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Charles Tucker III


Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Archer meets Trip for the first time whilst serving as an engineer on the NX test program. [1]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
 [1] Archer saves Trip's life. [1]
  People :  Jonathan Archer
Picture from 2151  [2] Archer becomes captain of Enterprise, NX-01, the first Human warp 5 capable vessel. His crew includes Trip Tucker as Chief Engineer, Reed as Armoury Officer, Mayweather as Helmsman, T'Pol as Science officer, Phlox as Chief Medical officer, and Hoshi as Linguist and Communications officer. [2]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans
 [1] Enterprise embarks on its maiden voyage, returning the Klingon Klaang to his home world. This marks the first contact between Humanity and the Klingons. Although apparently successful at the time [2], the contact ultimately proves disastrous and leads to decades of hostilities between the two powers. [3]
  People :  Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Klingons, Humans
Picture from 2151  [4] The NX-01 makes first contact with the Axanar. [4]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Axanar, Humans
 [2] Trip becomes the first Human male to become pregnant after an encounter with a Xyrillian woman. [1]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans
 [5] Enterprise travels to Terra Nova, Earth's first extrasolar colony, and contacts the descendants of the original colonists. [5]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2151  [6] The NX-01 encounters a rogue planet drifting between star systems. First contact with both the Eska and Wraiths on the planet. [6]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Eska, Wraith
 [7] The NX-01 Enterprise visits Risa, the first Human vessel to do so. Half of the crew have the opportunity to enjoy two days and nights of shore leave on the planet. [7]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi Sato
  Species :  Risans, Humans
 [8] The NX-01 visits the Kretassian homeworld. Despite some minor diplomatic embarrasments, the visit is ultimately successful. [8]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Kreetassan, Humans
 [9] First contact with the Takret. The crew of the NX-01 are forced to shelter in the ship's nacelles when an energy storm threatens the ship. The Takret military makes an unsuccessful attempt to steal the ship during the storm. [9]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Takret, Humans
Picture from 2152  [10] The NX-01 apparently causes the destruction of a Paraagan mining colony with the loss of over 3,000 lives. Captain Archer is able to prove that the Suliban actually caused the explosion. Captain Archer is taken into the future by Daniels; the NX-01 is subsequently captured briefly by the Suliban, but escapes with archer's help. [10]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Suliban, Humans
 [11] The NX-01 discovers a disabled vessel drifting in space. The ship proves to be from the future; in spite of considerable interference from the Tholians and Suliban, Archer is successful in returning the vessel to its rightful owners. [11]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Tholians, Suliban, Humans
 [12] A group of Borg which have been frozen on Earth's polar region since being destroyed by the Enterprise-E in 2063 are revived by a team which is investigating the debris. They assimilate the investigators and escape the planet, but are subsequently destroyed by the NX-01 [12]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Borg, Humans
Picture from 2153  [13] A Xindi attack on Earth kills 7 million people, including Trip's sister Elizabeth. Enterprise is recalled and sent to the Delphic Expanse to investigate the origin of the Xindi weapon and prevent further attacks. [13]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
Picture from 2153  [14] The NX-01 discovers a Xindi outpost which is assisting in the construction of the weapon intended to destroy Earth. Archer manages to convince the leader of the facility to sabotage his next shipment. [14]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [15] The NX-01 encounters a group of Humans who have lived on a planet in the Delphic Expanse for more than a centry after being abducted from Earth by the Skagarans. The humans had since overthrown the Skagarans, who were treated as second class citizens. [15]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Skagaran
Picture from 2153  [16] When Trip is badly injured in an accident, Phlox creates a replica of him from a Lyssarian desevae in order to harvest neural tissue, in spite of the fact that the replica is a sentient being who will be killed by the procedure. The replica, named Sim, enjoys a brief romantic attraction to T'pol before his death. [16]
  People :  Phlox, T'Pol
  Species :  Lyssarian Desert Larvae
 [17] The NX-01 is badly damaged by the Xindi whilst attempting to destroy the final version of the weapon at Azati Prime. Thanks to Daniels' intervention, Archer is able to convince Degra that Humanity may not be responsible for the destruction of the Xindi Homeworld in the future. [17]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Daniels
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
Picture from 2154  [18] Captain Archer destroys the Xindi weapon as it approaches Earth. [18]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Shran
  Species :  Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [18] NX-01 Enterprise destroys the sphere network maintaining the Delphic Expanse. [18]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Sphere Builders, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [18] In the aftermath of the defeat of the Sphere Builders, the NX-01 is returned to Earth by the Xindi. As the ship arrives it is sent into the past [19] by Daniels in order to combat the Na'kuhl's disruption of Earth's timeline. Daniels is killed in the process by unknown causes. Unknownst to the crew, Silik stows away on the ship when it travels to 1944. [19]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels
  Species :  Sphere Builders, Humans, Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [20] The NX-01 returns from 1944 safely, having defeated the Na'kuhl and ended the Temporal Cold War. The destruction of the Na'kuhl time machine restores the timeline, resurrecting Daniels. [20] Silik is killed in the past during the mission. [21]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Silik, Daniels
  Species :  Humans, Na'kuhl
Picture from 2154  [22] A group of genetically engineered Humans steal a Klingon bird of prey, murdering the crew in the process. The NX-01 is sent to capture the Augments. During the mission, several of the crew are captured by Orion slavers but subsequently rescued successfully. [22]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans, Klingons
 [23] The Orions attempt to capture the NX-01 by infiltrating the ship with three females. The attempt fails. Commander Tucker returns to the ship as Chief Engineer. [23]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, D'Nesh, Navaar, Maras, Harrad-Sar
  Species :  Orions
 [24] Trip and T'Pol end their romantic involvement. [24]
  People :  T'Pol
 [25] Charles Tucker dies, sacrificing himself to defeat a criminal gang who boarded the Enterprise. [25]
 [26] The United Federation of Planets is formed by the Human, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite governments. [17]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Vulcans, Humans, Tellarites, Andorians

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 ENT 1 Unexpected
2 ENT 1 Broken Bow
3 TNG 4 First Contact
4 ENT 1 Fight or Flight
5 ENT 1 Terra Nova
6 ENT 1 Rogue Planet
7 ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights
8 ENT 2 A Night In Sickbay
9 ENT 2 The Catwalk
10 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
11 ENT 2 Future Tense
12 ENT 2 Regeneration
13 ENT 3 The Xindi
14 ENT 3 The Shipment
15 ENT 3 Twilight
16 ENT 3 North Star
17 ENT 3 Azati Prime
18 ENT 3 Zero Hour
19 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part I
20 ENT 4 Home
21 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part 2
22 ENT 4 Borderland
23 ENT 4 Bound
24 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... T'Pol said this had been over for six years
25 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages...
26 TNG 5 The Outcast
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fight or Flight
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Two Days and Two Nights
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : A Night In Sickbay
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Regeneration
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Twilight
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part I
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Home
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : T'Pol said this had been over for six years
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 22,990 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014