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Planets List

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Name Description
Andros III [1] Planet on which a scientist named Doctor Bathkin suggested that death could be avoided by keeping the cells of the body energized. The theory was not widely known or believed.
Atbar Prime [2] A cardassian planet, home to a base for the Cardassian rebellion movement. The base was destroyed by Dominion forces. [2]
Adarak [3] A Cardassian world, location of a weapons storage facility and a Cardassian garrison. In 2375 Damar's rebellion launched an attack on the facility after Odo found a weakness in the defences. [3]
Alpha Carinae II [4] A Class M world which was used as part of the testing of the M-5 computer system. Home to an intelligent species, it has two continents and a large number of smaller islands. Enterprise crewmember and geologist Carstairs once visited Alpha Carinae II whilst serving in the Merchant Marine. [4]
Alpha V [5] A Federation colony world also known as Earth Colony 5. Alpha V was home to Chales Evans's closest living relatives when he was picked up by the Enterprise in 2266. Although Evans badly wanted to go and live on the planet, Captain Kirk was reluctant to allow him to mix with a civilian population as he feared Charlie may use his unique mental abilities to harm people. [5]
Alonis [6] A Federation member world, Alonis was one of those planets attacked by the Borg in their assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was spared global devastation, with only a few tens of thousands of casualties in one city. [6]
Ariannus [7] A Federation planet, considered to be a vital transfer point on the regular space commercial lanes. In 2267 the planet was infected by a bacterial plague which threatened to destroy all life there. The USS Enterprise was able to decontaminate the world and eradicate the infection. [7]
Alpha Omicron VII [8] A gas giant where a large space faring alien was killed by the Enterprise-D. [8]
Altec [9] A member of the Coalition of Madena Along with the neighbouring planet, Straleb. Straleb and Altec were not open enemies, but there was considerable rivalry between their respective heads of government. Much of this friction was eventually resolved when the elader's son and daughter agreed to be married in 2365. [9]
Avenal VII [10] A planet in Cardassian space. Gowron ordered General Martok to launch an attack against this world in the later stages of the Dominion war, despite it being heavily defended. The attack was a disasterous failure. [10]
Altamid [11] A planet in proximity to Starbase Yorktown. In the mid 22nd century the USS Franklin crash-landed on Altamid after being flung into the depths of space by a wormhole. Only three of the crew survived, including Captain Balthazar M. Edison. They discovered the remains of a massive and sophisticated society on the planet, most of it underground. The Altamidians had long since departed the planet, but much of their technology remained intact there. [11]

Balthazar came to master much of this technology, transforming himself into a local warlord and pirate. [11]
Ajilon Prime [12] A planet in the Arkanus Sector. This world was the site of a battle between Klingon and Federation forces in 2373 during the brief war between the two. Jake Sisko was stranded on the planet during the battle. [12]

In 2381 the Ajilon system was one of those targeted in the Borg attack. [6]
Antos IV [13] A planet once visited by Captain Garth. Garth was taught the art of cellular metamorphosis by the natives, effectively turning him into a shape shifter who could assume the form of others at will. [13]
Argus X [14] A planet visited by the USS Enterprise in 2268; a deposit of pure tritanium was discovered here. The landing party was attacked by a dikironium cloud creature. [14]
Arloff IX [15] A planet where the USS Charleston waited to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D to pick up three previously frozen Humans. [15]
Alastria [16] A planet which is approximately 40 000 light years from Sikarus; famed for the erosine winds. Harry Kim briefly visited Alastria in 2371 when the Sikarian Eudana took him there via her planet's trajector technology. [16]
Alture VII [17] A planet which was the setting for a meditation holoprogram. [17]
Alpha 441 [18] A planetoid in the Badlands, Alpha 441 was the site of a Maquis munitions base. In 2370 it was the target of an attack by the Cardassian Dreadnought. Although the missile penetrated the defences, it failed to detonate thanks to an obsolete kinetic detonator. [18]
Aia [19] Aia, also known as the grief planet. It houses a ring that, if held, transfers images from a long lost civilisation showing the destruction that was wrought against it when sentient androids, they had produced, contacted a transdimentional artificial intelligence. [19]
Amleth Prime [20] Cardassian planet located inside an emission nebula. The presence of the nebula renders cloaking devices ineffectual, making it much more difficult to attack the Cardassian military facilities located on the planet. [20]
Alpha 117 [21] Class M planet which becomes exceptionally cold during the night-time; Kirk was split into two halves by a transporter accident when beaming up from here. As a result a landing party was stranded on the planet by a hold on using the transporter system, and almost froze to death. [21]
Arakis Prime [22] Delta Quadrant planet where the EMH went on one of his first away missions. It has crystal glaciers and a magnesium vapour atmosphere. The planet is apparently named for Arrakis, the central planet in Frank Herbert's Dune series. It's possible that Voyager's crew named that planet and that whoever did was a fan of Frank Herbert. [22]
Akritiri [23] Delta Quadrant Planet, home of a dictatorial species which imprisoned their citizens in space stations under inhumane conditions. [23]
Avery III [24] Delta Quadrant site of a Vidiian research base [24]
Andreus V [25] Fifth planet in the Andreus system. Jack Crusher was accused of causing the death of a man on this planet. [25]
Athos IV [26] Fog-bound world on the edge of the Badlands [26]
Argratha [27] Gamma Quadrant world, home of the Argrathi [27]
Andor [28] Gas giant planet. One of the moons, Andoria, is the home of the Andorian people. [28]
Andoria [29] Home of the Andorian people [29] Andoria is a planet-sized moon orbiting the ringed gas giant Andor. It has a very low average surface temperature, such that only on relatively rare occasions can liquid water be found on the surface. [28]

