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Quote Episode
Archer : 
"I imagined my first diplomatic mission would involve sitting around a big table, toasting with champagne, signing things with lots of pens…"
Shran : 
"The pink skin sense of humor."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"I believe someone once defined a compromise as a solution that neither side is happy with."
Shran : 
"In that case, these talks have been extremely successful."
ENT : Cease Fire
Shran : 
"I think he likes you, pink skin."
Archer : 
"I wouldn't go that far."
ENT : Cease Fire
Shran : 
"Take us out of the system. But not too quickly; the Andorian mining consortium runs from no-one!"
taking his role as a miner just a little too seriously
ENT : Proving Ground
Shran : 
"And tell Archer, we're not even anymore. He owes me!"
ENT : Zero Hour
Shran : 
"The Vulcans say that the desert teaches men the meaning of endurance, but it's the ice that forges real strength."
to Archer
ENT : The Aenar
Shran : 
"When you lose your ship, you aren't usually rewarded with another one. I may not see you for a while."
to Archer
ENT : The Aenar

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 23,633 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023