : 
"Computer, this is a Class A compulsory directive : compute to the last digit, the value of pi."
giving an impossible order to the computer
TOS : Wolf in the Fold
Nomad : 
"This unit is different. It is well ordered."
to Kirk; regarding Spock
TOS : The Changeling
Chekov : 
"The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow. A very nice place. It must have made Adam and Eve very sad to leave."
to McCoy
TOS : The Apple
McCoy : 
"Well there goes paradise."
on finding that Vaal does not allow holding and touching
TOS : The Apple
Spock : 
"The good doctor was concerned that the Vaalians achieve true human stature. I submit there is no cause for worry. They've taken the first step, they've learned to kill."
to Kirk
TOS : The Apple
Mirror Spock : 
"Terror must be maintained or the Empire is doomed. It is the logic of history."
to Kirk
TOS : Mirror, Mirror
Kirk : 
"You're a man of integrity in both universes, Mr. Spock."
to Mirror Spock
TOS : Mirror, Mirror
Kirk : 
"I submit to you that your Empire is illogical because it cannot endure. I submit that you are illogical to be a willing part of it."
to Mirror Spock
TOS : Mirror, Mirror
Spock : 
"May I point out, that I had an opportunity to observe your counterparts here quite closely. They where brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilised, traitorous. In every way splendid examples of Homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity. I found them quite refreshing."
to Kirk and McCoy
TOS : Mirror, Mirror
Chekov : 
"Give us some more blood, Chekov.' 'The needle won't hurt, Chekov.' 'Take of your shirt, Chekov.' 'Roll over, Chekov.' 'Breath deeply, Chekov.' 'Blood sample, Chekov.' 'Marrow sample, Chekov.' 'Skin sample, Chekov.' If... if I live long enough, I'm going to run out of samples."
to Sulu
TOS : The Deadly Years
Mudd : 
"Spock, you're going to love it here. They all talk just the way you do."
to Spock
TOS : I, Mudd
Mudd : 
"She urged me on into outer space. Not that she meant to, but with her continual, eternal, confounded nagging... Well, I think of her constantly. And every time I do, I go further out into space."
to Kirk; regarding his wife
TOS : I, Mudd
Harry Mudd : 
"Knowledge, sir, should be free to all."
to Spock
TOS : I, Mudd
Kirk : 
"What is man but that lofty spirit, that sense of ... enterprise. That devotion to something that cannot be sensed, cannot be realized, but only dreamed. The highest reality"
TOS : I, Mudd
Harry : 
"Human beings do not survive on bread alone, you poor, soulless creature, but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom, naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity."
to Norman
TOS : I, Mudd
Spock : 
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad. Are you sure your circuits are registering correctly? Your ears are green."
on logic
TOS : I, Mudd
McCoy : 
"There's something wrong about a man who never smiles, whose conversation never varies from the routine of the job, and who won't talk about his background."
Spock : 
"I see."
McCoy : 
"Spock, I mean that it's odd for a non-Vulcan. The ears make all the difference."
Spock : 
"I find your argument strewn with gaping defects in logic."
McCoy : 
"Maybe, but you can't evaluate a man by logic alone. Besides, he has avoided two appointments that I've made for his physical exam without reason."
Spock : 
"That's not at all surprising, Doctor. He's probably terrified of your beads and rattles."
TOS : I, Mudd
Kirk : 
"I have never questioned the orders or the intelligence of any representative of the Federation. Until now."
to Baris
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
Korax : 
"Oh, I just remembered! There is one Earthman who doesn't remind me of a Regulan bloodworm. That's Kirk. A Regulan bloodworm is soft and shapeless. But Kirk isn't soft. Kirk may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood! But he's not soft."
to Scotty
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
Korax : 
"Of course, I'd say that Captain Kirk deserves his ship. We like the Enterprise! We really do! That sagging old rust bucket is designed like a garbage scow. Half the quadrant knows it. That's why they're learning to speak Klingonese!"
to Scott
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
Baris : 
"In my opinion, you have taken this important project far too lightly."
Kirk : 
"On the contrary, sir. I think of this project as very important. It is you I take lightly."
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
Scotty : 
"Before they went into warp I transferred the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all."
to Kirk
TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles
McCoy : 
"Once, just once, I would like to land somewhere and say 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
to Spock
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Kirk : 
"My world, Proconsul, is my vessel, my oath, my crew."
to Claudius
TOS : Bread and Circuses
McCoy : 
"I'm trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin!"
to Spock
TOS : Bread and Circuses
McCoy : 
"Do you know why you're not afraid to die, Spock? You're more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out."
to Spock
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Claudius : 
"You're a Roman, Kirk, or you should have been!"
expressing his man-crush on Kirk
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Claudius : 
"You may not understand because you're centuries beyond anything as crude as television."
to Kirk
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Uhura : 
"I'm afraid you have it all wrong, all of you. I've been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion, but he couldn't. Well, don't you understand? It's not the sun up in the sky... it's the son of God."
to Kirk
TOS : Bread and Circuses
Sarek : 
"Tellarites do not argue for reasons. They simply argue."
to Gav
TOS : Journey to Babel
Sarek : 
"At the time it seemed the logical thing to do."
to Spock; on marrying Amanda
TOS : Journey to Babel
Nona : 
"And you have ways as far above fire-sticks as the sky above our world!"
to Kirk
TOS : A Private Little War
Kirk : 
"We once were as you are, spears, arrows. There came a time when our weapons grew faster than our wisdom, and we almost destroyed ourselves. We learned from this to make a rule during all our travels; never to cause the same to happen to other worlds."
explaining the Prime Directive to Nona and Tyree
TOS : A Private Little War
Apella : 
"I thought my people would grow tired of killing. But you were right. They see that it is easier than trading... and it has pleasures."
to Krell
TOS : A Private Little War
Kirk : 
"Bones, do you remember the 20th century brush wars on the Asian continent? Two giant powers involved, much like the Klingons and ourselves. Neither side could pull out."
McCoy : 
"Yes. It went on bloody year after bloody year!"
Kirk : 
"What would you have suggested, that one side arm its friends with an overpowering weapon? Mankind would never have lived to travel space if they had! No. The only solution is what happened back then. Balance of power."
McCoy : 
"And if the Klingons give their side even more?"
Kirk : 
"Then we arm our side with exactly that much more. A balance of power, the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all. But the only one that preserves both sides."
TOS : A Private Little War
McCoy : 
"Well, Jim, here's another morsel of agony for you. Since Tyree won't fight, he will be one of the first to die."
to Kirk
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"You are here because I wished you here."
Kirk : 
"Oh? I thought it was my idea."
Nona : 
"Yes. They always believe they come of free will."
TOS : A Private Little War
Kirk : 
"Tomorrow... in the palm of her hands."
to McCoy; on the phaser Nona stole
TOS : A Private Little War
McCoy : 
"Well, you got what you wanted."
Kirk : 
"Not what I wanted, Bones. What had to be."
TOS : A Private Little War
Kirk : 
"Spock, ask Scotty how long it would take him to reproduce a hundred flintlocks."
Scotty : 
"I didn't get that exactly, Captain. A hundred what?"
Kirk : 
"A hundred... serpents. Serpents for the garden of Eden. We're very tired, Mr. Spock. Beam us up home."
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"Touch me again and this small box will kill you!"
to Villagers
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"I am a Kahn-ut-tu woman. In all this land, how many are there? Men seek us because through us they become great leaders."
to Tyree
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"Our blood has passed through the mahko root together. Our souls have been together. He is mine now."
to McCoy; regarding her healing of Kirk.
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"There's an old custom among my people. When a woman saves a man's life, he is grateful!"
to Kirk
TOS : A Private Little War
Nona : 
"We must fight or die! Is dying better? You would let him die when you have weapons to make him powerful and safe? Then he has the wrong friends! And I have the wrong husband!"
to Kirk
TOS : A Private Little War
Apella : 
"A quarrel by my people. A division of some skins and a hill woman taken this morning. It's hard to divide one woman."
Krell : 
"Give her to the man who killed the most of her people. The others will see the profit in bravery. I'll make a Klingon of you yet."
TOS : A Private Little War
Bones : 
"You're going to leave here without them and run off on some wild goose chase halfway across the galaxy just because you found a discrepancy in a hydrogen cloud?"
Spock : 
"Doctor I am chasing the Captain, Lieutenant Uhura and Ensign Chekov, not some wild aquatic fowl."
TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion
Kirk : 
"A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior, mentally or otherwise."
to the Providers
TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion
McCoy : 
"Monsters come in many forms. You know the greatest monster of them all, Jim? Guilt."
to Kirk
TOS : Obsession
Kirk : 
"Intuition, however illogical, Mister Spock, is recognized as a command prerogative."
to Spock
TOS : Obsession
Chapel : 
"You know, self-pity's a terrible first course. Why don't you try the soup instead?"
to Garrovick
TOS : Obsession
McCoy : 
"Crazy way to travel! Spreading a man's molecules all over the universe!"
to Spock; on the transporter
TOS : Obsession
Scotty : 
"Captain, thank heaven!"
Spock : 
"Mr Scott, there was no deity involved. It was my cross-circuiting to B that recovered them."
McCoy : 
"Well then, thank pictchforks and pointed ears."
TOS : Obsession
Spock : 
"I've noticed that about your people. You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulcan heart, yet how little room there seems to be in yours."
to McCoy
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome
Kirk : 
"We're on a difficult mission, but it's not the first time. Our orders do not say 'stay alive' or 'retreat'. Our mission is to investigate."
to crew
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome
McCoy : 
"Here we are. Antibodies of our own galaxy, attacking an invading germ. It would be ironic indeed if that were our sole destiny, wouldn't it?"
to Kirk
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome
McCoy : 
"Shut up, Spock! We're rescuing you!"
to Spock
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome
Kirk : 
"No, I don't think you're stupid, Mister Krako. I just think your behavior is arrested."
Krako : 
"I haven't been arrested in my whole life!"
TOS : A Piece of the Action
Oxmyx : 
"Nobody helps nobody but himself."
Spock : 
"Sir, you are employing a double negative."
TOS : A Piece of the Action
Oxmyx : 
"The most co-operative man in this world is a dead man. And if you don't keep your mouth shut, you're going to be co-operating."
to Spock
TOS : A Piece of the Action
Spock : 
"Captain, you are an excellent star ship commander, but as a taxi driver... you leave much to be desired."
to Kirk
TOS : A Piece of the Action
Spock : 
"I would advise yas to keep dialin', Oxmyx!"
threatening Oxmyx with a gun
TOS : A Piece of the Action
Rojan : 
"I think we're somewhat alike, Captain. Each of us cares less about our own safety then for the lives of our command. We feel pain when others suffer for our mistakes. Your punishment shall be to watch them die."
to Kirk
TOS : By Any Other Name
Kelinda : 
"These are lovely. Captain Kirk, what is it you call them?"
Kirk : 
"Flowers. I don't know the variety."
Kelinda : 
"Our memory tapes tell us of such things on Kelvan. Crystals that form with such rapidity, they seem to grow. They look like this fragile thing somewhat. We call them Sahsheer."
Kirk : 
"A rose by any other name."
Kelinda : 
Kirk : 
"A quote from a great human poet, Shakespeare. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
TOS : By Any Other Name
Kelinda : 
"This business of love. You have devoted much literature to it. Why do you build such a mystique around a simple biological function?"
to Kirk
TOS : By Any Other Name
Spock : 
"Yes, Humans are very peculiar. I often find them unfathomable, but an interesting psychological study."
to Rojan
TOS : By Any Other Name
Rojan : 
"I told her to stay away from him."
Spock : 
"It would appear, sir, that you have little control over her. Or perhaps Captain Kirk has more."
TOS : By Any Other Name
Tomar : 
"Very interesting. But I feel rather strange."
 He falls off his chair, unconscious. Scotty picks up the bottle and smiles at it.
Scotty : 
"We did it, you and me. Put him right under the table!"
TOS : By Any Other Name
Kirk : 
"Look what's happened in the short time you've been exposed to us. What do you think will happen in three centuries? When this ship gets to Kelva, the people on it will be human. They'll be aliens. Enemies!"
to Rojan
TOS : By Any Other Name
Rojan : 
"You would really do that? You would extend welcome to invaders?"
Kirk : 
"No, but we would welcome friends."
TOS : By Any Other Name
Sargon : 
"One day our minds became so powerful, we dared think of ourselves as gods."
to Kirk
TOS : Return to Tomorrow
Henoch : 
"Oh, you are a lovely female. A pleasant sight to wake up to after half a million years!"
to Chapel
TOS : Return to Tomorrow
Kirk : 
"They used to say if man could fly he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to. Do you wish that the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the moon? Or that we hadn't gone on to Mars and then to the nearest star? That's like saying you wish that you still operated with scalpels, and sewed your patients up with catgut like your great great great great grandfather used to. I'm in command. I could order this... but I'm not. Because Doctor McCoy is right in pointing out the enormous danger potential in any contact with life and intelligence as fantastically advanced as this. But I must point out that the possibilities, the potential for knowledge and advancement is equally great. Risk! Risk is our business, that's what this starship is all about. That's why we're aboard her!"
to crew
TOS : Return to Tomorrow
McCoy : 
"What he's saying, Spock, is that a man who holds that much power, even with the best intentions, just can't resist the urge to play god."
to Spock
TOS : Patterns of Force
Spock : 
"You should make a very convincing Nazi."
to Kirk
TOS : Patterns of Force
Isak : 
"If we adopt the ways of the Nazis, we're as bad as the Nazis."
to Abrom
TOS : Patterns of Force
Melakon : 
"Note the sinister eyes and the malformed ears. Definitely an inferior race."
to Daras; regarding Spock
TOS : Patterns of Force
Gil : 
"Even historians fail to learn from history... they repeat the same mistakes. Let the killing end, Kirk."
to Kirk
TOS : Patterns of Force
Kirk : 
"There are certain things men must do to remain men."
to Daystrom
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
McCoy : 
"Did you see the love light in Spock's eyes? The right computer finally came along!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Spock : 
"Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them."
to Kirk
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Wesley : 
"Our compliments to the M-5 unit, and regards to Captain Dunsel. Wesley out."
McCoy : 
"Dunsel? Who the blazes is Captain Dunsel? What does it mean, Jim? Spock? What does it mean?"
Spock : 
"Dunsel, Doctor, is a term used by Midshipmen at Starfleet Academy. It refers to a part which serves no useful purpose."
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Kirk : 
"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. You could feel the wind at your back in those days. The sounds of the sea beneath you. And even if you take away the wind and the water, it's still the same. The ship is yours. You can feel her. And the stars are still there, Bones."
to McCoy; on being a Captain
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Spock : 
"Most illogical. Of all people, he should have known how the computer would perform. Of course, the M-5 itself has not behaved logically."
McCoy : 
"Please, Spock, do me a favour and don't say it's fascinating."
Spock : 
"No. But it is... interesting."
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Daystrom : 
"I've developed a method of impressing human engrams upon the computer circuits. The relays are not unlike the synapse of the brain. M-5 thinks, Captain."
to Kirk
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Wesley : 
"All ships damaged in unprovoked attack. Excalibur Captain Harris and First Officer dead. Many casualties. We have damage, but are still able to manoeuvre. The Enterprise refuses to answer, and is continuing attack. I still have an effective battle force and believe the only way to stop the Enterprise is to destroy her. Request permission to proceed."
messaging Starfleet
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Daystrom : 
"You are my greatest creation, the unit to save men. You must not destroy men."
to M-5
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Daystrom : 
"To kill is a breaking of civil and moral laws we've lived by for thousands of years. You've murdered hundreds of people. We've murdered. How can we repay that?"
to M-5
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Spock : 
"I am most impressed with the technology, Captain. Doctor Daystrom has created a mirror image of his own mind."
to Kirk
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Daystrom : 
"Destroyed, Kirk? No! We're invincible! Look what we've done! Your mighty starships, four toys, to be crushed as we choose!"
to Kirk; cracking up under the strain
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
McCoy : 
"Compassion. That's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them."
to Kirk
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Spock : 
"It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining."
to McCoy
TOS : The Ultimate Computer
Kirk : 
"...Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words."
to Spock; justifing yet another prime directive violation
TOS : The Omega Glory
Kirk : 
"A star captain's most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive."
to His log
TOS : The Omega Glory
Cloud William : 
"Freedom? Freedom? That is a worship word. Yang worship. You will not speak it."
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"They sacrificed hundreds just to draw us out in the open! And then they came... and they came! We drained four of our phasers, and they still came! We killed thousands and they still came!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"We've got to stay alive. Let the Yangs kill us and destroy what we have to offer and we'll have committed a crime against all humanity. I'd say that's slightly more important than the Prime Directive, wouldn't you, Jim?"
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"You have a well-trained bridge crew, Captain. My compliments."
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"I caution you, gentlemen, don't fight me here. I'll win. Or at worst, I'll drag you down with me."
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Cloud William : 
"I am Cloud William, chief. Also son of chief. Guardian of the holies, speaker of the holy words, leader of warriors. Many have died, but this is the last of the Kohm places. What is ours, is ours again."
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"He was cast out! Don't you recognise the Evil One? Who else would trick you with your own sacred words? Let your God strike me dead if I lie. But he won't, because I speak for him!"
to Cloud William
TOS : The Omega Glory
Roberta Lincoln : 
"That's why some of my generation are kinda crazy and rebels, you know? We wonder if we're going to be alive when we're thirty."
to Gary Seven
TOS : Assignment: Earth
Spock : 
"Current Earth crises would fill a tape bank, Captain. There will be an important assassination today, an equally dangerous government coup in Asia, and, this could be highly critical, the launching of an orbital nuclear warhead platform by the United States countering a similar launch by other powers."
to Kirk
TOS : Assignment: Earth
Gary Seven : 
"Agents are male and female, descendants of human ancestors taken from Earth approximately six thousand years ago. They're the product of generations of training for this mission. Problem. Earth technology and science have progressed faster than political and social knowledge. Purpose of mission. To prevent Earth's civilisation from destroying itself before it can mature into a peaceful society."
to Computer
TOS : Assignment: Earth
Spock : 
"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality."
to McCoy
TOS : Spectre of the Gun
Kirk : 
"Mister Spock, the women on your planet are logical. That's the only planet in this galaxy that can make that claim."
to Spock
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Elaan : 
"Captain, that ancient custom called 'spanking'. What is it?"
to Kirk
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Kirk : 
"Courtesy. Remember?"
Elaan : 
"Courtesy is not for inferiors."
Kirk : 
"Courtesy is for everyone around here, and you'll find you won't be able to exist on Troyius without it. Mister Scott, our Chief Engineer, has shown you his engineering department. That's a courtesy. You respond by saying thank you."
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Elaan : 
We are interested in how the ship is used in combat, not in what drives it. Engines are for mechanics and menials.
to Scotty
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Petri : 
There will be no wedding! I would not have our ruler marry that monster if the entire galaxy depended on it, and I will have nothing further to do with you!
to Kirk
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Kirk : 
It's been my experience that the prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.
to Elaan
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Elaan : 
"I have a plan. With this ship, you could completely obliterate Troyius. Then there will be no need for the marriage. And in gratitude, my people will give you the complete rule of this system."
Kirk : 
"What kind of a mind could think of such a thing?"
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Elaan : 
"I love you. I have chosen you, and still I don't understand why you didn't fight the Klingon."
Kirk : 
"If I can accomplish my mission by turning tail and running, I'll gladly do that."
TOS : Elaan of Troyius
Scotty : 
"My bairns! My poor bairns!"
bemoaning the abuse of his engines
TOS : The Paradise Syndrome
Spock : 
"Military secrets are the most fleeting of all."
to the Romulan commander
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Scotty : 
"This is Lieutenant Commander Scott. The Enterprise takes no orders except those of Captain Kirk and we will stay right here until he returns and if you make any attempt to board or commandeer the Enterprise, it will be blown to bits along with as many of you as we can take with us."
to Romulan commander
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"Why would you do this to me? What are you that you could do this?"
Spock : 
"First officer of the Enterprise."
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"Allow me to rephrase. Will you join me for dinner?
Spock : 
"I am honoured, Commander. Are the guards also invited?"
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"You are a superior being. Why do you not command?"
Spock : 
"I do not desire a ship of my own."
Romulan commander : 
"Or is it that no one has offered you, a Vulcan, that opportunity?"
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"You must have your own ship."
Spock : 
"Commander, shall we speak plainly? It is you who desperately need a ship. You want the Enterprise."
Romulan commander : 
"Of course. It would be a great achievement for me to bring home the Enterprise intact. It would broaden the scope of my powers greatly. It would be the achievement of a lifetime. And it would open equal opportunities for you."
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Kirk : 
"Are those Romulan officers still aboard the ship?"
Scotty : 
"They're in the brig, sir."
Kirk : 
"I'll need a Romulan uniform."
Scotty : 
Smiling broadly... "Aye. It'll be a pleasure!"
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"You have nothing in Starfleet to which to return. I offer, we offer you an alternative. We will find a place for you, if you wish it."
Spock : 
"A place?"
Romulan commander : 
"With me. Romulan women are not like Vulcan females. We are not dedicated to pure logic and the sterility of non-emotion. Our people are warriors. Often savage. But we are also many other pleasant things."
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Romulan commander : 
"Now one final step to make the occasion complete. You will lead a small party of Romulans aboard the Enterprise, and there you will take your rightful place as its commander. And you will lead the ship to a Romulan port, with my flagship at its side."
Spock : 
"Yes, of course. But not just this moment. An hour from now will do even better... would it not, Commander?"
Romulan commander : 
"Yes. Yes, it will."
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Tal : 
"We have you under our weapons, Enterprise. You cannot escape."
Kirk : 
"This is Captain Kirk. Hold your fire. We have your commander aboard."
Tal : 
Romulan commander : 
"Destroy this vessel! I gave you a direct command! Tal!"
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Spock : 
"Deck two. It is regrettable that you were made an unwilling passenger. It was not intentional. All the Federation wanted was the cloaking device."
Romulan commander : 
"The Federation. And what did you want?"
Spock : 
"It was my only interest when I boarded your vessel."
Romulan commander : 
"And that's exactly all you came away with."
Spock : 
"You underestimate yourself, Commander."
TOS : The Enterprise Incident
Spock : 
"Without followers, evil cannot spread."
to Kirk
TOS : And the Children Shall Lead
Kara : 
"Brain, brain! What is brain?"
to Kirk
TOS : Spock's Brain
Kirk : 
"Most of us are attracted by beauty and repelled by ugliness. One of the last of our prejudices."
to Marvick
TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Kollos via Spock : 
"This thing you call language, though, most remarkable. You depend on it for so very much... but is any one of you really its master?"
TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
McCoy : 
"I'm a doctor, not a coal miner!"
to Spock
TOS : The Empath
Lal : 
"Your actions were spontaneous. Everything that is truest and best in all species of beings has been revealed by you. Those are the qualities that make a civilization worthy to survive."
TOS : The Empath
Spock : 
"At critical moments men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see."
to McCoy
TOS : The Tholian Web
Spock : 
"Indeed, Doctor, the young lady did show a marked preference for your company."
McCoy : 
"Now, nobody can blame her for that, can they?"
TOS : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Fabrini Man : "Years ago I climbed the mountains... even though it was forbidden."
Kirk : 
"Why is it forbidden?"
Fabrini Man : "I am not sure. But things are not as they teach us. For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky!"
TOS : For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Spock : 
"Those who hate and fight must stop themselves, Doctor. Otherwise it is not stopped."
to McCoy
TOS : Day of the Dove
Klingon : 
"Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man with a knife."
to Kang
TOS : Day of the Dove
Kang : 
"We need no urging to hate humans! But for the present... only a fool fights in a burning house."
to Kirk
TOS : Day of the Dove
Kirk : 
"I guess we weren't sufficiently... entertaining."
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren
Alexander : 
"You think that's what I want? Become one of them? Become my own enemy? Just lie around like a big blob of nothing and have things done for me? No, sir... if I want to do something, I'll do it for myself! If I want to laugh or cry, I'll do it for myself! You can keep your precious power! All I ask is one thing... if you do make it out of here, take me with you!"
to McCoy
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren
Alexander : 
"I could have had your power, but I didn't want it. I could have had your position, your place, right now! But the sight of you and your academicia sickens me. Despite your brains, you're the most comtemptable beings who ever lived in this universe!"
to Parmen
TOS : Plato's Stepchildren
Deela : 
"Oh there is a scientific explanation for it. But all that really matters is that you can see me, and talk to me and we can go on from there."
to Kirk
TOS : Wink of an Eye
Spock : 
"Beauty is transitory, doctor."
to McCoy
TOS : That Which Survives
Kirk : 
"What's the matter with you? Do you hear Spock, your planet's dead! There's no one alive on Cheron because of hate! Give yourselves time to grieve, give up your hate! You're welcome to live with us. Listen to me! You both must end up dead if you don't stop hating!"
to Lokai and Bele
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Spock : 
"All that matters to them is their hate."
Uhura : 
"Do you suppose that's all they ever had, sir?"
Kirk : 
"No. But that's all they have left."
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
McCoy : 
"How can we be powerful enough to wipe out a planet and still be so helpless?"
to Scotty
TOS : Whom Gods Destroy
Spock : 
"We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis."
to bridge crew
TOS : The Mark of Gideon
McCoy : 
"When the personality of a human is involved, exact predictions are hazardous."
to Spock
TOS : The Lights of Zetar
Kirk : 
"Well, this is an Enterprise first. Doctor McCoy, Mister Spock, and Engineer Scott find themselves in complete agreement! Can I stand the strain?"
to Spock and McCoy
TOS : The Lights of Zetar
Droxine : 
"Father, are we so sure of our methods that we never question what we do?"
to Plasus
TOS : The Cloud Minders
Chekov : 
"I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"
to Irina
TOS : The Way to Eden
Space hippies : 
"Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! Herbert!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Way to Eden
Rayna : 
"What is loneliness?
Flint : 
"It is thirst, it is a flower dying in the desert."
TOS : Requiem for Methuselah
Abraham Lincoln : 
"There's no honerable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy; there is nothing good in war except it's ending"
to Kirk
TOS : The Savage Curtain
Mr Atoz : 
"After all a library serves no purpose unless someone is using it."
to Spock
TOS : All Our Yesterdays
Scotty : 
"Doctor, I've seen the Captain feverish, sick, drunk, delirious, terrified, overjoyed, boiling mad. But up to now I have never seen him red faced with hysteria."
to McCoy
TOS : Turnabout Intruder
Scotty : 
"It may not be scientific, but if Mr. Spock thinks it happens then it must be logical."
to McCoy
TOS : Turnabout Intruder
Scotty : 
"Headquarters has it's problems and we have ours. And right now the Captain of the Enterprise is our problem."
to McCoy
TOS : Turnabout Intruder
Picard : 
"Let's see what's out there..."
ordering the Enterprise into the unknown
TNG : Encounter at Farpoint
McCoy : 
"Treat her like a lady and she'll always bring you home."
to Data; on the Enterprise-D
TNG : Encounter at Farpoint
Yar : 
"You jewel, that's exactly what I wanted to hear!"
to Data; on discovering that he is 'fully functional' in matters of sexuality
TNG : The Naked Now
Yar : 
"In my world it's a greater honour to refuse..."
when Yareena challenges her to fight for her honour
TNG : Code of Honor
Riker : 
"Fear is the true enemy. The only enemy."
to Portal
TNG : The Last Outpost
Kozinsky : 
"In three centuries of space travel we've charted just 11% of our galaxy. And then... we accomplish this."
on the Enterprise being hurled into another galaxy
TNG : Where No One Has Gone Before
Picard : 
"The search for knowledge is always our primary mission."
to Crusher
TNG : Lonely Among Us
Worf : 
"Nice planet."
to Riker; hugging Rivan
TNG : Justice
Wesley : 
"I'm with Starfleet; we don't lie."
to the Mediator
TNG : Justice
Troi : 
"Sharing an orbit with God is no small experience."
to Picard
TNG : Justice
Picard : 
"There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute. Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions."
to the Edo god
TNG : Justice
Picard : 
"Let the dead rest, and the past remain the past."
to Riker
TNG : The Battle
Kazago : 
"As you hew-mons say... I'm all ears."
to Riker
TNG : The Battle
Picard : 
"Bok. Where is Bok?"
Riker : 
"Removed from command, sir, and placed under guard for his act of personal vengeance. Seems there was no profit in it."
Picard : 
"In revenge, there never is."
TNG : The Battle
Q : 
"A macro head with a micro brain..."
on Worf, the first time he calls him micro brain
TNG : Hide and Q
Data : 
"Please continue the 'petty bickering'."
to the party guests
TNG : Haven
Redblock : 
"One look at you, sir, is proof that nothing is impossible."
to Data
TNG : The Big Goodbye
Picard : 
"If it feels awkward to be reminded that Data is a machine, just remember that we are merely a different variety of machine, in our case electrochemical in nature."
to the bridge crew
TNG : Datalore
Riker : 
"In our society we share the responsibility and the pleasures equally."
to Beata; on Human gender equality (there wasn't much to choose from in this one.)
TNG : Angel One
Worf : 
"If winning is not important, then Commander... why keep score?"
to Riker
TNG : 11001001
Riker : 
"A blind man teaching an android how to paint? That's got to be worth a couple of pages in somebody's book!"
to Data and Geordi
TNG : 11001001
Riker : 
"Blondes and Jazz seldom go together."
while creating Minuet
TNG : 11001001
Riker : 
"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer generated gin joint like this?"
to Minuet
TNG : 11001001
Picard : 
"The quest for youth, number one; so futile. Age and wisdom have their graces too."
Riker : 
"I wonder if one doesn't have to have age and wisdom to appreciate that, sir?"
TNG : Too Short a Season
Picard : 
"Things are only impossible until they are not."
to Data
TNG : When the Bough Breaks
The Microbrain : 
"Ugly giant bags of mostly water."
describing humans
TNG : Home Soil
Worf : 
"…But is it alive?"
Computer : "Probability, positive."
Worf : 
"I wasn't asking you."
contemplating the Microbrain
TNG : Home Soil
Worf : 
"Only fools have no fear..."
to Wesley
TNG : Coming of Age
Remmick : 
"You don't like me very much, do you?"
Worf : 
"Is it required, sir?"
TNG : Coming of Age
Konmel : 
"What magnificent battles we could have at the helm of this ship!"
to Worf; on the Enterprise
TNG : Heart of Glory
Worf : 
"Cowards take hostages, Klingons do not."
to Yar
TNG : Heart of Glory
Worf : 
"The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within!"
to Korris
TNG : Heart of Glory
Worf : 
"Yet in all you say, where are the words duty, honour, loyalty? Without which a warrior is nothing!"
to Korris
TNG : Heart of Glory
Korris : 
"You are a sham! My words were dust upon the ground! Your blood has no fire! You are weak like them! I don't care what you look like, you are no Klingon!"
Worf : 
"Perhaps not."
Worf shoots Korris, killing him.
TNG : Heart of Glory
Riker : 
"The name of my ship is the Lollipop. It's a good ship."
to the Rice image
TNG : The Arsenal of Freedom
Picard : 
"Beverly the prime directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever Mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disasterous."
to Crusher
TNG : Symbiosis
Picard : 
"You say you are true evil? Let me tell you what true evil is. It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you."
to Armus
TNG : Skin of Evil
Yar's image : 
"So you will understand when I say that death is that state in which one exists only in the memories of others. Which is why it is not an end."
to her friends
TNG : Skin of Evil
Data : 
"You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities."
Armus : 
"So what do you think?"
Data : 
"I think you should be destroyed."
TNG : Skin of Evil
Armus : 
"I am a skin of evil left here by a race of Titans who believed if they rid themselves of me, they would free the bonds of destructiveness."
Picard : 
"Yes. So here you are. Feeding on your own loneliness. Consumed by your own pain. Believing your own lies."
TNG : Skin of Evil
Tasha : 
"Hello, my friends. You are here now watching this image of me because I have died. It probably happened while I was on duty, and quickly, which is what I expected. Never forget I died doing exactly what I chose to do. What I want you to know is how much I loved my life, and those of you who shared it with me. You are my family."
to The Bridge crew
TNG : Skin of Evil
Picard : 
"Enough of this self indulgence."
chiding himself for spending time on personal matters
TNG : We'll Always Have Paris
Worf : 
"Swimming is too much like... bathing!"
on the horrors of being clean
TNG : Conspiracy
Picard : 
"I am never critical of any member of my staff being curious."
TNG : The Neutral Zone
Data : 
"One is my name. The other is not."
to Pulaski; on her mispronunciation of his name
TNG : The Child
Riker : 
"Yes. Absolutely. I do indeed concur wholeheartedly!"
when asked by the computer if he concurs in aborting the autodestruct sequence
TNG : Where Silence Has Lease
Picard : 
"And Doctor. God knows I'm not one to discourage you, but... but I would appreciate it if you would let me finish my sentances once in a while."
to Pulaski
TNG : Elementary, Dear Data
Okona : 
"Life is like loading twice your cargo weight into your spacecraft. If it's canaries and you can keep half of them flying all the time, you're all right."
to Data; He's actually wrong about the canaries thing, but it's a good line
TNG : The Outrageous Okona
Troi : 
"Confidence is faith in oneself. It can't easily be given by another."
to Picard
TNG : Loud as a Whisper
Picard : 
"No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another."
to Data and Graves; on Data
TNG : The Schizoid Man
Pulaski : 
"Scientists believe no experiment is a failure, that even a mistake advances the evolution of understanding... but all achievement has a price."
Log entry
TNG : Unnatural Selection
Klag : 
"If Klingon food is too strong for you, perhaps we can get one of the females to breast feed you."
to Riker
TNG : A Matter of Honor
O'Brien : 
"Good luck, Commander."
Riker : 
"Thanks, O'Brien."
O'Brien : 
"I wouldn't want to go."
Riker : 
O'Brien : 
incredulous "You're not afraid, are you?"
Riker : 
"No, I'm not."
O'Brien : 
"I would be."
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Klag : 
regarding two Klingon females "They are inquisitive. They wonder how you would endure."
Riker : 
"Endure what?"
Klag : 
Riker : 
smiling slowly "One, or both?"
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Klag : 
"A Klingon is his work, not his family. That is the way of things."
to Riker
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Riker : 
"Enterprise, this is Captain William Riker of the Klingon vessel Pagh. I order you to lower your shields and surrender."
to Picard
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Riker : 
"Cloaking shields off."
 Dukath hesitates
Riker : 
"Obey my orders!"
Tactical Officer Dukath : 
"We will be destroyed!"
Riker : 
"If we are, it will be in battle, and I will die with you. So I repeat... cloaking shields off!"
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Klag : 
"You understand the Klingons better than I thought, Commander."
to Riker
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Riker : 
"You come from a very brave and unique people. I'm glad you're with us on the Enterprise."
to Worf
TNG : A Matter of Honor
Guinan : 
"Well consider that in the history of many worlds there have always been disposable creatures. They do the dirty work. They do the work that no one else wants to do because it's too difficult or too hazardous. And an army of Datas, all disposable... you don't have to think about their welfare, you don't think about how they feel. Whole generations of disposable people."
to Picard
TNG : The Measure of a Man
Phillipa : 
"It sits there looking at me, and I don't know what it is. This case has dealt with metaphysics, with questions best left to saints and philosophers. I am neither competent nor qualified to answer those. I've got to make a ruling, to try to speak the the future. Is Data a machine? Yes. Is he the property of Starfleet? No. We have all been dancing around the basic issue. Does Data have a soul? I don't know that he has. I don't know that I have! But I have got to give him the freedom to explore that question himself. It is the ruling of this court that Lieutenant Commander Data has the freedom to choose."
