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Captain Lisa Cusak


Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Lisa Cusak is born. She will one day command the Starfleet ship USS Olympia. [2]
 [2] The USS Olympia leaves Federation space to conduct a long-duration exploration of the Beta Quadrant. The ship is commanded by Captain Lisa Cusak. [2]
 [2] The USS Olympia begins to return from its mission of exploration in the Beta Quadrant. As it turns back, the ship picks up some strange energy readings in a nearby star system. They divert to investigate, discovering an energy barrier surrounding a nearby planet. The ship scans the planet with active scanners, which triggers a quantum reaction that destroys the ship. Only the Captain, Lisa Cusak, survives. [2]

Cusak manages to attract the attention of the USS Defiant over subspace radio, and the Defiant rushes to save her. Unfortunately, the energy barrier around the planet time-shifts the communication some three years into the future, a fact not evident until the Defiant arrives at the planet in 2374. Unfortunately Cusak is long dead by this time. [2]
 [2] The Defiant picks up a distress call from a Starfleet officer, Lisa Cusak, marooned on a barely-habitable planet. The ship rushes to the rescue, but on arrival finds that they have been receiving signals through a time distortion, and Cusak has been dead for three years and two months. [2]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice Bashir said she was 51 at time of death, which was three years and two months before the episode in 2374.
2 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Comment : Bashir said she was 51 at time of death, which was three years and two months before the episode in 2374.
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,467 Last updated : 8 Aug 2014