Name |
Description |
Beta III [1] |
The third planet of the C-111 system, Beta III was home to a pre-warp humanoid species. Approximately 6,000 years ago the planet was wracked by civil wars, so much so that a leader named Landru created a highly sophisticated computer system to solve the problem. The computer was capable of "absorbing" a person, radically altering their personality in order to make them dedicated to peaceful coexistence. Unfortunately this had the effect of stifling their natural emotions to such an extent that some form of outlet was needed; the computer solved this by allowing periodic release during "festivals", in which the population was encouraged to run riot. In 2167 the USS Enterprise visited the planet; Captain Kirk determined that the computer, which had also dubbed itself Landru, was stifling the society rather than continuing it. He destroyed the computer, leaving some sociologists to assist the population in forming a society of their own. [1] |
Binar III [2] |
The third planet in the Binar system. Jack Crusher was accused of terrorism on this planet. [2] |
Beta Kupsic [3] |
The Enterprise D was due to visit here in 2365 [3] |
Blue Horizon [4] |
Terraformed By Gideon Seyetik [4] |
Bokara VI [5] |
Sixth planet of the Bokara system. In 2369 a neuropsychology conference was held on the planet, which Counselor Troi attended. Whilst there she was drugged and abducted by the Romulan underground movement and surgically altered to impersonate Major Rakal of the Tal Shiar, part of a plan to assist in the defection Romulan Vice-Proconsul M'ret. [5] |
Boradis III [6] |
Site of the first Federation outpost in the Boradis system, founded in 2331. [6] |
Barson II [7] |
Site of a medical emergency in 2370 [7] |
Bajor VII [8] |
Seventh planet in the Bajor system, with at least three moons. [8] |
Brax [9] |
Q is known as "The God of Lies" on this planet [9] |
Bolias [10] |
planetary Bank robbed [10] |
Braslota II [11] |
Planet, site of federation war games in 2365 [11] |
B'Saari II [12] |
Planet whose inhabitants use isolytic current to reanimate the bodies of the recently dead. [12] |
Bringloid V [13] |
Planet which was the site of a Human colony. The colonists set off sometime between 2123 and 2190, intending to establish a low technology world. They thrived on the planet until 2365, when solar flare activity made the Bringloid V uninhabitable. The Enterprise-D evacuated the Bringloidi, subsequently resettling them in the nearby Mariposa colony. [13] |
Bersallis III [14] |
Planet which was the site of a Federation colony. Bersallis III suffers a period of massive firestorms every seven years, caused by solar radiation interacting with plasma in the atmosphere. In 2369 the firestorms came a year ahead of schedule and were exceptionally large and fast moving, threatening to overwhelm and destroy the colony and all within it. The Enterprise-D crew managed to erect forcefields to hold back the firestorm whilst the colony was evacuated, saving all 643 people there. Unfortunately eight crewmembers were lost in the effort. [14] |
Bilana III [15] |
Planet which is approximately three light years from Layma II. Bilana III was the site of the soliton drive test project in 2368. [15] |
Balosnee VI [16] |
Planet where the harmonies of the tides causes hallucinations [16] |
Burala prime [17] |
Planet where criminals could go to get their faces reconfigured. The people of the polar islands were considered friendly, but the cold there was unbearable for at least some species. [17] |
Barkon IV [18] |
Planet where a Federation deep space probe crashed [18] |
Brentalia [15] |
Planet used as a zoo for endangered species [15] |
Beta XII-A [19] |
Planet on which the Enterprise captured Kang [19] |
Babel [20] |
Planet on which a conference was held concerning Coridans entry to the Federation [20] |
Barzan II [21] |
Planet located near the Barzan Wormhole. [21] |
Bajor VIII [22] |
Planet in the Bajor system with six colonies [22] |
Balancar [23] |
Planet from which Syrup of Squill originates. Their Agricultural Consortium once claimed that a drought had disrupted their production of the syrup, but this was a lie designed to drive up the price. [23] |
Berengaria VII [24] |
Planet discovered by Vulcans in the early 2100s. It was considered as a site for the first of Earth's Starbases. [25] Spock once observed the dragon-like creatures which resided here. [24] |
Browder IV [26] |
Planet being terraformed in 2366 [26] |
Beta Moon [27] |
Moon of Peliar Zel, at war with Alpha Moon [27] |
Bracas V [28] |
La Forge took a vacation here and went skin-diving [28] |
Beta Thoridar [29] |
Klingon planet used as a base by the Duras forces [29] |
Boreth [30] |
Klingon monastery [30] |
Brinda IV [31] |
Inhabited planet where half the population was reported to have been transported away by Orion traders to work as slave labor in their mining camps. [31] |
Beta Antares IV [32] |
Imaginary card game Fizzbin was played here according to Kirk [32] |
Bajor [33] |