Her ruling on Data
TNG : The Measure of a Man
Louvois : 
"It brings a sense of order and stability to my universe to know that you're still a pompous ass... and a damn sexy man."
to Picard
TNG : The Measure of a Man
Wesley : 
"This is all just beginning; We've only charted 19% of our galaxy. The rest is out there just waiting."
to Salia
TNG : The Dauphin
Riker : 
"Fate. Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."
to bridge crew
TNG : Contagion
Picard : 
"It was a dark and stormy night..."
to Deanna; Reading the first line of the novel Hotel Royale
TNG : The Royale
Riker : 
"One of your strengths is your ability to evaluate the dynamics of a situation and then take a definitive, pre-emptive step, take charge. Now you're frustrated because you not only can't see a solution, you can't define the problem."
to Picard
TNG : Time Squared
Picard : 
"Well, they say if you travel far enough you will eventually meet yourself. Having experienced that, Number One, it's not something I would care to repeat."
to Riker
TNG : Time Squared
Troi : 
"Respect is earned, not bestowed."
TNG : The Icarus Factor
Riker : 
"In your position it's important to ask yourself one question : What would Picard do?"
to Wesley; on the difficulties of command
TNG : Pen Pals
Picard : 
"You see, the prime directive has many different functions. Not the least of which is to protect us, to prevent us from allowing our emotions to overwhelm our judgement."
to Pulaski
TNG : Pen Pals
Picard : 
"Your whisper from the dark has now become a plea. We cannot turn our backs."
to Data
TNG : Pen Pals
Riker : 
"O'Brien, take a nap. You didn't see any of this. You're not involved."
O'Brien : 
"Right, sir. I'll just be standing over here dozing off."
TNG : Pen Pals
Picard : 
"He has brought a child onto my ship, and on my bridge!"
to Riker; I love the sheer loathing with which he says this
TNG : Pen Pals
Q : 
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross... but it's not for the timid."
to Picard
TNG : Q Who
Pakled : 
"We are smart."
to Riker
TNG : Samaritan Snare
Picard : 
"Sometimes, Number One, you just have to bow to the absurd."
to Riker
TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Danilo : 
"What the hell was that thing?"
Worf : 
"Automated fire system. A force field contains the flame until the remaining oxygen within the field has been consumed."
Danilo : 
"What if I had been under that thing?"
Worf : 
"You would have been standing in the fire."
TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Brenna : 
"And what are you staring at? Have you never seen a woman before?"
Riker : 
"I thought I had."
TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Brenna : 
"Do you not like girls?"
Riker : 
"Of course I do. Oh... is there a technique to this foot washing?"
Brenna : 
"You generally start at the top and work your way down..."
TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Danilo : 
"You see lad, every moment of pleasure in life has to be purchased by an equal moment of pain."
to Worf
TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Troi : 
"I didn't want to frighten you."
to Riker; on her reason for not revealing that a Betazoid woman's sex drive more than quadruples during the Phase
TNG : Manhunt
Picard : 
"Lieutenant, I order you to relax!"
to Worf
TNG : The Emissary
Worf : 
"Comfortable chair."
to Riker; on the joys of command
TNG : The Emissary
Worf : 
"Sir. I suggest Commander Riker or Data would better serve Special Emissary K'Ehleyr."
Picard : 
"Are there any personal reasons you don't want the assignment?"
Worf : 
Picard : 
"Any professional reasons?
Worf : 
 Picard's left eyebrow raises very slightly
Worf : 
"I withdraw my request, Captain."
Picard : 
TNG : The Emissary
Worf : 
"My experiences aboard this ship have taught me that most problems have more than one solution!"
to K'Ehlyer
TNG : The Emissary
 K'Ehleyr surveys the dead aliens on the holodeck
K'Ehleyr : 
"It's not much of a programme.
 Worf slowly walks over, picks up a pair of swords, and hands one to her
Worf : 
"Computer... level two."
 The dead aliens leap back to their feet and charge them both twice as hard
TNG : The Emissary
K'Ehleyr : 
"Worf, you're the perfect Klingon. The ultimate minimalist. Talk to me!"
to Worf
TNG : The Emissary
Data : 
"Sensors show life forms aboard, but I am unable to ascertain whether they are awake or dormant. However, the vessel's propulsion systems are inactive, so I would hypothesize that the crew is asleep."
 The Tong fires disruptors at the Enterprise-D
Data : 
"...however, I could be in error."
TNG : The Emissary
Picard : 
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
to Data
TNG : Peak Performance
Data : 
"It is a matter of perspective Doctor. In the strictest sense, I did not win."
Everyone : "Data!"
Data : 
"I busted him up."
TNG : Peak Performance
Riker : 
"If you drop a hammer on your foot, it's hardly useful to get mad at the hammer."
to Picard
TNG : Shades of Gray
Riker : 
"Deanna, facing death is the ultimate test of character. I don't want to die, but if I have to, I'd like to do it with a little pride."
to Deanna
TNG : Shades of Gray
Stubbs : 
"A brand new era in astrophysics... postponed one hundred and ninety six years on account of rain."
to Wesley; bemoaning the disruption of his experiment
TNG : Evolution
Data : 
"This is just a thing, and things can be replaced. Lives cannot."
to Gosheven
TNG : The Ensigns of Command
Worf : 
"Sir, may I say your attempt to hold the away team at bay, with a non-functioning weapon, was an act of unmitigated gall."
Kevin : 
"Didn't fool you, huh?"
Worf : 
"I admire gall."
TNG : The Survivors
Worf : 
"Good tea. Nice house."
to Rishon
TNG : The Survivors
Kevin : 
"Are eleven thousand people worth fifty billion? Is the love of a woman worth the destruction of an entire species?"
to Picard; agonizing over his crime
TNG : The Survivors
Picard : 
"Please. Get up. Get up! You must not kneel to me."
Nuria : 
"You do not wish it?"
Picard : 
"I do not deserve it."
TNG : Who Watches The Watchers?
Nuria : 
"Perhaps one day, my people will travel above the skies?"
Picard : 
"Of that I have absolutely no doubt."
TNG : Who Watches The Watchers?
Troi : 
"That's the problem with believing in a supernatural being... trying to determine what he wants."
to Liko
TNG : Who Watches The Watchers?
Riker : 
"Maybe if we felt any loss as keenly as keenly as we felt the death of one close to us, Human history would be a lot less bloody."
to Data
TNG : The Bonding
Geordi : 
"You know, I've always thought technology could solve almost any problem. It enhances the quality of our lives, lets us travel across the galaxy, even gave me my vision. But sometimes you just have to turn it all off."
to holo-Leah; on the solution to their problem
TNG : Booby Trap
Bochra : 
"And they let you live?"
Geordi : 
"Of course they let me live! What kind of question is that?"
On Geordi's parents reaction to his being born blind.
TNG : The Enemy
Picard : 
"Commander, both our ships are ready to fight. We have two extremely powerful and destructive arsenals at our command. Our next actions will have serious repercussions. We have reason to mistrust one another but even better reason to set those differences aside. Of course, the question is, who will take the initiative? Who will make the first gesture of trust? The answer is... I will."
to Tomalak
TNG : The Enemy
Crusher : 
"I fell in love in a day. It lasted a week... but what a week!"
to Troi; on love at first sight
TNG : The Price
Worf : 
"Your ambushes would be more successful if you bathed more often!"
to Gatherers
TNG : The Vengeance Factor
Admiral Jarok : 
"I will never see my child smile again. She will grow up believing that her father was a traitor. But she will grow up."
on his reasons for betraying his government
TNG : The Defector
Picard : 
"You already betrayed your people, Admiral! You made your choices sir! You're a traitor! Now if the bitter taste of that is unpalatable to you I am truly sorry, but I will not risk my crew because you think you can dance on the edge of the Neutral Zone. You crossed over, Admiral. You make yourself comfortable with that."
to Jarok
TNG : The Defector
Roga Danar : 
"Survival is not enough... to simply EXIST is not enough..."
to Danarto Nayrok
TNG : The Hunted
Picard : 
"In your own words, this is not our affair. We cannot interfere in the natural course of your society's development. And I'd say it's going to develop significantly in the next few minutes."
to Danarto Nayrok
TNG : The Hunted
Flinn : 
"Don't you know? A dead martyr's worth ten posturing leaders."
to Crusher
TNG : The High Ground
Devos : 
"In a world where children blow up children, everyone's a threat."
to Riker
TNG : The High Ground
Q : 
"What must I do to convince you people?"
Worf : 
TNG : Deja Q
Q : 
"I'm not good in groups. It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent."
to Data
TNG : Deja Q
Q : 
"As I learn more and more what it is to be human, I am more and more convinced that I would never make a good one. I don't have what it takes. Without my powers I'm frightened of everything. I'm a coward... and I'm miserable... and I can't go on this way."
to Picard
TNG : Deja Q
Q : 
"There are creatures in the universe who would consider you the ultimate achievement, android. No feelings, no emotions, no pain, and yet you covet those qualities of Humanity. Believe me, you're missing nothing. But if it means anything to you, you're a better Human than I."
to Data
TNG : Deja Q
Q : 
"Oh, you're so stolid! You weren't like that before the beard!"
to Riker
TNG : Deja Q
Manua : 
"I must apologize for my husband's lack of social graces. He may be one of the great scientific minds in the galaxy... but he does come up a bit short in other areas."
to Riker; on her husband Doctor Nel Apgar
TNG : A Matter of Perspective
Picard : 
"Dr. Apgar killed himself – during his attempt to kill Commander Riker."
TNG : A Matter of Perspective
Worf : 
"A warriors drink!"
to Guinan; about prune juice
TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise
Yar : 
"Guinan says I died a senseless death in the other time line. I didn't like the sound of that, Captain. I've always known the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. If I'm to die in one, I'd like my death to count for something."
to Picard
TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise
Picard : 
"Let's make sure history never forgets the name... Enterprise."
to crew
TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise
Picard : 
"That'll be the day..."
muttering to himself when the Klingons demand his surrender
TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise
Lal : 
"Thank you for my life."
to Data; Her last words
TNG : The Offspring
Haftel : 
"There was nothing anyone could have done. We'd repolarize one pathway and another would collapse. And then another. His hands were moving faster than I could see, trying to stay ahead of each breakdown. He refused to give up. He was remarkable."
to Crew
TNG : The Offspring
Picard : 
"There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders. You acknowledge their sentience, but ignore their personal liberties and freedom? Order a man to turn his child over to the state? Not while I am his captain."
to Haftel
TNG : The Offspring
Picard : 
"I fail to understand how a five-foot android with heuristic learning systems and the strength of ten men could be called a child."
to Troi
TNG : The Offspring
Worf : 
"I am Klingon! If you doubt it, a demonstration can be arranged!"
to Kurn
TNG : Sins of the Father
Worf : 
"It is a good day to die, Duras... and the day is not over yet."
to Duras; the first time this 'Klingon' saying is used
TNG : Sins of the Father
Riker : 
"I imagine it must be very difficult for you to work with a crew that is so different. I would be happy to guide you in that regard, if it would be helpful."
Kurn : 
"No Commander. It wouldn't."
Riker : 
"This is not a Klingon ship, sir."
Kurn : 
"No Commander, it is not. If it were a Klingon ship, I would've killed you for offering your suggestion."
TNG : Sins of the Father
Kurn : 
"How long has the bird been dead? It appears to have been lying in the sun for quite some time."
Geordi : 
"It's not dead, it's been replicated. You do understand that we cook most of our foods?"
Kurn : 
"Ah, yes... I was told to prepare for that. I shall try some of your burned replicated bird meat."
TNG : Sins of the Father
Kurn : 
"This entire ship seems built on comfort, relaxation, being at ease. It is not the ship of a warrior... not the ship of a Klingon."
to Worf; a calculated insult.
TNG : Sins of the Father
Worf : 
"I wish to know if I have given you offence."
Kurn : 
"I am not human. If you had given offence, you would not need to ask."
TNG : Sins of the Father
Duras : 
"This is not your world, human. You do not command here."
Picard : 
"I'm not here to command."
Duras : 
"Then you must be ready to fight. Something that Starfleet doesn't teach you."
Picard : 
"You may test that assumption at your convenience."
TNG : Sins of the Father
Kahlest : 
"My life ended on Khitomer. I served a proud family, a strong house. All that is gone."
to Picard
TNG : Sins of the Father
Kahlest : 
"You are brave, cha'DIch. Worf chose well."
to Picard
TNG : Sins of the Father
Picard : 
"You admit the truth and yet expect him to accept punishment? What does this say of an Empire who holds honour so dear?!"
to K'mpec
TNG : Sins of the Father
K'mpec : 
"The Empire will not be destroyed for one family's honour!"
to Picard
TNG : Sins of the Father
K'mpec : 
"This is not the Federation, Picard. If you defy an order of the High Council, the alliance with the Federation could fall to dust."
Picard : 
"The alliance with the Federation is not based on lies, K'mpec! Protect your secrets if you must, but you will not sacrifice these men!"
TNG : Sins of the Father
Picard : 
"Imprisonment is an injury, regardless of how you justify it."
to the alien
TNG : Allegiance
Esoqq : 
"My given name is Esoqq. It means 'fighter'!"
Tholl : 
"I'll bet half the names in the Chalnoth language mean 'fighter'."
TNG : Allegiance
Tholl : 
"It's well known that my species possesses superior intelligence and I am considered among the brightest of my people."
Haro : 
"And the least modest!"
TNG : Allegiance
Esoqq : 
"Collaboration is what your species does best!"
to Tholl
TNG : Allegiance
Riker : 
"You've shown none of the concern that Captain Picard would for the safety of his ship, the welfare of his crew."
to Fake Picard
TNG : Allegiance
Picard : 
"And now that you have had a taste of captivity, perhaps you will reconsider the morality of inflicting it upon others. In any event, we now know about your race and we know how to imprison you. Bear that in mind. Now get off my ship."
to Alien
TNG : Allegiance
Riker : 
"The more difficult the task, the sweeter the victory."
to Troi
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Picard : 
"Tell me, Number One, is the entire crew aware of this little scheme to send me off on holiday?"
Riker : 
"I believe there are two ensigns stationed on deck thirty nine who know nothing about it."
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Riker : 
" Have I mentioned how imaginative the Risian women are, sir?"
Troi : 
"Too often, Commander."
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Joval : 
"The Horga'hn is the Risian symbol of sexuality. To own one is to call forth it powers. To display it is to announce you are seeking Jamaharon."
Picard : 
Joval : 
"Do you seek Jamaharohn?"
Picard : 
"I don't even know what it means. The Horga'hn is for a friend."
Joval : 
"I see. Someone close to you?"
Picard : 
"That's right."
Joval : 
"Someone you love?"
Picard : 
"I wouldn't go that far."
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Picard : 
"It's just that I prefer to be acquainted with the women that I kiss."
to Vash
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Vash : 
"Still think I'm trouble?"
Picard : 
"I'm sure of it."
After Picard kisses her
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Picard : 
"A simple handshake would have sufficed."
to Vash; after she kisses him
TNG : Captain's Holiday
Data : 
"Is that the purpose of existence? To care for someone?"
to Elbrun
TNG : Tin Man
Data : 
"Through joining, they have been healed. Grief has been transmuted to joy. Loneliness to belonging."
to Troi
TNG : Tin Man
DeSoto : 
"Well, you know, they send you Galaxy Class boys out here to the far reaches. Me, I'm just hauling my butt back and forth between Starbases."
to Picard
TNG : Tin Man
Troi : 
"He was at the university on Betazed when I studied psychology there."
Picard : 
"Oh, I see. He was a colleague of yours."
Troi : 
"No. He was a patient"
TNG : Tin Man
Elbrun : 
"The people who've studied the transmissions think it's a starship. And they're sure it's alive."
to Geordi
TNG : Tin Man
Crusher : 
"The more unusual a life form is, the better he likes it. His personnel file shows that he's gravitated toward assignments that isolate him from other humanoids."
to Picard; discussing Tam Elbrun
TNG : Tin Man
Data : 
"Since there is no known natural phenomenon capable of travel at warp velocities, there are but two possibilities. Either it is a sensor malfunction, another ship is following us covertly."
to Picard
TNG : Tin Man
Elbrun : 
"Beautiful creatures, the Chandrans. Their minds are glacial. They have a lovely three day ritual for saying hello. Peaceful, untroubled people."
to Deanna
TNG : Tin Man
Elbrun : 
"Well, except for your friend Data. I like him. He's restful."
Troi : 
"I believe your impression of Data is probably unique."
TNG : Tin Man
Elbrun : 
"Think of it, Dee... this intelligence that swims naked through space like a fish in the sea. Totally alien, mysterious, not like us at all. Ancient. And alone. So lonely, for so long."
to Deanna
TNG : Tin Man
Elbrun : 
"Captain, Gomtuu knows that the star will go nova soon. That's why it's here... it wants to die. There was an explosion in space. Radiation penetrating the outer layers. The crew. Oh, the crew died. Such loss. Empty pain... hollowness..."
to Picard
TNG : Tin Man
Picard : 
"Tam, when you reached out to the alien, to warn it, did you give any thought to this vessel? To the danger, however inadvertent, that creature might pose to our crew? Or did you simply react out of instinct?"
to Elbrun
TNG : Tin Man
Guinan : 
"The idea of fitting in just repels me."
to LaForge
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Holo-Troi : 
"I feel your confidence, your arrogant resolve. It excites me..."
to Barclay
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Picard : 
"I look forward to your report, Mister Broccoli." Picard looks stricken as he realises what he just said. "Barclay."
to Barclay
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Geordi : 
"Maybe I'm not make myself clear, Guinan. Barclay, well, he's always late. The man's nervous. Nobody wants to be around this guy."
Guinan : 
"If I felt that nobody wanted to be around me, I'd probably be late and nervous too."
Geordi : 
"Guinan, that's not the point!"
Guinan : 
"Are you sure?"
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Barclay : 
"Being afraid all the time, of forgetting somebody's name, not knowing what to do with your hands. I mean, I'm the guy who writes down things to remember to say when there's a party. And then when he finally get there, he winds up alone in the corner trying to look comfortable examining a potted plant."
Geordi : 
"You're just shy, Barclay!"
Barclay : 
"Just shy. Sounds like nothing serious, doesn't it? You can't know."
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Holo-Riker : 
"I warn you. It would be wise for you to put your affairs in final order before you meet him in combat. You challenge the greatest sword-"
Riker : 
"In all the holodeck!"
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Holo-Troi : 
"I am the goddess of Empathy. Cast off your inhibitions and embrace love, truth, joy."
Geordi : 
"Oh... my... god..."
TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Picard : 
"He was a man. Take him for all in all. I shall not look upon his like again."
on Data, quoting from Hamlet
TNG : The Most Toys
Fajo : 
"Wondrous. The detail. The balance. Was I not right, Varria? What a remarkable piece of work."
to Varria; describing Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"I've been delivered here against my wishes. I would like to know the reason."
Fajo : 
"Certainly. You have been brought here for my enjoyment and my appreciation."
TNG : The Most Toys
Fajo : 
"I know, I know. What I've done is evil, selfish, immoral, unprincipled, illegal. Well, I've learned to live with it."
to Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"Clearly, Mister Fajo has no moral difficulty with my imprisonment here."
 Varria "Mister Fajo has no moral difficulties at all."
TNG : The Most Toys
Varria : 
"Kivas finds a way to get what he wants from his people. His rewards for loyalty are lavish. His punishments for disloyalty are equally lavish. You won't find anyone here on this ship to help you escape. Face it, android. He has you."
to Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"I have been designed with a fundamental respect for life in all its forms and a strong inhibition against causing harm to living beings."
Fajo : 
"What a marvellous contradiction. A military pacifist!"
TNG : The Most Toys
Fajo : 
"It's not just lethal. It's vicious. It tears a body apart, inside out - and very slowly too, by your phaser standards. It's tortuous. A very, very painful death. I've always wanted to try this!"
to Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"I cannot permit this to continue..."
to Fajo
TNG : The Most Toys
Riker : 
"For an android with no feelings, he sure managed to evoke them in others."
to Picard; on Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Fajo : 
"You'll fire? Empty threat and we both know it. Why don't you accept your fate? You will return to your chair and you will sit there. You will entertain me and you will entertain my guests. And if you do not, I will simply kill somebody else. Him, perhaps. It doesn't matter. Their blood will be on your hands too, just like poor Varria's. Your only alternative, Data, is to fire. Murder me. That's all you have to do. Go ahead. Fire. If only you could feel rage over Varria's death. If only you could feel the need for revenge, then maybe you could fire. But you're just an android. You can't feel anything, can you? It's just another interesting intellectual puzzle for you. Another of life's curiosities."
to Data
TNG : The Most Toys
Picard : 
"All this magnificent technology, we still find ourselves susceptible to the ravages of old age. The loss of dignity, the slow betrayal of our bodies by forces we cannot master."
to Data
TNG : Sarek
Sarek : 
"I have been accused of many things in my life, never an excess of emotion."
to Picard
TNG : Sarek
Sarek : 
"A mind-meld can be a terrible intimacy, captain."
to Picard
TNG : Sarek
Picard : 
"NO! It is... it is... wrong! It is WRONG! A lifetime of discipline is washed away, and in its place... Bedlam! BEDLAM! I am so old... there is nothing left but dry bones and dead friends. Oh, tired. Oh, so tired. "
to Crusher; displaying Sarek's emotions
TNG : Sarek
Picard : 
"Perrin... Amanda... I wanted to give you so much more. I wanted to show you such tenderness! But that is not our way. Spock, Amanda, did you know? Perrin, can you know how much I love you? I do love you!"
to Crusher; displaying Sarek's emotions
TNG : Sarek
Geordi : 
"What can I say? To us it's a slime pit, but to them it's home."
to Wesley; on the Legaran environment
TNG : Sarek
Riker : 
"Is it my imagination, or have tempers become a little frayed on this ship lately?"
Worf : 
"I hadn't noticed."
 Riker and Worf walk into Ten Forward and find a bar brawl going on
Worf : 
"...I see what you mean!"
TNG : Sarek
Sarek : 
"It is a generous offer. But I must warn you that while I would gain your stability, you would experience the fierce onslaught of emotions unleashed by my condition. Vulcan emotions are extremely intense. We have learned to suppress them. No human would be able to control them. They would overwhelm you. The mind-meld can be a terrible intimacy."
to Picard
TNG : Sarek
Picard : 
"Gentlemen, I have the utmost confidence in your ability to perform the impossible."
to crew
TNG : Menage a Troi
Lwaxana : 
"Can you imagine that dreadful little creature talking to me like that? Doesn't he realise that I am a daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed. Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx?"
Troi : 
"The Sacred Chalice of Rixx is an old clay pot with mold growing inside it."
TNG : Menage a Troi
Farek : 
"She is exhilarating, isn't she? Now, I want her more than ever! Lwaxana Troi, you will be mine!"
to Tog
TNG : Menage a Troi
Picard : 
"In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, for they in thee a thousand errors see. But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, who in despite of view are please'd to dote. Shall I compare the to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate!"
to Lwaxana
TNG : Menage a Troi
Picard : 
"The Academy must make you wait, that's true. But, when I review your service to this ship, your crewmates, I cannot in all conscience make you wait for the Academy. You see, Wesley, in my eyes you're an acting ensign in title only. I hereby grant you field promotion to full Ensign, with all the commensurate responsibilities and privileges of that rank. Congratulations."
to Wesley
TNG : Menage a Troi
Lwaxana : 
"Let's get one thing straight, little man. I am not for sale. And if, by some chance, I were to become available, I would rather eat Orion wing slugs than deal with a toad-faced troll like you! So go away and find yourself somebody else to become your property!"
to Tog
TNG : Menage a Troi
Lwaxana : 
"You said you didn't want to hear about my other romances. I have a new love, Jean-Luc. And you can't keep killing all my lovers. That simply has to stop."
to Picard
TNG : Menage a Troi
Picard : 
"Listen, Tog, I must possesses Lwaxana. And if that means destroying your ship in the process, so be it!"
to Tog
TNG : Menage a Troi
Worf : 
"Words come later. It is the scent that first speaks of love."
to LaForge
TNG : Transfigurations
Worf : 
"I have much to teach you about women."
to Geordi
TNG : Transfigurations
Borg : 
"Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us."
to Picard; the first time their mission statement is heard
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Hanson : 
"The truth of the matter is... hell, we are not ready. We knew they were coming for over a year. We've thrown every resource we have into this, but still..."
to Picard
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Hanson : 
"He's hurting his career by staying put. If I were you, I'd kick him in the rear end for his own good."
to Picard; About Riker
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Shelby : 
"The soil contains the same magnetic resonance traces. That's our footprint. There's no doubt anymore. It is the Borg."
to Riker
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Picard : 
"Mr. Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson. We have engaged the Borg."
to Worf
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
The Borg : 
"Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the starship Enterprise, registry NCC-1701-D, you will lower your shields and prepare to transport yourself aboard our vessel. If you do not co-operate, we will destroy your ship."
to Picard
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Shelby : 
"If you can't make the big decisions, commander, I suggest you make room for someone who can."
to Riker
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Locutus : 
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been is over. From this time forward you will service us."
to Riker
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Riker : 
"Mr. Worf... fire."
to Worf
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Shelby : 
"Tell me, Commander. Is serving aboard the Enterprise as extraordinary an experience as I've heard?"
Riker : 
"Every bit."
Shelby : 
"Good. Because I intend to convince Captain Picard I'm the right choice for the job."
Riker : 
"Job? Which job?"
Shelby : 
"Yours, of course. I'm sorry. I heard that you were leaving."
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Shelby : 
"Really, Commander, if we ran into the Borg here, two extra bodies wouldn't've made a hell of a difference, now would they? We had three hours before the storm front hit, less than two hours now. Data was available. I took him. We came. I don't see your problem."
Riker : 
"My problem, Commander, is I expect to be notified before there's a change in my orders."
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Hanson : 
"At nineteen hundred hours yesterday, the USS Lalo departed Zeta Alpha Two on a freight run to Sentinel Minor Four. At twenty two hundred hours and twelve minutes, a distress signal was received at Starbase one five seven. The Lalo reported contact with an alien vessel described as cube shaped. The distress signal ended abruptly, and she's not been heard from since."
to Picard
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Riker : 
"You disagree with me, fine. You need to take it to the Captain, then fine. Through me. You do an end run around me again, I'll snap you back so hard, you'll think you're a first year cadet again."
Shelby : 
"May I speak frankly, sir?"
Riker : 
"By all means."
Shelby : 
"You're in my way."
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Guinan : 
"When a man is convinced that he is going to die tomorow, he'll probably find a way to make it happen."
to Riker
TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Marie : 
"He's still out there, dreaming about starships and adventures. It's getting late."
Robert : 
"Yes. But let him dream."
TNG : Family
Beverly : 
"They're brothers, Data. Brothers forgive."
to Data
TNG : Brothers
Worf : 
"You are Human, and amongst Humans females can achieve anything that the males can."
to Jono
TNG : Suddenly Human
Picard : 
"You're probably not aware of this, but I have never been particularly comfortable around children."
Troi : 
TNG : Suddenly Human
Beverly : 
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!"
to herself; The sheer chutzpah of this statement is staggering
TNG : Remember Me
Beverly : 
"Computer, what is the nature of the universe?"
Computer : "The universe is a sphereoid region 705 metres in diameter."
TNG : Remember Me
Riker : 
"Without trust there's no friendship, no closeness, none of the emotional bonds that make us who we are."
to Data
TNG : Legacy
Data : 
"The Enterprise is not a ship of war. It is a ship of exploration."
to Ishara
TNG : Legacy
Data : 
"As I experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The input is eventually anticipated and even 'missed' when absent."
to Ishara; on his definition of friendship
TNG : Legacy
K'Ehleyr : 
"Not even a bite on the cheek for old time's sake?"
to Worf
TNG : Reunion
Picard : 
"Lieutenant, you are a member of this crew and you will not go into hiding whenever a Klingon vessel uncloaks!"
to Worf
TNG : Reunion
K'mpec : 
"Find the assassin. The Klingon who kills without showing his face has no honour! He must not lead the Empire. Such a man would be capable of anything... even war with the Federation."
to Picard
TNG : Reunion
Worf : 
"You have never seen death? Then look, and always remember."
to Alexander
TNG : Reunion
Duras : 
"I'm the only one, Worf! The only one who can prove your innocence! Kill me and you're a traitor forever!"
Worf : 
"Then that is how it shall be!"
TNG : Reunion
Picard : 
"Mister Worf, the Enterprise crew currently includes representatives from thirteen planets. They each have their individual beliefs and values, and I respect them all. But they have all chosen to serve Starfleet. If anyone cannot perform his or her duty because of the demands of their society, they should resign. Do you wish to resign?"
to Worf
TNG : Reunion
Riker : 
"Shut up! As in, close your mouth and stop talking!"
to the fake Picard
TNG : Future Imperfect
Picard : 
"Wesley, you remember... I was always proud of you."
to Wesley
TNG : Final Mission
Guinan : 
"Human intuition and instinct are not always right, but they do make life interesting."
to Troi
TNG : The Loss
Riker : 
"Some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you."
to Picard
TNG : Data's Day
O'Brien : 
"It's not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became, because of you."
to Glinn Daro
TNG : The Wounded
Ardra : 
"I pity you. We live in a universe of magic, which evidently you cannot see."
to Riker
TNG : Devil's Due
Picard : 
"To many Humans, a mystery is irresistable. It must be solved."
to Troi/Paxan
TNG : Clues
Chancellor Avel Durkem : 
"I will have to say... this morning I was the leader of the universe as I knew it. This afternoon I am only a voice in a chorus. But I think it was a good day."
to Picard; on meeting aliens for the first time
TNG : First Contact
Geordi : 
"There's theory and then there's application. They don't always jibe."
to Brahms
TNG : Galaxy's Child
Troi : 
"To admit that you're afraid gives you strength."
to Worf
TNG : Night Terrors
Geordi : 
"Computer, remove La Forge."
in the holodeck
TNG : Identity Crisis
Crusher : 
"You're worried about Geordi, aren't you?"
Data : 
"I am an android; it is not possible for–"
 Crusher interrupts
Crusher : 
"… you to feel anxiety."
Data : 
"Starfleet personnel have vanished. Others may be at risk. We must do the best we can to find out why. However, I am... strongly motivated to solve this mystery."
TNG : Identity Crisis
Barclay : 
"Young children are sometimes frightened of the world. That doesn't mean that their parents should let them stay in their cribs."
to Troi
TNG : The N'th Degree
Worf : 
"Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!"
to Picard; outraged
TNG : Qpid
Picard : 
"Admiral? What you're doing is unethical. It's immoral. I'll fight it."
to Admiral Satie
TNG : The Drumhead
Picard : 
"With the first link the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied... chains us all irrevocably."
quoting Admiral Aaron Satie
TNG : The Drumhead
Picard : 
"We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. And then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
to Worf
TNG : The Drumhead
Picard : 
"Mr. Worf, villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged."
to Worf
TNG : The Drumhead
Troi : 
"Counselor Deanna Troi, personal log, stardate 44805.3. My mother is on board."
to the computer; in the voice of doom
TNG : Half a Life
Geordi : 
"That man's in a lot of trouble."
to O'Brien; regarding Lwaxana's interest in Timicin
TNG : Half a Life
Lwaxana : 
"What does that little one do, Mister Woof?"
Worf : 
"Please, Madam! That is a torpedo launch initiator... and it is Worf, Madam, not Woof."
TNG : Half a Life
Troi : 
"I know you, Mother, and believe me... you will never be one of those who dies before they die."
to Lwaxana
TNG : Half a Life
Timicin : 
"No parent should expect to be paid back for the love they've given their children."
to Lwaxana
TNG : Half a Life
Odan : 
"Speak softly governor. Those who cannot hear an angry shout may strain to hear a whisper."
to Governor Trion Leka
TNG : The Host
Taibak : 
"Welcome, Mr. La Forge. We've waited a long time to meet you."
Geordi : 
"I can tell you've gone to a lot of trouble!"
TNG : The Mind's Eye
Taibak : 
"Who is that man sitting over there?"
Geordi : 
"That's Chief O'Brien."
Taibak : 
"How long has he served with you?"
Geordi : 
"Almost four years."
Taibak : 
"I want you to kill him."
Geordi : 
after Geordi is brainwashed
TNG : The Mind's Eye
Data : 
"Data to Lieutenant Worf. Priority one."
Worf : 
"Go ahead."
Data : 
"Take Commander La Forge into custody immediately."
Worf : 
Data : 
"That is an order."
TNG : The Mind's Eye
Picard : 
"...I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know."
to Data
TNG : In Theory
Picard : 
"Your discommendation is a facade to protect less honourable men. It is a lie. Lies must be challenged."
to Worf
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Worf : 
"I have been told that patience is sometimes a more effective weapon than the sword."
to Picard
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Duras : 
"The grasp of Duras reaches out from the grave. Much of the Council is still loyal to his family. I must have the Council's support to survive. I cannot expose their treachery. You chose to accept this disgrace for the good of the Empire. Now you must live with your decision... like a Klingon."
to Worf
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Picard : 
"K'Tal, this Council knows the law of heredity well. G'now juk Hol pajhard. A son shall share in the honours or crimes of his father. Toral is Duras' son. That has been established by the genetic scan. But with due respect to the traditions and laws of this High Council, there is no basis for accepting a petition for leadership from a boy who has fought no battles, shed no blood for his people, or earned no honour for himself. One day, perhaps he shall. But not now. Duras is dead. His claim to the leadership died with him. Gowron shall lead the Council."
to The Council
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Gowron : 
"You come to me and demand the restoration of your family honour and now you hide behind human excuses? What are you, Worf? Do you tremble and quake with fear at the approach of combat, hoping to talk your way out of a fight like a human? Or do you hear the cry of the warrior calling you to battle, calling you to glory like a Klingon?"
to Worf
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Gowron : 
"You both fought as warriors. You have proved your hearts are Klingon. I return your family honour. I give you back that which was wrongfully taken from you. Let your name be spoken once again. You are Worf, son of Mogh."
to Worf
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Picard : 
"Mister Worf, your responsibilities as a Starfleet officer are incompatible with remaining on board a Klingon ship during a time of war."
Worf : 
Picard : 
"I order you to return to duty at once."
Worf : 
"Then I resign my commission as a Starfleet officer."
TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Picard : 
"The claim 'I was only following orders' has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history."
to Data
TNG : Redemption, Part 2
Picard : 
"The Tamarian was willing to risk all of us, just for the hope of communication, connection. Now the door is open between our peoples. That commitment meant more to him than his own life."
to Riker
TNG : Darmok
Ro : 
"That's one reason why I ran away. They're lost, defeated. I will never be."
to Picard
TNG : Ensign Ro
Picard : 
"Doctor, the sperm whale on Earth devours millions of cuttlefish as it roams the oceans. It is not evil, it is feeding. The same may be true of the entity."
to Dr. Marr
TNG : Silicon Avatar
Worf : 
"Congratulations, you are fully dilated to ten centimetres. You may now give birth."
to Keiko
TNG : Disaster
Troi : 
"I never met a chocolate I didn't like."
to Riker
TNG : The Game
Picard : 
"Father and son, both proud, both stubborn, more alike than either of them are prepared to admit. A lifetime spent building emotional barriers, they're very difficult to break down. And now the time has come when it is too late. It's a difficult moment. It's a lonely one."
to Data
TNG : Unification, Part 1
Dokachin : 
"He probably figures that we don't get to see a lot of handsome women out this way, and someone like you might get a little more cooperation from me. He's probably right."
to Troi
TNG : Unification, Part 1
Spock : 
"In your own way you are as stubborn as another captain of the Enterprise I once knew."
Picard : 
"Then I am in good company, sir."
