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Prime Timeline

Year Event
Picture from 2267  [1] The USS Enterprise uncovers a Klingon plot to gain development rights to Shermans planet. Unknown to the crew, they receive covert assistance from the crew of the USS Defiant, thrown back in time from 2373. [1]
  People :  James T. Kirk, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Dax, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir
  Species :  Klingons
 [2] Odo and Dukat meet for the first time. [2]
  People :  Gul Dukat
Picture from 2365  [2] Kira kills a Bajoran named Vaatrik while on a mission on Deep Space Nine. Although Odo is ordered to investigate the crime by Gul Dukat, he is not able to discover the guilty party for another five years. [2]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Pallra
  Species :  Bajorans
 [3] Dukat orders Odo to work as chief of security of Terok Nor. [3]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [4] The Cardassians retreat from the Bajoran system, abandoning the Terok Nor ore processing facility in orbit of the planet. The Bajoran Provisional Government asks Starfleet to take over the running of the station. [4]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
Picture from 2369  [4] Odo begins working for Starfleet when they take over the station and rename it Deep Space Nine. [4]
 [5] Ibudan, a black market smuggler during the Bajoran occupation, is warned to leave Deep Space Nine by Constable Odo. Shortly afterwards Ibudan is found murdered, apparnty by Odo. Although public opinion on the station turns against the Constable, it is eventually proved that Ibudan cloned a cope of himself and killed him to frame Odo. [5]
  People :  Ibudan
 [6] Constable Odo travels to the Gamma Quadrant with Croden, a wanted criminal who claims to have knowledge of Odo's origins. Croden proves to be lying in order the engage Odo's help in rescuing his daughter. [6]
  People :  Croden, Ah-Kel, Ro-Kel
  Species :  Rakhari, Miradorn
 [7] Bajoran scientist Dr. Mora Pol, who worked with Odo when he was first discovered, arrives on Deep Space Nine. Mora and Odo investigate a planet in the Gamma Quadrant on which DNA similar to Odo's has been discovered. Odo suffers a negative reaction from a gas he is exposed to on the planet, but is successfully treated. [7]
  People :  Doctor Mora Pol
  Species :  Founders
 [9] Odo discovers that his species are the Founders of the Dominion. He is able to secure the release of the Defiant and its crew. [9]
  People :  Admirall Alynna Nechayev
Picture from 2371  [10] Quark buys a load of scrap from a merchant on Deep Space Nine; the lot proves to have an abandoned baby in it. As the child grows, it is clear that it is an infant Jem'Hadar. Odo attempts to control the child, but as it grows to maturity this proves to be impossible. [10]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
 [11] The Founders make an attempt to decieve Odo into thinking that Major Kira has died. The attempt fails. [11]
  People :  Female Shapeshifter
  Species :  Founders
 [12] A bomb destroys Garak's tailor shop on Deep Space Nine. During the investigation, it becomes clear that a conspiracy involving the Romaulans and Cardassians is in progress, with the intent of attacking the Founder's homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. [12]
  People :  Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Romulans, Cardassians
Picture from 2371  [13] Garak briefly rejoins the Obsidian Order for the joint Cardassian/Romulan attack on the Founder's home world. The attack proves to be a trap, and the entire fleet is annhilated by the Jem'Fadar. Garak and Odo are able to escape. [13]
  People :  Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Cardassians, Romulans
 [14] Odo is forced to kill a Founder when it attempts to provoke a war between he Federation and the Tzenkethi. [14]
 [15] Odo's shape shifting powers are removed by the Founders for killing another of his kind. [15]
 [16] Dax, Garak, Odo and Sisko are returning from a conference to Deep Space 9 when their Runabout passes through a plasma field. The field causes Odo to involuntarily bind all four into a version of the great link, in which they experience an event that took place on Deep Space Nine in 2366, during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. They are eventually able to break free of the link. [16]
  People :  Dax, Elim Garak, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Picture from 2373  [17] Odo crashes on an inhospitable planet with Quark, the result of an assassination attempt on Quark by the Orion Syndicate. They are forced to climb a nearby mountain to call for help. Despite considerable hardship and personal disagreement, they are able to send a distress signal and are soon rescued. [17]
  People :  Quark
 [18] Odo receives a sick infant Changeling from Quark and attempts to teach it to shapeshift, The infant ultimately dies, but Odo is able to absorb it into his body, restoring his shapeshifting abilities. Meanwhile, Major Kira gives birth to the O'Briens' baby. [18]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien
 [19] Odo falls for Arissa, a woman apparently on the run from the Orion syndicate. Arissa proves to be an undercover agent working for the Idanian government who has had her memories altered so as to pass telepathic scans. She ends the relationship with Odo when her memories are restored. [19]