Homeworld of the Bajoran civilisation. [33] Notable features include the Sahving valley [34], the Janitza Mountains, which were never surveyed until 2371 [35], the Kola mountain stronghold, the Serpent's ridge, the Ratosha pass, the Tanis canyon, [36], the Fire Caves [37] and the rivers Glyrhond [38], Holana [39], and Yolja [40] Several peninsulas exist on the planet, including the Perikian Peninsula, beneath which the group known as the Circle had a base [41] and the Northern Peninsula. [42], the Trilar Peninsula and the Northwest Peninsula [43] The planet is divided into political divisions called Provinces; these include Janitza [35], Dahkur [44], Lonar, Hill [36], Golar [45], Musilla. [39], Kendra and Rakantha [46] Bajor was stated in some sources to have three moons [16], though it actually had at least five. [47] |
Bynaus [48] |
Homeworld of Bynars. The planet's sun underwent a serious disturbance in 2364, threatening the global computer network which the Bynars depended on for survival. They survived the event thanks to a covert plot to use the Enterprise-D's main computer as a backup. [48] |
Benthos [49] |
Home world to the Benthans [49] |
Bolarus IX [26] |
Home world of the Bolian people [26] |
Benzar [50] |
Home world of the Benzite people [50] |
Betazed [51] |
Home world of Betazoids; the Enterprise-D visited Betazed in 2366 for the biennial trade agreements conference. [52] The planet was captured By Dominion forces during the war whilst its defending fleet was distraced by a practice exercise they were holding. [51] |
Barolia [53] |
Home planet of the Barolians. Barolia was one of the planets attacked during the Borg assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was devastated and the entire population destroyed. [53] |
Brekka [54] |
Home of the Brekkians. The Brekkians had no industry of their own, and were wholly dependant on imports from the neighbouring Ornara for their lavish lifestyle [54] |
Boraal II [55] |
Home of the Boraalan people; these were largely rendered extinct in 2370 when the planet's atmosphere dissipated. [55] |
Benecia [56] |
Home of Benecia Colony [56] |
Boreal III [57] |
Home of a transport attacked by the Crystalline Entity [57] |
Boranis III [58] |
Gamma Quadrant planet infected with a deadly plague by the Jem'Hadar. [58] |
Barisa Prime [59] |
Federation settlement near the Tzenkethi border. In 2371 a distress call from Barisa Prime was faked as part of a Founder plot to provoke a war between the Federation and the Tzenkethi. [59] |
Beta Agni II [60] |
Experienced tricyanate contamination [60] |
Beth Delta I [61] |
Dr. Stubbs wished he could take Deanna Troi here for champagne [61] |
Beta VI [62] |
Destination of the Enterprise when it encountered Trelane [62] |
Banea [63] |
Delta Quadrant planet at war with the Numiri. [63] |
Beltain IX [50] |
Commercial shipping centre [50] |
Barradas III [64] |
Class M planet with many archeological ruins [64] |
Beta Rigel [53] |
Beta Rigel was one of the planets attacked during the Borg assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was badly damaged in the attack, but not completely devastated. [53] |
Bopak III [65] |
An uninhabited planet in the Gamma quadrant; it is six weeks Away from nearest Dominion outpost. [65] |
Ba'ku [66] |
An M class planet located in the Briar Patch. The planet had a ring system which was loaded with metaphasic radiation; the effect of this was to grant exceptionally long life to the inhabitants of the planet. It was the site of a Ba'ku settlement of about 600 people who had fled their original home world fearing that their species was on a path to self-destruction. The Ba'ku favoured a simple pastoral lifestyle, eschewing most forms of technology. [66] Eventually a group of Ba'ku became dissilusioned with this mode of living and left the planet, with the result that they began to age normally. They dubbed themselves the Son'a. In 2375 the Son'a, in collusion with the Federation, attempted to harvest the ring system of the metaphasic radiation to regain their youth. [66] |
Bryma [67] |
A planet in the de-militarised zone between the Federation and Cardassia. [67] |
Bre'el IV [68] |
A moon was knocked out of orbit, threatening planetary destruction [68] |
Bajoran Lunar V [69] |
A moon of Bajor, which still had a fighter on it from the Cardassian occupation. [69] |
Beta Thoridor [53] |
A Klingon world, Beta Thoridor was one of the planets attacked during the Borg assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was completely devastated in the attack. [53] |
Beta Lankal [53] |
A Klingon subject world, Beta Lankal was one of the planets attacked during the Borg assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was completely devastated in the attack. [53] |
Borzha II [70] |
A Klingon planet in the Taurus reach. In 2266 the cruiser Zin'za was stationed at Borzha II when it received orders to proceed to the Jinoteur system to capture the USS Sagittarius. Commodore Reyes made a deal with Ganz to have the ship sabotaged to delay the mission whilst he rushed vital parts to the starship. The effort was not successful. [70] |
Boam II [71] |
A Human colony world located in the Taurus reach, Boam II was one of the first settlements the Federation placed in the area. In 2265 Cervantes Quinn was granted a contract to ship supplies from Starbase 47 to Boam II. [71] |