TNG : Unification, Part 2
Picard : 
"Of course you know the Prime Directive, which tells us that we have no right to interfere in the natural evolution of alien worlds. Now, I have sworn to uphold it, but nevertheless I have disregarded that directive on more than one occasion... because I thought it was the right thing to do."
to Rasmussen
TNG : A Matter of Time
Helena : 
"You must do what you think is best for him. That's all a parent can hope to do."
to Worf
TNG : New Ground
Data : 
"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant I could taste my dessert."
to Timothy; Nice foreshadowing of Generations here.
TNG : Hero Worship
Picard : 
"Earth was once a violent planet too. At times, the chaos threatened the very fabric of life. But like you, we evolved. We found better ways to handle our conflicts. But I think noone can deny that the seed of violence remains within each of us, We must recognise that, because that violence is capable of consuming each of us."
to Tarmin
TNG : Violations
Geordi : 
"Who gave them the right to decide whether or not I should be here? Whether or not I might have something to contribute?"
to Hannah; regarding the settlement's decision to remove all disabilities from their offspring
TNG : The Masterpiece Society
Picard : 
"I feel as though I've been handed a weapon, sent into a room, and told to shoot a stranger. Well, I need some moral context to justify that action. And I don't have it. I am not content simply to obey orders. I need to know that what I am doing is right."
to MacDuff
TNG : Conundrum
Worf : 
"To die defending his ship is the hope of every Klingon."
to the alien in Data
TNG : Power Play
Crusher : 
"You scare me, doctor. You risk your patient's lives and justify it in the name of research. Genuine research takes time, sometimes a lifetime of painstaking, detailed work in order to get any results. Not for you, you take shortcuts, right through living tissue. You put your research ahead of your patient's lives and as far as I am concerned, that's a violation of our most sacred trust. I'm sure your work will be hailed as a stunning breakthrough. Enjoy your laurels, doctor. I'm not sure I could."
to Russell
TNG : Ethics
Worf : 
"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone."
to Riker
TNG : The Outcast
Picard : 
"Captain, perhaps you should come aboard my ship. There's something we need to discuss."
to Bateson; trying to find a way to break the news gently
TNG : Cause and Effect
Picard : 
"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth."
to Wesley
TNG : The First Duty
Worf : 
"You're just supposed to sit here?"
on the mud bath
TNG : Cost of Living
Briam : 
"You had to work side by side with her for days. How could you resist her?"
Picard : 
"Ambassador, have a safe trip home."
TNG : The Perfect Mate
Data : 
"It is interesting that people try to find meaningful patterns in things that are essentially random. I have noticed that the images they percieve sometimes suggest what they are thinking about at that particular moment. Besides, it is clearly a bunny rabbit."
to Guinan; on the nebula cloud formations
TNG : Imaginary Friend
Crusher : 
"When I look at my patient, I don't see a collective consciousness. I don't see a hive. I see a living, breathing boy who's been hurt and who needs our help. And we're talking about sending him back to his people as an instrument of destruction."
to Picard
TNG : I, Borg
Picard : 
"Because it's been given a name by a member of my crew, doesn't mean it's not a Borg. Because it's young, doesn't mean that it's innocent. It is what it is, and in spite of efforts to turn it into some kind of pet I will not alter my plans!"
to Guinan; on Hugh
TNG : I, Borg
Geordi : 
"He's not what I expected, Captain. He's got feelings. He's homesick. I don't know. It just doesn't seem right using him this way."
Picard : 
"Centuries ago, when laboratory animals were used for experiments, scientists would sometimes become attached to the creatures. This would a problem if the experiment involved killing them. I would suggest that you unattach yourself from the Borg, Mister La Forge."
TNG : I, Borg
Geordi : 
"But my uniform, my VISOR... are you saying I'm some blind ghost with clothes?"
commenting on Ro's assertion that they are dead
TNG : The Next Phase
Eline : 
"If you remember what we were and how we lived, then we will have found life again."
to Picard
TNG : The Inner Light
Data : 
"I have often wondered about my own mortality as I have seen others age around me. Until now it has been theoretically possible that I would live an unlimited period of time. And although some might find this attractive, to me it only reinforces that fact that I am... artificial."
to Geordi
TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Troi : 
"Poverty was eliminated on Earth a long time ago. And a lot of other things dissapeared with it; hopelessness, despair, cruelty..."
to Clemens
TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Barclay : 
"I know, it sounds crazy, but…"
Troi : 
"It's not crazy at all. You are being taken apart molecule by molecule."
TNG : Realm of Fear
Geordi : 
"Reg, transporting really is the safest way to travel."
to Barclay
TNG : Realm of Fear
Barclay : 
O'Brien : 
"Lieutenant. Glad you could make it. You know, I think this is the first time we've ever spoken outside of the transporter room."
Barclay : 
"Well, to be honest, I've always avoided you."
O'Brien : 
Barclay : 
"Because you run the transporters, and I hate the transporters. At least, I used to."
TNG : Realm of Fear
Picard : 
"You cannot explain away a wantonly immoral act because you think that it is connected to some higher purpose."
to Alkar
TNG : Man of the People
Scotty : 
"N-C-C-1-7-0-1. No bloody A, B, C or D."
to the Holodeck
TNG : Relics
Data : 
"Felis Catus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature,
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses,
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.
I find myself intrigued by your sub-vocal oscillations,
A singular development of cat communications,
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection,
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.
A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents,
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance,
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display,
Connote a fairly well developed cognitive array,
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I none-the-less consider you a true and valued friend."
TNG : Schisms
Picard : 
"You may be nearly omnipotent, and I don't deny that your parlour tricks are very impressive, but morality? I don't see it. I would put Human morality against the Q's any day. And perhaps that's the reason why we fascinate you so..."
to Q
TNG : True-Q
Picard : 
"He's my number one dad!"
covering for his calling Riker number one in front of the Ferengi
TNG : Rascals
Worf : 
"The town of Deadwood may face danger again, Alexander. If they do they'll need a sheriff... and a deputy."
confirming that he will continue to play with Alexander on the holodeck
TNG : A Fistful of Datas
Data : 
"It is true I am acting on my personal beliefs. But I do not see how I can do otherwise."
to Riker
TNG : The Quality of Life
Jellico : 
"And... get that fish out of the ready room."
to Riker
TNG : Chain of Command, Part 1
Picard : 
"There... are... four... lights!"
to Madred
TNG : Chain of Command, Part 2
Picard : 
"But who knows? Our reality may be very much like theirs and all this might just be an elaborate simulation running inside a little device sitting on someone's table."
to Troi
TNG : Ship in a Bottle
Geordi : 
"What are you doing, Commander?"
Riker : 
"That may not be Lieutenant Uhnari."
while Riker as his phaser pointed at Aquiel
TNG : Aquiel
Picard : 
"Governor, we are merely exploring all the possibilities. Lieutenant Uhnari's logs reported that Commander Morag had been harassing the station."
Governor Torak : 
"He was doing his job."
Picard : 
"If he was only doing his job, then I'm sure you won't mind if we spoke with him."
Governor Torak : 
"Very well. In the interests of diplomacy, I will allow you to speak to Morag. But my patience has limits!"
TNG : Aquiel
Troi : 
"In order to defeat your enemy, you must first understand them."
to Toreth
TNG : Face of the Enemy
Q : 
"That Picard never had a brush with death, never came face to face with his own mortality, never realised how fragile life is. Or how important each moment must be. So his life never came into focus."
to Picard
TNG : Tapestry
Picard : 
"You are a culture of one. Which is no less valid than a culture of one billion."
to Data
TNG : Birthright, Part 1
Toq : 
"You do not kill an animal unless you intend to eat it."
to Tokath
TNG : Birthright, Part 2
Kelsey : 
"It's a small ship Mott, I don't think there's going to be room for both of us."
Picard : 
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'll send your regrets."
TNG : Starship Mine
Picard : 
"I've lost people under my command, people who were very dear to me, but never someone I've been in love with. And when I believed you were dead, I just began to shut down. I didn't want to think or feel. I was here, in my quarters, and the only thing I could focus on was my music... and how it would never again give me any joy."
to Darren
TNG : Lessons
Romulan : 
"It would seem that we are not completely dissimilar after all. In our hopes, or in our fears."
to Picard
TNG : The Chase
Riker : 
"None of this is real!"
realising that everything he has experienced is a fantasy
TNG : Frame of Mind
Reyga : 
"After all, a Ferengi scientist is almost a contradiction in terms!"
to Crusher
TNG : Suspicions
Kahless : 
"Long ago a storm was heading toward the city of Quin'lat. The people sought protection within the walls, all except one man who remained outside. I went to him and asked what he was doing. 'I am not afraid,' he said. 'I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me.' I honoured his choice and went inside. The next day the storm came, and the man was killed. The wind does not respect a fool."
to Gowron
TNG : Rightful Heir
Riker : 
"It pulses unendingly all through the night..."
His poem
TNG : Second Chances
Riker : 
"All I remember is setting down the food... and then a hissing ball of fur came out of nowhere!"
on feeding Spot
TNG : Timescape
Data : 
"I got angry."
to Riker
TNG : Descent, Part 1
Lore : 
"They had lost their sense of purpose. Well, I gave them their purpose... and they gave me mine."
on the Borg he controlled
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Lore : 
"The reign of biological life-forms is coming to an end. You, Picard, and those like you, are obsolete!"
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Crusher : 
"What's your name?"
Taitt : 
"Taitt, sir."
Crusher : 
"I don't think I've seen you before."
Taitt : 
"I was just posted here six weeks ago."
Crusher : 
"Well, Taitt, I bet you never thought you'd be serving as Tactical Officer after only six weeks."
Taitt : 
"No, sir, I sure didn't!"
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Taitt : 
"If your calculations are even slightly off, we'd hit the atmosphere."
Barnaby : 
"Well, I'll just have to be sure my calculations are accurate, Ensign."
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Barnaby : 
"If her calculations are off that eruption could encompass us!"
Taitt : 
"Well, I'll just have to make sure my calculations are accurate, Lieutenant."
reversing the roles from earlier
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Data : 
"Lore. I must deactivate you now."
Lore : 
"Without me, you will never feel emotions again."
Data : 
"I know. But you leave me no other choice."
Lore : 
"I... love you... brother."
Data : 
"Goodbye, Lore."
their last ever conversation
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Hugh : 
"We can't go back to the Borg Collective... and we no longer have a leader here."
Picard : 
"I'm not sure that's true."
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Geordi : 
"Data, I wouldn't be very much of a friend if I let you give up on a lifelong dream, now would I? Maybe... someday, when you're ready."
to Data; on not destroying the emotion chip
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Worf : 
"You are an insulting pompous fool. And if you were not an ambassador, I would disembowel you right here!"
to the Iyaaran ambassador
TNG : Liaisons
 On a recorded message
Silva LaForge : 
"I decided I missed my favorite son."
 In person
Geordi : 
"Your only son, Ma."
TNG : Interface
Picard : 
"Geordi? I'm very sorry that you didn't find your mother."
Geordi : 
"Thank you, sir. You know, it's funny. When I was down there, it was so real. I felt like I had a chance to say goodbye."
TNG : Interface
Riker : 
"My friend tells me you know something about the man we're looking for."
Yranac : 
"The only reason I'm talking to you is that I have a sister too."
 Riker looks questioningly at Worf
Worf : 
"I explained to him that we are looking for a man who impregnated your sister."
 Riker nods
Riker : 
"So you can imagine how much this means to me."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Bartender : "I think you've had a little too much to drink. You better leave. On your way, Yranac."
 Crusher pulls a phaser on the bartender
Crusher : 
"I'm sorry, but I think he wants to stay. Sit down.'"
Riker : 
"That's my sister. She's angry. She's got a vicious temper. I wouldn't cross her."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Yranac : 
"You'll like this. The man got what was coming to him. When they knocked him down, one of them took out a weapon and fired. He was vaporized!"
Troi : 
"He's telling the truth."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Data : 
"If Captain Picard were here..."
Riker : 
"He's not."
Data : 
"I realize that, sir. But if he were and he wanted to lead an away team, you would tell him that the captain's place..."
Riker : 
" on the bridge. Not this time."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Picard : 
"What's wrong, commander? You having second thoughts about betraying your comrades? 'Cause that's what you've done
 Riker decks Picard
Riker : 
"I don't know. How did that feel?"
play acting
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Data : 
"May I inquire as to your destination?"
Koral : 
Data : 
"May I ask the purpose of your journey?"
Koral : 
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Picard : 
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave."
to Riker
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Troi : 
"He's alright, he's only stunned."
Data : 
"I must admit, I am experiencing a similar sensation."
Riker : 
"This is going to take a little time to explain."
after the Riker was "killed" by Picard
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Worf : 
"It would take them at least 14 hours to reach that position."
Geordi : 
"We could be there in five."
Data : 
"Make it so."
Worf : 
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Picard : 
"You were right, Tallera. The resonator cannot be stopped by phasers and shields… but it can be defeated by peace."
to Tallera
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Workman (parasite) : 
"Be quiet!"
to Data; annoyed at the irritating noise Data is producing
TNG : Phantasms
Picard : 
"I've just received a message from Starfleet Command."
Riker : 
"Bad news?"
Picard : 
"You could say that. I've been invited to the annual Starfleet admirals' banquet."
Riker : 
"My condolences."
TNG : Phantasms
Data : 
"Goodnight Spot."
Spot : "Meow."
TNG : Phantasms
Data : 
"He will need to be fed once a day. He prefers feline supplement number 25."
Worf : 
"I understand."
Data : 
"And he will require water. And you must provide him with a sandbox. And you must talk to him. Tell him he is a pretty cat. And a good cat."
Worf : 
"I will feed him."
Data : 
"Perhaps that will be enough."
TNG : Phantasms
Troi : 
"Sometimes a cake is just a cake."
to Data
TNG : Phantasms
Picard : 
"I wouldn't want to sacrifice the safety of the ship."
to Geordi; after Geordi suggests speeding up the repairs
TNG : Phantasms
Lwaxana : 
"Aren't you going to mingle, Mr. Woof?"
Worf : 
"I do not care for telepaths. They make me... uneasy."
Lwaxana : 
"Don't worry. The Cairn couldn't read your thoughts even if they wanted to. Your brain isn't sophisticated enough."
 Riker smiles
Lwaxana : 
"Neither is yours, dear. They can only communicate with other telepaths."
TNG : Dark Page
Lwaxana : 
"I wish you could have known her, Deanna. I wish you two could have grown up together."
Deanna : 
"Tell me about her. I want to know everything."
TNG : Dark Page
Picard : 
"There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it's just a matter of finding it."
to Crusher
TNG : Attached
Picard : 
"Well, it seems as if we're stuck with each other."
to Crusher; after they became ill when separated
TNG : Attached
Crusher : 
"I didn't know you felt that way."
Picard : 
"Didn't you?"
TNG : Attached
Crusher : 
"Why didn't you ever tell me you were in love with me?"
Picard : 
"You were married to my best friend."
TNG : Attached
Picard : 
"Now that we know how each of us feels, perhaps we should not be afraid to explore those feelings."
Crusher : 
"Or perhaps we should be afraid. I think I should be going now. Good night."
Picard : 
"Good night."
TNG : Attached
Data : 
"Why is Spot under the bed?"
Geordi : 
"Probably because she knows if I catch her, I'm going to kill her."
TNG : Force of Nature
Geordi : 
"Half the time, I didn't know if she was going to lick me or scratch my face off."
to Data; on Spot
TNG : Force of Nature
Geordi : 
"How about a phaser? A low stun setting at just the right moment might do the trick..."
Data : 
"Geordi, I cannot stun my cat."
TNG : Force of Nature
Picard : 
"You know, Geordi, I spent the better part of my life exploring space. I've charted new worlds, I've met dozens of new species, and I believe that these were all valuable ends in themselves. Now it seems that... all this while, I was... helping to damage the thing that I hold most dear."
Geordi : 
"It won't turn out that way, Captain. We still have time to make it better."
TNG : Force of Nature
Juliana Tainer : 
"I helped create you and now… look at you."
Data : 
"You were a colleague of Dr. Soong?"
Juliana Tainer : 
"I most certainly was... and I was also his wife. In a way, I suppose you could say I am your mother."
TNG : Inheritance
Juliana : 
"Some of the colonists objected to having an anatomically correct android running around without any clothes on."
to Data; on his early days
TNG : Inheritance
Data : 
"The positronic matrix I designed for her was unstable. She only lived a short time."
Juliana : 
"I see."
Data : 
"In a sense, you were her grandmother."
TNG : Inheritance
Worf : 
"That was not a Klingon song!"
Troi : 
"It wasn't easy to translate. There doesn't seem to be a Klingon word for 'jolly'."
after she attempted to translate "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"
TNG : Parallels
Alternate Wesley Crusher : 
"Captain, we're receiving 285,000 hails."
to Alternate Picard
TNG : Parallels
Alternate Data : 
"At this rate, the sector will be completely filled with Enterprises within three days."
to Alternate Picard
TNG : Parallels
Deanna : 
"I know Klingons like to be alone on their birthdays. You probably want to meditate, or hit yourself with a painstick, or something."
to Worf
TNG : Parallels
Admiral Blackwell : 
"Captain Picard Day?"
Picard : 
"Oh uh…Yes it's a… it's it's for the children. I'm a… (nervous chuckle) I'm a role model."
Admiral Blackwell : 
"I'm sure you are. Starfleet out."
TNG : The Pegasus
Pressman : 
"Will, don't worry. It won't be like it was twelve years ago… and this time no one's going to stop us."
to Riker
TNG : The Pegasus
Picard : 
"Oh, you'll be interested to know that I've arranged for a Commander Riker Day next month. I'm even considering making an entry myself."
Riker : 
TNG : The Pegasus
Riker : 
"Sir, may I suggest you take this up with Admiral Pr…"
Picard : 
"I'm taking this up with you, Will! The Judge Advocate thought that you were participating in a conspiracy to cover up the truth!"
TNG : The Pegasus
Pressman : 
"I made you, mister and I can break you just as easily!"
to Riker
TNG : The Pegasus
Picard : 
"That's what it's about... a cloaking device. In the Treaty of Algeron, the Federation specifically agreed not to develop cloaking technology."
Pressman : 
"And that treaty is the biggest mistake we ever made! Its kept us from exploiting a vital area of defense!"
Picard : 
"That treaty has kept us in peace for sixty years! And as a Starfleet officer, you're supposed to uphold it."
Pressman : 
"Now that's enough! I'm taking command of this vessel! Mr. Worf, escort the captain to his quarters!"
 Worf folds his arms and neither moves nor speaks.
Picard : 
"I don't think anyone's going to come to your defense this time."
TNG : The Pegasus
Pressman : 
"I have a lot of friends at Starfleet Command, Captain!"
Picard : 
"You're going to need them."
TNG : The Pegasus
Picard : 
"This is one of those times when we must face the ramifications of the Prime Directive and honor those lives which we cannot save."
Nikolai Rozhenko : 
"I find no honor in this whatsoever, Captain."
TNG : Homeward
Nikolai Rozhenko : 
"I wasn't going to let those people die just because your captain started quoting Federation dogma."
TNG : Homeward
Worf : 
"It is the sign of La Forge."
to Boraalans; explaining a holodeck malfunction
TNG : Homeward
Worf : 
"I will have to explain this to Mother and Father."
Nikolai : 
"They won't understand."
Worf : 
"They may. I will tell them that you are happy."
TNG : Homeward
Beverly : 
"It's a family heirloom. It's been in the Howard clan for generations. It's supposed to symbolize the enduring Howard spirit. Wherever they may go, the shining light to guide them through their fortune. Nana always kept it lit. I remember sitting here listening to ghost stories with only the candle burning."
about the candle
TNG : Sub Rosa
Crusher : 
"You have been using me, Nana, my entire family for centuries!"
Ronin : 
"And I loved all of them! And they loved me."
TNG : Sub Rosa
Ronin : 
"Beverly... I love you. Bever..."
to Beverley; shooting him with her phaser
TNG : Sub Rosa
Riker : 
Lavelle : 
Riker : 
"Resume previous course and speed."
Lavelle : 
"Aye-aye, sir."
Riker : 
"One "aye" is sufficient acknowledgment, Ensign."
TNG : Lower Decks
Sito : 
"How would you like to be a spider under that table?"
Lavelle : 
Sito : 
"A spider under the table."
Lavelle : 
"Is that like a fly on the wall?"
Sito : 
"I guess so."
pondering what the senior officers are discussing
TNG : Lower Decks
Worf : 
"Defend yourself!"
to Sito
TNG : Lower Decks
Lavelle : 
"My grandfather was Canadian, you know."
Riker : 
Lavelle : 
"Aren't you one, too?"
Riker : 
"A grandfather?"
Lavelle : 
"No. Canadian, sir. Canadian."
Riker : 
"No, I grew up in Alaska."
Lavelle : 
"Oh. Well… they both… get a lot of snow."
Riker : 
Lavelle : 
"It was good talking to you, sir."
Riker : 
TNG : Lower Decks
Sito : 
"Sir, is there really such a thing as a gik'tal challenge?"
Worf : 
"No, there is not. But perhaps next time you are judged unfairly, it will not take so many bruises for you to protest."
TNG : Lower Decks
Ben : 
"Excuse me, sir, but I need to move this table."
Worf : 
Ben : 
"There's an empty seat over there."
Worf : 
"I appreciate what you are trying to do, but it is not appropriate. You were her friends. I was only her commanding officer."
Ben : 
"Sir, I happen to know that she considered you a friend."
TNG : Lower Decks
 Riker makes his trombone "talk"
Troi : 
"You know, this is a much better way of communicating for you. It's far less confusing than the way you normally speak."
Riker : 
"Did you come here for something in particular, or just general Riker-bashing?"
TNG : Thine Own Self
Riker : 
"Congratulations, you just destroyed the Enterprise."
to Troi; on failing the bridge officers exam
TNG : Thine Own Self
Riker : 
"Congratulations, you passed."
Troi : 
"That's what this was all about, wasn't it – to see if I'd order someone to their death?"
Riker : 
"That's right…"
Troi : 
"I knew that was part of being in command, and I thought I'd prepared for it – but when the moment came, I hesitated…Maybe you were right, maybe I'm not cut out for this…"
Riker : 
"You did exactly what you had to do. You considered all your options, you tried every alternative, and then you made the hard choice."
TNG : Thine Own Self
Deanna : 
"Well… if you'll excuse me, um… I have the bridge this watch."
Data : 
"Counselor, have you been promoted in my absence?"
Deanna : 
"That's right. Which means from now on you can call me 'sir.'"
Data : 
"Yes, sir."
TNG : Thine Own Self
Data : 
"How can I reproduce a sound with clay?"
to Troi
TNG : Masks
Picard : 
"In my years as a Starfleet captain, I've had to… notify many parents of the loss of loved ones but never before to suicide."
TNG : Eye of the Beholder
Data : 
"Geordi, would you agree that the instinct for self-preservation is shared by most lifeforms?"
Geordi : 
"I'd say it's probably the most basic instinct, Data."
Data : 
"Hmm. That being the case, I find it difficult to understand why someone would deliberately terminate their own existence."
TNG : Eye of the Beholder
Riker : 
"Is there someone in particular that you're talking about?"
Worf : 
"No. Is there someone in particular you would rather I not be involved with?"
Riker : 
"Mr. Worf, you sound like a man who's asking his friend if he can start dating his sister!"
Worf : 
"No! No, I was merely… never mind. Excuse me, sir."
TNG : Eye of the Beholder
Crusher : 
"Reg, you don't have Terellian Death Syndrome!"
Barclay : 
"Are you… you're sure?"
Crusher : 
"I'm sure."
TNG : Genesis
Barclay : 
"Doctor! My capillaries are shrinking!"
to Crusher
TNG : Genesis
Picard : 
"Well… before I begin swinging through the ship, looking for breakfast, we need to find some answers."
TNG : Genesis
Crusher : 
"He transformed into a spider… and now he's had a disease named after him."
Troi : 
"I think I'd better clear my calendar for the next few weeks."
about Reg Barclay
TNG : Genesis
Nechayev : 
"Diplomacy is the art of the possible."
to Picard
TNG : Journey's End
Wesley Crusher : 
"Starfleet isn't for me."
TNG : Journey's End
Riker : 
"Earl Grey tea, watercress sandwiches, and Bularian canapés… are you up for promotion?"
to Picard
TNG : Journey's End
Anthwara : 
"I was right, captain. You did not take us from our land… and you have wiped clean a very old stain of blood."
to Picard
TNG : Journey's End
Picard : 
"Well, good luck, Mister… good luck, Wesley."
Wesley : 
"Thank you… for a lot of things."
TNG : Journey's End
Quark : 
"Yes, Lursa and B'Etor… big talk, small tips."
TNG : Firstborn
Picard : 
"You'll never look at your hairline the same way again."
to Jason
TNG : Bloodlines
Picard : 
"Yes, yes, Data. I know about the Orient Express but what is it doing on Prospero's island?"
to Data; after nearly getting run over by the Orient Express
TNG : Emergence
Data : 
"Unlikely as it may sound, I believe the Enterprise may be forming an intelligence."
TNG : Emergence
Riker : 
"I never thought we'd be firing on our own people to protect a Cardassian ship."
TNG : Preemptive Strike
Ro : 
"I've spent the better part of my life fighting the Cardassians. I never thought I'd be helping them out."
as she agrees to infiltrate the Maquis
TNG : Preemptive Strike
Picard : 
"Five card stud, nothing wild... and the sky's the limit."
to crew; the final words spoken in the series
TNG : All Good Things
Data : 
"Q's interest in you has always been very similar to that of a master and his beloved pet. That was only an analogy, captain."
to Picard
TNG : All Good Things
Q : 
"Two down, one to go..."
to Picard; as two of the Enterprise-D's are destroyed
TNG : All Good Things
Q : 
"See you... out there."
to Picard
TNG : All Good Things
Picard : 
"I should have done this a long time ago."
Troi : 
"You were always welcome."
as he joins the senior officers for a game of poker
TNG : All Good Things
Sisko : 
"That might be the most important thing to understand about Humans. It's the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions."
to Wormhole Alien
DS9 : Emissary
Kira : 
"I suppose you want the office."
Sisko : 
"I thought I'd say hello first, and then take the office. But we can do this in any order you'd like."
DS9 : Emissary
Opaka : 
"I can't unite my people until I know the Prophets have been warned. You will find the Temple. Not for Bajor, not for the Federation, but for your own pagh. It is, quite simply, Commander, the journey you have always been destined to take."
to Sisko
DS9 : Emissary
Quark : 
"I love the Bajorans. Such a deeply spiritual culture, but they make a dreadful ale. Never trust ale from a god-fearing people, or a Starfleet commander that has one of your relatives in jail."
to Sisko
DS9 : Emissary
Garak : 
"Ah, an open mind! The essence of intellect!"
to Bashir
DS9 : Past Prologue
Odo : 
"Commander, laws change depending on who's making them. Cardassians one day, Federation the next... but justice is justice."
to Sisko
DS9 : A Man Alone
Jaheel : 
"Dog… fellow… distance."
Odo : 
"Yeah, tell me about it."
DS9 : Babel
O'Brien : 
"Waylink complete…WAYLINK!!"
affected by the virus
DS9 : Babel
Sisko : 
"Chief, I thought you were going to fix the replicators!"
O'Brien : 
"Oh, you're absolutely right, sir! I knew I'd forgotten something! Can't have the operations chief sitting around daydreaming when there's work to be done, can we? Oh ho ho ho, I'll get right on it!"
DS9 : Babel
O'Brien : 
"You know the old saying, a man who is always looking over his shoulder is waiting for trouble to find him."
to Sisko; re Tosk
DS9 : Captive Pursuit
Q : 
"Enterprise? Oh yes, weren't you one of the little people?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : Q-Less
Vash : 
"A friend dropped me off."
to O'Brien; on how she wound up in the Gamma Quadrant
DS9 : Q-Less
Odo : 
"I'll never understand this obsession with accumulating material wealth. You spend your entire life plotting and scheming to acquire more and more possessions, until your living areas are bursting with useless junk. Then you die, your relatives sell everything, and start the cycle all over again."
to Quark
DS9 : Q-Less
Quark : 
"A suit of the finest Andorian silk? A ring of pure Surax? A complete set of Tanesh pottery? How about a latinum plated bucket to sleep in?"
to Odo; trying to tempt him with worldly possessions
DS9 : Q-Less
Q : 
"An abysmal place, Earth. Oh, don't get me wrong! A thousand years ago it had character - the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Watergate. Now it's just mind-numbingly dull."
to Vash
DS9 : Q-Less
Q : 
"Still chasing your own tail? Picard and his lackeys would have solved all this techno-babble hours ago. No wonder you're not commanding a starship!"
to Sisko
DS9 : Q-Less
Els Renora : 
"I am one hundred years old. I do not have time to squander listening to superfluous language. In short, I intend to be in here until supper, not senility."
DS9 : Dax
Sisko : 
"Are you really willing to commit suicide over something done in another lifetime?"
to Dax; on Dax refusing to defend herself
DS9 : Dax
Quark : 
"It's good to want things."
Odo : 
"Even things you can't have?"
Quark : 
"Especially things I can't have."
DS9 : The Passenger
Quark : 
"One man's priceless is another man's worthless."
to Falow
DS9 : Move Along Home
Sisko : 
"Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Survivng my son's is going to take a miracle."
to Dax
DS9 : The Nagus
Odo : 
"There is no profit in kindness."
to Quark
DS9 : Vortex
Opaka : 
"They don't know how to do anything else but die... they've forgotten how to live."
to Kira
DS9 : Battle Lines
Nog : 
"The ninth rule of acquisition clearly states that opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
to Varis
DS9 : The Storyteller
Jake : 
"When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask my dad."
Nog : 
"I ask my dad, too."
Varis : 
"It helps, doesn't it?"
Jake : 
Nog : 
DS9 : The Storyteller
Mullibok : 
"The Cardassians probably told you you didn't stand a chance either. Did you surrender?"
Kira : 
Mullibok : 
"Why do you expect me to act any different than you?"
DS9 : Progress
Odo : 
"Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have... instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives."
to Quark
DS9 : If Wishes Were Horses
Bashir : 
"Nothing makes them happy. They are dedicated to being unhappy, and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go. They are ambassadors of unhappy!"
to Sisko; bemoaning his escort duty
DS9 : The Forsaken
Odo : 
"You are not at all what I expected."
Lwaxana : 
"No one's ever paid me a greater compliment."
DS9 : The Forsaken
Lwaxana : 
When it comes to picnics, the only thing that really matters is the company.
to Odo
DS9 : The Forsaken
Dax : 
"I've been friends with Benjamin Sisko for many years... In many ways, he's like a son. Or a nephew... Some kind of close relative anyway..."
DS9 : Dramatis Personae
Kira : 
"Did you really build that?"
Sisko : 
"Apparently so."
Kira : 
Sisko : 
"I have no idea."
on the clock he built
DS9 : Dramatis Personae
Kira : 
"Nothing justifies genocide."
to Marritza
DS9 : Duet
Keiko : 
"I'm a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not to hide it from them."
to Wynn
DS9 : In the Hands of the Prophets
Quark : 
"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."
to Rom
DS9 : The Homecoming
Kira : 
"If you want to change the government, Minister Jaro, you vote to change it. You don't sneak up from behind it with a dagger."
to Jaro
DS9 : The Circle
Sisko : 
"Dying lets you off the hook. The question is, are you willing to live for your people? Live the role they want you to play? That's what they need from you right now."
to Li Nalas
DS9 : The Siege
Quark : 
"He couldn’t find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake but, even if he is an idiot, he’s still my brother."
on Rom
DS9 : Invasive Procedures
Quark : 
"It’s such a pleasure doing business with Klingons."
DS9 : Invasive Procedures
Quark : 
"There's nothing quite so depressing as a winning streak that won't stop streaking."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Keiko : 
"He's really very gentle."
O'Brien : 
"Gentle was bred out of these Cardassians a long time ago."
Keiko : 
"You know... that was a very ugly thing you just said."
O'Brien : 
"I only said-"
Keiko : 
"I don't need to hear it twice."
DS9 : Cardassians
Garak : 
"I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Garak : 
"Truth, Doctor, is in the eye of the beholder. I never tell the truth because I don't believe there is such a thing. That's why I prefer the straight line simplicity of cutting cloth."
to Bashir
DS9 : Cardassians
Melora : 
"I dreamt about exploring the stars as a child. And I wasn't going to allow any... 'handicap', not a chair, not a Cardassian station... to stop me from chasing that dream."
to Sisko
DS9 : Melora
Quark : 
"It never hurts to suck up to the boss."
to Pel
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Quark : 
"No, he's right. If something goes wrong, it'll be my fault!"
Rom : 
"Then you're going to need help, brother."
Quark : 
Rom : 
"Someone to serve as your consultant during negotiations."
Quark : 
Rom : 
"Someone like me."
Quark : 
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"That's because you don't socialise with them the way I do. Looking back over seven lifetimes, I can't think of a single race I've enjoyed more."
Kira : 
"Did anyone ever tell you that you have very strange taste?"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Dax : 
"You know he once convinced me to go up to a holosuite with him. Turns out he recreated the bedroom I slept in as a child. He overheard me describing it to Kira. Of course, most of the details were wrong, but it was a very sweet gesture, up until he tried to kiss me."
Pel : 
"That sounds like Quark."
Dax : 
"I don't care what anybody says, I love him."
Pel : 
"So do I."
Dax : 
"You really do, don't you?"
Pel : 
Dax : 
"Love Quark. Don't bother trying to deny it. I've seen the way you look at him."
Pel : 
"Please, keep your voice down."
Dax : 
"Does he know?"
Pel : 
"He doesn't even know I'm a female."
Dax : 
"You're a woman?!"
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Kira : 
"Actually, I just stopped by to return this."
Zek : 
"Why? Is something wrong with it?"
Kira : 
"No, it's lovely. I just can't accept it."
Zek : 
"Then I suppose a night of wild passionate romance is out of the question?"
Kira : 
"That's right."
Zek : 
"Just thought I'd ask."
DS9 : Rules of Acquisition
Odo : 
"Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind."
Log entry
DS9 : Necessary Evil
Seyetik : 
"Let there be light!"
his last words as he dived into the dead star to re-ignite it
DS9 : Second Sight
Kira : 
"It's hard to keep a secret in Ops, especially when you've been shouting at a monitor for the past two days."
Sisko : 
"Thought I kept it down to an angry whisper."
Kira : 
"Let's just say your voice carries."
DS9 : Sanctuary
Jake : 
"What's that smell?"
Tumak : 
"Ask him!"
Nog : 
"Me? You're the one who stinks!"
DS9 : Sanctuary
Tumak : 
"This isn't over yet, Big Ears!"
to Nog
DS9 : Sanctuary
Keiko : 
"Kick his butt!"
to O'Brien; re his match with Bashir
DS9 : Rivals
Dr. Mora : 
"I'm beginning to think that the scientific method and police method have a lot in common."
to Odo
DS9 : The Alternate
Bashir : 
"She enjoys it. She actually gets some kind of perverse pleasure out of it. One of these days I'm going to stop chasing her... and then we'll see."
to Himself; Regarding Dax rebuffing his advances yet again
DS9 : The Alternate
Dr. Mora : 
"I'm very proud of you, Odo. Do you know that?"
to Odo
DS9 : The Alternate
Dr. Mora : 
"I never thought he could do it. Integrate successfully. If you could have seen him before. He was so ill-prepared to be on his own. I was sure he'd come back. I told him when he left, he'd come back, and all these years I was so certain that eventually one day he'd show up at the lab. Well, I guess I'd better get used to the idea he's not going to."
to Dax
DS9 : The Alternate
O'Brien : 
"Marriage is the greatest adventure of them all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking."
to Bashir
DS9 : Armageddon Game
Bashir : 
"Well, your sense of humor seems normal enough."
Replicant O'Brien : "I don't have a sense of humor."
Bashir : 
 O'Brien coughs
Bashir : 
"How's the sex life?"