  People :  Arissa
  Species :  Idanian
Picture from 2373  [20] The Dominion War begins. Dukat regains control of Deep Space Nine when the Dominion capture the station. [20]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [21] Sisko becomes an adjutant on Starbase 375. Jadzia Dax becomes commander of the Defiant. [21]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [22] Starfleet launches an operation to recapture Deep Space Nine. Captain Sisko leads a large Federation force, but this is bogged down battling a Dominion fleet. The Defiant breaks through and reaches Deep Space Nine just as the minefield is destroyed; Sisko convinces the Prophets to prevent Dominion reinforcements from coming through the wormhole. A joint Federation/Klingon force recaptures the station. [22]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
  Species :  Prophets
 [22] As Dominion forces leave, Damar murders Ziyal. Distraught at losing both the station and his daughter, Dukat becomes mentally unbalanced and is captured by Federation forces. [22]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [23] The Romulans join the war against the Dominion. [23]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
  Species :  Romulans
 [24] Kira becomes romantically involved with Odo. [24]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
Picture from 2374  [25] The first Allied offensive captures the Chin'Toka system from the Dominion. [25]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [26] Odo meets Laas, another of the infant Changelings sent out into the galaxy. [26]
Picture from 2375  [27] The Chin'toka system is retaken by Dominion and Breen forces. The USS Defiant is destroyed during the battle. [27]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Breen
 [28] Odo begins to display signs of a terminal illness; he is later cured by Doctor Bashir. [28]
 [29] The Cardassian fleet switches sides, helping the Allies to inflict a major defeat on the Dominion and Breen forces. As allied forces approach Cardassia, Odo links with the female Founder and convinces her to end the Dominion war. Garak chooses to remain on the devastated Cardassia to assist in rebuilding efforts. [30]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Breen
 [29] In the aftermath of the Dominion war, Kira is appointed commander of Deep Space Nine; Worf becomes Ambassador to the Klingon Empire; O'Brien accepts a teaching post at Starfleet Academy; Odo returns to the Great link, ending his relationship with Kira; Rom becomes the Ferengi Grand Nagus. [29]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Ferengi

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TOS 2 The Trouble With Tribbles
2 DS9 2 Necessary Evil
3 DS9 2 Invasive Procedures
4 DS9 1 Emissary
5 DS9 1 A Man Alone
6 DS9 1 Vortex
7 DS9 2 The Alternate
8 DS9 2 The Jem'Hadar
9 DS9 3 The Search, Part 2
10 DS9 3 The Abandoned
11 DS9 3 Heart of Stone
12 DS9 3 Improbable Cause
13 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
14 DS9 3 The Adversary
15 DS9 4 Broken Link
16 DS9 5 Things Past
17 DS9 5 The Ascent
18 DS9 5 The Begotten
19 DS9 5 A Simple Investigation
20 DS9 5 Call to Arms
21 DS9 6 Behind the Lines
22 DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels
23 DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight
24 DS9 6 His Way
25 DS9 6 Tears of the Prophets
26 DS9 7 Chimera
27 DS9 7 The Changing Face of Evil
28 DS9 7 When it Rains...
29 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 2
30 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Trouble With Tribbles
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Necessary Evil
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Invasive Procedures
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : A Man Alone
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Vortex
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Alternate
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Jem'Hadar
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Abandoned
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Improbable Cause
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Broken Link
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Things Past
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ascent
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Begotten
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : A Simple Investigation
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Call to Arms
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Behind the Lines
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sacrifice of Angels
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : In the Pale Moonlight
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : His Way
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Tears of the Prophets
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Chimera
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Changing Face of Evil
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : When it Rains...
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 34,481 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014