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William T. Riker


Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Riker is born in Valdez, Alaska, on Earth. [1]
 [2] Riker's mother dies. [2]
 [2] Riker is abandoned by his father. [2]
 [3] Riker enters Starfleet Academy. [3]
 [4] Riker graduates from Starfleet Academy. [4]
 [5] Riker is assigned to the Starship Pegasus. [5]
 [5] Starship Pegasus believed destroyed during tests of the phase cloak system. Riker assists Captain Pressman to cover up the truth about the loss of the ship. [5]
 [6] Riker and Deanna become romantically involved. [6]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [7] Riker is assigned to the planet Betazed. [7]
  Species :  Betazoids
 [7] Riker is assigned to the Starship Potempkin. [7]
 [7] Deanna and Riker break up. [7]
  People :  Deanna Troi
Picture from 2361  [7] A duplicate of Riker is created during a mission to the Nervala IV. [7]
Picture from 2363  [8] The USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-D, is launched. [8]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Natasha Yar, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Wesley Crusher
Picture from 2364  [6] The Enterprise-D arrives at Deneb IV to inspect the Farpoint station. Beverly Crusher joins the ship as Chief Medical Officer. She brings her son Wesley to the ship with her. Also joining the ship are Commander William Riker and Lieutenant Geordi La Forge. The station is discovered to be a gigantic shape-shifting life-form which the native Bandi have imprisoned on the planet. With the help of the Enterprise crew, the creature is released. [6]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher, Geordi La Forge
  Species :  Denebian, Space Jellyfish
 [9] The Enterpise-D encounters Q for the second time. Q attempts to corrupt Commander Riker by offering him the powers of a Q. Although tempted, Riker ultimately refuses and Q leaves in defeat. [9]
  People :  Q
  Species :  Q
 [10] The Enterprise visits the planet Angel One to investigate the loss of the freighter Odin in 2357. Survivors from the Odin are discovered living on the planet, and although they are regarded as dangerour rebels by the local authorities, Commander Riker is able to convince the leader of the planet to spare them the death penalty and instead exile them to a remote location on the planet. [10]
  Species :  Angelian
Picture from 2364  [11] The Bynars hijack the Enterprise-D, using the ship's computer to store a backup copy of their home planet's computer systems and return it to their planet. Captain Picard and Commander Riker are able to regain control of the Starship and restor function on the Bynar planet. [11]
  Species :  Bynars
 [12] Commander Riker transfers to the Klingon Bird of Prey Pagh as part of Starfleet's officer exchange program. Although a misunderstanding leads to potential conflict between the two ships, Riker is able to defuse the situation successfully. [12]
  Species :  Klingons
 [2] Kyle Riker visits the Enterprise-D; father to Will Riker and a former romantic interest of Pulaski, he is there to brief Will concerning a new Starship command he has been offered. [2]
  People :  Doctor Katherine Pulaski
 [13] The Enterprise-D hosts Sirna Kolrami, who is to act as a referee for a battle exercise between the Starship and an old Constellation class vessel, the USS Hathaway. The exercise is interrupted when a Ferengi warship intervenes. Lieutenant Commander Data undergoes a crisis of confidence when Kolrami defeats him in a game of Strategema. [13]
  People :  Sirna Kolrami, Data
  Species :  Zakdorn
 [14] Will Riker is infected with a parasite by a plant on Surata IV. Pulaski is able to defeat the parasite by provoking a series of negative memories in the unconscious Riker. [14]
  People :  Doctor Katherine Pulaski
Picture from 2366  [15] In the aftermath of the Gatherer raid on a Federation facility, the Enterprise-D seeks to reintegrate the Gatherers with their original home on Acamar. The mission is complicated when the Acamarian leader, Marouk, proves to have a servant in her employ with a vendetta against the Gatherers. The servant, Yuta, is eventually discovered and killed by Commander Riker. [15]
  People :  Yuta, Sovereign Marouk
  Species :  Acamarian
 [16] The Federation's Krieger Wave research facility is destroyed in an explosion as an Enterprise-D away team beam away from it. Commander Riker is accused of deliberately destroying the station to cover up an attempted rape of the wife of Dr. Apgar, the facility's director. Detailed investigation proves that in fact Dr. Apgar himself was responsible for the destruction of the station, the accidental result of an attempt to murder Commander Riker. [16]
  People :  Doctor Nel Apgar, Manua Apgar, Chief Investigator Krag
  Species :  Tanugan
Picture from 2366  [17] Picard is captured by the Borg and forced to become a member of the collective. [17] He manages to relay information to the crew of the Enterprise-D which allows the Borg to be defeated by Riker whilst he is commanding the Enterprise-D in Picard's place. [18]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Borg
Picture from 2367  [18] The Battle of Wolf 359 occurs. Thirty nine Federation Starships and eleven thousand personnel are lost in the battle. In the aftermath, the Enterprise manages to rescue Captain Picard and use his link to the Borg collective to destroy the ship. [18]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Wesley Crusher, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Borg, Humans