Andor was one of the systems attacked by the Borg in their invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in 2381.The planet suffered badly in the invasion, but was not destroyed. [6]
Antede III [30] Home planet of the Antedeans, and intelligent species of piscines. In 2365 the Enterprise-D transported two Antedean ambassadors from the planet to Pacifica for a conference which was expected to confer Federation membership on the planet. [30]
Arcturus IV [31] Home planet of the Arcturians. [31]
Alpha Majoris I [32] Home planet of the Mellitus, a being capable of assuming many different forms. [32]
Atifs IV [33] Home world of a people who give thanks in a manner similar to Betazoids. [33]
audet IX [34] Location of a Federation medical station [34]
Ardana [35] Location of the cloud city, Stratos [35]

Ardana was one of the planets attacked during the Borg assault on the Alpha Quadrant in 2381. The planet was devastated in the attack, but saved from complete destruction by the sacrifice of the Romulan Warbird, Verithrax. [6]
Aldebaran III [36] Long-time Federation member planet on which Janet and Theordore Wallace experimented on plants using carbohydrate compounds to slow their ageing. [36]

In 2381 the Aldebaran system was one of those attacked by the Borg. The system was saved when the Talarian Third Fleet halted the Borg attack. The fleet was largely destroyed in the battle. [6]
Agaron [37] Once a very corrupt world, the leaders were able to overcome the criminal factions with Vulcan help around 2122. As of 2152 the planet was an ally of Vulcan. [37]
Alpha Moon [38] One of the moons of Peliar Zel [38]
Archanis IV [39] Planet claimed by the Klingons [39]
Argelius II [32] Planet dedicated to hedonism [32]
Azati prime [40] Planet in the Delphic Expanse, site of the final version of the Xindi weapon. [40] The NX-01 Enterprise was badly damaged whist at the planet in 2154. [41]
Argala [42] Planet in the Delta Quadrant. Argala had an arctic climate and was home to a starfaring civilisation. [42]
Angel One [43] Planet on which women are the dominant gender, larger and generally more aggressive than the men. Male survivors of the freighter Odin landed on Angel One in the 2360s. The Enterprise-D visited in 2364 in search of the men. [43]
Axanar [13] Planet that James Kirk once visited on a peace mission [13]
Archer IV [44] Planet the Enterprise-D headed for after encountering an anomaly in 2366. [44] Archer IV was first discovered by the NX-01 in 2151. Although Class M, the planet was not habitable as the local plantlife produced highly toxic pollen. [45] An antidote was discovered in the 2290's, allowing colonisation to finally proceed. By the 2260s the population of Archer IV numbered 700 million. [46]
Arvada III [47] Planet where a disaster killed many people [47]
Arcybite [48] Planet where a Ferengi took over mining refineries [48]
Alpha III [49] Planet where an important human rights document was signed. Sam Cogley cited the document during Captain Kirk's court martial in 2267. [49]
Alpha Braga IV [50] Planet where Captain Christopher Pike caused a mutiny in order to escape a difficult situation. [50]
Armus IX [43] Planet where Riker wore a native costume made of leather [43]
Alpha Cygnus IX [51] Planet where Sarek negotiated an important treaty. [51]
Alpha Carinae V [32] Planet which is the home world of the Drella, a creature which derives sustenance from emotions, specifically the emotion of love. [32]
Atrea IV [52] Planet which suffered unexplained magma cooling around 2370 [52]
Algeron IV [53] Planet which the Enterprise-D headed for after leaving Relva VII in 2364. [53]
Angosia III [54] Planet which was applying for Federation membership in 2366. Captain Picard initially considered them good applicants, though Commander Riker regarded the planet as being too "stuffy". During the final stages of the membership application it emerged that during a recent war Angosia had modified some of its citizens to become the perfect soldiers, then imprisoned them rather than try to reverse the process after the war. Picard used the incident to delay membership until the situation had been resolved. [54]
Acamar III [55] Planet which was the home of the Acamarians and the Gatherer tribe of raiders. After a Gatherer raid on a Federation outpost in 2366, the Enteprise-D visited Acamar III to pick up the Sovereign as part of a reconciliation effort between the two groups. [55]