Replicant O'Brien : "I don't have a sense of humor."
during a physical
DS9 : Whispers
Replicant O'Brien : "Keiko..."
O'Brien : 
"What about her?"
Replicant O'Brien : "Tell her... I love..."
the replicants last words
DS9 : Whispers
Sisko : 
"Perhaps one day you'll feel the hand of God resting on your shoulder."
to Alixus
DS9 : Paradise
Sisko : 
"There is only one thing I want from you. Find something you love, then do it the best you can."
to Jake
DS9 : Shadowplay
Odo : 
"Just because we don't understand a life form doesn't mean that we can destroy it."
to Kira
DS9 : Playing God
Odo : 
"So, how well does she know you? Just enough to dislike you, or well enough to realy hate you?"
to Quark
DS9 : Profit and Loss
Koloth : 
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye."
to Kor
DS9 : Blood Oath
Odo : 
"How did you get in here?"
Koloth : 
"I am Koloth."
Odo : 
"That doesn't answer my question."
Koloth : 
"Yes, it does."
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kang : 
"This time, we will reach the Albino! And when we do, I will cut his heart out and eat it, while he watches me with his dying breath!"
DS9 : Blood Oath
Dax : 
"The Korvat colony. First day of negotiations, I walked out on you, right in the middle of that long-winded speech of yours. You should have seen the look on your face. Nobody had ever had the kajunpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did."
Kang : 
"I almost killed Curzon that day."
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kor : 
"Of course you should come! The splendor of fighting and killing! A bloodbath in the cause of vengeance! Who wouldn't want to come!"
to Dax
DS9 : Blood Oath
Kang : 
"Look upon your executioners, killer of children!"
to The Albino
DS9 : Blood Oath
Dax : 
"He happens to be brilliant, his brain is twice the size of yours and mine."
Kira : 
"I know, I've seen it."
Dax : 
"It's not his fault Gallamites have transparent skulls."
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Dukat : 
"Education is power. Joy is vulnerability."
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Calvin Hudson : 
"I'm glad to see you had no trouble finding us, Ben. It seems that one disaster after another keeps bringing us back together again."
to Sisko
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 1
Sisko : 
"On Earth there is no poverty, no crime, and no war. You look out the window and you see Paradise. Well, it's easy to be a saint in Paradise but the Maquis do not live in Paradise."
to Kira
DS9 : The Maquis, Part 2
Tain : 
"That man has a rare gift for obfuscation."
to Bashir; regarding Garak
DS9 : The Wire
Mirror Sisko : 
Mirror Garak : 
"He's just been arrested."
Mirror Sisko : 
"Arrested? What a damn shame. Who wants a drink on the house?"
DS9 : Crossover
Sisko : 
"We've got ships from here to New Bajor out looking for you. Where have you been?"
Kira : 
"Through the Looking-Glass, Commander. But it's good to be back."
DS9 : Crossover
Bareil : 
"Truth is not always easy to recognise."
to Kira
DS9 : The Collaborator
O'Brien : 
"I'm no angel, but I try to live every day as the best Human being I know how to be. I need my little girl to wake up in the morning and look up at me and see a man she can respect."
to Odo
DS9 : Tribunal
Odo : 
"Being accused of a crime is not a disgrace, Chief. Some of the great figures of history have shared the honour with you."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"The offender, Miles O'Brien, human, officer of the Federation Starfleet, has been found guilty of aiding and abetting seditious acts against the state. The sentence is death. Let the trial begin!"
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"Tell me, Mister O'Brien, now that we are at peace, do you have a warm place in your heart for your Cardassian neighbours? Or are you deeply prejudiced against Cardassians? Do you not, in fact, hate Cardassians? Have you not on several occasions publicly stated your opposition to the treaty because, and I quote, 'the bloody Cardies can't be trusted'?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : Tribunal
Makbar : 
"Once again the Cardassian system of jurisprudence has worked to protect it's people. A guilty man has been brought to justice. But, never let it be said that there is no room in this system for compassion. I sense in Mister O'Brien, a man with strong family ties, the potential for rehabilitation. And I'm sure he has gained a new appreciation of Cardassian law through this difficult process. Therefore, I am pleased, in the spirit of furthering Cardassian-Federation relations, to hereby set aside the verdict and to release Mister O'Brien into the custody of his Commander, Benjamin Sisko."
DS9 : Tribunal
Eris : 
"You have no idea what's begun here."
to Sisko; truer words never spoken
DS9 : The Jem'Hadar
Sisko : 
"I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion."
to Kira; regarding the Defiant
DS9 : The Search, Part 1
Founder : 
"No changeling has ever harmed another."
to Odo
DS9 : The Search, Part 2
Gowron : 
"A brave Ferengi. Who would have thought it?"
to Quark
DS9 : The House of Quark
Quark : 
"I am Quark, son of Keldar, and I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of... whatever."
to Gowron
DS9 : The House of Quark
Quark : 
"Go ahead, kill me! That's why I'm here, isn't it, to be killed? Well, here I am, so go ahead and do it. You all want me to pick up that sword and try to fight him, don't you? But I don't have a chance and you know it! You only want me to put up a fight so your precious honour will be satisfied. Well, I'm not going to make it so easy for you. Having me fight D'Ghor is nothing more than an execution, so, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get. An execution. No honour, no glory. And when you tell your children and your grandchildren the glorious story of how you rose to power and took Grilka's House from her, I hope you remember to tell them how you heroically killed an unarmed Ferengi half your size."
to D'Ghor
DS9 : The House of Quark
Sisko : 
"Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Bashir : 
"Nobody said life was fair."
Dax : 
"Even if you've had seven of them."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Sisko : 
"And I used to think Curzon had a temper."
to Jadzia
DS9 : Equilibrium
Dax : 
"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been."
DS9 : Equilibrium
Garak : 
"Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder."
DS9 : Second Skin
Garek : 
"Commander, this is extortion."
Sisko : 
"Hmm… Yes it is."
DS9 : Second Skin
Garek : 
"Major, I don't think I've ever seen you looking so ravishing."
to Kira; on her appearance as a Cardassian
DS9 : Second Skin
O'Brien : 
"Sixteen years old and dating a dabo girl. Godspeed, Jake."
muttering to himself
DS9 : The Abandoned
Sisko : 
"You know, I never knew how much this man's voice annoyed me."
to O'Brien; on Dukat
DS9 : Civil Defense
Garek : 
"Ironic, isn't it? The only place in the galaxy that still recognizes my access code is a Bajoran space station."
DS9 : Civil Defense
Dukat : 
"Where's Commander Sisko? I trust he wasn't vaporized, while asking for one of those raktajinos he's so fond of?"
DS9 : Civil Defense
Dukat : 
"Garak, groveling in a corner. That alone makes my trip worthwhile."
DS9 : Civil Defense
O'Brien : 
"I thought your father told you to stay out of there!"
Jake : 
"If you don't tell him, I won't."
DS9 : Civil Defense
Quark : 
"Isn't there some petty thief you could harass?"
Odo : 
"Just you."
DS9 : Meridian
Kira : 
"You're trying to be a hero. Terrorists don't get to be heros."
to Thomas Riker
DS9 : Defiant
Dukat : 
"When my son looks back on this day, the only thing he'll remember is that a Federation officer on a Federation ship invaded his home and kept his father away from him on his eleventh birthday. And he won't look back with understanding... he'll look back with hatred. And that's sad."
to Sisko
DS9 : Defiant
Thomas Riker : 
"Looks like you've got your evening all planned out. I hope you left room for the unexpected."
to Kira
DS9 : Defiant
Thomas Riker : 
"Tough little ship."
to Kira
DS9 : Defiant
Quark : 
"You humans, you never learn. You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing... and you wonder why your marriages fall apart."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Fascination
Bashir : 
"Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible... but causing people to suffer because you've forgotten how to care, that's really hard to understand."
to Sisko
DS9 : Past Tense, Part 1
Biddle Coleridge : 
"When you treat people like animals, you're gonna get bit."
regarding the Bell riots
DS9 : Past Tense, Part 2
Winn : 
"While violence may keep an enemy at bay, only peace can make him a friend."
to Sisko
DS9 : Life Support
Quark : 
"Everything that goes wrong here is your fault. It says so in your contract."
to Rom
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Nog : 
"According to Ferengi by-laws, section one oh five, subparagraph ten, upon reaching adulthood, Ferengi males must purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. I choose you."
Sisko : 
"You want to be my apprentice?"
Nog : 
"That's right. I want to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet. Now, who do I see about getting a uniform?"
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Nog : 
My father is a mechanical genius! He could've been the chief engineer of a starship if he'd had the opportunity. But he went into business like a good Ferengi. The only thing is, he's not a good Ferengi. Not when it comes to acquiring profit. So now all he has to live for is the slim chance that someday, somehow, he might be able to take over my uncle's bar. Well I'm not going to make the same mistake. I want to do something with my life. Something worthwhile.
to Sisko
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Odo : 
Remember Major, I pride myself on my ability to observe human nature, and I've watched you for the past three years. In all that time I never saw any indication that you had those kinds of feelings for me. You like me. You think of me as a close friend. But love? I'm afraid not.
to Fake Kira
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Female Changeling : 
Major Kira is down that tunnel, two hundred metres south of here. Save her, if it suits you, but it won't make any difference. She is never going to love you. How could she? You are a changeling.
to Odo
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Dax : 
"You can make your own decisions, or you can let these prophecies make them for you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"Are you suggesting that I'm dismissing this prophecy too easily because I don't want to be the Emissary?"
Odo : 
"I'm not suggesting anything. But it's been my experience that all humanoids have an agenda of some sort, and that their agendas can influence them without their even realising it."
DS9 : Destiny
Gilora : 
"It's been my experience that..."
O'Brien : 
"What? That humans aren't good engineers?"
Gilora : 
"No, not humans. Males."
O'Brien : 
"I beg your pardon?"
Gilora : 
"Men just don't seem to have a head for this sort of thing. That's why women dominate the sciences."
O'Brien : 
"Maybe on Cardassia. But on this station, this man is Chief of Operations, and I know more about these systems anyone, including you."
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"Do you really believe that I'm the Emissary?"
Kira : 
"I guess I always have. I never wanted to admit it to myself. It's hard to work for someone who's a religious icon."
DS9 : Destiny
Sisko : 
"It would seem that our scientific methodologies differ slightly. It is our practice to examine all possibilities, no matter how unlikely, before we proceed with field tests."
Ulani : 
"We would, of course, prefer to operate that way as well. However, since the Science Ministry falls under the jurisdiction of the military, we have to follow certain rules. One of them is not to make any project look unnecessarily dangerous."
DS9 : Destiny
Zek : 
"Actually, I've lost my taste for beetle snuff. It might be fun for you and me, but it's no fun for the beetles!"
to Quark
DS9 : Prophet Motive
Odo : 
"Close your eyes... Take a deep breath... Clear your mind of everything in it... if there's anything there..."
to Rom
DS9 : Prophet Motive
Bashir : 
"Well, you do have one problem... if all you can hallucinate about is Quark's maintenance problems, you do have a sadly deficient fantasy life."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Visionary
O'Brien : 
"Trust me, Quark. Darts and bars go together like bacon and eggs."
Quark : 
"At least people order bacon and eggs. In all the years I've been here, no one has ever come in and asked to see the dart board."
O'Brien : 
"Trust me. They will."
DS9 : Visionary
Sisko : 
"I think we have enough evidence to at least hold the Klingons for questioning, don't you?"
Odd : 
"Absolutely. And I think I can question them until the Romulan delegation leaves the station."
Sisko : 
"Just be careful."
Odd : 
"Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon."
DS9 : Visionary
Ruwon : 
"I think you're lying, Quark."
Quark : 
"About which part?"
Ruwon : 
"All of it."
Quark : 
"Well, at least I am consistent."
DS9 : Visionary
Bashir : 
"Who told you that?"
O'Brien : 
"You did. In the future."
Bashir : 
"Oh. Well, who am I to argue with me?"
DS9 : Visionary
Bashir : 
"My... tennis balls?"
Garak : 
"This station is in worse condition than we thought."
DS9 : Distant Voices
Altovar : 
"You can't do this!"
Bashir : 
"I can do anything I want. It is my mind. Computer, begin sterilization."
DS9 : Distant Voices
Garek : 
"To think, after all this time, all our lunches together... you still don't trust me. There's hope for you yet, doctor."
to Bashir
DS9 : Distant Voices
Intendent : 
"I think you'll find that random and unprovoked executions will keep your work force alert and motivated."
to Mirror Garak
DS9 : Through the Looking Glass
Garak : 
"Well, the truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
to Bashir
DS9 : Improbable Cause
Garak : 
"Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor."
to Odo
DS9 : The Die is Cast
Jake : 
"What is this?"
Ben : 
"I thought it was time for a change. What do you think?""
Jake : 
"I like it."
on the his father's new beard
DS9 : Explorers
Kira : 
"Oh, you sound just like a Cardassian."
O'Brien : 
"I beg your pardon?"
Kira : 
"They have denied the possibility of ancient contact for decades because they cannot stand the idea of Bajor having interstellar flight before they did."
O'Brien : 
"With all due respect, Major, you're beginning to sound like a Romulan."
Kira : 
"A Romulan?"
O'Brien : 
"There is no piece of technology in existence they don't claim they invented before everyone else."
DS9 : Explorers
Ben : 
Jake : 
"I don't hear anything."
Ben : 
"Exactly. Not even the hum of an engine. It's almost like being on the deck of an old sailing ship. Except the stars are not just up in the sky; they're all around us."
DS9 : Explorers
Jake : 
"Well, let's face it. It's been over a year since your last date. A year, Dad. Well, you got to make time for these things."
Ben : 
"I cannot believe that I'm getting advice about women from my son."
Jake : 
"Don't think of me as your son, right now. Just think of me as another guy. Another guy who happens to know a very attractive lady who wants to meet you."
Ben : 
"You are trying to set me up?"
Jake : 
"Well, why not?"
Jake introduced his father to Kasidy Yates
DS9 : Explorers
Brunt : 
"Hard work, bribes, sucking up to the boss. Just like any job."
explaining how he got his FCA job
DS9 : Family Business
Odo : 
"It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice."
to Kira
DS9 : Shakaar
Audrid Dax : 
"There's nothing quite like holding a child to your breast, nursing it. (pause) The entity which lent me this body wishes to speak!"
Quark : 
"How much longer am I gonna have to do this?!"
DS9 : Facets
Quark : 
"Root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization."
on Nog being admitted to Starfleet Academy
DS9 : Facets
Bashir : 
"What's the matter, Chief?"
O'Brien : 
"It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm going to have to call him 'sir'."
on Nog
DS9 : Facets
Odo : 
"He said 'you're too late. We're everywhere.'"
to Sisko; on the Founder's last words
DS9 : The Adversary
Sisko : 
"Running may help for a little while, but sooner or later the pain catches up with you. And the only way to get rid of it is to stand your ground and face it."
to Worf
DS9 : The Way of the Warrior
Ben Sisko : 
"I'm no writer, but if I were it seems to me I'd want to poke my head up every once in a while and take a look around, see what's going on. It's life, Jake! You can miss it if you don't open your eyes."
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : The Visitor
Goran'Agar : 
"I have fought against races that believe in mythical beings who guide their destinies and await them after death. They call them gods. The Founders are like Gods to the Jem'Hadar, but our Gods never talk to us, and they don't wait for us after death. They only want us to fight for them, and die for them."
to Bashir
DS9 : Hippocratic Oath
Quark : 
"You hew-mons, all you want to do is please your women. You want them to be your friends. But we Ferengi know better. Women are the enemy."
to Sisko
DS9 : Indiscretion
Dax : 
"I've lived seven lifetimes, and I have never had a friend quite like you."
to Sisko
DS9 : Rejoined
Dax : 
"It's funny, a year ago if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero."
Bashir : 
"And now?"
Dax : 
"Now that I know you better, I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do."
DS9 : Starship Down
Quark : 
"You people should take better care of yourselves. Stop poisoning your bodies with tobacco and atom bombs. Sooner or later, that kind of stuff will kill you!"
to Denning
DS9 : Little Green Men
Quark : 
"You know what I like about Klingon stories, commander? Nothing. Lots of people die, and nobody makes any profit."
to Worf
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Worf : 
"This is the Sword of Kahless! It is not something to shovel food into your mouth!"
to Kor
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Kor : 
"Did you see the look on the face of that Klingon that I killed? It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to be killed by the Sword of Kahless."
Dax : 
"I'm sure he was very proud."
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless
Garak : 
"I do apologise. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes I would grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me."
to Bashir
DS9 : Our Man Bashir
Joseph Sisko : 
"Jake, the only time you should be in bed is if you're sleeping, dying, or making love to a beautiful woman."
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : Homefront
Joseph Sisko : 
"Worried? I'm scared to death! But I'm damned if I'm going to let them change the way I live my life."
to Odo
DS9 : Paradise Lost
Shakaar : 
"You know, I've been a soldier and I've been a politician, and I have to say, I'm beginning to think that being a soldier was easier."
to Odo
DS9 : Crossfire
Kira : 
"The best way to survive a knife fight is never to get in one."
to Ziyal
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"Everything I have lost I will regain. It's only a matter of time."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"First it was Vedek Bareil, now it's the head of the Bajoran government. You do like powerful men don't you?"
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kira : 
"Why is it when you smile I want to leave the room?"
Dukat : 
"I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kira : 
"Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness. That's one thing I can never give him."
to Ziyal
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"Lately, when my mind wanders, I find myself thinking more and more about Gul Marratt. Do you know him? Very dashing. One of Cardassia's rising stars. Graduate of the Cardassian Military Academy, smooth-talking junior member of the Detepa Council, and like your friend Shakaar, quite a lady's man. Especially with other officer's wives."
Kira : 
"Including yours?"
Dukat : 
"Mmm. A year ago he wouldn't have dared, but now? I think the first thing I do when I'm returned to power is to demote him. Assign him to the Cardassian Embassy on Breen. I hear it's bitter cold on Breen. And we Cardassians do despise the cold..."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"There was a time when the mere mention of my race inspired fear. And now... we're a beaten people. Afraid to fight back because we're afraid to lose what little is left."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Dukat : 
"I am the only Cardassian left... and if no one else will stand against the Klingons, I will."
to Kira
DS9 : Return to Grace
Ziyal : 
"When I look at my father, I have a hard time seeing a murderer."
Kira : 
"And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else."
DS9 : Return to Grace
Kurn : 
"I have never understood you, Worf. But I do know this... in your own way, you are an honourable man."
to Worf
DS9 : The Sons of Mogh
Rom : 
"What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important. Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb, and you're not half as smart as you think you are."
to Quark
DS9 : Bar Association
Keiko O'Brien : 
"The one good thing about going away is coming home."
to Miles O'Brien
DS9 : Accession
Sisko : 
"Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile, to make the troops happy. Even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they're your troops, and you hve to take care of them."
to Worf
DS9 : Rules of Engagement
Rinn : 
"The crime of espionage requires a minimum of fifteen cycles of correction
O'Brien : 
"Go? I can't leave. Where would I go to?"
DS9 : Hard Time
O'Brien : 
"When we were growing up, they used to tell us... Humanity had evolved, that mankind had outgrown hate and rage. But when it came down to it, when I had the chance to show, that no matter what anybody did to me, that I was still an evolved Human being... I failed. I repaid kindness with blood. I was no better than an animal."
Bashir : 
"No. No, no, no. An animal would've killed Ee'Char and never had a second thought, never shed a tear... But not you. You hate yourself. You hate yourself so much you think you deserve to die. The Argrathi did everything they could to strip you of your Humanity and in the end, for one brief moment they succeeded. But you can't let that brief moment define your entire life. If you do, if you pull that trigger… then the Argrathi will have won. They will have destroyed a good man. You cannot let that happen, my friend."
DS9 : Hard Time
Mirror Kira : 
"Isn't that a coincidence? I was hoping you weren't married!"
to Guard; on being told that she had his wife killed
DS9 : Shattered Mirror
Onaya : 
"Isn't that what an artist wants, to be remembered? Isn't that why you write?"
to Jake Sisko
DS9 : The Muse
Garak : 
"Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life."
to Quark
DS9 : For the Cause
Omet'Iklan : 
"I am First Omet'Iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life!"
to his troops
DS9 : To the Death
O'Brien : 
"I'm Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. And I'm very much alive, and intend to stay that way!"
to his troops
DS9 : To the Death
Quark's Jingle : 
"Come to Quark's, Quark's is fun. Come right now, don't walk. Run!"
DS9 : The Quickening
Worf : 
"How did you do it?"
Quark : 
"Do what?"
Worf : 
"I ordered a glass of prune juice from the replicator in the Defiant's mess. This is what it came in."
on the Ferengi advertisement on Worf's mug
DS9 : The Quickening
Kira : 
"If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun."
to Quark
DS9 : The Quickening
Dream Gint : 
"They're just rules. They're written in a book, not carved in stone. And even if they were in stone, so what? A bunch of us just made them up."
to Quark; regarding the rules of acquisition
DS9 : Body Parts
Odo : 
"I've spent most of my life bringing people to justice. Now that it's my turn, how can I run away?"
to Sisko; on returning to the great link for punishment
DS9 : Broken Link
Quark : 
"Captain, you're just in time for happy hour."
Sisko : 
"Do I look happy, Quark?"
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
O'Brien : 
"It's not easy being funny wearing these teeth."
disguised as a Klingon
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Sisko : 
"Brag all you want! But don't get between me and the bloodwine!"
disguised as a Klingon
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Odo : 
"It's a pity it doesn't have any bubbles."
on Klingon bloodwine
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Kira : 
"But don't forget, this... is still your fault."
Bashir : 
"My fault?"
Kira : 
"You performed the transfer from Keiko to me."
Bashir : 
"After you volunteered."
Kira : 
"After you put the idea in my head."
Bashir : 
"After you flew the runabout into the asteroid field."
Kira : 
"After you insisted we check on those anomalous bio-scans."
Bashir : 
"That was Keiko."
Kira : 
"That's right. It was, but I'd rather blame you."
referring to her pregnancy
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Gowron : 
"You want to kill me, Worf? You're welcome to try!"
to Worf
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising
Sisko : 
"It may sound cruel, but we both know that ship out there was worth it. Those five deaths may save five thousand lives, or maybe even five million. And if I had to make the same trade all over again, I would. But five people are dead, fine men and women who deserved a lot more than to die on some lonely planet fifty thousand light years away from home."
to Dax
DS9 : The Ship
Dax : 
"If I were in your shoes I would be looking for someone a little more entertaining, a little more fun, and maybe even a little more attainable."
to Worf; dropping a heavy hint
DS9 : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Jake : 
"The battle of Ajilon Prime will probably be remembered as a pointless skirmish, but I'll always remember it as something more; as the place I learned that the line between courage and cowardice is a lot thinner than most people believe."
DS9 : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Rom : 
"Is there something wrong, Chief? I can work slower if you want me to."
to O'Brien
DS9 : The Assignment
Odo : 
"For the first forty minutes, it was like pulling teeth even getting him to admit his name."
on interrogating Rom
DS9 : The Assignment
Quark : 
"Well, Rom, I'm glad things are going so well for you."
Rom : 
"No, you're not. But thanks, anyway, brother."
DS9 : The Assignment
Odo : 
"Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?"
to Worf; on the Klingon's extinction of the Tribble species
DS9 : Trials and Tribble-ations
Dax : 
"You have to realise, there's some things in life you can't control. And one of them is me."
to Worf
DS9 : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Dukat : 
"Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child."
to Dax
DS9 : Things Past
Quark : 
"Don't you get it? I'm not trying to rescue you. I'm taking you along as emergency rations. If you die, I'm going to eat you."
to Odo
DS9 : The Ascent
Winn : 
"I was in a Cardassian prison camp for five years. And I can remember each and very beating I suffered. And while you had your weapons to protect you, all I had was my faith and my courage."
to Kira
DS9 : Rapture
Kira : 
"He wanted to protect the innocent, and separate the darkness from the light. But he didn't realise that a light only shines in the dark."
to Odo
DS9 : The Darkness and the Light
Worf : 
"Quark may lend you the money, but remember Rule of Acquisition number one hundred and eleven. Treat people in your debt like family - exploit them."
Dax : 
"You know the Rules of Acquisition?"
Worf : 
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things."
DS9 : The Darkness and the Light
Worf : 
"Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?"
Odo : 
"It's not a beverage. It's a Changeling. Excuse me, commander."
DS9 : The Begotten
Shakaar : 
"Oh, do me a favor. Next time you have a baby, leave my girlfriend out of it, huh?"
to O'Brien
DS9 : The Begotten
Mora Pol : 
"If it wasn't for me, you'd still be sitting on a shelf somewhere in a beaker labeled 'unknown sample'."
Odd : 
"If it wasn't for me, you'd be a nobody. Starfleet wouldn't hire you to judge a science fair!"
DS9 : The Begotten
Sisko : 
"You win some, you lose some."
Dax : 
"You always had problems with the 'lose some' part of that."
DS9 : For the Uniform
Garek : 
"You know, I think that actually helped my back."
to Dukat; on being held over a rail by Dukat
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Worf : 
"You want me to sponsor your application to Starfleet Academy?"
Garak : 
"What do you think?"
Worf : 
"I... think it is a bad idea."
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Ducat : 
"The man is a heartless, cold-blooded killer."
Kira : 
"Like I said, he's a Cardassian!"
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Tain : 
"Elim. Promise me one thing."
Garak : 
"I'm listening."
Tain : 
"Don't die here. Escape. Live."
Garak : 
"Let me guess. So I can make the Dominion pay for what they've done to you."
Tain : 
"You wouldn't deny an old man his revenge, would you?"
Garak : 
"I'll do as you ask, on one condition…That you don't ask me this favor as a mentor, or a superior officer… but as a father asking his son."
Tain : 
"You're not my son."
Garak : 
"Father, you're dying. For once in your life, speak the truth."
Tain : 
"I should have killed your mother before you were born. You have always been a weakness I can't afford."
Garak : 
"So you've told me. Many times. Listen, Enabran. All I ask is that for this moment, let me be your son."
Tain : 
"Elim, remember that day…in the country. You must've been almost five."
Garak : 
"How can I forget it? It was the only day."
Tain : 
"I can still see you, on the back of that riding hound. You must've fallen off a dozen times. But you never gave up."
Garak : 
"I remember limping home…You held my hand."
Tain : 
"I was very proud of you, that day."
Tain's dying words
DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow
Kira : 
"Everyone has their reasons. That's what's so terrifying; people can find a way to justify any action, no matter how evil."
to Ziyal
DS9 : By Inferno's Light
Odo : 
"You'd shoot a man in the back?"
Garak : 
"Well, it's the safest way, isn't it?"
DS9 : By Inferno's Light
Zimmerman : 
"True love should always win."
to Leeta
DS9 : Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Bashir : 
"But you can't go through life trying to avoid getting a broken heart. If you do, it'll break from lonliness anyway."
to Odo
DS9 : A Simple Investigation
Bashir : 
"Perhaps he's become prematurely aware of life's existential isolation."
to O'Brien; on a possible reason for his baby crying
DS9 : Business as Usual
Kira : 
"They kill us, we kill them... it's nothing worth celebrating."
to Furel; regarding the Cardassians
DS9 : Ties of Blood and Water
Quark : 
"Who's winning the war?"
Dax : 
"It's too early to tell."
Quark : 
"It's been three days."
Dax : 
"Don't remind me. They found a nest."
Quark : 
"That's good."
Dax : 
"It's not the main nest."
Quark : 
"That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole on the station months ago."
Dax : 
"Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed like tribbles."
Quark : 
"But they're not as cute."
on the vole infestation
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Ishka : 
"He said I didn't really love him! That I was just using him! That I was a scheming, profit-hungry fe-male who couldn't keep her clothes off!"
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Quark : 
"What are you doing in my closet?"
Brunt : 
"Conducting official FCA business."
Quark : 
"In my closet?"
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Leeta : 
"I hate him."
Kira : 
"No, you don't."
Leeta : 
"All he loves is latinum."
Kira : 
"No, he doesn't."
Leeta : 
"Cancelling that wedding was the best thing that ever happened to me."
Kira : 
"No, it isn't."
Leeta : 
"I am so glad, he's out of my life."
Kira : 
"No, you're not."
Leeta : 
"Major, you haven't been listening to me."
Kira : 
"Yes, I have."
DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs
Leskit : 
"Today would be a bad day to die, son of Mogh. Take your Trill and go!"
to Worf; on Jadzia
DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire
Klingon Crew : 
"Hear! Sons of Kahless. Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean
The warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill.
Our lives burn short and bright.
Then we die with honor and
Join our fathers in the black fleet,
Where we battle, forever battling, on
Through the eternal fight."
translated from the Klingon
DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire
Odo : 
"I love you, Nerys. I've always loved you."
to Kira
DS9 : Children of Time
Odo : 
"And that's when Morn hit you with a barstool and ran out onto the promenade screaming 'we're all doomed!'"
to Quark
DS9 : Blaze of Glory
Garak : 
"Well it's just that lately I've noticed everyone seems to trust me. It's quite unnerving."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Empok Nor
Sisko : 
"Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that will make you smile."
in his log
DS9 : In the Cards
Sisko : 
"I promise I will not rest until I stand with you again... here, in this place where I belong."
to the Bajorans on DS9
DS9 : Call to Arms
Jake : 
"What about freedom of the press?"
Wayoun : 
"Please tell me you're not that naïve."
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Sisko : 
"How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen off Deep Space 9, except his grandson?"
Dax : 
"You'll figure something out."
on how to explain to his father that Jake insisted on staying behind
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Garak : 
"You're not genetically engineered... you're a Vulcan!"
to Bashir
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Dukat : 
"I could make things very pleasant for you here, Kira."
Kira : 
"You could start by doing something about your breath."
Dukat : 
"I'm a patient man. I can wait."
Kira : 
"Wait for what? What do you think is going to happen here, Dukat? That you're going to wear me down with your charming personality? That I'm going to be swept off my feet by that insincere smile? Are you really so deluded that you actually believe that we're going to have some kind of intimate relationship?"
Dukat : 
"Oh, we already do."
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Garak : 
"It's like having a viewscreen inside your brain."
on the Dominion virtual sensory display
DS9 : A Time to Stand
Remata'Klan : 
"It is not my life to give up, captain. And it never was."
to Sisko
DS9 : Rocks and Shoals
Martok : 
"I tell you Worf, war is much more fun when you're winning!"
to Worf
DS9 : Sons and Daughters
Quark : 
"I tried. I tried my best to run my establishment under this occupation. But you know what? It's no fun! I don't like the Cardassians, they're mean and arrogant. And I can't stand the Jem'Hadar. They're creepy, they just stand there like statues, staring at you. That's it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these people. I want the Federation back! I want to sell root beer again!"
to Kira; bemoaning the Dominion occupation of DS9
DS9 : Behind the Lines
Weyoun : 
"Gods don't make mistakes."
to Kira
DS9 : Favor the Bold
Jadzia : 
"One ship against an entire fleet? That's a helluva plan B!"
to Sisko
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels
Sisko : 
"You want to be gods? Then be gods. I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships!"
to the Prophets
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels
Martok : 
"We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the woman we fall in love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought I'd marry? She is a prideful, arrogant, mercurial woman who shares my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet... I love her deeply."
to Worf
DS9 : You are Cordially Invited...
Mirror Bariel : 
"I suppose it must be nice to have that kind of faith. I've always preferred to believe in nothing. That way I'm never disappointed."
to Kira
DS9 : Resurrection
Sisko : 
"I don't care if the odds are against us! If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting... so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of!"
to Bashir; on the war
DS9 : Statistical Probabilities
Brunt : 
"A child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together."
to Quark
DS9 : The Magnificent Ferengi
Dukat : 
"I should have killed every last one of them! I should have turned their planet into a graveyard the likes of which the galaxy had never seen! I should have killed them all!"
Sisko : 
"And that is why you're not an evil man?"
DS9 : Waltz
Sisko : 
"Is there anything I can get for you?"
Dukat : 
"Hmm. A bottle of Kanar and an Orion slave girl would be nice."
Sisko : 
"I'll see what I can do."
DS9 : Waltz
Morn : 
DS9 : Who Mourns for Morn?
Ben Sisko : 
"And if I fail..."
Joseph Sisko : 
"I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith."
DS9 : Far Beyond the Stars
Kudak'Etan : 
"Our loyalty is demonstrated by our actions, not our words."
to Lamat'Ukan
DS9 : One Little Ship
Bilby : 
"I'm going to take care of you. I don't forget my friends. Cause friends, they're like family. Nothing's more important. Nothing."
to O'Brien
DS9 : Honor Among Thieves
Worf : 
"I have a sense of humour. On the Enterprise I was considered to be quite amusing."
Dax : 
"That must have been one dull ship."
Worf : 
"That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it."
DS9 : Change of Heart
Kira Nerys : 
"We all have scars, of one kind or another."
to Kira Meru
DS9 : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Bashir : 
"You function as judge, jury and executioner. And I think that's too much power for anyone."
to Sloan; regarding Section 31
DS9 : Inquisition
Sisko : 
"I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damaging thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing, a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant."
confessing to his personal log
DS9 : In the Pale Moonlight
Quark : 
"You're not exactly the most lovable person in the galaxy. You're not even the most lovable person in this sector. Or on this station. Or even in this room."
to Odo
DS9 : His Way
Dax : 
"I had a pretty good idea what this was the moment I laid eyes on it. This confirms it. It's a slab of rock with some writing on it."
to Sisko; analysing his discovery
DS9 : The Reckoning
Nog : 
"You don't understand because you've never put on one of these uniforms. You don't know anything about sacrifice or honour or duty or any of the things that make up a soldier's life. I'm part of something larger than myself. All you care about is you."
to Jake
DS9 : Valiant
Sisko : 
"A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar?"
Rom : 
"Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha Quadrant."
Worf : 
"I cannot think of any."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Zek : 
"Boys, together we're going to reconquer an empire or die in the attempt!"
to Rom and Quark
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Quark : 
"That female happens to be my mother!"
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Rom : 
"Moogie! I was so worried."
Ishka : 
"You're a good son."
Quark : 
"I was worried too."
Ishka : 
"And you're a good liar."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Rom : 
"Nagus, you remember my son, Nog, don't you? He's the first Ferengi to join Starfleet."
Zek : 
"I'll try not to hold that against him."
on Nog
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Nilva : 
"Marry me!"
Quark as Lumba : 
"Uh, I don't think your wife would approve."
Nilva : 
"Who cares. She hasn't touched my lobes in months."
Quark as Lumba : 
"I can tell."
DS9 : Profit and Lace
Worf : 
"I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer. I have piloted starships through Dominion minefields. I have have stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size. I have courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child go to sleep!"
to Dax; on the challenges of babysitting
DS9 : Time's Orphan
O'Brien : 
"We've grown apart, the lot of us. We didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. The war changed us, pulled us apart. Lisa Cusak was my friend. But you are also my friends, and I want my friends in my life. Because one day we're going to wake up and we're going to discover that someone is missing from this circle, and on that day we're gonna mourn. And we shouldn't have to mourn alone."
to his friends
DS9 : The Sound of Her Voice
Jadzia : 
"Our baby... would've been so beautiful..."
to Worf; her last words
DS9 : Tears of the Prophets
Weyoun : 
"Romulans. So predictably treacherous!"
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Worf : 
"Sing the song."
Vic : 
"I don't think that's such a good idea."
Worf : 
"Sing the song."
Vic : 
"C'mon, pallie, why rub salt in an open wound?"
Worf : 
"You are a hologram. You are programmed to do exactly as I say. Sing the song."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Kira : 
"I just never thought I'd see a Romulan eating a jumja stick."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Bashir : 
"Miles, I don't know what to say. I'm touched."
Quark : 
"You're both touched!"