Picture from 2367  [19] Commander Riker is abducted by an alien child, Barash. Although subjected to a variety of illusions by Barash, Riker is ultimately able to break free. [19]
  People :  Barash/Jean-Luc/Ethan
Picture from 2367  [20] Commander Riker is injured in a riot whilst undercover on Malcor III. The accident results in an unplanned first contact with the Federation and the Malcorians. Although Riker is successfully rescued, the Malcorian leader chooses to decline further contact with the Federation. Malcorian minister for science, Mirasta Yale, leaves with the Enterprise. [20]
  People :  Mirasta Yale, Chancellor Avel Durken
  Species :  Malcorian
 [21] Q recreates the legend of Robin Hood with the Enterprise-D senior officers in the outlaw roles, in order to force Captain Picard to admit that he is in love with Vash. [21]
  People :  Q, Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Vash
  Species :  Q
 [22] The Enterprise-D transports the Trill Ambassador, Odan, to the planet Peliar Zel where he is to resolve a dispute between the planet's moons. When Odan is fatally injured in an attack on his shuttle, examination reveals that Odan lives in a symbiotic relationship with another species which he carries inside him. As the host body dies, Riker agrees to carry the symbiote for the time needed to complete this mission. Beverly Crusher, who had been in a romantic relationship with Odan, struggles with the changes of host and finally ends the relationship. [22]
  People :  Ambassador Odan, Beverly Crusher
  Species :  Trill, Peliar-zelian
Picture from 2368  [23] The Enterprise-D assists the J'Naii in locating a lost shuttlecraft. Commander Riker falls in love with Soren, one of the J'Naii. The relationship violates J'Naii cultural norms, leading to Soren being medically modified to remove her affection for him. [23]
  People :  Soren
  Species :  J'Naii
 [24] Commander Riker is captured whilst on a covert mission to Tilonus Four. Although interrogated with a form of memory manipulation, he is able to escape and return to the Enterprise-D. [24]
  Species :  Tilonians
 [25] Captain Picard and Commander Riker discover that Arctus Baran's mercenary group is being manipulated by Romulan agent Tallera, who is seeking to gain control of a telepathic weapon. They are able to foil Tallera's plans. [25]
  People :  Tallera, Arctus Baran, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Romulans, Vulcans
 [5] The Enteprise-D discovers the wreck of the USS Pegasus, lost in 2358. The ship proves to have been experimenting with an illegal phase-cloak device, implicating Commander Riker and Admiral Erik Pressman. [5]
  People :  Admiral Erik Pressman
Picture from 2370  [26] Barclay becomes the first sufferer of Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome. A treatment developed by Beverly Crusher creates the disease, which causes most of the Enterprise-D crew to mutate to animal forms. [26]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge
Picture from 2371  [27] Worf is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Data installs the emotion chip he acquired from Lore. The Amargosa star system is destroyed by Dr. Tolian Soran. The Enterprise-D is destroyed whilst attempting to prevent Dr. Soran from similarly destroying the Veridian system. Captain Kirk is killed attempting to stop Soran. [27]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, James T. Kirk
  Species :  El-Aurians
Picture from 2372  [28] Captain Picard is assigned command of the Enterprise-E. He takes many of his Enterprise-D crew with him. [28]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge
Picture from 2373  [29] The second Borg invasion of the Federation. The cube is defeated by a Federation fleet including the USS Defiant and the USS Enterprise-E. The Enterprise-E subsequently travels back in time to 2063 in order to prevent the Borg from creating an alternate timeline in which the Federation is never created. [30]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Reginald Barclay, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Borg, Humans
 [31] Riker marries Commander Deanna Troi. He accepts the captaincy of the USS Titan, leaving the Enterprise-E. [31]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [31] The Enterprise-E travels to Romulus to meet Praetor Shinzon. Shinzon attempts to destroy the Enterprise-E as part of a plot to launch a war against the Federation. Data is killed [31]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Worf Rozhenko, Reginald Barclay
 [32] The USS Titan, under the command of Captain Riker, visits the planet Romulus in the aftermath of Shinzon's attempted coup. During the mission the Titan is swept to the Small Magellanic Cloud after being swept into the spatial rift created by the destruction of Shinzon's Thalaron weapon. There they encounter the Neyel [33], a species of genetically enhanced Humans discovered by Captain Sulu in 2298. [34]
  Species :  Neyel, Romulans, Remans
 [35] Stranded in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Captain Riker must deal with the genetically enhanced Neyel and a large, immensely dangerous spatial anomaly. [36]
  Species :  Neyel
 [37] The USS Titan penetrates the Gum Nebula region, discovering it to be the home of an entire ecosystem of spacegoing life forms. Included amongst them are the Crystalline Entities, Space Jellyfish, a Proplydian, Spinners, Starpeelers, and Sailseeds. In addition, the ship encounters the Pa'haquel, an avianoid species who lead an alliance aimed at combating the spacegoing life forms in order to defend populated planets against them. The Titan crew is able to broker an agreement between the Pa'haquel and the Space Jellyfish in which they will work co-operatively to reduce the level of violence involved in these activities. [37]