In 2381 Acamar III was one of the Alpha Quadrant planets targeted in the Borg attack. Most of the planetary population was lost in the attack. [6]
Antica [56] Planet which was the home of the Anticans. Antica was in the same system as the planets Selay and Parliment. The Enterprise-D visited the planet in 2364 to pick up a diplomatic party. [56]
Aschelan V [18] Planet which was the location of a Cardassian fuel depot. In 2370 the Maquis attempted to use the captured Dreadnought missile to destroy the facility, but it vanished en route. Unknown at the time, the missile had been dragged across the galaxy by the Caretaker. [18]
AR-558 [57] Planet which was the site of a major Dominion Communications relay. AR-558 was the scene of bitter ground fighting after the Allied invasion of Cardassian space, with little in the way of reinforcements arriving for the hard pressed Federation forces there. In spite of months of gruelling battle with the Jem'Hadar and heavy casualties, Federation troops continued to hold the relay. [57]
Andevian II [20] Planet with at least four moons. Andevian II is a popular holiday destination. [20]
Atalia VII [58] Site of a diplomatic conference in 2369 [58]
Arkaria [59] Site of Arkeria base home of the Remmler Array [59]
Altair VI [60] Sixth planet in the well populated Altair system. In 2267 the Starship Enterprise was one of three Starfleet vessels due to visit the planet for the inaguration of the new President. The event was expected to send political ripples all the way to the Klingon Empire. However, Captain Kirk diverted the ship to Vulcan for Spock's Pon Farr. [60] Altair VI was also mentioned in Starfleet Academy's Kobayashi Maru simulation as the departure port of the damaged vessel which the ship was expected to rescue. [61]
Alpha Eridani II [32] The alien entity known as Redjac was responsible for the brutal murders of ten women on this planet in 2156. [32]
Argana II [62] The Enterprise departed for this planet after visiting Eminiar VII in 2267. [62]
Alpha Onias III [63] The Enterprise-D visited this planet in 2367. Riker was abducted by an alien child whilst leading an away team to investigate some caves on the planet. [63]
Adelphous IV [64] The Enterprise-D was on course for this planet 2367 whilst Lieutenant Commander Data was detailing the various events taking place aboard the ship. [64]

In 2381 Adelphous IV was one of the Alpha Quadrant planets targeted in the Borg attack. [6]
Altair IV [29] The fourth planet in the heavily populated Altair system. The planet is the home of Doctor Henri Roget, winner of the 2371 Carrington Award. [29]
Aldea [65] The planet Aldea was long thought to by mythical, until it revealed itself to the Enterprise-D in 2364. Prior to this it had been hidden behind a cloaking device and shield system. The operation of these devices had destroyed the planet's ozone layer, flooding the surface with ultra violet light which threatened extinction for the Aldeans. The Enterprise-D crew were able to reseed the layer, ending the problem. However, for the solution to remain effective the Aldeans were unable to use the shield or cloak any further, leaving Aldea visible to outsiders. [65]
Archer's Planet [66] The second planet to be named after famed explorer captain Jonathan Archer, Archer's planet is in the Gamma Trianguli sector. [67]
Amusement Park Planet [68] The world was used as a huge amusement park by an advanced alien species. Although the surface gave the appearance of an undeveloped world inhabited only by plantlife, beneath the ground were gigantic and highly advanced factories. Sensors could detect the thoughts of those on the surface, determining their innermost desire and then fabricating whatever was necessary for them to live it out. Even perfect simulations of real people could be created for visitors to interact with. The Enterprise crew visited the planet in 2267 for some rest and recreation, believing it to be uninhabited. They were initially perplexed by their experiences there but once the caretaker of the world explained the situation to them, the crew were able to have a highly enjoyable time. [68]
Altair III [69] Third planet in the well populated Altair system. William Riker once refused to allow Captain De Soto to beam down to this planet, stating that it was too dangerous to him. The controversial action prompted Captain Picard to offer Riker the First Officer position on the Enterprise-D. [69]
Achrady VII [70] This planet was the site of a conference attended by Lwaxana Troi before she decided to visit the Enterprise-D in 2366. [70]
Adigeon Prime [71] This planet was the site of a genetic engineering facility. Starfleet officer Julian Bashir was genetically enhanced here as a child. [71]
Alpha Eridani II [32] This world was one of the planets on which the entity known as Redjac murdered several women. In this case the murders were committed in the city of Heliopolis in 2156. Alpha Eridani II lies on a direct line between the planets of Earth and Argelius. [32]
Arreta [72] World destroyed centuries ago by war leaving a small number of survivors stored underground [73]