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Quark : 
"You wanna get Jadzia to Sto-vo-kor fine, fine, go for it. But can't you do something more sensible? Make a donation in her name! Or bribe someone!"
Bashir : 
"It doesn't work that way, Quark."
O'Brien : 
"It'd be nice if it did."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Ezri : 
"Hello, Benjamin."
Sisko : 
"Do I know you?"
Ezri : 
"It's me... Dax."
DS9 : Image in the Sand
Ezri : 
"I can hardly believe it myself, but I'm Dax. I mean, I'm not Jadzia Dax. I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories, not to mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's and Curzon's. Am I forgetting anyone?"
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Right. Now, you're probably asking yourself
Sisko : 
"The answers can wait. Right now I'm just glad to see you."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Jake : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Is it that surprising?"
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Sisko : 
"You arranged my birth. I exist because of you?"
Sarah : 
"The Sisko's path is a difficult one."
Sisko : 
"But why me? Why did it have to be me?"
Sarah : 
"Because it could be no one else."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Sarah : 
"The Sisko has completed his task."
Sisko : 
Sarah : 
"The Kosst Amojan no longer threatens us."
Sisko : 
"You mean the Pah-wraith? It is no longer in the wormhole?"
Sarah : 
"I have cast it out."
Sisko : 
"Is that why the Prophets sent me to Tyree? To release you from the Orb?"
Sarah : 
"The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision, but you did not waver. You fulfilled your destiny."
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Ross : 
"You can blink now, Colonel – you've won. Senator Cretak has agreed to remove the weapons from Derna."
Kira : 
"What changed her mind?"
Ross : 
"I told her, if she didn't remove them, I would."
Kira : 
"And what changed your mind?"
Ross : 
"You did... Remind me never to play poker with you."
on the Romulans backing down
DS9 : Shadows and Symbols
Ezri : 
"Now wait a minute! You have no right to tell me who I can be friends with!"
Worf : 
"If you dishonor Jadzia's memory, you will regret it. And that goes for you, too, Ferengi!"
Quark : 
"What did I do?!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it."
DS9 : Afterimage
Quark : 
"You're a therapist?"
Ezri : 
"Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?"
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Perhaps I should have a talk with him,"
Sisko : 
"Absolutely not. You intimidate him."
Ezri : 
Sisko : 
"Don't tell him I told you."
Ezri : 
"I intimidate Worf?"
Sisko : 
"You like that, don't you?"
DS9 : Afterimage
O'Brien : 
"Julian swears there's nothing going on between him and Ezri. There's no reason for you to be jealous."
Worf : 
"This has nothing to do with jealousy! I know that Doctor Bashir cared for Jadzia, but this woman is not Jadzia, and treating her as if she were dishonors her memory."
O'Brien : 
"Wrong. Treating Ezri like a stranger dishonors Jadzia's memory."
DS9 : Afterimage
Jake : 
"She is cute."
Ben : 
"She's also about three hundred years too old for you."
on Ezri
DS9 : Afterimage
Odo : 
"Will you come to dinner with us?"
Ezri : 
"Please, I don't want to intrude..."
Kira : 
"Honestly, it's fine. It'll take some pressure off me. All he does is sit and count how many times I chew."
Odo asks Ezri to dinner with him and Kira
DS9 : Afterimage
Ezri : 
"Stop it, Benjamin! I thought you of all people would understand."
Sisko : 
"I do understand. And you're right. You don't deserve the Dax symbiont. Quite frankly, you don't deserve to wear that uniform! I'll pass this on to Starfleet Command. Dismissed!"
DS9 : Afterimage
Sisko : 
"It's been a long time."
Solok : 
"Ten years, two months, five days."
Sisko : 
"You mean you don't know it to the minute?"
Solok : 
"Of course I do.. But Humans are often irked by such precision. Especially the more emotional Humans."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"Which is why when their captain challenged us to a contest of courage, teamwork, and sacrifice, I accepted on your behalf."
Worf : 
"We will destroy them."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Quark : 
"I hope you learned your lesson."
Rom : 
"Always look behind you before swinging a bat."
as Quark is treated for a fractured skull
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"War is an inefficient business."
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Solok : 
"Computer, eliminate the spectators."
after hearing Sisko's request
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Sisko : 
"Alright, Niners, let's hear some chatter."
Kasidy : 
"Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter."
Leeta : 
"Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter."
Worf : 
"Death to the opposition!"
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Ezri : 
"Did I forget to wear my spots today?"
Quark : 
"All that intelligence and he still doesn't know what a Human looks like!"
on Solok calling Ezri a Human
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bashir : 
"Sarina? What are you looking at?"
 Speaking slowly
Sarina : 
after her surgery
DS9 : Chrysalis
Bashir : 
"Sarina, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"
Sarina : 
"It wasn't hard. Your access code only has six digits."
DS9 : Chrysalis
O'Brien : 
"Julian, why don't you show everybody how much you love me and order the next round?"
to Bashir
DS9 : Chrysalis
Jack : 
"The fact is that the universe is going to stop expanding and it is going to collapse in on itself. We've got to do something before it's too late."
Patrick : 
"How much time do we have left?"
Jack : 
"Sixty trillion years, seventy at the most."
Patrick : 
"Oh, no."
DS9 : Chrysalis
Ezri : 
"I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself."
DS9 : Chrysalis
O'Brien : 
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Nog : 
"Chief, I can't operate under those kinds of restrictions."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Odd : 
"I don't think the universe is ready for two Weyouns."
Weyoun : 
"I couldn't agree more."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Damar : 
"Clones. Keeping track of them is a full-time job."
to Weyoun
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Odo : 
"Has it ever occurred to you that you believe the Founders are gods because that's what they want you to believe? That they built that into your genetic code?"
Weyoun : 
"Of course they did. That's what gods do. After all, why be a god if there's no one to worship you?"
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Damar : 
"We spotted a Federation runabout spying on our base in the Olmerak system."
Female Changeling : 
"Surely one ship shouldn't be much of a threat."
Weyoun : 
"We'll have it destroyed within the hour."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Weyoun : 
"It's just such an honor to be with a g… clears throat a security officer."
to Odo; he was going to say God
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Kira : 
"This isn't easy for you, but you have to remember, they started this war. You didn't."
Odo : 
"That's true. But I know now, whichever side wins, one thing is certain, I'm going to lose."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Kor : 
"Savour the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste... when it is fresh from the vine. But don't live too long. The taste turns bitter after a time."
to The Klingons
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Martok : 
"I've hated his name for almost thirty years. I've dreamt of the moment when I would finally see him stripped of his rank and title, when he would suddenly find himself without a friend in the world, without the power of his birthright. Well, I've had that moment now. And I took no joy from it."
to Worf; on Kors failing memory
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Darok : 
"The food is for me. I haven't eaten in hours. Men of our generation never stood on ceremony. We ate when we were hungry, we fought when we were angered. Oh, I miss the simplicity of those days."
to Kor
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Worf : 
"The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died the death of a hero. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man... and it does not matter how he died."
to Bashir
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Martok : 
"To Kor - the Dahar master. A noble warrior to the end!"
to Crew
DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach
Quark : 
"Let me tell you something about hewmons, nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time, and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people will become as nasty and violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes. You know I'm right, don't you? Well? Aren't you going to say something? "
Nog : 
"I feel sorry for the Jem'Hadar."
DS9 : The Siege of AR-558
Kira : 
"I've always found that when people try to convince others of their beliefs it's because they're really just trying to convince themselves."
DS9 : Covenant
Benyan : 
"The Master told us you wouldn't approve of our beliefs. He said we should be patient with you."
Kira : 
"Don't go out of your way."
DS9 : Covenant
Fala : 
"You believe the Prophets are the true gods of Bajor. I believe the Pah-wraiths are. Let's just leave it at that."
Kira : 
"I'd be happy to. There's just one problem
DS9 : Covenant
Benyan : 
"This is his child! That's why you tried to kill Mika!!"
Dukat : 
"The Pah-wraiths have forgiven my sins! They've given me their absolution! Who are you to presume they're wrong?! Who are you to judge me?!! Then it's done! Our covenant is broken! None of you will ever know the love of the Pah-wraiths!! None of you!!"
DS9 : Covenant
Rom : 
"He's a one legged crazy man!"
on the new Nog
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"She called you a hero, and for that you slugged your best friend? Remind me never to give you a compliment."
after the incident in the lounge
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"You all right?"
Jake : 
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Vic : 
"And you, take a hike."
Nog : 
Vic : 
"You heard me. You don't come into my club and start hitting customers like that. Now get out before I throw you out."
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Vic : 
"Look kid, I don't know what's going to happen to you out there. All I can tell you is that you've got to play the cards life deals you. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but at least you're in the game."
to Nog
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Leeta : 
"Are you okay?
Nog : 
"No, but I will be."
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon
Kira : 
"There are varieties of gagh?"
Ezri : 
"Oh, yes. I can remember what each one tastes like... and the way they... move when you swallow them. Torgud gagh wiggles. Filden gagh squirms. Meshta gagh jumps. ... Bithool gagh has feet. ... Wistan gagh is packed in targ blood... I have to go now."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"I haven't talked to my mother in almost six months."
Sisko : 
Ezri : 
"Last time I saw her was just after I was joined. She came to visit me on Trill and I was still a little confused... When she walked into my room, I put on a big smile, looked her right in the eye and said
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Ezri : 
"Hello mother."
Yanas Tigan : 
"I hate your hair."
DS9 : Prodigal Daughter
Rom : 
"It looks like Deep Space 9 to me."
Quark : 
"I suppose a cargo bay… is a cargo bay, no matter what universe you're in."
an in joke on the reuse of the set
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Mirror Ezri : 
"My name's not Dax!"
Bashir : 
"Oh, oh, I get it! Your clothes, the knife, this aggressive attitude, it's all role-playing! Call me 'Shmun'!"
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Rom : 
"I told you cloaking the cloaking device was a good idea."
Quark : 
"Brilliant. But couldn't we've done something about its weight?"
Rom : 
"Nope. But if it makes you feel any better, the cloaking device on the Defiant is a lot heavier."
Quark : 
"Tell it to my hernia."
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Zek : 
"Oh, let her go. There's something about that woman I find intoxicating."
to Intendant Kira
DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak
Ezri : 
"Tell me, why did you do it?"
Chu'lak : 
'Because logic demanded it."
On his reasons for becoming a mass murderer
DS9 : Field of Fire
Quark : 
"Watch your step, Odo. We're at war with your people. This is no time for a 'Changeling Pride' demonstration on the promenade."
DS9 : Chimera
Quark : 
"We humanoids are the product of millions of years of evolution. Our ancestors learned the hard way that what you don't know might kill you. They wouldn't have survived if they hadn't jumped back when they encountered a snake coiled in the muck. And now millions of years later, that instinct is still there."
DS9 : Chimera
Laas : 
"Mine's bigger."
DS9 : Chimera
Odo : 
"You've done many things, been many things, but you've never known love."
Laas : 
"Compared to the Link, it is a pale shadow. A feeble attempt to compensate for the isolation that mono-forms feel because they are trapped within themselves."
Odo : 
"Perhaps the fact that it's not easy is what makes it worthwhile."
DS9 : Chimera
O'Brien : 
"Maybe there's a pointer fault in the holosuite's parameter file."
trying to explain the sudden changes in Vic's
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Tony Cicci : 
"So, where are you from again?"
Odo : 
Tony Cicci : 
"That's in Jersey, right?"
Odo : 
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Bashir : 
"Vodka martini. Stirred, not shaken."
the opposite way from James Bond
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Vic : 
"Now, that's more like it."
after the holoprogram reverts
DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Sloan : 
"Let's make a deal, Doctor. I'll spare you the 'ends justify the means' speech and you spare me the 'we must do what's right' speech. You and I are not going to see eye to eye on this subject, so I suggest we stop discussing it."
to Bashir
DS9 : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Sloan : 
"The Federation needs men like you, Doctor. Men of conscience, men of principle... men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong."
to Bashir
DS9 : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
O'Brien : 
"Personally I don't know what Jadzia ever saw in the man."
Bashir : 
"Well, his brains."
on Captain Boday who has a transparent skull
DS9 : Penumbra
Sarah : 
"You are the Sisko. You are part of me."
Sisko : 
"If that's true, if you really do care about me, if you consider me your son, then let me have this!"
Sarah : 
"It is not for you to have. There are many tasks still ahead of you. Accept your fate. Your greatest trial is about to begin. Don't be afraid. All will be as it should be."
Sisko : 
Sarah : 
"Stay on the path, Benjamin."
DS9 : Penumbra
Worf : 
"This is intolerable! They have us caged up like animals!"
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Ross : 
"By the power vested in me by the United Federation of Planets, I pronounce you husband and wife."
to Benjamin Sisko and Kasidy Yates
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Weyoun : 
"You should be honored. You're witnessing an historic moment. The birth of the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen. Changes everything, doesn't it?"
to Worf and Ezri
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Martok : 
"But enough about the war with the Dominion; I want to hear about the war at home! You've just married that freighter captain, didn't you?"
Sisko : 
Martok : 
"Then war has broken out… whether you know it or not. A long, grueling, intoxicating war!"
discussing marriage
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"You can't be serious."
Weyoun : 
"I'm always serious."
after he "asks" her and Worf for help in interpreting their mind probes
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Damar : 
"Well, hello!"
Weyoun : 
"I'm glad to see you find the death of my predecessor so amusing."
Damar : 
"Oh, you misjudge me. I miss him deeply. Here, let's drink to Weyoun 7!"
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Ezri : 
"Am I supposed to be embarrassed because Jadzia had a few lovers before you?"
Worf : 
"A few?"
Ezri : 
"You're right. It was more than a few. It was dozens. Hundreds. In fact, I don't think there was anyone aboard DS9 who wasn't her lover!"
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Dukat : 
"Go. Crawl back to your Prophets. Beg their forgiveness. Live the rest of your life… in Sisko's shadow!!"
to Winn
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"I realize Jadzia saw physical love very differently than I do. To her it could mean many things, but to me it is a deeply spiritual act. When I made love to you, my motives were not spiritual. It was an unworthy impulse."
Ezri : 
"Worf, we're not gods or Prophets. We're people. We make mistakes. There is one other thing I want you to know. I honestly didn't realize how I felt about Julian. I would have never hidden something like that from you."
Worf : 
"I believe you. And I do not hold any malice toward you or Doctor Bashir."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Worf : 
"Why should we trust you?"
Damar : 
"You can either trust me, or you can stay here and be executed."
Ezri : 
"I vote for option one."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Winn : 
"I'm a patient woman, but I have run out of patience. I will no longer serve gods who give me nothing in return. I am ready to walk the path the Pah-wraiths have laid out for me."
Dukat : 
"I'll walk with you. And no one will be able to stand against us."
Winn : 
"Those who dare to try, the Federation and its vedek puppets, the false gods and their precious Emissary, they'll all be swept aside like dead leaves before an angry wind."
DS9 : Strange Bedfellows
Damar : 
"...And so two years ago, our government signed a treaty with the Dominion. In it the Dominion promised to extend Cardassia's influence throughout the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join the war against the Federation and its allies. Cardassians have never been afraid of war, a fact we've proven time and again over these past two years. Seven million of our brave soldiers have given their lives to fulfill our part of the agreement, and what has the Dominion done in return? Nothing. We've gained no new territories. In fact, our influence throughout the quadrant has diminished. And to make matters worse, we are no longer masters in our own home. Travel anywhere on Cardassia and what do you find? Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and now Breen. Instead of the invaders, we have become the invaded. Our 'allies' have conquered us without firing a single shot. Well, no longer. This morning detachments of the Cardassian First, Third and Ninth Orders attacked the Dominion outpost on Rondac III. This assault marks the first step towards the liberation of our homeland, from the true oppressors of the Alpha Quadrant. I call upon Cardassians everywhere. Resist. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil!"
declaring rebellion against the Dominion
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Martok : 
"We must give the enemy credit. To launch an attack against Starfleet Headquarters. Even my people never attempted that."
to Sisko; on the Breen
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Dukat : 
"There. You see? The Pah-wraiths have judged you and found you worthy. Their secrets are now your secrets to do with as you please. Take their gift and use it. Seize the power they're offering you!"
to Winn; on reading the Book of the Kosst Amojan
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Sisko : 
"She's a fine ship."
on the Defiant
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Weyoun : 
"Poor Captain Sisko. I believe he was quite fond of that ship."
after the Defiant is destroyed
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Female Changeling : 
"I have no idea what would please the Breen, nor do I care! All that matters is that they fight and win!"
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Solbor : 
"Eminence, that man is not Anjohl Tennan!"
Winn : 
"What are you talking about?"
Solbor : 
"Anjohl Tennan died nine years ago in the labor camp at Batal. I warned you not to trust him. I had a sample of his DNA sequenced. He's not even a Bajoran. He's a Cardassian!"
on Dukat
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Sisko : 
"Legate Damar may be the key to saving the entire Alpha Quadrant."
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Kira : 
"Damar and Garak... should be an interesting mission."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Odo : 
"Doctor, get to the point."
Bashir : 
"I need to borrow a cup of goo."
Odo : 
"Excuse me?"
Bashir : 
"I'll give it back!"
DS9 : When it Rains...
Ross : 
"Well, gentlemen, it seems as if the Klingon fleet is the only thing that stands between us and the Dominion."
Velal : 
"What have we come to?"
DS9 : When it Rains...
Winn : 
"Remember your place, Dukat!"
Dukat : 
"I thought my place was in your bed."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Dukat : 
"Adami, I'm not the same man I was during the Occupation. The Pah-wraiths have changed me."
Winn : 
"But they can't change what you did. Do you really think I could let myself be touched by a man whose hands are stained with the blood of my people?"
Dukat : 
"When we do release the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves, your hands will be stained as well."
Winn : 
"The Pah-wraiths will spare those they find worthy. The rest are of no consequence."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Winn : 
"I warned you! The text of the Kosst Amojan is for my eyes alone!"
to Dukat
DS9 : When it Rains...
Bashir : 
"Section 31 must have created the virus, infected Odo, and then used him as a carrier."
O'Brien : 
"So that when he linked with another Changeling, he'd pass it on, and eventually the entire race would be infected."
Bashir : 
"31 isn't just trying to stop us from finding a cure. They're trying to cover up the fact that they set out to commit genocide."
O'Brien : 
"Well, if they gave Odo this disease, then they must have a cure."
Bashir : 
"We have to find a way to get our hands on that cure."
O'Brien : 
"Before 31 gets their hands on us."
DS9 : When it Rains...
Sisko : 
"This entire operation has been a waste of resources, men and equipment. The blame lies with the man who ordered the mission in the first place, not the man who tried to carry it out!"
to Gowron
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
O'Brien : 
"Julian, it's time to face facts. You're not gonna pull a rabbit out of your med kit."
to Bashir
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Female Changeling : 
"Exactly. If our cloning facilities were operational, I would eliminate this Weyoun immediately."
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Ezri : 
"I think that the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying, and I think it deserves to die."
Worf : 
"You're right. I do not like it!"
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Ezri : 
"Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man I have ever met and if you're willing to accept men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the Empire?"
to Worf
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Gowron : 
"You will not have this... day..."
his last words
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Martok : 
"Hail, Worf! Leader of the Empire!"
after Worf kills Gowron
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Rusot : 
"You're still a Cardassian, Garak. You're not going to kill one of your own people for a Bajoran woman."
Garak : 
"How little you understand me."
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Damar : 
"He was my friend. But his Cardassia is dead and it won't be coming back."
after killing Rusot
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Sisko : 
"Genocide – committed by people who call themselves Federation citizens."
after learning of Sections 31's plans to wipe out the Changelings
DS9 : Extreme Measures
Bashir : 
"Remember these? Romulan mind probes. Not the most pleasant devices, but very efficient."
Sloan : 
"They're also illegal in the Federation."
Bashir : 
"Oh, I hope you can appreciate the irony of that statement."
DS9 : Extreme Measures
Sloan : 
"I misread you. I thought you were just a misguided idealist. But you're a dangerous man. People like you would destroy the Federation. Fortunately, there are people like me who are willing to die in order to protect it."
to Bashir
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"Hey Julian, the next time you take a trip inside someone's mind, you're going on your own."
to Bashir
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"Aha! Here we go. I knew Quark was hoarding a bottle of the good stuff."
Bashir : 
"This is older than I am."
O'Brien : 
"What? I'm drinking with a child."
DS9 : Extreme Measures
O'Brien : 
"I don't get it. He's interested, she's interested... what's the problem?"
Worf : 
"He is an overgrown child and she is very... confused."
O'Brien : 
"It could still work."
discussing Julian and Ezri
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Damar : 
"The glamour of being a revolutionary."
while hiding in a basement
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Sisko : 
"Hello, ship."
to The New Defiant
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Brunt : 
"It's never too early to suck up to the boss!"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"I won't preside over the demise of Ferengi civilization! The line has to be drawn here! This far, and no further!"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"This is insane. You ACTUALLY want Rom to be Nagus?"
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Rom : 
"You're my brother."
Quark : 
"And YOU'RE an idiot! But I love ya."
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Sisko : 
"If we do nothing the Dominion could sit behind that perimeter for the next five years rearming themselves. And when they're ready to come out... God help us all."
DS9 : The Dogs of War
Quark : 
"It's like I said, the more things change, the more they stay the same."
to Morn; the last words said in the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"My loyal Weyoun. The only solid I have ever trusted."
to Weyoun
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"I want the Cardassians exterminated."
Weyoun : 
"Which ones?"
Female Founder : 
"All of them. The entire population."
Weyoun : 
"That will take some time."
Female Founder : 
"Then I suggest you begin at once."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Admiral Ross : 
"Four hundred years ago, a victorious general spoke the following words at the end of another costly war. 'Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph. From both we have learned there can be no going back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we've won in war.'"
quoting General Douglas McArthur
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"You may win this war, commander, but I promise you, when it is over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your "victory" will taste as bitter as defeat."
to Kira
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Martok : 
"This is a moment worth savouring. To victory, hard fought and well earned."
 Notices that Sisko and Ross are not drinking
Martok : 
"What's wrong?"
Sisko : 
"Suddenly I'm not thirsty."
Ross : 
"Neither am I."
Martok : 
"Before you waste too many tears, remember, these are Cardassians lying dead at your feet. Bajorans would call this poetic justice."
Sisko : 
"That doesn't mean I have to drink a toast over their bodies."
Martok : 
"Humans. Pah. Ka DiJaQ."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Garak : 
"You've been such a good friend. I'm going to miss our lunches together."
Bashir : 
"I'm sure we'll see each other again."
Garak : 
"I'd like to think so, but one can never say. We live in uncertain times."
Garak's last words in the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Bashir : 
"The Battle of Thermopylae. Do you know it? Well, it's about a force of Spartans led by King Leonidas, who defend a mountain pass against a vast army of Persians.
Ezri : 
"What happens then?"
Bashir : 
"For two days, the Spartans lead a heroic struggle."
Ezri : 
"Until they're wiped out."
Bashir : 
"Yes. How'd you know?"
Ezri : 
"Lucky guess. I take it we'll be the Spartans?"
Bashir : 
"Fighting to the last man."
Ezri : 
"Just like the Alamo."
Bashir : 
Ezri : 
"Have you talked to a counsellor about these annihilation fantasies?"
Bashir : 
"Do you think I should?"
Ezri : 
"I'll set up a session for you tomorrow."
Bashir : 
"What about tonight?"
Ezri : 
"Tonight we defend the pass."
Their last lines of the series
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Martok : 
"An Ambassador who'll go targ hunting with me! Well, perhaps being Chancellor won't be so bad after all!"
to Worf
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Odo : 
"The Klingon and Romulan Empires are in no shape to wage a war against anyone. Besides, the Federation wouldn't allow it."
Female Founder : 
"The Dominion has spent the last two years trying to destroy the Federation, and now you're asking me to put our fate in their hands?"
Odo : 
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Weyoun : 
"Tell me, where's my old friend Damar?"
Garak : 
"Damar's dead."
Weyoun : 
"What a pity."
Garak : 
"He died trying to free Cardassia."
Weyoun : 
"What's left of it."
 Garak shoots Weyoun.
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Damar : 
to Garak; his last words
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Dukat : 
"Benjamin, please. We've known each other too long. And since this is the last time we will ever be together, let's try to speak honestly. We've both had victories and our defeats. Now it's time to resolve our differences and face the ultimate truth. I've won, Benjamin. You've lost."
Sisko : 
"The Pah wraith will never conquer anything. Not Bajor. Not the Celestial Temple. And certainly not the Alpha Quadrant.
Dukat : 
"And who's going to stop us?"
Sisko : 
"I am."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Janeway : 
"Most of the species we've encountered have overcome all kinds of adversity without a caretaker. It's the challenge of surviving on their own that helps them to evolve."
to the Caretaker
VOY : Caretaker
EMH : 
"So it begins. The trivia of medicine is my domain now. Every runny nose, stubbed toe, pimple on a cheek becomes my responsibility."
to Kes; bemoaning his having to perform routine medical functions
VOY : Parallax
EMH : 
"Missing? The captain is missing? It seems I've found myself on a Voyage of the Damned. Very well, please advise the highest ranking officer who is not missing to see me at his earliest convenience."
to Neelix
VOY : Time and Again
EMH : 
"I'm a doctor, Mister Neelix, not a decorator."
to Neelix; the first of many
VOY : Phage
EMH : 
"A nebula? What were we doing in a nebula? No wait, don't tell me. We were 'investigating'. That's all we do around here. Why pretend we're going home at all, all we're going to do is 'investigate' every cubic millimetre of this quadrant, aren't we?"
to Torres
VOY : The Cloud
EMH : 
"There's one more request... something of a personal nature... I would like... a name."
to Kes; and he never did get one.
VOY : Eye of the Needle
Tom Paris : 
"Her eyes were a million kilometers away, staring at stars I'd flown by the day before."
doing a horrific Film Noir attempt
VOY : Ex Post Facto
Loria : 
"I don't know who you are or where you come from, but you stay away from my husband!"
to Kim; That didn't come across as gay at all, did it? Nooooo, not even a little bit
VOY : Emanations
Janeway : 
"It's the first time we've been on the other side of the fence. How many times have we been in the position of refusing to interfere when some kind of disaster threatened an alien culture? It's all very well to say we do it on the basis of an enlightened principle. But how does that feel to the aliens?"
to her staff
VOY : Prime Factors
Janeway : 
"You can use logic to justify almost anything. That's its power. And its flaw."
to Tuvok
VOY : Prime Factors
Tuvok : 
"On the contrary, the demands on a Vulcan's character are extraordinarily difficult. Do not mistake composure for ease."
to Chakotay
VOY : State of Flux
Chakotay : 
"Every culture has its demons... they embody the darkest emotions of its people. Giving them physical form in heoric literature is a way of exploring those feelings."
to Tuvok
VOY : Heroes and Demons
EMH : 
"Mister Neelix, just because a man changes his drink order doesn't mean he's posessed by an alien."
to Neelix
VOY : Cathexis
Torres : 
"That's the way you respond to every situation, isn't it? If it doesn't work, hit it! If it's in your way, knock it down!"
to Torres
VOY : Faces
Neelix : 
"I forgive you."
to Jetrel
VOY : Jetrel
Torres : 
"Get the cheese to sickbay, the Doctor should look at it as soon as possible."
says one of the sillier Voyager lines
VOY : Learning Curve
Chakotay : 
"It doesn't matter what you're made of, what matters is who you are. You're our friend and we want you back."
to the EMH
VOY : Projections
Tuvok : 
"My children occupy a significant portion of my thoughts, now more than ever."
to Neelix
VOY : Elogium
Tuvok : 
"When every logical course of action is exhausted, the only option that remains is inaction."
to Chakotay; advising him to do nothing
VOY : Twisted
Chakotay : 
"It is a tempting prospect, but when I hold it up against the prospect of seeing the sunrise over the Arizona desert, or swimming in the gulf of Mexico on a summer's day, there's just no comparison. I want to go home."
to Janeway; on settling in the delta quadrant
VOY : The 37's
Kar : 
"You should have let me die."
Chakotay : 
"I'm not in the habit of killing children."
VOY : Initiations
Chakotay : 
"Why are you so eager for me to kill you?"
to Kar
VOY : Initiations
Chakotay : 
"What's so different about us? Aside from the fact that I keep saving your life and you keep threatening to kill me."
to Kar
VOY : Initiations
Kar : 
"You won't stop me from earning my name, Federation."
Chakotay : 
"Not Federation! Chakotay. That's my name."
VOY : Initiations
Kim : 
"You once told me that you used to treat life like one big game. Rules, players, winners, losers... you never took any of it seriously, until you lost."
to Paris
VOY : Non Sequitur
EMH : 
"You should consider it a high complement. Throughout history men have fought over the love of a woman. Why, I can quote you autopsy reports from duels as far back as 1538."
to Kes
VOY : Parturition
Bothan : 
"You're a powerful little thing. I must say, you surprised me."
to Kes
VOY : Persistence of Vision
Paris : 
"It's not even tempting."
to Janeway; when she urges urges him not to look at the viewscreen were an image of his father is yelling at him
VOY : Persistence of Vision
Janeway : 
"Why did you do this to us?"
Bothan : "Because I can."
VOY : Persistence of Vision
EMH : 
"I don't have a life, I have a program."
VOY : Tattoo
EMH : 
"Choose the word that would best describe your pain; burning, throbbing, piercing, pinching, biting, stinging, shooting…"
to Samantha Wildman
VOY : Tattoo
Kim : 
"Can we go to low warp?"
Paris : 
"The ship might make it without inertial dampers but we'll all be stains on the back wall."
VOY : Tattoo
Tuvok : 
"Without the darkness, how would we recognise the light?"
to Kes
VOY : Cold Fire
Chakotay : 
"Flattery, devotion, sex... I thought she had a lot to offer a man."
to Culluh; on Seska
VOY : Maneuvers
Seska : 
"Hello, Chakotay. Congratulations on your victory. I look forward to our next meeting. Oh, and there's something you should know. While you were unconscious, I took the liberty of extracting a sample of your DNA. I impregnated myself with it. So, I guess more congratulations are in order. You're going to be a father."
to Chakotay
VOY : Maneuvers
Janeway : 
"I'm putting you on report, in case that means anything anymore."
Chakotay : 
"It means something to me, Captain. It means I've let you down... and for that I'm truly sorry."
VOY : Maneuvers
Caylem : 
"Shh, shh. Don't worry. Everything's all right now. My little girl is home."
to Janeway
VOY : Resistance
Tuvok : 
"Vulcans are capable of suppressing certain levels of physical pain. Beyond that, we must simply endure the experience."
to Torres; on being tortured
VOY : Resistance
Janeway : 
"Who are we to swoop in, play god, and then continue on our way without the slightest consideration of the long term effects of our actions?"
to Torres
VOY : Prototype
Janeway : 
"In a part of space where there are few rules, it's more important than ever that we hold fast to our own."
to Chakotay
VOY : Alliances
Janeway : 
"Can you wake him?"
EMH : 
"I don't see why not. WAKE UP, LIEUTENANT!'"
on Paris
VOY : Threshold
Kim : 
"In principle, if you were ever to reach warp 10, you'd be traveling at infinite velocity."
Neelix : 
"Infinite velocity, got it. So, that means very fast."
VOY : Threshold
Janeway : 
"If this works, you'll be joining an elite group of pilots. Orville Wright, Neil Armstrong, Zefram Cochrane… and Tom Paris."
Paris : 
"I kind of like the way that sounds."
VOY : Threshold
Kim : 
"If Voyager achieved warp ten, we could be home in as long as it takes to push a button."
Neelix : 
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Transwarp engines are stable, so are the nacelle pylons. I'm going to try to… Oh my God!"
reporting in while travelling at warp 10
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"You are losing me, aren't you? I'm gonna die."
EMH : 
"You are too stubborn to die, Mr. Paris."
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Here lies Thomas Eugene Paris, beloved mutant."
out loud in sickbay
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"Great! Now it will read '…beloved radioactive mutant'!"
after the EMH initiated radiation therapy
VOY : Threshold
Paris : 
"I lost my virginity in that room. Seventeen. Parents were away for the weekend."
EMH : 
"I'll note that in your medical file."
VOY : Threshold
Janeway : 
"I've thought about having children, but I must say I never considered having them with you."
to Paris; after the EMH restores their DNA
VOY : Threshold
EMH : 
"It's possible that Mr. Paris represents a future stage in Human development… although I can't say it's very attractive."
VOY : Threshold
Suder : 
"If you can't control the violence, the violence controls you."
to Tuvok
VOY : Meld
Paris : 
"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the first person, I get worried."
to Torres
VOY : Dreadnought
Tuvok : 
"I am curious. Have the Q always had an absence of manners? Or is it the result of some natural evolutionary process that comes with omnipotence?"
to Quinn
VOY : Death Wish
EMH : 
"I'm not just working anymore, I'm living."
to Danara
VOY : Lifesigns
EMH : 
"I'm a doctor, not a performer."
VOY : Investigations
Paris : 
"Hello, Seska. You're looking radiantly maternal."
to Seska
VOY : Investigations
Neelix : 
"I hear you're leaving the ship."
Paris : 
"Good news travels fast, I guess."
VOY : Investigations
Paris : 
"I know that I've been acting like a jerk for the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I had to behave that way if the spy was going to believe that I really wanted to leave the ship. So, I'd like to apologize to anyone that I might have offended... especially Commander Chakotay, I gave him a pretty hard time. Not that it wasn't a certain amount of fun, mind you."
VOY : Investigations
EMH : 
"I am programmed to be heroic when the need arises."
to Kim
VOY : Deadlock
Janeway : 
"Mister Kim, we're Starfleet Officers. Weird is part of the job"
to Kim
VOY : Deadlock
Tuvok : 
"We often fear what we don't understand. Our best defence is knowledge."
to Tressa
VOY : Innocence
Janeway : 
"You know as well as I do that fear exists for one purpose, to be conquered."
to the Clown
VOY : The Thaw
Tuvok : 
"That lovely tune is a traditional funeral dirge"
Neelix : 
"I know... but it was the, ah, the most cheerful I could find in the Vulcan Database."
VOY : Tuvix
Tuvok : 
"Do you think you could possibily behave a little less like yourself?"
to Neelix
VOY : Tuvix
Chakotay : 
"I can tell you a story, an ancient legend among my people. It's about an angry warrior who lived his life in conflict with the rest of his tribe. A man who couldn't find peace, even with the help of his spirit guide. For years he struggled with his discontent. The only satisfaction he ever got came when he was in battle. That made him a hero among his tribe, but the warrior still longed for peace within himself. One day, he and his war party were captured by a neighbouring tribe led by a woman warrior. She called on him to join her tribe because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself from all its enemies. The woman warrior was brave and beautiful and very wise. The angry warrior swore to himself that he would stay by her side, doing whatever he could to make her burden lighter. From that point on, her needs would come first. And in that way, the warrior began to know the true meaning of peace."
Janeway : 
"Is that really an ancient legend?"
Chakotay : 
"No. But that made it easier to say."
VOY : Resolutions
Janeway : 
"It feels like we're being pecked to death by ducks!"
to Chakotay; on the many Kazon attacks
VOY : Basics, Part 1
Neelix : 
"It's my fault. If I hadn't told Hogan to pick up those bones."
Kes : 
"You shouldn't blame yourself."
Janeway : 
"Stop it. There is no time to worry about blame. Hogan was a fine officer and a good man. And our job is to make sure that his death is the last one for a very long time. I will not let this planet destroy my crew."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
EMH : 
"I'm a doctor, not a counter-insurgent."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Janeway : 
"Huddle together in groups, that'll preserve body heat. This is no time to be shy."
to the shivering crew
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Chakotay : 
"Trapped on a barren planet, and you're stuck with the only Indian in the universe who can't start a fire by rubbing two sticks together."
to Janeway
VOY : Basics, Part 2
EMH : 
"One hologram and one sociopath may not be much of a match for the Kazon, but… we'll have to do."
to Suder
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Seska : 
"You're more talented in the art of deception than you led me to believe."