  People :  Deanna Troi
  Species :  Space Jellyfish, Crystalline entity, Spinners, Proplydian
 [38] The USS Titan visits the planet Orisha, home planet of the Orishan civilisation. Orisha is located near a temporal anomaly whose presence has shaped the history of the Orishans. [38]
 [39] The USS Titan resumes her exploratory mission under the command of Captain Riker. The ship visits Droplet, the fourth planet of the UFC 86783 system. Whilst there they make contact with the Squales, an intelligent aquatic species. During the mission the planet undergoes an asteroid impact, causing an environmental catastrophe. Fortunately Titan's crew are able to correct the damage. [40]
  People : 
 [41] Thad Riker-Troi is born on a starship. [42]
  People :  Thaddeus "Thad" Troi-Riker, Deanna Troi
 [43] The Federation fleet arrives to defend the planet. [43]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor Riker was abandoned by his father 15 years earlier at the age of 15
2 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor
3 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1 Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57; this is 4 years earlier
4 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1 Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57
5 TNG 7 The Pegasus
6 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
7 TNG 6 Second Chances
8 TNG 7 All Good Things The episode makes it clear that the ship is launched very shortly before the Farpoint mission
9 TNG 1 Hide and Q
10 TNG 1 Angel One
11 TNG 1 11001001
12 TNG 2 A Matter of Honor
13 TNG 2 Peak Performance
14 TNG 2 Shades of Gray
15 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
16 TNG 3 A Matter of Perspective
17 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
18 TNG 4 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
19 TNG 4 Future Imperfect
20 TNG 4 First Contact
21 TNG 4 Qpid
22 TNG 4 The Host
23 TNG 5 The Outcast
24 TNG 6 Frame of Mind
25 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2
26 TNG 7 Genesis
27 Star Trek : Generations
28 Star Trek : First Contact Geordi said the ship had been in shakedown for almost a year
29 Star Trek : First Contact Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
30 Star Trek : First Contact
31 Star Trek : Nemesis
32 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 56941.1 is given, placing it on December 10th in this year.
33 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
34 The Sundered
35 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 57024.0 is given, placing it on January 9th in this year.
36 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
37 Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
38 Star Trek : Titan, Book 4 - Sword of Damocles
39 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea The author's note states that the novel takes place between 1st July and 4th August 2381
40 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
41 STP 1 Nepenthe It was to be his 18th birthday in 2399.
42 STP 1 Nepenthe
43 STP 1 Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Comment : Riker was abandoned by his father 15 years earlier at the age of 15
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Comment : Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57; this is 4 years earlier
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Comment : Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : The Pegasus
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Second Chances
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Comment : The episode makes it clear that the ship is launched very shortly before the Farpoint mission
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Hide and Q
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : 11001001
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : A Matter of Honor
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Peak Performance
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Shades of Gray
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : A Matter of Perspective
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Future Imperfect
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Host
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Frame of Mind
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Genesis
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : Geordi said the ship had been in shakedown for almost a year
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Comment : Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 56941.1 is given, placing it on December 10th in this year.
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Novel : The Sundered
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Comment : Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 57024.0 is given, placing it on January 9th in this year.
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 4 - Sword of Damocles
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Comment : The author's note states that the novel takes place between 1st July and 4th August 2381
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Comment : It was to be his 18th birthday in 2399.
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 57,684 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014