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Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 5 In the Cards
2 DS9 7 The Dogs of War
3 DS9 7 When it Rains...
4 TOS 2 The Ultimate Computer
5 TOS 1 Charlie X
6 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
7 TOS 3 Let that be Your Last Battlefield
8 TNG 4 Galaxy's Child
9 TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona
10 DS9 7 Tacking into the Wind
11 Star Trek Beyond
12 DS9 5 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
13 TOS 3 Whom Gods Destroy
14 TOS 2 Obsession
15 TNG 1 The Neutral Zone
16 VOY 1 Prime Factors
17 TNG 6 Birthright, Part 1
18 VOY 2 Dreadnought
19 STP 1 Broken Pieces
20 DS9 4 Return to Grace
21 TOS 1 The Enemy Within
22 VOY 6 One Small Step
23 VOY 3 The Chute
24 VOY 1 Faces
25 STP 3 Disengage
26 DS9 5 Blaze of Glory
27 DS9 4 Hard Time
28 ENT 4 The Aenar
29 DS9 3 Prophet Motive
30 TNG 2 Manhunt
31 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
32 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold
33 TNG 1 Haven
34 TNG 2 The Child
35 TOS 3 The Cloud Minders
36 TOS 2 The Deadly Years
37 ENT 2 The Seventh
38 TNG 4 The Host
39 DS9 4 Broken Link
40 ENT 3 Stratagem
41 ENT 3 Azati Prime
42 VOY 3 Displaced
43 TNG 1 Angel One
44 TNG 3 Yesterday's Enterprise
45 ENT 1 Strange New World
46 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II From his onscreen biography
47 TNG 1 The Arsenal of Freedom
48 DS9 1 The Nagus
49 TOS 1 Court Martial
50 SNW 1 The Serene Squall
51 TNG 3 Sarek
52 TNG 7 Inheritance
53 TNG 1 Coming of Age
54 TNG 3 The Hunted
55 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
56 TNG 1 Lonely Among Us
57 DS9 7 The Siege of AR-558
58 TNG 6 The Chase
59 TNG 6 Starship Mine
60 TOS 2 Amok Time
61 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
62 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
63 TNG 4 Future Imperfect
64 TNG 4 Data's Day
65 TNG 1 When the Bough Breaks
66 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
67 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II From Archer's onscreen biography
68 TOS 1 Shore Leave
69 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
70 TNG 3 Captain's Holiday
71 DS9 5 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
72 From the episode script
73 TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In the Cards
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Dogs of War
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : When it Rains...
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Ultimate Computer
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Charlie X
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Galaxy's Child
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Outrageous Okona
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Tacking into the Wind
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Whom Gods Destroy
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Neutral Zone
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Birthright, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Dreadnought
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Broken Pieces
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Return to Grace
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Enemy Within
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : One Small Step
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Chute
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Faces
Series : STP Season 3
Episode : Disengage
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Blaze of Glory
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hard Time
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Aenar
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Manhunt
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Haven
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Cloud Minders
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Deadly Years
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Seventh
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Host
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Broken Link
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Stratagem
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Yesterday's Enterprise
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Strange New World
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : From his onscreen biography
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Arsenal of Freedom
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Nagus
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Court Martial
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Serene Squall
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sarek
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Inheritance
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Coming of Age
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Hunted
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Lonely Among Us
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Siege of AR-558
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Future Imperfect
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Data's Day
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : When the Bough Breaks
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : From Archer's onscreen biography
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Shore Leave
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Captain's Holiday
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Source : From the episode script
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Return to Tomorrow

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