EMH : 
"I was inspired by the presence of a master."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Seska : 
"I won't play these games with a trick of light."
EMH : 
"Sticks and stones won't break my bones, so you can imagine how I feel about being called names."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Neelix : 
"The other two seem to be trying to figure out what to make of us... In a manner of speaking, not in a culinary sense, I hope."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
EMH : 
"You would have been proud of him, Mr. Tuvok."
Tuvok : 
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr. Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life."
VOY : Basics, Part 2
Janeway : 
"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today. But I have to admit, I would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that."
to Tuvok; re the original series officers
VOY : Flashback
Sulu : 
"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with, a sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble, and I'm going to help them. Let the regulations be damned."
to Tuvok
VOY : Flashback
Sulu : 
"Mister Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have to learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humour, because I know better."
to Tuvok
VOY : Flashback
Paris : 
"You want to know what I remember? Somebody saying 'this man is my friend. Nobody touches him.' I'll remember that for a long time."
to Kim
VOY : The Chute
Zimmerman hologram : 
"I'm a diagnostic tool, not an Engineer."
to Kes
VOY : The Swarm
Koll : 
"What are we going to do?"
Arridor : 
"What a Ferengi always does in a situation this grave."
Koll : 
Arridor : 
"No, you idiot! He goes to the Rules of Acquisition. Unabridged and fully annotated with all 47 commentaries, all 900 major and minor judgments, all 10,000 considered opinions. There's a rule for every conceivable situation."
VOY : False Profits
Arridor : 
"I told you there was no rule."
Koll : 
"Then it's time to invoke the unwritten rule."
Arridor : 
"The unwritten rule?"
Koll : 
"When no appropriate rule applies… make one up."
Arridor : 
"That's a very good rule."
VOY : False Profits
Koll : 
Arridor : 
"What is it now?"
Koll : 
"We had seven years of pure profit."
Arridor : 
"We did, didn't we?"
while being burned
VOY : False Profits
Torres : 
"Nothing is impossible if you want it badly enough."
to Dathan
VOY : Remember
Janeway : 
"There's a difference between respecting the spiritual beliefs of other cultures and embracing them myself."
to Old Man
VOY : Sacred Ground
Robinson : 
"Who are you people? And what is that thing in your pants?"
to Tuvok; it was his tricorder
VOY : Future's End, Part 1
Robinson : 
"Tuvok, has anybody ever told you you're a real freakasaurus?"
to Tuvok
VOY : Future's End, Part 2
Kes : 
"I can't help wondering whether I could have fought harder."
Tuvok : 
"It was your absolute refusal to surrender which defeated him. You cannot ask more of yourself than that."
VOY : Warlord
Demmas : 
"Yes, but how close would you have to get to use this device?"
EMH : 
"To be fully effective, it would have to come in direct contact with her skin."
Demmas : 
"If I could get anywhere near her, I'd use a thoron rifle to be absolutely sure."
VOY : Warlord
Female Q : 
"What are you doing with that dog? I'm not talking about the puppy!"
to Q; regarding the puppy on Janeway's lap
VOY : The Q and the Grey
Janeway : 
"I may never put my hands on my hips again."
Neelix : 
"You had no way of knowing you were making one of the worst insults possible."
VOY : Macrocosm
EMH : 
"As for the larger versions of the virus... what I have termed the macrovirus... I would suggest a flyswatter."
to Janeway
VOY : Macrocosm
Tak Tak : "Good health."
 after terminating communication
Janeway : 
"Good health."
with her hands on her hips
VOY : Macrocosm
Janeway : 
"You can't just walk away from your responsibilities because you made a mistake."
to Neelix
VOY : Fair Trade
Tuvok : 
"Kal-toh is to chess as chess is to tic-tac-toe."
VOY : Alter Ego
Marayna : 
"Are you two friends?"
Kim : 
Tuvok : 
answering at the same time
VOY : Alter Ego
Vorik : 
"I have already taken the liberty of reserving a table, Lieutenant, with a view of the lakeside. You did express a fondness for that particular vista."
Torres : 
"I did?"
Vorik : 
"Five days ago, in a conversation we had in Engineering regarding holodeck programs."
Torres : 
"I guess, maybe I did."
VOY : Alter Ego
Tuvok : 
"Mr. Kim, I value our working relationship. I would not allow a holodeck character to disrupt that."
to Kim
VOY : Alter Ego
Fake Admiral Janeway : 
"If there was a rocky path and a smooth one, you chose the rocky one every time."
to Janeway
VOY : Coda
Paris : 
"You're afraid that your big scary Klingon side may have been showing. Well, I saw it up close. And you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday."
to Torres
VOY : Blood Fever
Frazier : 
"We're creating a society here, one that's based on tolerance, shared responsibility and mutual respect that people like you and I were raised to believe in. We're not about to give it up just because it's difficult."
to Chakotay
VOY : Unity
Holo-Byron : 
"Free of passion? One might as well be free of Humanity."
to Holo-Ghandi
VOY : Darkling
Tuvok : 
"I am looking for Mr. Neelix's instinct. Perhaps it will be marked"
to Sklar
VOY : Rise
Tuvok : 
"Perhaps you are experiencing a paradoxical state-dependent associative phenomenon."
Janeway : 
"Déjà vu."
VOY : Favorite Son
Chakotay : 
"What's your next trick, Harry? Pull a shuttlecraft out of a hat?"
VOY : Favorite Son
Torres : 
"Harry. What happened to your face?"
Kim : 
"We're still trying to figure that out."
Torres : 
"It's kind of cute. Makes you look like a speckled targ!"
VOY : Favorite Son
Neelix : 
"You keep working on that sense of humour, Commander Vulcan. You'll get it one day."
to Tuvok
VOY : Before and After
Torres : 
"No one has a family like this... this is a fantasy! You're not going to learn anything from living with these... lollipops."
to EMH; on the new 'Family' the EMH created for himself
VOY : Real Life
Kim : 
"Captain, this is one weird disturbance!"
on the subspace anomaly
VOY : Real Life
Paris : 
"You created that program so you could experience what it's like to have a family. The good times and the bad. You can't have one without the other."
EMH : 
"I fail to see why not."
Paris : 
"Think about what's happened to us here aboard Voyager. Everyone left people behind, and everyone suffered a loss. But look how it's brought us all closer together. We found support here, and friendship, and we've become a family, in part because of the pain we share. If you turn your back on this program, you'll always be stuck at this point. You'll never have the chance to say goodbye to your daughter. Or to be there for your wife and son when they need you. And you'll be cheating yourself out of their love and support. In the long run, you'll miss the whole point of what it means to have a family."
VOY : Real Life
Chakotay : 
"I know from the history of my own planet that change is difficult."
to Odala
VOY : Distant Origin
EMH : 
"Welcome to sickbay. Take a number."
to Nyrian
VOY : Displaced
Paris : 
"Remember the good old days when it was impossible to keep a secret on a ship this small?"
on the author of Insurrection Alpha
VOY : Worst Case Scenario
Chakotay : 
"I don't care what kind of story it is, as long as I'm not the bad guy this time."
VOY : Worst Case Scenario
EMH : 
"Twenty ccs nitric acid – a little proverbial salt in the wound."
in Seska's altered version of Insurrection Alpha
VOY : Worst Case Scenario
The Borg : 
"You will be assimilated. Resistence is-" KABOOM!!!
to 8472
VOY : Scorpion, Part 1
Seven : 
"You are erratic. Conflicted. Disorganised. Every decision is debated, every action questioned, every individual entitled to their own small opinion. You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing."
to Chakotay
VOY : Scorpion, Part 2
Janeway : 
"One voice can be stronger than a thousand voices."
to Seven
VOY : The Gift
B'Elanna : 
"Tell me something. When you hear about people like the Caatati, do you have any feelings of remorse?"
Seven : 
B'Elanna : 
"That's it? Just no?"
Seven : 
What further answer do you require?"
B'Elanna : 
"Well maybe some kind of acknowledgement of the billions of lives you helped destroy. A justification for what you did. Maybe a little sense of guilt."
Seven : 
Guilt is irrelevant."
B'Elanna : 
VOY : Day of Honor
Chakotay : 
"Killing's the worst thing I've ever had to do."
to Namon
VOY : Nemesis
Seven : 
"I understand the concept of humour. It may not be apparent, but I am often amused by Human behaviour."
to Kim
VOY : Revulsion
Seven of Nine : 
"You are… Talaxian."
Neelix : 
"Guilty as charged."
Seven of Nine : 
"Species Two One Eight."
Neelix : 
"I suppose so."
Seven of Nine : 
"Your biological and technological distinctiveness was added to our own."
Neelix : 
"I hadn't realized that."
Seven of Nine : 
"A small freighter… containing a crew of thirty-nine. Taken in the Dalmine Sector. They were easily assimilated. Their dense musculature made them excellent Drones."
Neelix : 
"Lucky for you, I guess. Your nutrients."
while preparing Seven's first meal on Voyager
VOY : The Raven
Seven of Nine : 
"Curious sensation."
Neelix : 
"You'll get used to it. Have some more."
as Seven learns to eat
VOY : The Raven
EMH : 
"Seven of Nine, this is The Doctor. Can you hear me? It's me, The Doctor. I've tapped into your audio implants so only you can hear me. It's imperative that you tell no one. Make any excuse to get out of there and report to holodeck two. I'm hiding in the Da Vinci simulation. I'll explain everything when you get here."
to Seven; secretly contacting Seven
VOY : Scientific Method
Janeway : 
"You are security chief. Don't thirteen department heads report to you every day?"
Tuvok : 
Janeway : 
"Well, straighten them out."
Tuvok : 
"Shall I flog them as well?"
VOY : Scientific Method
Seven : 
"Don't move. If your people attempt to incapacitate me, I will kill you."
Alzen : 
"I believe you. What do you intend to do now?"
Seven : 
"You will come with me to speak to the captain. I am certain she will have questions for you."
VOY : Scientific Method
Janeway : 
"Sorry, these lab rats are fighting back."
to Alzen
VOY : Scientific Method
Tuvok : 
"Good morning, captain."
Janeway : 
"That's a matter of opinion."
VOY : Scientific Method
Janeway : 
"That's what you were trying to accomplish, wasn't it? Hmm? Pumping up my dopamine levels to push me to the edge, keeping me awake for four days straight with the constant pain of your devices drilling into my skull. Well, this is the culmination of your work, and... guess what... you're going to be right here to collect the final data."
to Takar
VOY : Scientific Method
Janeway : 
"Abandon ship? The answer's no. I'm not breaking up the family, Chakotay."
to Chakotay
VOY : Year of Hell, Part 1
Janeway : 
"Time's... up!"
to the universe; as she rams Annorax's ship
VOY : Year of Hell, Part 2
Janeway : 
"I dread the day when everyone on this ship agrees with me."
to Seven
VOY : Random Thoughts
Janeway : 
"No matter how vast the differences may be between cultures, people always have something that somebody else wants. And trade is born."
to Tuvok
VOY : Concerning Flight
Chakotay : 
"Monsters in the replicator. Who else on this ship can handle that?"
to Neelix
VOY : Mortal Coil
Seven : 
"Resistance is futile."
just before kissing Kim aggressively
VOY : Waking Moments
Tuvok : 
"It appears, that in my haste to report to the bridge, I neglected to put on my uniform."
reporting to the bridge naked during a dream
VOY : Waking Moments
Dream alien : 
"Captain, Ensign Kim, Commander Chakotay. I'm glad to see you all up and about…"
to the crew
VOY : Waking Moments
Janeway : 
"Sometimes first contact is last contact."
to Chakotay
VOY : Waking Moments
EMH : 
"Congratulations, commander. You're awake."
to Chakotay
VOY : Waking Moments
EMH : 
"I'm a doctor, not a commando!"
to EMH Mark 2
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH : 
"I have even had sexual relations."
EMH Mark 2 : 
"Sex, how's that possible? We're not equipped…"
EMH : 
"Let's just say I made an addition to my program."
VOY : Message in a Bottle
Paris : 
"I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!"
to Kim
VOY : Message in a Bottle
Torres : 
"We're not afraid you're going to assimilate us, we're just not used to... you just... you're rude."
Seven : 
"I am rude..."
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH Mark 2 : 
"The secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field inter-matrix have depolarized."
EMH : 
"In English!"
EMH Mark 2 : 
"I'm just reading what it says here!"
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH : 
"Our viewscreen is non-operational. We've had some trouble with... Starfleet commandos..."
to Romulan ship; pretending to be a Romulan
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH Mark 2 : 
"My brilliant existence cut short... no time to explore the universe... no time to smell the roses... no time for... sex..."
VOY : Message in a Bottle
EMH : 
"Another one."
Seven : 
"I beg your pardon?"
EMH : 
"I've retrieved another word of text. That makes six."
Seven : 
"Six words in fifty-eight hours?"
VOY : Hunters
Tuvok : 
"I'm finishing my weekly tactical review. When it's completed I'll read the message."
Neelix : 
"You're going to wait until you finish the tactical review?"
Tuvok : 
"Do you have any reason to believe the content of the message will change during that time?"
VOY : Hunters
Chakotay : 
"I'm reading bones, muscle tissue from at least nine different species. It's all being broken down by some sort of enzyme."
Tuvok : 
"Perhaps this is their method of denaturating their prey."
Chakotay : 
"Either that or it's dinner."
VOY : Prey
Janeway : 
"Part of becoming Human is learning to have compassion for those who are suffering, even when they're your bitter enemies."
VOY : Prey
Seven : 
"It is puzzling."
Janeway : 
"What's that?"
Seven : 
"You made me into an individual. You encouraged me to stop thinking like a member of the collective... to cultivate my independence... my Humanity. But when I try to assert that independence, I am punished."
Janeway : 
"Individuality has its limits. Especially on a starship, where there's a command structure."
Seven : 
"I believe that you are punishing me because I don't think the way that you do... because I'm not becoming more like you. You claim to respect my individuality... but in fact, you are frightened by it."
Janeway : 
"As you were."
VOY : Prey
Seven : 
"I do not feel perfect."
EMH : 
"What do you mean?"
Seven : 
"I am preoccupied by Kovin's death."
EMH : 
"Join the club. It's all I can think about."
Seven : 
"As a Borg, I was responsible for the destruction of countless millions and I felt nothing, but now I regret the destruction of this single being."
EMH : 
"It's called remorse, Seven. It comes into play when you make a mistake, and you feel guilt about what you've done. Another new emotion for you to experience."
Seven : 
"I do not enjoy this remorse any more than I enjoyed anger. Will the feeling subside?"
EMH : 
"Yes. But not quickly."
Seven : 
"I would rather not have to wait."
EMH : 
"I'm afraid you don't have much choice." [Pauses as he watches Seven leave] "But maybe I do."
VOY : Retrospect
Paris : 
"That guy is worse than a Ferengi!"
to Kovin
VOY : Retrospect
EMH : 
"When I started helping you improve your social skills, I'm fairly certain I didn't include a boxing lesson."
to Seven
VOY : Retrospect
Seven : 
"I must discontinue this activity. I am not well."
as the EMH manages to restore her memories mid-song
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 1
Karr : "You've circumvented our control! How?"
Kim : 
"Go to hell!"
after the EMH disables Janeway's neural interface
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 1
EMH : 
"We've got to stop meeting like this."
to Kim; after Kim activates the EMH in the mess hall
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 1
Paris : 
"They're Nazis, totalitarian fanatics, bent on world conquest. The Borg of their day. No offense."
to Seven
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Neelix : 
"Pardon me gentlemen, I wonder if I might have a word with you."
EMH : 
"They're Klingons, not kittens."
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"Loosen up baby doll, the war's almost over."
to Seven
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"What do you think? Boy or a girl?"
Seven : 
"It's a holographic projection."
Torres : 
"Unfortunately, it's a very good projection. I feel 20 kilos heavier. It even kicks."
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Janeway : 
"Accept this... trophy. You can use it to create a new future for your people. At the very least, you can hang it on your bulkhead."
giving the Hirogen holographic technology
VOY : The Killing Game, Part 2
Paris : 
"Ow! Ow! What do you think you're doing, doc?"
EMH : 
"An impromptu auditory exam."
Paris : 
"Did I pass?"
EMH : 
"With flying colors, which leads me to believe you did hear me when I requested you meet me this morning."
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Paris : 
"Somebody call for a driver?"
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Paris : 
"No offence, but I'd like to get out of your body as soon as possible."
to Daelen; while in Steth's body
VOY : Vis-a-Vis
Seven : 
"On one occasion, we were able to create a single Omega molecule. We kept it stable for one trillionth of a nanosecond before it destabilized."
on the Borg's attempts to create an Omega particle
VOY : The Omega Directive
Janeway : 
"Tell me, how many Borg were sacrificed during this experiment?"
Seven : 
"29 vessels, 600,000 drones, but that is irrelevant."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Seven : 
"Your new designation is Two of Ten."
Kim : 
"Wait a minute. You're demoting me? Since when did the Borg pull rank?"
Seven : 
"It's Starfleet protocol I adapted. I find it most useful."
Kim : 
"I'm glad you're not the captain."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Chakotay : 
"I always thought that Starfleet was run by duty-crazed bureaucrats, but I find it hard to believe that even they would order a captain to go on a suicide mission. This shuttle excursion is your idea, isn't it?"
to Janeway
VOY : The Omega Directive
Janeway : 
"I wondered who was running my program. Master da Vinci doesn't like visitors after midnight."
Seven : 
"He protested. I deactivated him."
VOY : The Omega Directive
Seven : 
"For 3.2 seconds, I... saw perfection."
to Janeway; on seeing the Omega Particle
VOY : The Omega Directive
Paris : 
"So. You're going to realign your sensors with Seven's. Sounds like fun."
to Kim
VOY : Unforgettable
Chakotay : 
"Basically, she was a security operative for her people. She is a trained expert in weaponry, surveillance fighting skills. Any idea where she might fit in?"
Tuvok : 
"Mr. Neelix could use an assistant in the Mess Hall."
VOY : Unforgettable
Quarren : 
"Even today, seven hundred years later, we are still feeling the impact of the Voyager encounter."
VOY : Living Witness
Janeway : 
"Don't look so shocked, ambassador. This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
after shooting Tedran in the museum's historical simulation
VOY : Living Witness
EMH : 
"Pure fiction. This is absurd."
Quarren : 
"Halt re-creation. This is a reasonable extrapolation from historic record. But if you'd like to point out any inconsistencies..."
EMH : 
"Inconsistencies? I don't know where to begin. Granted, this looks like the briefing room, but these aren't the people I knew! No one behaved like this... well, aside from Mr. Paris."
about the holographic simulation
VOY : Living Witness
EMH : 
"Somewhere... halfway across the galaxy, I hope... Captain Janeway is spinning in her grave."
to Quarren; concerning more inconsistencies in the simulation
VOY : Living Witness
EMH : 
"You've portrayed us as monsters: the captain is a cold-blooded killer, the crew is a gang of thugs and I am a mass-murderer."
VOY : Living Witness
EMH : 
"For your information, I don't appreciate being deactivated in the middle of a sentence. It brings back... unpleasant memories."
VOY : Living Witness
Quarren : 
"You miss them, don't you?"
EMH : 
"From my perspective, I saw them all only a few days ago. But in fact, it's been centuries. And I'll never see them again. Did they ever reach home? I wonder."
VOY : Living Witness
Janeway : 
"Anybody's got any other ideas, I'm listening."
Paris : 
"We could set up a bicycle in the Mess Hall, attach a generator; pedal home?"
Janeway : 
"Now why didn't I think of that?"
Paris : 
"...and I volunteer Harry to take the first shift!"
VOY : Demon
Janeway : 
Tuvok : 
"I could give you a litany of damaged systems, Captain, but suffice it to say, now that we're down, we won't be going up again soon."
VOY : Demon
Chakotay : 
"Looks like they went this way."
Seven : 
"My tricorder isn't picking up any life signs. How did you reach that conclusion?"
Chakotay : 
"Footprints... I guess you never assimilated any Indian scouts..."
VOY : Demon
EMH : 
"Between impulse and action, there is a realm of good taste begging for your acquaintance!"
to Seven
VOY : One
Paris : 
Tuvok : 
"Wow, indeed."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Arturis : 
"My people managed to elude the Borg for centuries! Outwitting them, always one step ahead! But in recent years, the Borg began to weaken our defenses. They were closing in, and Species 8472 was our last hope to defeat them. You took that away from us! The outer colonies were the first to fall; 23 in a matter of hours. Our sentry vessels tossed aside, no defense against the storm. And by the time they had surrounded our star system... hundreds of cubes... we had already surrendered to our own terror."
to Janeway; recounting the assimilation of his species by the Borg
VOY : Hope and Fear
Janeway : 
"I'm your captain. That means I can't always be your friend. Understand?"
Seven : 
"No. However, if we are assimilated, then our thoughts will become one, and I'm sure I will understand perfectly."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Seven : 
"You were correct, captain. My desire to remain in the Delta Quadrant was based on fear. I am no longer Borg... but the prospect of becoming Human is... unsettling. I don't know where I belong."
Janeway : 
"You belong with us."
assuring her of her place on Voyager's crew
VOY : Hope and Fear
Janeway : 
"I can't begin to imagine your loss. But try to see beyond your desire for revenge."
Arturis : 
"Revenge is all I have left."
Janeway : 
"No. As long as you're alive, there's hope. Your people's accomplisments, their knowledge, their dignity can survive in you. End this."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Seven : 
"Impossible is a word that Humans use far too often."
VOY : Hope and Fear
Janeway : 
"Time to take out the garbage."
commenting on dealing with the Malon
VOY : Night
One : 
"Joke, a verbal comment or gesture designed to provoke laughter."
EMH : 
"I see you've got your mothers sense of humour."
VOY : Drone
Paris : 
"Well if we can't transport it out, we'll just have to fly in and grab it."
Tuvok : 
"Perhaps you weren't paying attention when the Malon freighter imploded?"
VOY : Extreme Risk
Paris : 
"It's a date! These things can't be rushed. They've probably just finished dinner, a couple of drinks, and now they are moving past the polite stage."
Kim : 
"The polite stage? The last 8472 I met tried to dissolve me from the inside out!"
VOY : In the Flesh
Tuvok : 
"My youngest child has been without a father for four years. Yet I am certain of her well being; that I conveyed my values to her before leaving. And I have confidence in the integrity of those around her. You have been an exemplary mother to Naomi, and she is in the hands of people you trust. She will survive, and prosper, no matter what becomes of us."
to Samantha Wildman
VOY : Once Upon a Time
Seven of Nine : 
"You have always been of enormous assistance to me, Doctor. You...You are my mentor."
to the EMH; drunken
VOY : Timeless
Seven : 
"Naomi Wildman, subunit of Ensign Samantha Wildman. State your intentions."
to Naomi
VOY : Infinite Regress
Chakotay : 
"Harry, you and I were lucky enough to enjoy the doctor's scintillating exhibition for two full hours. Would it really be fair of us to deny our friends the same unforgettable experience?"
to Kim
VOY : Nothing Human
Janeway : 
"Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris... I hereby reduce you to the rank of Ensign. And I sentence you to 30 days solitary confinement."
to Paris
VOY : Thirty Days
Janeway : 
"Computer, change music selection. Mahler's Symphony Number One, Second Movement... maybe this will help you relax."
to Kashyk; after he realises he's been fooled
VOY : Counterpoint
Seven of Nine : 
"It is unsettling. You say that I am a human being and yet, I am also Borg... Part of me not unlike your replicator... Not unlike the Doctor. Will you one day choose to abandon me as well?"
to the Captain; on the plight of the Doctor
VOY : Latent Image
Kim : 
"We didn't burst into flames in the last chapter! Why are these recaps always so inaccurate?"
commenting on the 'last time on captain proton' segment
VOY : Bride of Chaotica!
EMH : 
"I'm a Doctor, not a battery!"
on the suggestion that his mobile emitter may be used as a power source
VOY : Gravity
the EMH : 
"I'm a doctor, not a dragonslayer!"
on fighting the monster
VOY : Bliss
Janeway : 
"Now this is how I prefer the Borg. In pieces!"
to Chakotay
VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Janeway : 
"There are three things to remember about being a starship captain. Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship... and never abandon a member of your crew."
to Naomi
VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 2
Seven : 
"Physiologically, it bears a striking similarity to disease. A series of biochemical responses that trigger an emotional cascade impairing normal functioning."
on love
VOY : The Disease
Janeway : 
"We're gathered here today, not as Starfleet officers, but as friends and family, to celebrate the marriage of two of Voyager's finest..."
starting the wedding
VOY : Course: Oblivion
Janeway : 
"Success seems to be in short supply lately."
to Seven; on their inability to find a way out of chaotic space
VOY : The Fight
Seven of Nine : 
"Acquiring knowledge is a worthy objective. But its pursuit has obviously not elevated you."
to Kurros; on his dubious principals
VOY : Think Tank
B'Elanna : 
"I suppose it's always going to be like this...Me against the galaxy."
on herself
VOY : Juggernaut
Seven : 
"There is no one on Deck Nine, Section 12 who doesn't know when you're having intimate relations."
to B'Elanna; on her and Tom
VOY : Someone to Watch Over Me
Janeway : 
"...and the Y2K bug didn't turn off a single light bulb."
Given this was filmed in 1999 this was a brave outlook that turned out to be mostly true
VOY : 11:59
Braxton : 
"Your captain has a knack for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong; especially when it comes to time travel."
on Janeway
VOY : Relativity
Kim : 
"I held you up as an example of how an artificial intelligence could exceed its programming. I didn't realize how true that was...until today."
to the EMH
VOY : Warhead
Ransom : 
"It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with its bulkheads intact, manned by a crew that's not starving!"
Janeway : 
"It's never easy...but if we turn our backs on our principles we stop being human."
VOY : Equinox, Part 1
EMH : 
"It's quite disconcerting to know that all someone has to do is flick a switch to turn me into Mr. Hyde"
to Seven of Nine; on his behaviour onboard the Equinox
VOY : Equinox, Part 2
Captain Janeway : 
"Come on, Tuvok. After all the xenophobic races we've run into, don't you find it just a little refreshing to meet some people who value openness and freedom?"
to Tuvok
VOY : Survival Instinct
Torres : 
"We only have one multi-spatial probe, I didn't want to lose it."
Janeway : 
"We only have one B'Elanna Torres. I don't want to lose her, either."
VOY : Barge of the Dead
EMH : 
"Tuvok, I understand, You are a Vulcan man, You have just gone without, For seven years, about.
Paris, please find a way, To load a hypospray, I will give you the sign, Just aim for his behind
Hormones are raging, Synapses blazing, It's all so veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrry illogical!"
singing to the tune of La donna è mobile.
VOY : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
Torres : 
"Maybe you can explain why every time he finds a new hobby I go right out the airlock?"
to Kim; on her relationship with Paris
VOY : Alice
the EMH : 
"The Vulcan brain; a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma housed inside a cranium."
on Tuvok
VOY : Riddles
Gedrin : 
"When it rains... do you run from doorway to doorway trying to stay dry, getting wet all the while? Or, do you just accept the fact that it's raining and walk with dignity?"
to Janeway
VOY : Dragon's Teeth
Lt. John Kelly : 
"What I've seen proves we were right to come out here. We're not alone...I know that now."
His final log entry
VOY : One Small Step
Tash : 
"Catapult a vessel across space, in the time it takes to say 'catapult a vessel across space.'"
describing the capabilities of his catapult
VOY : The Voyager Conspiracy
Admiral Paris : 
"I want you all to know we're doing everything we can to bring you home."
Janeway : 
"We appreciate it, sir. Keep a docking bay open for us!"
VOY : Pathfinder
Janeway : 
"Delete the wife."
to the computer; after finding out her holographic boyfriend-to-be is married
VOY : Fair Haven
the Protector : 
"Our ignorant ancestors believed every star was a deity. You taught me how foolish that was. 'Superstition,' you called it."
to the Cleric
VOY : Blink of an Eye
Janeway : 
"Tuvok, when have operations on this ship ever been normal?"
to Tuvok
VOY : Virtuoso
Inscription on the memorial : 
"Words alone cannot convey the suffering. Words alone cannot prevent what happened here from happening again. Beyond words lies experience. Beyond experience lies truth. Make this truth your own."
VOY : Memorial
Seven : 
"I've spent the last three years struggling to regain my Humanity. I'm afraid I may have lost it again in that arena."
Tuvok : 
"You are experiencing difficult emotions."
Seven : 
"Guilt, shame, remorse."
Tuvok : 
"Then you haven't lost your Humanity. You have reaffirmed it."
VOY : Tsunkatse
Borg : "You will be assimilated."
Janeway : 
"Not today and not by you."
VOY : Collective
Janeway : 
"They're not exactly drones. Mature Borg are predictable. They'll ignore you or assimilate you, but these juveniles, they're unstable."
Tuvok : 
"They are contemptuous of authority, convinced that they are superior. Typical adolescent behavior for any species."
on the young drones
VOY : Collective
Seven : 
"Sweet dreams."
to the ex-Borg children
VOY : Collective
Janeway : 
"I've got a boyfriend who malfunctions!"
to Chakotay; on her holographic partner
VOY : Spirit Folk
Seven of Nine : 
"Fun will now commence."
to the children
VOY : Ashes to Ashes
Janeway : 
"Why potatoes?"
Seven : 
"Their first idea was to clone Naomi, but I suggested they start with something smaller."
VOY : Child's Play
Yivel : 
"Welcome home, Icheb."
Icheb : 
"I would like to return to Voyager, now."
VOY : Child's Play
The Borg : "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile."
Seven : 
"Perhaps not."
VOY : Child's Play
Seven : 
"It's time for you to regenerate."
Icheb : 
"And if I choose to continue my studies?"
Seven : 
"It's your decision."
VOY : Child's Play
Tefler : 
"If it wanted to get to know me better, it should have just asked me out for a drink!"
on being implanted with an alien worm
VOY : Good Shepherd
Tuvok : 
"The Oracle of K'Tal isn't programmed to wear pyjamas."
complaining about the alterations made to his holoprogram
VOY : Live Fast and Prosper
Kelis : 
"And Voyager will continue on her journey to the gleaming cities of Earth... where peace reigns and hatred has no home."
the last line of his play
VOY : Muse
Kelis : 
"They'll realize that beneath your unfeeling exterior is a heart that's breaking! Silently, and in more pain than any of us can possibly understand, because that's what it is to be Vulcan!"
to his actor. A more perfect description of the Vulcans I have never heard
VOY : Muse
Tuvok : 
"It was a fire hazard."
An excuse for blowing out the candle on his birthday cake
VOY : Fury
The EMH : 
"Welcome to Sickbay. How may I help you today?"
His new greeting
VOY : Life Line
Neelix : 
"I tried passing the time with a little conversation. But as you've probably noticed, he's not exactly what you'd call chatty."
on Tuvok
VOY : The Haunting of Deck Twelve
Harry : 
"I didn't notice a little box on my chair!"
after Tom gets promoted, bemoaning his six years as an Ensign
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 1
Chakotay : 
"Lieutenant. A first officer could get in a lot of trouble for talking to his captain that way."
Paris : 
"Well, I've learned from the best."
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Janeway : 
"If I ever imply that it's been easy on you these last few years, remind me about today."
to Seven
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Tuvok : 
"Stardate 38774. Vulcanis Lunar colony. The time and place of my birth."
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Torres : 
"You don't need the Collective to validate your existence. You've made an impact on every member of this crew. That's your legacy."
to Seven of Nine
VOY : Imperfection
Tom : 
"Will you marry me?"
to B'Elanna
VOY : Drive
B'Elanna : 
"Let me get this straight. You've gone to all this trouble to program a three-dimensional environment that projects a two-dimensional image and now you're asking me to wear these to make it look three-dimensional again?"
to Tom
VOY : Repression
Seven : 
"You were hoping your behaviour was the result of a malfunction? I'm sorry, Doctor. But I must give you a clean bill of health."
to the EMH; on his decision to poison a person for the greater good
VOY : Critical Care
Barclay : 
"Was everything that happened between us a lie?"
Leosa : 
"Not everything. Just the parts where I expressed affection for you."
VOY : Inside Man
EMH : 
"When did it become a crime to enjoy a sensation or two? Of course, you'd be the last person to understand that."
to Seven of Nine
VOY : Body and Soul
Janeway : 
"Have you thought about applying to the advocate general's office? You'd make a good lawyer."
to Kim; when he points out her own regulation violations
VOY : Nightingale
EMH : 
"Is there anything in your spiritual programming about making peace with your enemies?"
Iden : 
"It's difficult to make peace with people whose sole purpose is to kill you."
VOY : Flesh and Blood
Janeway : 
"How can I punish you for being who you are?"
refusing to condemn the EMH for siding with the Holograms
VOY : Flesh and Blood
Janeway : 
"Sounds like it's going to be one disaster after another on this ship!"
to Chakotay; bemoaning the many problems which are to befall Voyager
VOY : Shattered
Paris : 
"You're in a good mood."
Torres : 
"It's another beautiful day in the Delta Quadrant."
Paris : 
"What did you have for breakfast?"
VOY : Lineage
Icheb : 
"I'm detecting another lifesign!"
EMH : 
Icheb : 
"Inside Lieutenant Torres. It could be a parasite."
VOY : Lineage
Chakotay : 
"Have you checked the warp core for radiation leaks today?"
Torres : 
"No. Why?"
Chakotay : 
"You have a certain... glow about you."
VOY : Lineage
Kim : 
"Maybe that's what pregnancy's for, time to let reality sink in… before your life spins out of control."
to Paris
VOY : Lineage
Tuvok : 
"Offspring can be disturbingly illogical, yet profoundly fulfilling. You should anticipate paradox."
to Paris
VOY : Lineage
Paris : 
"Look, whatever the reason was, I'm sure it was a horrible thing for you to live with. Wait a minute, you don't think... B'Elanna, I am never going to leave you."
Torres : 
"You say that now but think about how hard it is to live with one Klingon. Pretty soon it'll be two."
Paris : 
"Someday I hope it's three or four. I mean it, and I hope that every one of them is just like you. B'Elanna, I am not your father and you are not your mother, and our daughter is going to be perfect just the way she is."
VOY : Lineage
Torres : 
"She is cute, isn't she?"
seeing the holographic projection of her baby one more time
VOY : Lineage
Iko : 
"I'm a different person now, a better person. This crew has helped me to see that."
to the family of his victim
VOY : Repentance
B'Elanna : 
"They clashed with the carpet."
explaining why she has no Klingon images in her quarters
VOY : Prophecy
Janeway : 
"...I've become convinced that we've got to stick to our principles, not abandon them."
Chakotay : 
"Should the crew be ready to die for those principles?"
Janeway : 
"If the alternative means becoming thieves and killers ourselves... yes."
VOY : The Void
Janeway : 
"I can already tell it's going to be much better than my last job."
to her supervisor
VOY : Workforce, Part 1
Janeway : 
"It may not have been real, Chakotay, but it felt like home. If you hadn't come after me, I never would have known that I had another life."
Chakotay : 
"Are you sorry I showed up?"
Janeway : 
"Not for a second."
VOY : Workforce, Part 2
Seven : 
"To the newest member of our crew; may all her desires be fulfilled except for one. So she'll always have something to strive for."
Her toast
VOY : Human Error
Q : 
"If the continuum has told you once they have told you a thousand times. DON'T PROVOKE THE BORG!"
to Q2
VOY : Q2
Holo Kim : 
"There must be millions of viruses in this quadrant that no one's ever encountered before. With my luck I'll probably end up catching half of them!"
bemoaning his bad luck
VOY : Author, Author
Humanity : 
"We the people of Earth greet you in a spirit of peace and humility. As we venture out of our solar system we hope to earn the trust and friendship of other worlds."
the message inscribed on Friendship One
VOY : Friendship One
Paris : 
"Piloting lessons!"
to Janeway; on his punishment for breaking local traffic rules
VOY : Natural Law
Janeway : 
"Goodbye. And good luck, Ambassador."
to Neelix; Her final words to him
VOY : Homestead
EMH : 
"I'd never admit this to anyone else, but there was a time when I would have given anything to be flesh and blood. But I've come to realize that being a hologram is far superior."
the pride before the fall
VOY : Renaissance Man
Janeway : 
"Set a course...for home."
to Chakotay; the last words spoken in the series
VOY : Endgame
Cochrane : 
"Imagine it... thousands of inhabited planets at our fingertips. And we'll be able to explore those strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilisations. This engine will let us go boldly where no man has gone before."
dedicating the Warp 5 complex
ENT : Broken Bow
Phlox : 
"Crewmen Bennett and Hayden over there, do you see them? If I'm not mistaken, they are preparing to mate. Do you think they might let me watch?"
to Tucker
ENT : Fight or Flight
Archer : 
"Come on, Travis. We've gotta find Mr. Reed something to blow up."
to Mayweather
ENT : Fight or Flight
Hoshi : 
"I'm a translator. I didn't come out here to see corpses hanging on hooks!"
to Phlox
ENT : Fight or Flight
Trip : 
"Where no dog has gone before."
to Archer; on Porthos heading for the nearest tree
ENT : Strange New World
Phlox : 
"There's an old saying: 'When in Fellebia, do as the Fellebians do.'"
to T'Pol
ENT : Unexpected
Phlox : 
"I'm not sure if congratulations are in order, Commander, but you're pregnant!"
to Tucker
ENT : Unexpected
Klingon : 
"I can see my house from here!"
impressed at a holographic recreation of his home planet
ENT : Unexpected
Trip : 
"Asking favors of the Vulcans usually ends up carrying too high a price!"
to T'Pol
ENT : Terra Nova
T'Pol : 
"My experience with Humans is limited, but I've come to learn that they are quite resourceful."
to Archer
ENT : Terra Nova
Archer : 
"So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. No offense."
to Vulcans; commiting a faux pas
ENT : The Andorian Incident
Archer : 
"For those of you who aren't near a window, you might want to find one. There's something pretty amazing off starboard."
to the crew
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Tucker : 
"Wow! That's one big snowball!"
on the comet
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Mayweather : 
"I've only seen snow twice in my life."
Mayweather : 
"I hope I never see snow again!"
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Tucker : 
"I feel like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar!"
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Archer : 
"Starfleet could have sent a probe out here, to make maps and take pictures, but they didn't. They sent us, so that we could explore with our own senses."
to T'Pol
ENT : Civilization
T'Pol : 
"I'm sorry, I don't know which child is named Nadine."
to the Boomer child; practicing the Vulcan art of lying with complete honesty
ENT : Fortunate Son
T'Pol : 
"There's a difference between keeping an open mind and believing something because you want it to be true."
to Trip
ENT : Cold Front
Trip : 
"It's good to know that Earth will still be around in nine hundred years."
Daniels : 
That depends on how you define Earth."
ENT : Cold Front
Archer : 
"This time we won't be leaving before we're ready."
Trip : 
"Are your ears a little pointier than usual?"
ENT : Silent Enemy
Archer : 
"Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. But until somebody tells me that they have drafted that directive, I'm going to have to remind myself that we didn't come out here to play god."
to Phlox
ENT : Dear Doctor
Bu'Kah : 
"I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire!"
Archer : 
"From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do."
ENT : Sleeping Dogs
Archer : 
"I'm not asking anyone to pin a medal on her. All I'm asking is that she be given a second chance."
to Sopek; regarding T'Pol
ENT : Shadows of P'Jem
Reed : 
"I don't want to die, what makes you think I want to die?"
Tucker : 
"Because ever since we saw Enterprise spread across that asteroid, you've done nothing but write your own obituary!"
ENT : Shuttlepod One
Trip : 
"They're not trying to kill the quarterback! They're just trying to keep him from throwing the ball and running with it. It's only a game, not a fight to the death!"
to Kov; regarding American Football
ENT : Fusion
T'Pol : 
"With respect, captain, I wonder if you would be so determined to find this apparition if it were a scantily clad man?"
to Archer
ENT : Rogue Planet
Archer : 
"They're really not all that interesting once you get to know them."
to Krem; regarding Vulcans
ENT : Acquisition
Trip : 
"What if she gets hurt? What are you going to do then, program up a holographic doctor?"
to Ezral
ENT : Oasis
Archer : 
"You might think about putting up a no tresspassing sign."
to Grat; regarding his accidental intrusion into their space
ENT : Detained
Trip : 
"You'll like it. Things blow up."
trying to convince Reed to watch this week's movie
ENT : Vox Sola
Trip : 
"I read those Nubian masueses have twelve fingers. On each hand."
Reed : 
"Then I'd say Starfleet needs to make its presence felt on Risa."
ENT : Fallen Hero
Archer : 
"The irony is, I have the feeling his cause is worth fighting for."
to T'Pol; concerning his refusal to side with Zobral
ENT : Desert Crossing
Tucker : 
"Malcolm and I... er... plan to broaden our cultural horizons."
Hoshi : 
"Is that all you two think about?"
ENT : Two Days and Two Nights
Hoshi : 
"Anyone tries to badmouth Captain Archer in front of me is going to get an earful. In any language they want."
to Mayweather
ENT : Shockwave, Part 1
Archer : 
"I said, you're an ugly bastard!"
to Silik
ENT : Shockwave, Part 2
Mestral : 
"I need to go now. 'I Love Lucy' is on tonight."
to T'Mir
ENT : Carbon Creek
Archer : 
"This isn't a visit to the principal's office, Malcolm."
to Reed; at his breakfast with the captain
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"If you plan to go to warp, sir, you'll let me know?"
Archer : 
"I'll try to remember."
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"Please sir, may I have some more?"
imitating Oliver Twist, when given some painkillers
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"Frankly, sir from my point of view that kind of socializing has no place on a starship."
Archer : 
"I had a C.O. once, felt the same way. 'They're your crew, not your friends.' I thought about that a lot... when I took this command but then I realized this is not a typical mission. We could be out here for years. All we have to depend on... is each other."
ENT : Minefield
T'Pol : 
"Polarize the hull plating."
Tucker : 
"I'll do what I can but keep in mind we're missing some of it."
ENT : Minefield
Archer : 
"So how long was it?"
Reed : 
"I counted 10 seconds."
Archer : 
"10?! It was more like 20."
Reed : 
"Respectfully, sir, it was 10."
Archer : 
"I'm not going to argue with you, Malcolm… It was 20… That's an order."
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"It can't be ethical to cause a patient this much pain."
Phlox : 
"It's unethical to harm a patient, I can inflict as much pain as I like."
ENT : Dead Stop
Trip : 
"You didn't eat cabbage before you left?"
wondering how Archer insulted the Kretassians
ENT : A Night In Sickbay
Archer : 
"There's a saying on my world: 'Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.'"
to Tressic
ENT : Marauders
Korok : 
"I can get my deuterium anywhere! Yours isn't even fit for a garbage scow!"
to Tessic
ENT : Marauders
Archer : 
"Is there anything specific you and Travis are going to need?"
T'Pol : 
"Cold weather gear, restraints, and phase-pistols."
ENT : The Seventh
Menos : 
"Ironic, isn't it?! Burning to death on a frozen moon!"
ENT : The Seventh
Archer : 
"Come on, Travis. Let's see if we can find something to eat."
to Mayweather; when T'Pol asks to speak to Menos alone
ENT : The Seventh
Archer : 
"I don't trust this guy, Travis. Find something to tie him up with."
to Mayweather; on Menos
ENT : The Seventh
T'Pol : 
"You don't have to leave technology behind to contaminate a culture."
to Archer
ENT : The Communicator
Reed : 
"Reed alert. That's not bad!"
to Trip; contemplating the name for his new alert
ENT : Singularity
Sato : 
"Your molecules get pulled apart."
Tucker : 
"Then they get put back together again."
Sato : 
"Do you know how many molecules you're made up of?"
Tucker : 
Sato : 
"All right, how many?"
Tucker : 
"Uh, a few trillion."
Sato : 
"That's a pretty big jigsaw puzzle!"
worrying about the transporter
ENT : Vanishing Point
Sato : 
"It was very unsettling. Didn't you find it unsettling?"
Tucker : 
"For a minute or two, but once I counted my fingers and toes…"
Sato : 
"I don't know, I just don't feel right."
discussing their recent use of the transporter
ENT : Vanishing Point
Sato : 
"Ever since I used that transporter, nothing has been the way that it's supposed to be. I couldn't translate a simple bimodal syntax but Crewman Baird could. Crewman Baird doesn't know the first thing about our linguistic database! And Captain Archer told me to stay in my quarters, but my mirror doesn't want to give me a solid reflection and my shower can't decide whether to bounce off me or go through me! And nobody wants to talk to me."
to Phlox
ENT : Vanishing Point
Phlox : 
"Transporter technology is very new. I'm sure Humans were equally frightened when the automobile was introduced, or the airplane. New forms of transport take a while to get used to. I'm not at all surprised at your reaction – you wouldn't catch me using that apparatus."
to Sato
ENT : Vanishing Point
Kaitaama : 
"My family is known on hundreds of worlds."
Tucker : 
"Well, I'm afraid Earth isn't one of 'em."
ENT : Precious Cargo
Kaitaama : 
"I am first monarch of the sovereign dynasty of Krios Prime."
Tucker : 
"Oh… Charles Tucker III. Pleased to meet you."
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"You know, you were a lot more pleasant in stasis."
to Kaitaama
ENT : Precious Cargo
T'Pol : 
"How much do you weigh?"
Plinn : 
T'Pol : 
"Your weight?"
Plinn : 
"72 kilograms."
T'Pol : 
Plinn : 
"1.8 meters. Why are you asking these questions?"
T'Pol : 
"Does your culture observe any postmortem rituals?"
Plinn : 
"This is not fair! I demand to speak with someone from my government!"
pretending to be his judge and executioner
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"You'd be dead if it weren't for me!"
Kaitaama : 
"I'm beginning to think that would be preferable!"
Tucker : 
"I doubt the commoners back home would complain!"
ENT : Precious Cargo
Phlox : 
"Sickbay is the most heavily shielded section. It's possible that some of the crew could survive there."
Archer : 
"We can't fit 83 people into sickbay... and I'm not about to draw lots!"
ENT : The Catwalk
Tucker : 
"I understand we're explorers and we're supposed to keep an open mind about different cultures, but these guys are driving me crazy."
ENT : The Catwalk
Tucker : 
"I'm no good until I've had my coffee."
ENT : Dawn
Tucker : 
"That was quite a trick."
to Zho'Kaan; on healing his wound by spitting on it
ENT : Dawn
Tucker : 
"I wouldn't trade my time on Enterprise. Not for anything. I've seen things I could never imagine back home."
ENT : Dawn
Zho'Kaan : 
"Trip, when I fired at your vessel... I'm grateful I didn't destroy it."
Tucker : 
"That makes two of us!"
ENT : Dawn
Strom : 
"We don't condone the intimate acts that these people engage in. They defy everything our society stands for."
on Vulcans who perform mind melds
ENT : Stigma
Tucker : 
"Maybe I should tell the doc."
Reed : 
"Tell him what? That his wife is trying to seduce you? Not a good idea!"
ENT : Stigma
Feezal : 
"I wasn't exactly pulling your leg, was I, commander?"
to Tucker
ENT : Stigma
Tarah : 
"Have you ever known a Vulcan who wouldn't lie to get what he wanted?"
to Shran
ENT : Cease Fire
Forrest : 
"Jonathan, this is the first time the Vulcans have asked for our help. You're the closest thing we have to an ambassador out there. You know how important this could be."
to Archer; when Soval requests their assistance on Paan Mokar
ENT : Cease Fire
Tucker : 
"I don't like pushing the engines this hard. The injectors are running at 110 percent."
T'Pol : 
"They're rated for 120."
Tucker : 
"And my underwear is flame retardant. That doesn't mean that I'm going to light myself on fire to prove it!"
ENT : Cease Fire
Phlox : 
"Ironic... they weren't overly enthusiastic about you taking command of Enterprise in the first place, and now, your presence is... crucial to their interests."
Archer : 
"It's crucial to ours too... Maybe we're not out here to just scan comets and meet new species, maybe we're out here to prove that Humanity is ready to join a much larger community... I intend to do that... whether the Vulcans like it or not."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"I imagined my first diplomatic mission would involve sitting around a big table, toasting with champagne, signing things with lots of pens…"
Shran : 
"The pink skin sense of humor."
ENT : Cease Fire
Soval : 
"What is their fixation with our ears?"
T'Pol : 
"I believe they're envious."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"I believe someone once defined a compromise as a solution that neither side is happy with."
Shran : 
"In that case, these talks have been extremely successful."
ENT : Cease Fire
Shran : 
"I think he likes you, pink skin."
Archer : 
"I wouldn't go that far."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"If a Human and a Vulcan did have a child... I wonder if he'd have pointed ears?"
to T'Pol; a laugh-out-loud moment for Spock fans
ENT : Future Tense
Kuroda : 
"I may not know how to fly this ship, but I am sure I can figure out how to crash it!"
to Archer
ENT : Canamar
Reed : 
"Would you mind taking off your clothing? I'd like to learn more about your anatomy."
to T'Pol
ENT : The Crossing
Archer : 
"I hope they're not the jury."
Kolos : 
"There is no jury."
ENT : Judgment
Kolos : 
"Be silent or you will be removed!"
when archer speaks during the trial
ENT : Judgment
Duras : 
"Identify yourself!"
Archer : 
"Captain Archer of the battle cruiser Enterprise."
ENT : Judgment
Archer : 
"What is it?"
Kolos : 
"Blood wine. It should help make the wait more pleasant."
 Archer considers the flask, drinks from it, then tries to control his negative reaction.
Archer : 
"What's it the blood of?"
 Kolos chuckles.
Kolos : 
"Don't feel badly if you can't stomach it."
Archer : 
"I didn't say that!"
ENT : Judgment
Kolos : 
"Perhaps I spent too much time in the law library and not enough in the battlefield."
ENT : Judgment
Kolos : 
"You didn't believe all Klingons were soldiers?"
Archer : 
"I guess I did."
Kolos : 
"My father was a teacher. My mother, a biologist at the university. They encouraged me to take up the law. Now, all young people want to do is to take up weapons as soon as they can hold them. They're told there is honor in victory... any victory. What honor is there in a victory over a weaker opponent? Had Duras destroyed that ship, he would have been lauded as a hero of the Empire for murdering helpless refugees. We were a great society, not so long ago. When honor was earned through integrity and acts of true courage, not senseless bloodshed."
Kolos : 
"For thousands of years, my people had similar problems. We fought three world wars that almost destroyed us. Whole generations were nearly wiped out."
Archer : 
"What changed?"
Kolos : 
"A few courageous people began to realize... they could make a difference."
ENT : Judgment
Mayweather : 
"Starfleet really ought to think about putting families on starships."
Reed : 
"You must be joking!"
Mayweather : 
"No one would ever get homesick."
Reed : 
"Yes... well they'd better post a psychologist on board. Because I'd need one if my parents were roaming the corridors."
ENT : Horizon
Trip : 
"If you don't start moving in the next five seconds, I'm gonna take my phase pistol and shoot you in the ass!"
to the Denobulan
ENT : The Breach
Archer : 
"I might have expected something like this from a first year recruit, but not you. You did exactly what I'd do? If that's true then I've done a pretty lousy job setting an example around here. You're a senior officer on this ship, you're privy to the moral challenges I've had to face. You know I've wrestled with the fine line between doing what I think is right and interfering with other species. So don't tell me you know what I would have done when I don't even know what I would have done!"
to Trip
ENT : Cogenitor
Archer : 
"Sounds to me like we have only postponed the invasion until... what? The 24th century?"
to T'Pol
ENT : Regeneration
T'Pol : 
"I suppose we'll never know... who would have won."
to Archer; on his fight with Robinson. Given his track record with fights, I thought this was a nicely snarky comment for the writers to throw in
ENT : First Flight
Skalaar : 
"You'd be wise to keep quiet. The Klingons pay me the same whether you're alive or dead."
to Archer
ENT : Bounty
T'Pol : 
"If I don't mate with a male, Vulcan or otherwise, I'll die."
ENT : Bounty
T'Pol : 
"Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you."
Phlox : 
"You're disturbing my serum!"
ENT : Bounty
Reed : 
"Photonic torpedoes. Their range is over fifty times greater than our conventional torpedoes. And they have a variable yield. They can knock the comm array off a shuttle pod without scratching the hull, or they can put a three kilometre crater into an asteroid."
to Trip
ENT : The Expanse
T'Pol : 
"Delicate is not a word I associate with Mr. Tucker."
on Trip
ENT : The Xindi
Tucker : 
"Where's Isaac Newton when you need him?"
ENT : Anomaly
Tucker : 
"Creating a stable warp field isn't easy when the laws of physics won't cooperate."
ENT : Anomaly
Phlox : 
"Place one on your chest and one on your abdomen an hour before going to bed. Their secretions act as a natural sedative. Please, be careful to sleep on your back. If you roll over, you might anger them."
Tucker : 
"Maybe an hour a night with T'Pol isn't so bad."
discussing Aldebaran mud leeches
ENT : Anomaly
Orgoth : 
"Mercy is not a quality that will serve you well in the Expanse, captain."
to Archer
ENT : Anomaly
Archer : 
"That species we became, they cease to exist the moment this virus is gone."
to Phlox; on his reason for not destroying the virus
ENT : Extinction
T'Pol : 
"Some of our calculations may have been slightly off."
to Tucker; looking at the smoking ruin of the lab
ENT : Rajiin
Trip : 
"Part of the fun of a mystery is trying to solve it before it ends. Using logic. You of all people should appreciate that."
to T'Pol; concerning the movie
ENT : Impulse
Tarquin : 
"No one will ever understand you the way I can."
to Hoshi
ENT : Exile
Gralik : 
"I'm proud of my craft, captain. I've practiced it for many years. I won't let my work be corrupted in this way. Seven million people... if I'd chosen my clients more carefully that tragedy might not have happened. I don't intend to let it happen again."
to Archer
ENT : The Shipment
Tucker : 
"You'll enjoy it. Rosemary's Baby. It'll scare the hell out of you."
to T'Pol; discussing this weeks movie
ENT : Twilight
Reed : 
"We've taken nine prisoners, but the brig was only designed for two. I'm not sure what to do with the others."
Tucker : 
"Blow 'em out the airlock!"
T'Pol : 
"Put them in crew quarters under heavy guard."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"For now, the best I can give you is warp 1.7!"
Reed : 
"We're not going to get very far at that speed."
ENT : Twilight
Tucker : 
"This planet is barely Minshara-class. Maybe we should've picked one with a little more blue and green on it."
commenting on how desolate the planet is
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"It couldn't have been easy for you, telling me the same story over and over again for twelve years."
T'Pol : 
"I don't always tell it in detail."
Archer : 
"I hope I've told you this before, but… I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me."
on her having to look after him
ENT : Twilight
T'Pol : 
"If the Xindi are on the way, there's very little we can do to stop them."
Tucker : 
"Well we can't just run up the white flag."
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"You know... you'd make a wonderful nurse."
to T'Pol
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"They kidnapped the wrong people."
to T'Pol; Yay humans!
ENT : North Star
Sim : 
"I couldn't ask for a better going away present."
to T'Pol; after she kisses him
ENT : Similitude
T'Pol : 
"You've been abducting people for money and you're questioning our honesty?"
to Loomis
ENT : Carpenter Street
T'Pol : 
"In one individual we've managed to find the worst qualities of this era. Greed, violence, moral corruption."
to Archer; regarding Loomis
ENT : Carpenter Street
Archer : 
"Go ahead, try to blow yourself up. I'll wait."
to D'Jamat
ENT : Chosen Realm
Archer : 
"Your faith was going to bring peace. Here it is."
to D'Jamat; surveying the ruins of his home world
ENT : Chosen Realm
Shran : 
"Take us out of the system. But not too quickly; the Andorian mining consortium runs from no-one!"
taking his role as a miner just a little too seriously
ENT : Proving Ground
Degra : 
"When it arrived in your star system, I watched the incoming telemetry with the other members of the council. Seven million lives were extinguished in front of my eyes. I asked myself... how many of those were children?"
to Archer
ENT : Stratagem
Archer : 
"Thanks for your help."
to Degra; sarcastically, after fooling him into revealing the location of the Xindi weapon
ENT : Stratagem
Tucker : 
"I don't know who did more damage to the engine, the alien or Malcolm."
to T'Pol
ENT : Harbinger
Archer : 
"The last thing I need is to hear is that two of my senior officers have been admitted to sickbay because they suddenly regressed to the level of five year olds!"
to Reed and Hayes
ENT : Harbinger
Phlox : 
"You suggest I read the manual!?"
to T'Pol; regarding starting the warp drive up
ENT : Doctor's Orders
Phlox : 
"I'm a physician, not an engineer!"
to T'Pol; and Enterprise makes it's first contribution to the 'and Enterprise makes it's first contribution to the 'I'm a Doctor, not a...' list!'
ENT : Doctor's Orders
Archer : 
"The Xindi are trying to destroy Earth because they heard that Humans are ruthless, this is the chance to prove them wrong."
to Reed
ENT : Hatchery
Archer : 
"I don't know much about Vulcan ethics but Humans don't throw morality out the window when things start getting a little rough."
to T'Pol
ENT : Hatchery
Archer : 
"I'm going to ask all of you to think back to the day when this ship was first launched. We were explorers then. When all this is over, when Earth is safe, I want you to get back to that job. There are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy, we've only explored a tiny fraction. You have a lot to do. Of all the captains who will sit in this chair, I can't imagine any of them being more proud than I am right now."
to crew
ENT : Azati Prime
Trip : 
"You did the right thing."
Archer : 
"Seems the longer we're out here, the more I have to keep saying that to myself."
ENT : Damage
Archer : 
"We came into the Expanse not knowing what we'd find, with no one to rely on but ourselves. But we're going to succeed, to accomplish our mission, for everyone on Earth who's relying on us... and for the eighteen."
to crew; at the memorial service
ENT : The Forgotten
Tucker : 
"Only in the Expanse could I have a son who's nearly three times my age."
to T'Pol
ENT : E2
T'Pol : 
"You'll never fully recover. The emotions you've accessed will be with you the rest of your life."
to TPol
ENT : E2
Dolim : 
"If you ever question the Guardians again, your skin will adorn the bow of this ship."
to one of his officers
ENT : The Council
Archer : 
"When I was on the future Enterprise, four hundred years from now, there were Xindi aboard. Humans and Xindi were serving together in the Federation. That's a future worth fighting for."
to Degra
ENT : The Council
Commander Dolim : 
"Before your primate brain is too badly damaged to understand, I want to thank you for helping us destroy your world."
to Hoshi
ENT : Countdown
Archer : 
"Have these Guardians told you where you'll establish your new home world? The one Humans are destined to destroy? Is it here, in the Expanse? In case you haven't noticed, the Spheres are turning it into a trans-dimensional wasteland! None of you will be able to survive. You say the Guardians have helped you? Have they ever tried to disable the Spheres? Because we've found a way. Help me save my people, and I can help you save yours."
to Xindi Council
ENT : Countdown
Major Hayes : 
"We're all part of the same crew, no matter which uniform we wear. Don't worry about Ensign Sato, we'll bring her home."
to Reed
ENT : Countdown
Reed : 
"We've got less than ten hours before this weapon reaches Earth. The captain wants to take a team aboard to destroy it. I don't imagine the Reptilians will make this easy for us, but that's why you're here. That's why Major Hayes picked each one of you for this mission: because he knew you'd get the job done. I need three volunteers."
to The Macos; every one of them immediately volunteers
ENT : Countdown
Daniels : 
"The membership is going to grow. Dozens, eventually hundreds of species... a United Federation of Planets."
to Archer
ENT : Zero Hour
Shran : 
"And tell Archer, we're not even anymore. He owes me!"
ENT : Zero Hour
German Officer : 
"Americans are good at making movies. They're not so good at fighting!"
to Archer
ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Trip : 
"This isn't a damn sensor glitch! We just pulled three .50 caliber bullets from the shuttlepod hull - and spare us the official Vulcan position about time travel! We are two hundred years in the past. Face it!"
to T'Pol
ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Reed : 
"I've been going over those military dispatches that Hoshi picked up. Some of them don't make sense - they mention recent battles in Virginia and Ohio! There weren't any battles fought there in World War II, the Nazis never got to North America. Something's very wrong down there."
to Archer
ENT : Storm Front, Part 1
Vosk : 
"Our greatest scientist once said 'every moment we live, we are moving through time. We've earned the right to choose which direction.'"
to his men
ENT : Storm Front, Part 2
Silik : 
"One thing is clear, when necessary Humans are fully capable of returning to old methods."
to Archer
ENT : Storm Front, Part 2
Archer : 
"I've been told that people are calling us heroes. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me."
to well, just about everybody!
ENT : Home
Soong : 
"Jonathan Archer. What brings you here, they naming the prison after you?"
to Archer
ENT : Borderland
Archer : 
"Why are you so surprised? Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everybody else, the results are always the same."
to Soong; on the Augment's abandoning Smike
ENT : Cold Station 12
Malik : 
"You're a competent fighter."
to Archer; Well... he's better than he used to be, at least
ENT : Cold Station 12
Archer : 
"'Superior ability breeds superior ambition.' One of their creators wrote that. He was murdered by an Augment."
to Soong
ENT : The Augments
Soong : 
"How long can we sustain warp 5?"
Trip : 
"As long as the captain wants it. Or until we blow up, whichever comes first."
ENT : The Augments
Soval : 
"We had our wars Admiral, just as Humans did. Our planet was devastated, our civilisation nearly destroyed. Logic saved us, but it took almost 1,500 years for us to rebuild our world and travel to the stars. You Humans did the same in less than a century. There are those on the high command who wonder what Humans would achieve in the century to come. And they don't like the answer."
to Forrest
ENT : The Forge
T'Pol : 
"Over the centuries his followers made copies of his teachings."
Archer : 
"Let me guess, With the originals lost whatever's left is open to interpretation."
T'Pol : 
"You find this amusing?"
Archer : 
"I find it familiar."
ENT : The Forge
Soval : 
"Deception has never been a stranger to this room."
to V'Las; on the high council's chamber
ENT : Awakening
Trip : 
"How many warning shots do Vulcans usually fire?"
Soval : 
ENT : Awakening
Surak : 
"Logic has not won this day. But this day will not last forever."
to Archer
ENT : Awakening
T'Pau : 
"You may be witnessing the start of a new era. Not only for Vulcan, but for Earth as well."
to Archer
ENT : Kir'Shara
T'Pau : 
"You'll no longer have us looking over your shoulder. It's time for Earth to stand on it's own."
to Archer
ENT : Kir'Shara
Talok : 
"This is simply a minor delay. The reunificiation of our people is only a matter of time."
to V'Las
ENT : Kir'Shara
Erickson : 
"Why settle for making myself miserable when I can spread the misery around to an entire class of students?"
on teaching
ENT : Daedalus
Trip : 
"At least the warp engines still need me!"
on T'Pol dumping him
ENT : Daedalus
Archer : 
"Maybe you've evolved into beings with abilities I can't comprehend. But you've paid a hell of a price. You've lost compassion and empathy, things that give life meaning. If that's what it takes to be advanced, I don't want any part of it."
to the Organian
ENT : Observer Effect
Archer : 
"If you want to know what it means to be Human, you need to do more than observe."
to Organians
ENT : Observer Effect
Gral : 
"I'm told this ship is the pride of Starfleet. I find it small and unimpressive."
Archer : 
"Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you."
ENT : Babel One
Reed : 
"There's no rule that says the bridge has to be at the top of the ship."
to Trip
ENT : Babel One
Trip : 
"You did all this with one phase pistol?"
Reed : 
"You're good at building things. I'm good at blowing them up."
ENT : United
Senator Vrax : 
"This mission was supposed to cause dissension in the region. It's had the opposite effect."
to Admiral Valdore
ENT : The Aenar
Shran : 
"The Vulcans say that the desert teaches men the meaning of endurance, but it's the ice that forges real strength."
to Archer
ENT : The Aenar
Phlox : 
"As far as I know there are no species in the galaxy that have mastered the art of mixing romance and vocation... This is the one ailment that is universally untreatable, you'll have to suffer through it."
to Tucker
ENT : The Aenar
Shran : 
"When you lose your ship, you aren't usually rewarded with another one. I may not see you for a while."
to Archer
ENT : The Aenar
Reed : 
"There are some obligations that go beyond my loyalty to you and this crew."
to Archer
ENT : Affliction
Reed : 
"I answer to one commanding officer. Jonathan Archer."
to Section 31 guy
ENT : Divergence
Harrad-Sar : 
"Incredible aren't they? They can make you forget most of your troubles... of course creatures such as these come with troubles of their own."
to Archer; on the Orion women
ENT : Bound
Navaar : 
"I can see you're not very experienced at making threats."
Archer : 
"I'm a lot better at carrying them out."
ENT : Bound
Reed : 
"At least the pheromones are wearing off. I haven't thought about the Orions for, what, a whole ten minutes."
to Archer
ENT : Bound
T'Pol : 
"It proves that even the most disagreeable species have some positive attributes."
on the Orion women being secret leaders of their people
ENT : Bound
Mirror Phlox : 
"Will you kindly die?"
to the Tholian
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly
Mirror Phlox : 
"I skimmed a few of the more celebrated narratives. The stories were similar in some respects but their characters were weak and compassionate. With the exception of Shakespeare, of course. From what I could tell his plays were equally grim in both universes."
to Mirror Phlox; on the differences in literature between the two universes
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2
Mirror Archer : 
"That ship out there is the key to our victory. With the Defiant on our side there will be nothing to stop us!"
to crew
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2
Mirror Sato : 
"You're speaking with Empress Sato. Prepare to recieve instructions."
to Gardiner; claiming the throne
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2
Samuels : 
"With this Coalition of Planets we seek to strengthen our bonds of friendship, render permanent the peace that now exists among us for the ongoing exploration of our galaxy. Let us dedicate ourselves to these worthy goals so that future generations can look back upon this moment with pride and eternal gratitude."
in his opening speech
ENT : Demons
Archer : 
"Up until about a hundred years ago, there was one question that burned in every human, that made us study the stars and dream of travelling to them, 'Are we alone?' Our generation is privileged to know the answer to that question. We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores. And yet, the more I've experienced, the more I've learned that no matter how far we travel, or how fast we get there, the most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star. They're within us, woven into the threads that bind us, all of us, to each other. A final frontier begins in this hall. Let's explore it together."
to the conference
ENT : Terra Prime
Phlox : 
"When you invited me to join this crew, I thought it would be an interesting diversion for a few months. Some time away from the complications of family, which on Denobula can be extremely complicated. I didn't expect to gain another family. It hurts as if she were my own child. Make something good come from this, Captain."
to Archer; on Elizabeth's death
ENT : Terra Prime
T'Pol : 
"Hello... I'm your mother. You're going to need a name. We should discuss that with your father."
to Elizabeth
ENT : Terra Prime
Picard : 
"Space, the final frontier these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission..."
Kirk : 
" explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations..."
Archer : 
" boldly go where no man has gone before."
The last words spoken in the series
ENT : These Are The Voyages...
Picard : 
"Because it was no longer Starfleet! We withdrew. The galaxy was mourning, burying its dead, and Starfleet had slunk from its duties. The decision to call off the rescue and to abandon those people we had sworn to save was not just dishonourable. It was downright criminal!"
STP : Remembrance
Commodore Oh : 
"All these years, the hermit of La Barre. Now suddenly he's inescapable."
to Admiral Clancy; dicussing Picard's re-emergence
STP : Maps and Legends
Agnes : 
"Ah, you have a taste for the classics, I see."; holding a copy of The Complete Robot by Isaac Asimov.
Picard : 
"I never really cared for science fiction... I guess I just didn't get it."
STP : Maps and Legends
Picard : 
"Picard, P-I-C-A-R-D, Jean-Luc"
upset that he wasn't recognised by a young ensign at Starfleet HQ.
STP : Maps and Legends
Picard : 
on the Bridge of La Sirena, when leaving orbit, the first time we heard this since Nemesis.
STP : The End is the Beginning
Picard : 
"One impossible thing at a time"
to Raffi; remembering what they used to say when planning the rescue of the Romulans.
STP : Absolute Candor
Agnes : 
"Anyone else think the 'Way of Absolute Candor' sounds potentially annoying?"
STP : Absolute Candor
Agnes : 
"What's your book about."
Rios : 
"The existential pain of living with the consciousness of death and how it defines us as Human beings."
Agnes : 
"Well that's not a conversation killer at all."
STP : Absolute Candor
Seven of Nine : 
"Picard still thinks there's a place in the galaxy for mercy. I didn't want to disillusion him."
to Bjayzl; shortly before killing her.
STP : Stardust City Rag
Elnor : 
"Are we still pretending?"
Picard : 
"No Elnor, I think everyone has finally stopped."
STP : Stardust City Rag
Raffi : 
"Your personality needs to match your clothes. You need to show a little panache."
Seven : 
"You need a feather in your hat."
STP : Stardust City Rag
EMH : 
"What is the nature of the psychiatric emergency?"
to Agnes; asking what's wrong when she's waiting to beam the team up.
STP : Stardust City Rag
 Three Romulan guards appear and hold pistols on them, saying, hands in the air. One falls to the floor and Elnor is behind with his sword, moments later all three Romulans are dead.
Picard : 
"Elnor, I told you to stay on the ship."
Elnor : 
"Yes. I didn't listen."
Picard : 
"Thank you."
STP : The Impossible Box
Narek : 
"It sounded like a nightmare. Wanna tell me about it?"
Soji : 
"Why? Because you care? Or because you're endlessly fascinated with the way my mind works?"
STP : The Impossible Box
Elnor : 
"He can't see you're also... haunted by something you'd like to forget. Was I in-butting?"
Agnes : 
"That time, yes."
STP : The Impossible Box
Agnes : 
"Maybe they've changed."
Picard : 
"Changed? The Borg."
Picard : 
"They coolly assimilate entire civilizations, entire systems in a matter of hours."
Picard : 
"They don't change. They metastasise."
STP : The Impossible Box
Kestra : 
"Seems weird to make an android with mucus and saliva, but... I guess Data would do it like that."
Soji : 
"I don't see how this Data could be my father. I mean, if I was made, it was probably about three years ago. Wait, why would Data want to make an android with mucus and saliva?"
Kestra : 
"Well, he was always trying to be more human. He could do all these amazing things, but all he ever really wanted to do was, like, have dreams and tell jokes and, like, learn how to ballroom dance."
STP : Nepenthe
Hugh : 
"How's this for a lost cause? I was that much of a hopeful fool again for a minute. Thanks for that."
to Elnor; his last words.
STP : Nepenthe
EMH : 
"What is the nature of your... Oh, bloody hell."
on seeing Agnes on the floor convulsing.
STP : Nepenthe
Picard : 
"Commander Riker and I served together on the USS Enterprise."
Soji : 
"And you were the greatest captain ever, I heard."
Riker : 
"The greatest captain ever? Where'd you get that nonsense?"
Kestra : 
"From you."
Riker : 
"From me? I must have been drinking at the time."
STP : Nepenthe
Troi : 
"I'm not as brave as I used to be, Jean-Luc."
Picard : 
"Then you're getting wiser."
 Discussing her worry that Kestra might get hurt.
STP : Nepenthe
Troi : 
"You cut out the venom sacks?"
Kestra : 
"Nope, I left them all in so we can all spew black bile and die."
 Discussing the Bunnicorn she had brought home for dinner.
STP : Nepenthe
Rios : 
"Everybody here thinks you're crazy."
Agnes : 
"And brave."
Rios : 
"...and brave. Adios, kid."
 Talking to Elnor about his decision to remain on the Cube to help the ex-Borg.
STP : Nepenthe
Raffi : 
"The Tal Shiar had a tracker inside your girl Jurati, and it looks like she killed Bruce Maddox."
ENH : 
"Well, that's bad news."
Raffi : 
"Uh. Yeah. Unless you like giant, all-encompassing, paranoid conspiracy theories, then it's, you know, kinda awesome. You know, in a horrible way."
ENH : 
"In bad situations, it's so important to try and find something positive."
 Raffi assumed she was talking to Rios
STP : Broken Pieces
Clancy : 
"That's a hell of a report."
Picard : 
"And you thought I was a desperate old man. Quixotic, paranoid, possibly senile..."
Clancy : 
"Let's just leave it at 'quixotic'."
Picard : 
"And now the windmills have turned out to be giants."
Clancy : 
"You want an apology?"
Picard : 
"I want a squadron."
Clancy : 
Picard : 
"Clancy! Out there, in the Vayt system, right now, beings who have as much right to life and liberty as you and I or Commander Data are being hunted down by an enemy who seeks to exterminate them..."
Clancy : 
Picard : 
"No, Clancy. If you say this is not a job for Starfleet, then I'm sorry, but you are a waste of space!"
Clancy : 
"Admiral Picard, with all due respect and at long last, shut the fuck up. I'm sending a squadron to rendezvous with you at DS12. Now stay put until they get there."
STP : Broken Pieces
Narissa : 
"Though, when you lost your mind, you certainly did it with panache. Breaking a Borg Cube by the sheer force of your despair."
to Ramdha
STP : Broken Pieces
Raffi : 
"So... Captain Alonzo Vandermeer. Is that his Walkman?"
to Rios; talking about a record player
STP : Broken Pieces
Picard : 
"One more thing, I have a brain abnormality. I've known for years. I never had any symptoms, so I never thought much about it. However, just before we left the Earth, I learned that my condition was more acute. The prognosis was terminal, and there is no effective treatment. There will be no further discussion. Anyone who treats me like a dying man will run the risk of pissing me off. Is that clear?"
to the crew of La Sirena
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Altan Soong : 
"I take it my face looks familiar."
Picard : 
"I feel as if I'm looking at Data."
Altan Soong : 
"Data if he had gotten old and gone soft. Must be disturbing. I know it is for me. Doctor Altan Inigo Soong, mad scientist. My father had me, but he created Data... a fact he never let me forget."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Altan Soong : 
"What you did. Shame on you, Agnes. You put out a small, bright candle shedding its light in a vast darkness. You owe a great debt."
to Agnes; talking about killing Bruce Maddox
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Raffi : 
"After everything that you've done for me... I need to say... thank you. I love you, JL. Oh, you don't have to say it back to me. I just..."
Picard : 
"I don't?"
Raffi : 
"Not unless you want to. Oh, s... Yeah. No, it's fine. It's fine."
Picard : 
Raffi : 
Picard : 
"I love you too, Raffi."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Soji : 
"Picard, try to see this from our point of view. You choose if we live, you choose if we die. You choose! We have no choice! You organics have never given us one."
Picard : 
"To say you have no choice is a failure of imagination."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Agnes : 
"They've left us behind, Picard! They're generations beyond us!"
Picard : 
"In one sense, yes, but in another, as you said, they are children. And until now, the only teachers that they've had are a couple of hermits, and the fear of extermination. But fear is an incompetent teacher. Yes, they have life. But no one is teaching them what it's for. To be alive is a responsibility, as well as a right."
Agnes : 
"How are they supposed to learn that lesson in six minutes, and eleven seconds?"
Picard : 
"The way that children learn most things, by example."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Agnes : 
"So, how do we hold off 218 warbirds until Starfleet gets here? If they get here? … Are you not answering to build suspense, or…?"
Picard : 
"At the present moment, Dr. Jurati, I am trying to pilot a starship for the first time in a very long time, without exploding or crashing! If that is alright with you."
Agnes : 
"No, totally, good call. One impossible thing at a time."
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Picard : 
"Raffi? You were quite right."
to Raffi; his last words
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Admiral Picard : 
"We often refer to space as the final frontier. But the older I get, the more I come to believe… that the true final frontier is time."
to Starfleet academy cadets
STP : The Star Gazer
Guinan : 
"I think your answers are not in the stars and they never have been. Also, I suggest that we drink. Because I think there's one final frontier yet to come."
to Jean-Luc
STP : The Star Gazer
Q : 
"Do you recall what I said to you when last we parted ways? The trial never ends."
Jean-Luc : 
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Q : 
"You've been talking a lot about second chances. Well, my friend, welcome to the very end of the road not taken."
STP : The Star Gazer
Q : 
"Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc. You are more than just a piece. Why, you're the very board upon which this game is played."
to Jean-Luc
STP : Penance
Jean-Luc : 
"Q, I am too old for your bullshit!"
to Q
STP : Penance
General Picard : 
"In the name of the Confederation, I fought for a pure universe. One by one, with the aid of the brave crew of the CSS World Razer, we conquered the stars. We sought out and subjugated savage civilizations, boldly conquered warlike alien worlds, increased the wealth and resources for future generations of humanity. And you could be Earth's next great hero because a safe galaxy is a human galaxy."
a recording of the general listened to by Admiral Picard
STP : Penance
Rios : 
"So, to be clear, wake a queen who could kill us all, beam from a ship with no power, and find a Watcher who may or may not exist."
to Jean-Luc
STP : Assimilation
Borg Queen : 
"What you have just done here is more difficult, and vastly more dangerous than you realise."
Agnes : 
"And what is that?"
Borg Queen : 
"You've impressed me."
STP : Assimilation
Seven : 
"Hey! Hey! You mind stopping that noise?"
Punk on bus : "Yeah, OK, fine! I just like that song. OK? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Apologies."
In a scene similar to that in Star Trek : The Voyage Home, where Spock ends up nerve pinching the punk
STP : Watcher
Rios : 
"Why does the past hurt so much?"
after first falling and bashing his head on a fire escape and now being shocked with a stungun by Officer Morris of ICE
STP : Watcher
Q : 
"Dr. Soong, I presume?"
to Adam Soong
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Adam Soong : 
"Do you have any idea how many crackpots contact me about my work? I get everything from basement-dwelling Nazis to... rich heiresses who want me to clone their fucking cats."
to Q
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Commander Musa : 
"We've been on this path for quite some time. But now, what was once theory, just endless studies and tests, has finally become our reality. We are sending humans further than we have ever gone before."
STP : Fly Me to the Moon
Tallinn : 
"You know, your voice does this funny little thing when you say her name. Who is she, anyhow?"
Jean-Luc : 
"Oh, no one of importance"
Tallinn : 
"Thanks for that. Now I know what it looks like when you lie"
 talking about Laris
STP : Two of One
Borg Queen : 
"I do miss Locutus."
Agnes : 
"I'm a hundred percent sure he doesn't miss you."
STP : Two of One
Adam Soong : 
"Picard! Adam Soong. I believe we have a friend in common. A Mister Q"
Jean-Luc : 
"He's not a friend"
Adam Soong : 
"That's what he said about you."
STP : Two of One
Jean-Luc : 
"You're Renée Picard, astronaut of the Europa Mission. You must be capable of such great things to have come this far."
Renée : 
Jean-Luc : 
"You remind me a bit of my mother. She, too, loved the stars. And she, too... struggled."
Renée : 
"Sometimes fear is a friendly reminder you're not ready for something."
Jean-Luc : 
"No. Fear is fear. It doesn't speak in riddles. Fear means you're smart. You understand the risks."
Renée : 
"So, what are you afraid of?"
Jean-Luc : 
"I don't know where I would begin."
Renée : 
"And you found a way to live with it?"
Jean-Luc : 
"I found that even in the darkest circumstances, there is a light. Sometimes, only a glimmer. Trust that light. Find a way back, no matter what it takes."
Renée : 
"Your mother... was very lucky to have you."
STP : Two of One
Tallinn : 
"So, this is your mind, sober. I bet five-drink Picard is a blast."
to Jean-Luc; in his mind
STP : Monsters
Teresa : 
"Are you from outer space?"
Rios : 
"No. I'm from Chile. I just… I work in outer space."
STP : Monsters
Tallinn : 
"You'll do so much with this pain. You'll save worlds with it."
to Young Picard; in his mind
STP : Monsters
Guinan : 
"You're dying."
Q : 
"Another quality I sincerely loathe about your species. Empathy."
STP : Mercy
Jean-Luc : 
"I know a haunted man when I see one. The things we hold onto. The pieces of emotional shrapnel that drive us all our lives."
to Wells
STP : Mercy
Agnes : 
"I assume a lecture on the futility of resistance is not going to be necessary?"
to Adam Soong
STP : Mercy
Jean-Luc : 
"And now, for my truth. I am Human but I am from the future, the 25th century to be precise. And I am here to save Earth. To save the entire galaxy, in fact. But to do so, it seems… I need your help."
to Wells
STP : Mercy
Raffi : 
"You know, you should have joined Starfleet."
Seven : 
"I tried. After Voyager. Starfleet shut me down because…"
Raffi : 
"You were Borg?"
Seven : 
"Janeway went to bat for me, threatened to resign. But, I gave it up. Went full Ranger."
STP : Hide and Seek
Jean-Luc : 
"I remember now. In a cloudy moment of extreme melancholy, my mother hung herself here in this place. And for all I've lived, all I've seen and done, I suppose this is the moment I've kept myself from remembering."
recalling his mother's suicide
STP : Hide and Seek
Renée : 
"Did you know that space is so vast, so infinite, it takes billions of years for that tiny pinprick of light to make that lonely journey from its star to our eyes? The brilliance you see in the night sky, Jean-Luc, that exquisite light, it's just an echo, really, of a star that has long since faded. Like me."
to Jean-Luc Picard
STP : Hide and Seek
Kore : 
"And you are...?"
Wesley Crusher : 
"That's a very long and very complicated story."
Kore : 
"Honestly, I've got nothing pressing."
Wesley Crusher : 
"OK. A long time ago, I was known as Wesley Crusher. But now, I am a traveller of all of space and time."
STP : Farewell
Rios : 
"I never fit, you know? Nothing stuck. I mean, I was living alone on a cargo ship with five holographic versions of myself. Not very encouraging. But then, I met you. I never had a family in any real way. You changed all that. All of you did. This is where I belong. Jean-Luc… I'm home."
Jean-Luc : 
"Make a good future."
STP : Farewell
Q : 
"Farewell, mon capitaine. It's time for me to go. But not alone. Isn't that the point of all this? See you out there."
to Jean-Luc; possibly the last words he ever said
STP : Farewell
Jean-Luc : 
"You just saved billions of lives."
Borg Agnes : 
"That was the idea, mister."
STP : Farewell
Pike : 
"Communications? Ah, yes. The prodigy. Cadet… Uhura? On communications rotation. Very happy to have you aboard."
Uhura : 
"Thank you, sir. Glad to be here. Enterprise is cleared for launch."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Pike : 
"Take me to your leader."
to Kiley security; after he and Spock are captured on Kiley 279
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Ortegas : 
"Course, captain? What's the mission?"
Pike : 
"Our mission? We explore. We seek out new life and new civilizations. We boldly go where no one has gone before."
Uhura : 
"Cool... sir."
Pike : 
"Let's take her out, Lieutenant Ortegas. Warp factor two. Hit it."
SNW : Strange New Worlds
Pike : 
"Sometimes, Mr Spock, things go so badly you just have to laugh."
to Spock
SNW : Children of the Comet
Spock : 
"I am more than capable of managing any pain you can induce."
Chapel : 
"Mr. Spock. Now you're just toying with me."
SNW : Children of the Comet
La'An : 
"Isn't using any Illyrian medical tech against Federation regs?"
Number 1 : 
"Thanks to the Eugenics Wars. I imagine you know all about that period in history."
La'An : 
"Well, you don't grow up with a bioengineered mass murderer as your ancestor and not develop a thick skin."
Number 1 : 
"Khan Noonien Singh."
SNW : Ghosts of Illyria
Pike : 
"Many of us have known those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Officers, scientists, civilians who gave their lives in the hope for galactic peace.
Today we remember the friends and comrades we lost.
Exploration can exact a heavy toll.
As captain, there is no loss more devastating than that of a crew member.
Remembrance Day is about them.
Those of us left behind wear the insignia of past ships on which we served together.
As we honour the lives that have been given, let us also be grateful to be still on the journey."
to the Enterprise crew
SNW : Memento Mori
Ortegas : 
Never get in the middle of a Vulcan relationship. They will hit you with a lirpa.
to Chapel; on the subject of Spock and T'Pring
SNW : Spock Amok
Number One : 
"Well, if this is what passes for fun, I'm happy to be 'Fun's Funeral'".
La'an : 
"'Where fun goes to die', not 'Fun's Funeral'".
talking about what the junior staff call Number One.
SNW : Spock Amok
Spock : 
"This is coming dangerously close to hijinks."
to Chapel; on being in T'Pring's body and doing her job.
SNW : Spock Amok
Elder Gamal : 
On Majalas we have a saying: Let the tree that grows from the roots of sacrifice lift us where suffering cannot reach.
SNW : Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Christopher Pike : 
"Argh, me mateys. If we ever catch Angel, we should make them walk the plank. Argh."
to Number One; imitating an old human ship pirate.
SNW : The Serene Squall
Dr M'Benga : 
Chief medical officer's personal log, supplemental. None of the crew remember what happened. The entity's doing, my daughter's doing, I'm sure. The surveillance logs are blank. It's as if every one of them lost five hours. Except for me.
discussing the events of The Elysian Kingdom.
SNW : The Elysian Kingdom
Pike : 
"It'll be fine, Number One. You get the supplies to K-7. I'll pile the kids in the station wagon, take a road trip."
Spock : 
"Sir? The station wagon?"
Pike : 
"Anybody has to go, now's the time."
 in a stern, parental tone
Pike : 
"Do not make me turn this car around."
discussing an away mission in a shuttle
SNW : All Those Who Wander
Sam Kirk : 
"Am I off the record here, sir? Jim was always at the top of his class. Smart and highly skilled, obviously. But he's not above relying on charm, or even luck."
Pike : 
"Sounds like a wild card."
Sam Kirk : 
"A whole deck of 'em. He doesn't like taking the path everyone else does, and he doesn't like to lose."
Pike : 
"Should we be worried that he's gonna start a war?"
Sam Kirk : 
"Look, I'm not gonna say Jim isn't a pain in the ass. He is. He is huge pain in the ass. But the truth is, he's as fine a captain as Starfleet has."
Pike : 
"Okay, good to know."
Sam Kirk : 
"Like I said, he does like to bend the rules sometimes. No, more like all the time."
discussing James T. Kirk
SNW : A Quality of Mercy
Spock : 
"Every life comes to an end when time demands it. Loss of life is to be mourned, but only if the life was wasted."
TAS : Yesteryear
Kirk : 
"Am I doing the right thing, Bones? Once I said that man rose above primitiveness by vowing, 'I will not kill today.'"
to McCoy
TAS : One of Our Planets Is Missing
Uhura : 
"Release Captain Kirk and his men, or we will destroy your temple!"
TAS : The Lorelei Signal
Kirk : 
"Captain's log, supplemental. Our rescue effort has given us some knowledge of the new Klingon weapon, and the presence of Cyrano Jones, intergalactic trader and general nuisance."
log entry
TAS : More Tribbles, More Troubles
Kirk : 
"The first Klingon to step aboard this ship will be the last Klingon."
TAS : More Tribbles, More Troubles
Spock : 
"We could always throw tribbles at them."
Kirk : 
"I thought Vulcan's didn't have a sense of humor."
Spock : 
"We don't, Captain."
TAS : More Tribbles, More Troubles
Kirk : 
"Any chance of teaching me that body throw?"
Sulu : 
"I don't know. It isn't just physical you know; you have to be inscrutable."
Kirk : 
"Inscrutable? You're the most scrutable man I know!"
TAS : The Infinite Vulcan
Kirk : 
"How come we always end up like this?"
to Spock; on being captured
TAS : Bem
McCoy : 
"Jim, whenever I'm in jail again, don't send that Vulcan. Let me rot."
to Kirk
TAS : Albatross
Kirk : 
"They gave her back to me Scotty."
to Scotty; on regaining command of the Enterprise
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
Uhura : 
"Ensign, the possibilities of our returning from this mission in one piece may have just doubled."
to a crew member; on Kirk's taking command
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
McCoy : 
"Why is any object we don't understand called a 'thing'?"
to Kirk
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
Decker : 
"We all create God in our own image."
to Kirk
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
McCoy : 
"Spock, this 'child' is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth! Now, what do you suggest we do, spank it?"
to Spock
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
Spock : 
"Each of us, at some time in our lives, turns to someone, a father, a brother, a God; and asks 'Why am I here? Was this all I was meant to be?'"
to Kirk
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
Chief DiFalco : 
"Heading, sir?"
Kirk : 
"Out there. Thataway!"
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture
Spock : 
"I have been, and always shall be, your friend."
to Kirk
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
McCoy : 
"According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis. We'll do it for you in six minutes!"
to Spock
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Khan : 
"Ah Kirk, my old friend. Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold in space."
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Khan : 
"I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her, marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet. Buried alive. Buried alive..."
Kirk : 
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Kirk : 
"There's a man ot there I haven't seen in fifteen years who's trying to kill me. You've shown me a son who would be happy to help him. What am I feeling? Old. Worn out."
to Carol
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
McCoy : 
"Lieutenant, you are looking at the only Starfleet cadet who ever beat the no-win scenario."
Saavik : 
Kirk : 
"I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship."
Saavik : 
David Marcus : 
"He cheated!"
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Saavik : 
"You lied?"
Spock : 
"I exaggerated."
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Kirk : 
"We tried it once your way Khan, are you game for a rematch? Khan... I'm laughing at the superior intellect."
goading Khan
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Spock : 
to McCoy
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Khan : 
"From hell's heart I stab at thee... for hates sake I spit my last breath at thee..."
on Kirk
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Spock : 
"I never took the Kobyashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?"
to Kirk
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Spock : 
"I have been... and always shall be... your friend. Live long, and prosper."
His last words
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Kirk : 
"We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet, it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world. A world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this, of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... Human."
on Spock
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
David : 
"You knew enough to tell Saavik that how we face death is at least as important as how we face life."
Kirk : 
"Just words."
David : 
"But good words. That's where ideas begin. Maybe you should listen to them. I was wrong about you. And I'm sorry."
Kirk : 
"Is that what you came here to say?"
David : 
"Mainly. And also that I'm proud... very proud... to be your son."
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Kirk : 
"There are always possibilities Spock said... and if Genesis is indeed life from death, I must return to this place again."
His log entry
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
McCoy : 
"He's really not dead, as long as we remember him."
Kirk : 
"It's a far, far better thing I do than I have done before. A far better resting place I go to than I have ever known."
Carol : 
"Is that a poem?"
Kirk : 
"No, something Spock was trying to tell me, on my birthday."
McCoy : 
"Are you okay Jim? How do you feel?"
Kirk : 
"Young. I feel young."
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan
Kirk : 
"Because, the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many."
to Spock
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Spock : 
"Jim... your name is Jim."
to Kirk
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sulu : 
"Don't call me tiny."
to security guard
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
McCoy : 
"I'm going to tell you something I never thought I'd ever hear myself say. It seems I've missed you. I don't know if I could stand to lose you again."
to the body of Spock
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sulu : 
"The word, sir?"
Kirk : 
"The word is no. I am therefore going anyway."
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Kirk : 
"You're suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, doctor."
McCoy : 
"That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost!"
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Kirk : 
"You Klingon bastard, you've killed my son!"
to Kruge
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Torg : 
"My Lord, the ship appears to be deserted."
Kruge : 
"How can that be? They're hiding!"
Torg : 
"Yes, sir. But the ship appears to be run by computer. It is the only thing speaking."
Kruge : 
"Speaking? Let me hear."
Computer : "Nine... eight... seven... six... five..."
Kruge : 
Enterprise explodes, killing all his men.
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Kirk : 
"My God, Bones, what have I done?"
McCoy : 
"What you had to do. What you always do... turned death into a fighting chance to live."
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Kirk : 
"Commander Klingon vessel. This is Admiral Kirk, alive and well on the planet's surface. I know this will come as a pleasant surprise to you! Sorry about your crew, but as we say on Earth, 'c'est la vie'."
goading the Kruge over the comm
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Kirk : 
"I... have had... enough of you!"
kicking Kruge in the face until he falls to his death
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sarek : 
"As I recall, I opposed your enlistment in Starfleet. ...It is possible that judgment was incorrect. ...Your associates are people of good character."
Spock : 
"They are my friends."
Sarek : 
"Yes, of course."
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sarek : 
"Do you have a message for your mother?"
Spock : 
"Yes. Tell her ...I feel fine."
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sarek : 
"As I recall, I opposed your enlistment in Starfleet. It is possible that judgment was incorrect."
to Spock
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Dr. Taylor : 
"Don't tell me, you're from outer space."
Kirk : 
"No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space."
ST-TVH : The Voyage Home
Spock : 
Kirk : "Is that the logical thing to do?"
Spock : "No. But it is the Human thing to do."
justifying his advice that they must rescue Chekov
ST-TVH : The Voyage Home
Spock : 
"Tell her... I feel fine."
to Sarek; giving him a message to pass on to his mother
ST-TVH : The Voyage Home
McCoy : 
"It's a song, you green-blooded Vulcan! You sing it! The words aren't important, what's important is that you have a good time!"
Spock : 
"Ah, I am sorry Doctor. Were we having a good time?"
McCoy : 
"God I liked him better before he died!"
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Kirk : 
"Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away. I need my pain!"
to Bones
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Kirk : 
"What does God need with a Starship?"
demanding that the almighty explain itself to him
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Bones : 
"Jim, you don't ask the Almighty for His ID!"
to Kirk
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Kirk : 
"Spock... I thought I was going to die."
Spock : 
"Not possible captain, you were never alone."
 Kirk moves to hug Spock
Spock : 
"Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons."
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Spock : 
"I've lost a brother."
Kirk : 
"I lost a brother once. I was lucky, I got him back."
ST-TFF : The Final Frontier
Kirk : 
"They're animals!"
Spock : 
"Jim, there is an historic opportunity here."
Kirk : 
"Don't believe them! Don't trust them!"
Spock : 
"They are dying."
Kirk : 
"Let them die!"
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Spock : 
"Logic, logic, logic. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end."
to Valeris
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Kirk : 
"Captain's log, stardate 9522.6. I've never trusted Klingons, and I never will. I've never been able to forgive them for the death of my boy. It seems to me our mission to escort the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic at best. Spock says this could be an historic occasion, and I'd like to believe him. But how on earth can history get past people like me?"
His log entry
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Spock : 
"You have to shoot. If you are logical, you have to shoot."
Valeris : 
"I do not want to..."
Spock : 
"What you want is irrelevant, what you have chosen is at hand!"
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Spock : 
"Is it possible that we two, you and I, have grown so old and so inflexible that we have outlived our usefullness?"
to Kirk
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Chang : 
"Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!"
to Kirk; whilst attacking the Enterprise
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Sulu : 
"Come on, come on!"
Helmsman : "She'll fly apart!"
Sulu : 
"Well fly her apart, then!"
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Kirk : 
"Captain's Log, stardate 9529.1. This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of a new generation. To them and their posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the voyages we have begun, and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man... where no one has gone before."
His final log entry
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Scotty : 
"Finding retirement a little lonely, are we?"
Kirk : 
"You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist."
ST-G : Generations
Soran : 
"They say time is the fire in which we burn..."
to Picard
ST-G : Generations
Soran : 
"Ah, Captain. You must think I'm quite the madman."
Picard : 
"The thought had crossed my mind."
ST-G : Generations
Riker : 
"Data, we need you to scan the planet for lifeforms."
Data : 
"I would be happy to sir... I just love scanning for lifeforms."
Data : 
"Life forms... you tiny little life forms... you precious little life forms... where are you?"
ST-G : Generations
Soran : 
"You know there was a time when I wouldn't hurt a fly. And then the Borg came. And they taught me that if there is one constant in this universe, it's death."
to Picard
ST-G : Generations
Kirk : 
"It was... fun. Oh my..."
His last words
ST-G : Generations
Picard : 
"Somehow I doubt this ship will be the last to carry the name 'Enterprise'."
to Riker
ST-G : Generations
Picard : 
"They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Well no further... the line must be drawn here... and I will make them pay for what they've done!"
to Lily
ST-FC : First Contact
Cochrane : 
"You think I want to go to the stars? I don't even like to fly! I take trains!"
to Riker
ST-FC : First Contact
Riker : 
"Don't try to be a great man, just be a man and let history make it's own judgements."
quoting Cochrane
ST-FC : First Contact
Picard : 
"You want to destroy the ship and run away, you coward!"
Worf : 
"If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand!"
ST-FC : First Contact
Picard : 
"Actually, I think you are the bravest man I've ever known."
to Worf; apologising
ST-FC : First Contact
Queen : 
"Do you always talk this much?"
Data : 
"Not always. But often."
ST-FC : First Contact
Cochrane : 
"So you're all astronauts on some sort of... star trek?"
to Riker
ST-FC : First Contact
Picard : 
"And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
quotes Moby Dick
ST-FC : First Contact
Dougherty : 
"Jean-Luc, we're only moving six hundred people!"
Picard : 
"How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? Hmm? A thousand? Fifty thousand? A million? How many does it take, Admiral?"
ST-I : Insurrection
Riker : 
"We're through running from these bastards!"
on the Sona
ST-I : Insurrection
Riker : 
"You Klingons never do anything small, do you?"
to Worf; on his pimple
ST-I : Insurrection
Worf : 
"Definitely feeling aggressive tendancies sir!"
to Picard; after smashing a Son'a drone with his rifle
ST-I : Insurrection
Shinzon : 
"You are me! The same noble Picard blood runs through our veins! Had you lived my life, you'd be doing exactly as I am. Look in the mirror and see yourself. Consider that Captain... I can think of no greater torment for you."
to Picard
ST-N : Nemesis
Data : 
"The B-4 is physically identical to me, although his neural pathways are not as advanced. But even if they were, he would not be me."
Picard : 
"How can you be sure?"
Data : 
"I aspire, sir. To be better than I am. The B-4 does not. Nor does Shinzon."
ST-N : Nemesis
Picard : 
"Will Riker, you have been my trusted right arm for fifteen years. You have helped keep my course true and steady. Deanna Troi, you have been my conscience and guide. You have helped me to recognize the best parts of myself. You are my family. And in maritime tradition, I wish you clear horizons... my friends, make it so."
His wedding speech
ST-N : Nemesis
Janeway : 
"The Son'a... the Borg... the Romulans... you always get the easy assignments."
Picard : 
"Just lucky, I guess."
ST-N : Nemesis
Data : 
to everybody
ST-N : Nemesis
McCoy : 
"Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence!"
to Kirk
ST-XI : Star Trek
Sarek : 
"Spock... you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is... which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide"
to Spock
ST-XI : Star Trek
Pike : 
"Your father was captain of a Starship for twelve minutes. He saved eight hundred lives, including your mothers... and yours. I dare you to do better."
to Kirk
ST-XI : Star Trek
Spock : 
"While the essence of our culture has been saved in the elders who now reside upon this ship, I estimate no more than ten thousand have survived. I am now a member of an endangered species."
ST-XI : Star Trek
Sarek : 
"You asked me once why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her."
to Spock
ST-XI : Star Trek
Old Spock : 
"Jim, I just lost my planet. I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised."
to Kirk
ST-XI : Star Trek
Nero : 
"I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. I would rather die in agony, than accept assistance from you."
Kirk : 
"You got it. Arm phasers. Fire everything we've got."
ST-XI : Star Trek
Sulu : 
"Pike made him first officer."
McCoy : 
"You gotta be kidding me!"
Kirk : 
"Thanks for the support."
ST-XI : Star Trek
Kirk : 
"I'm coming with you."
Spock : 
"I would cite regulation but I know you will simply ignore it."
Kirk : 
"See? We are getting to know each other."
ST-XI : Star Trek
Kirk : 
"Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you but there has got to be an exception!"
to Spock
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"If Spock were here and I were there... what would he do?"
McCoy : 
"He'd let you die."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"A five year mission Spock! That's deep space, that's uncharted territory, think how incredible that's going to be!"
to Spock
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"Well sir volatile is all relative, maybe our data was off."
Pike : 
"Or maybe it didn't erupt because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device inside it right after a civilisation that's barely invented the wheel happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean!"
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Spock : 
"Had the mission gone to plan, Admiral, the indigenous species would not have been aware of our interference."
Pike : 
"That's a technicality!"
Spock : 
"I am Vulcan sir, we embrace technicality."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Pike : 
"That's your problem, you think you're infallible. You think you can't make a mistake. It's a pattern with you. The rules are for other people. And what's worse is, you're using blind luck to justify your playing god!"
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Pike : 
"You're going to be my first officer. Admiral Marcus took some convincing. But every now and then I can make a good case."
Kirk : 
"What did you tell him?"
Pike : 
"The truth. That I believe in you. That if anybody deserves a second chance it's Jim Kirk.
Kirk : 
"I don't know what to say..."
Pike : 
"That is a first. It's going to be okay, son."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Admiral Marcus : 
"You park at the edge of the neutral zone, you lock on to Harrison's position, you fire, you kill him, and you haul ass."
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Scotty : 
"That's what scares me! This is clearly a military operation... is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!"
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Sulu : 
"Attention John Harrison. This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise. A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location. If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location. You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. And If you test me, you will fail."
to Harrison
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Spock : 
"You misunderstand. It is true I chose not to feel anything on realising that my own life was ending. As Admiral Pike was dying I joined with his consciousness and experienced what he felt at the moment of his passing. Anger... confusion... loneliness... fear. I have experienced those feelings before, multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. Such a feeling is something I choose never to experience again. Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. Well I assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite."
to Uhura
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"Let me explain what's happening here. You are a criminal. I watched you murder innocent men and women. I was authorised to end you, and the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So shut your mouth!"
to Khan
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Scotty : 
"Oh, well now! If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect-hair!"
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Khan : 
"My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?"
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"You're right! What I'm about to do, it doesn't make any sense. It's not logical, it is a gut feeling. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do... I only know what I can do. The Enterprise and her crew need someone in that chair who knows what he's doing. And it's not me. It's you, Spock."
to Spock
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Old Spock : 
"As you know, I have made a vow never to give you information that could potentially alter your destiny. Your path is yours to walk, yours alone. That being said... Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless, and he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you."
Spock : 
"Did you defeat him?"
Old Spock : 
"At great cost... yes."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Dammit man I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!"
to Spock
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Scotty : 
"I thought he was helping us!"
Kirk : 
"I'm pretty sure we're helping him."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Khan : 
"Well Kirk. Seems apt to return you to your crew. After all, no ship should go down without her Captain."
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Spock : 
screaming in grief
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Oh, don't be so melodramatic. You were barely dead."
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
McCoy : 
"Once we caught him, I synthesised a serum from his... super blood. Tell me, are you feeling homicidal, power mad, despotic?"
Kirk : 
"No more than usual."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are. We are here today to re-christen the USS Enterprise and to honour those who lost their lives nearly one year ago. When Christopher Pike first gave me his ship, he had me recite the Captain's Oath. Words I didn't appreciate at the time. Now I see them as a call for us to remember who we once were and who we must be again. And those words? Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, her five year mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no one has gone before."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Kirk : 
"My dad joined Starfleet because he believed in it. I joined on a dare."
McCoy : 
"You joined to see if you could live up to him. You've spent all this time trying to be your dad. Now you're wondering... what it means to be you."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Commodore Paris : 
"It isn't uncommon, you know. It's easy to get lost, in the vastness of space. There's only yourself, your ship, your crew."
to Kirk
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
McCoy : 
"Is that classical music?"
Spock : 
"I believe so."
discussing the Beastie Boys 'Sabotage'
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Uhura : 
"Our Captain will come for us. And mercy will be the last thing on his mind."
Krall : 
"I am counting on it!"
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Fear of death is illogical."
McCoy : 
"Fear of death is what keeps us alive."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"How are we gonna get out of this one, Spock. We got no ship, no crew. Not the best odds."
Spock : 
"We will do what we always done Jim, we will find hope in the impossible."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"The miserable have no other medicine but only hope."
to McCoy; quoting Shakespeare.
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Lieutenant Uhura wears a Vulcaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect."
McCoy : 
"You gave your girlfriend radioactive jewellery?"
Spock : 
"The emission is harmless Doctor, but its unique signature makes it very easy to identify."
McCoy : 
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?"
 Long pause
Spock : 
"...that was not my intention."
McCoy : 
"Well I'm glad he doesn't respect me!"
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Jaylah : 
"You cannot go to this place. Everyone who goes there, he kills."
to Kirk; on Krall.
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Scotty : 
"My wee Granny used to say, ye canna' break a stick in a bundle. You're part of something bigger now, lass. Don't you give up on that, because we'll sure as hell never give up on you. That is what being part of a crew is all about."
to Jaylah
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Krall : 
"The world that I was born into was very different from yours, Lieutenant. We knew pain, we knew terror. Struggle made us strong - not peace, not unity. These are myths the Federation would have you believe."
to Uhura
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Krall : 
"The Federation has pushed the frontier for centuries, but no longer. This is where it begins, Lieutenant. This is where the frontier pushes back."
to Uhura
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
 Spock stumbles on a pair of Krall's drones, only for Uhura to beat them up and save him
Uhura : 
"Spock! What are you doing here?"
Spock : 
"Clearly, I am here to rescue you."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Jaylah : 
"You take my house. And you make it fly!"
to Kirk; on the USS Franklin.
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"Mister Sulu... you can, you know, fly this thing. Right?"
Sulu : 
"Are you kidding me, sir?"
on the USS Franklin
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"We change. We have to, or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles."
to Krall
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Krall : 
"I read your ship's log, Captain James T Kirk. At least I know what I am! I am a soldier!"
Kirk : 
"You won the war, Edison! You gave us peace."
Krall : 
"Peace... is not what I was born into."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"Better to die saving lives than live with taking them. That's what I was born into."
to Krall
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Commodore Paris : 
"For decades, the Federation thought that he was a hero. I guess time will judge us all."
to Kirk
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Paris : 
"You saved this entire base, Kirk. Millions of souls. Thank you."
Kirk : 
"It wasn't just me. It never is."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"Vice Admirals don't fly, do they?"
Commodore Paris : 
"No. They don't."
Kirk : 
"No offence Ma'am, but... where's the fun in that?"
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Spock : 
"Ambassador Spock has died."
McCoy : 
"Oh Spock, I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that must feel like."
Spock : 
"When you have lived as many lives as he, fear of death is illogical."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond
Kirk : 
"My name is Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the United Federation of Planets. I'm appearing before you as a neutral representative of the Fibonan Republic. I bring you a message of goodwill and present to you, esteemed members of the Teenaxi delegation, a gift from the Fibonan high council, with the highest regards."
Teenaxi Delegate : "What's wrong with it?"
Kirk : 
"...excuse me?"
Teenaxi Delegate : "Well, why don't they want it anymore?"
Kirk : 
"Um, well, this was once a piece of an ancient weapon. And now they offer it as a symbol of... of peace. In the Fibonan culture to surrender a weapon is an offer of truce."
Teenaxi Delegate : "How did they come by it?"
Kirk : 
"They told me they acquired it a long time ago."
Teenaxi Delegate : "So they stole it then!"
Kirk : 
"No. Ummm..."
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond

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